Tag Archive: Nordic countries

Sweden’s Capital Hit By Worst Riots In Years




” Hundreds of youths have set fire to cars and attacked police and rescue services in poor immigrant suburbs in three nights of rioting in Stockholm, Sweden’s worst disorder in years.

On Tuesday night, a police station in the Jakobsberg area in the northwest of the city was attacked, two schools were damaged and an arts and crafts center was set ablaze, despite a call for calm from Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.

The riots in one of Europe’s richest capitals have shocked a country that prides itself on a reputation for social justice, and fuelled a debate about how Sweden is coping with both youth unemployment and an influx of immigrants.”






Looks Like A Blast

Folkrace is a popular, inexpensive, and entry-level form of Swedish rallycross that originally came fromFinland, where it was called (Everyone’s Class). The sport also exists in Norway and Denmark, where it is known as Bilcross and Folkerace respectively.

The races are run on special gravel or tarmac tracks, 2,400 metres 
(1.5 mi) in length. The tracks are designed to limit the top speed to 
80 km/h (50 mph). The competitions are divided into different classes 
depending on age and gender. Participants can be as young as 15 years of
The race is divided into different heats with usually 6 cars. The 
driver winning a race is awarded seven points, second five points, third
four points and so on. When all the heats have been driven, the total 
score is calculated and the top six drivers get to race in the A final, 
the next six in the B final and so on. The winner of the A final wins 
the event.

Folk Race