Tag Archive: NRA Convention

Sarah Palin NRA Stand And Fight Rally 2014




Published on Apr 26, 2014

” INDIANAPOLIS — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin fired up a crowd of thousands inside Lucas Oil Stadium Saturday night to kick off the National Rifle Association’s “Stand and Fight Rally,” saying Americans’ constitutional rights as envisioned by the founding fathers are under attack and policies like gun-free zones constitute “stupid on steroids.”

” They knew that if the Second Amendment goes, the rest of the constitution is not far behind,” she said of the country’s founders.

  In her approximately 12-minute address, Mrs. Palin also derided what she argued is akin to a ‘blame the messenger’ attitude on gun violence many Americans take today.

” Gun stores are an accomplice to crime,” she said, “and that fork made me fat.”

  Mrs. Palin, plucked from relative political obscurity to be the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, still enjoys significant support among elements of the party’s base, and was at times received like a rock star inside the complex adjacent to the Indiana Convention Center, where much of the gun rights group’s annual meeting has taken place.

  After 2008, she returned to Alaska and soon after quit her job, citing “frivolous” ethics probes and the associated legal costs. Her latest venture is a new show, “Amazing America,” on the Sportsman Channel.

  A handful of potential 2016 GOP presidential contenders spoke or appeared in videotaped messages that aired Friday at the conference.

  In addition to haranguing former New York City Mayor Michael I. Bloomberg’s gun control push and lampooning Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s recent testimony on Capitol Hill, she also tsk-tsked Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s suggestion last year to fire off shotgun blasts into the air to scare off would-be intruders.

” Just aim up in the air – that was his directive, his advice,” she said. “Well, fine, Joe Squirt Gun, if your rapist is a bird.”

  She also derided those who she said place an emphasis on political correctness in handling the country’s adversaries “instead of putting the fear of God in our enemies.”

  She said later in her address that if “I were in charge” — a line that drew applause from the crowd — “they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.”

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Bloomberg Paying Activists To Crash NRA Convention





” We all know former-mayor Michael Bloomberg will go to about any extent to rip the guns away from American citizens, but his latest tactic, some are arguing, is a blow beneath the belt. Seeking to hinder the efforts of NRA Bloomberg has announced that he will be paying anti-gun activists to crash the upcoming gun rights convention.
  Bloomberg isn’t known for his most honorable methods however, as his group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) has lost quite a bit of traction after if came to light that the underlying goal of the organization was actually complete gun confiscation. Since that time, Bloomberg has rebranded himself with a new name, but the efforts are the same.
  This time calling his gun-grabbing organization Everytown for Gun Safety, Bloomberg has pledged $50 million from his own bank account to help fund the unconstitutional movement. His most recent spending has been announced as he is shipping about 120 anti-gunners (mothers of survivors and survivors of gun violence) to the NRA convention in Indianapolis for one purpose only – to crash the party.”



While Mr Conservative has more on Everytown For Gun Safety’s plans to disrupt the NRA convention we are pleased to report that another former politician who chose to associate himself with Bloomberg’s gun confiscation plan has come to his senses and withdrawn his support .

Why Tom Ridge ever chose to be a part of the Nanny’s gun grabbing scheme is beyond us but he has decided that he made a mistake and has bailed . Better late than never we suppose .



” Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge suddenly quit the board of the New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s new gun-control group Everytown for Gun Safety — the second Republican to resign from a Bloomberg effort this month over concerns about its mission or planned political activities.

” When I signed on as an adviser to Everytown, I looked forward to a thoughtful and provocative discussion about the toll gun violence takes on Americans,” Ridge, who served under President George W. Bush, told The Daily Caller in a statement. “After consultation with Everytown, I have decided that I am uncomfortable with their expected electoral work.”

  Having Ridge aboard was considered a coup for Bloomberg because the former Pennsylvania governor is a Republican, the Daily Caller reports. The former mayor, whose 12-year term ended in January, was planning to spend $50 million on the group in hopes of it rivaling the National Rifle Association, according to The New York Times.”













Liberal Radio Pundit: Missile Strike On NRA Gathering Would End Obama’s Problems





” While appearing on the Stephanie Miller radio program on Monday, Lee Papa, a liberal pundit who goes by the name of the “Rude Pundit” suggested that a missile strike on theNRA convention in Houston would have “taken out” most of Obama’s problems,Newsbusters reported. Worse yet, Miller agreed.

“You know I was thinking this weekend, if Barack Obama is really as evil as everybody says he is just one errant missile shot in Houston would really have taken out most of his problem,” Papa said.

“Yeah,” Miller responded.

“Barack Obama isn’t just the greatest president ever, he’s also an especially kind man. After all, His Worship has every right to blow political opponents to smithereens, yet repeatedly declines the opportunity,” Newsbusters said.”








The Firearms Statistics That Gun Control Advocates Don’t Want to See


FBI Gun Stats Show California, Washington, D.C. Rank High in Gun Murders




” To accompany TheBlaze’s coverage of the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Houston, we figured it could be helpful to share some gun statistics pointed out to us by some of the NRA Convention attendees. Forget the talking points used by both sides in the gun control debate; we’re going to be talking about verified statistics.

Gun control advocates be advised, these are not the statistics you are looking for.

According to data from the FBI’s uniform crime reports, California had the highest number of gun murders in 2011 with 1,220 — which makes up 68 percent of all murders in the state that year and equates to 3.25 murders per 100,000 people. 

In 2011, Utah, the state that the Brady Campaign determined had the least gun control, experienced just 26 gun murders and a firearms murder rate of 0.97. Utah has a population 2.8 million.”



Read the whole thing .






Vet Arrested For Carrying AR-15 On Boy Scout Hike Gets Ultimate Surprise At NRA Convention



” When Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham was arrested in March for what police in Temple, Texas called “rudely displaying” his rifle, the story quickly gained attention. While the police department is still holding onto Grisham’s AR-15 and .45 caliber pistol, he got a huge surprise at the NRA convention in Houston on Friday when Black Rain Ordnance offered to give him, yes give him, his choice of an AR-15.

Co-founder of Black Rain Ordnance, Charlie Spires, told The Blaze at the convention, “When we heard about his situation, it was obvious that his rights were trampled on. Then we hear that they basically confiscated his weapon and he can’t get it back — what can we do? That was the next question we asked.”














” So you weren’t able to get to the NRA convention in Houston this year? Luckily we were there for you. Below, we’ve compiled our favorite pictures from the first day. From guns to celebrities to just downright awesome it’s all here:” 







   We include this moment from the 2000 NRA convention  … just because !









NRA Holds Convention In Houston



” Fresh off a huge victory over President Barack Obama on gun control, the message from the National Rifle Association is clear: The fight has just begun.

The powerful gun rights lobby gathers in Houston this weekend for its annual convention and organizers anticipate a rollicking, Texas-sized party — both to celebrate the victory in Washington and recharge the troops for more political struggles as gun control advocates tally their own successes in states around the country.

“If you are an NRA member, you deserve to be proud,” Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s brash, no-compromises chief executive wrote last week to the organization’s 5 million members, telling them they “exemplify everything that’s good and right about America.”

The NRA couldn’t have picked a friendlier place to stage its annual event. More than 70,000 people are expected to attend the three-day “Stand and Fight”-themed event, which includes a gun trade show, political rally and strategy meeting.”