Tag Archive: No Amnesty

It Begins! Six Senators Send Barack Obama and Harry Reid a Letter that Has Democrats Scared




” The Republicans won on election day in a historic landslide victory. The “red” on America’s political map has a greater reach than Verizon’s cellphone coverage. Republicans took over state legislators, governor’s offices, and the United States Senate! It is an epic rejection of the misguided policies of our Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama.

  But the question for conservatives is now – what should they do now that they are in power? The answer for six Senators is: SECURE THE SOUTHERN BORDER, NOW!

  Republicans Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Crapo of Idaho, Mike Lee of Utah, Pat Roberts of Kansas, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, and David Vitter of Louisiana all signed onto a letter that they will do everything in their power to stop Obama’s plan to grant Amnesty for illegal immigrants through executive order.

  We write to express our alarm with President Obama’s announced intention to take unilateral executive action by the end of this year to lawlessly grant amnesty to immigrants who have entered the country illegally. The Supreme Court has recognized that ‘over no conceivable subject is the power of Congress more complete’ than its power over immigration.

“ Therefore, President Obama will be exercising powers properly belonging to Congress if he makes good on his threat. This will create a constitutional crisis that demands action by Congress to restore the separation of powers.

“ As majority leader of the Senate, you have the responsibility of not only representing the citizens of your State, but also of protecting the Constitution through vigilant exercise of the checks and balances provided under the Constitution.

“ Therefore, we write to offer our full assistance in ensuring expeditious Senate debate and passage for a measure that preserves the power of Congress by blocking any action the President may take to violate the Constitution and unilaterally grant amnesty.

“ However, should you decline to defend the Senate and the Constitution from executive overreach, the undersigned Senators will use all procedural means necessary to return the Senate’s focus during the lame duck session to resolving the constitutional crisis created by President Obama’s lawless amnesty.” “


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House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Loses Virginia GOP Primary





” In a stunning upset, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost the GOP Virginia primary Tuesday night to Dave Brat, an economics professor and political novice.

  The Associated Press called the race for Cantor about an hour after polls closed at 7 p.m. ET.

  Cantor is the second-most powerful member of the U.S. House and was widely seen as the  next in line to succeed House Speaker John Boehner.

  Cantor’s loss to a political novice with little money marks a huge victory for the Tea Party movement, which supported Cantor just a few years ago.

  Brat had been a thorn in Cantor’s side on the campaign, casting the congressman as a Washington insider who isn’t conservative enough. His message apparently scored well with voters in the 7th District.

” There needs to be a change,” said Joe Mullins, who voted in Chesterfield County Tuesday. The engineering company employee said he has friends who tried to arrange town hall meetings with Cantor, who declined their invitations.

 Tiffs between the GOP’s establishment and Tea Party factions have flared in Virginia since Tea Party favorite Ken Cuccinelli lost last year’s gubernatorial race. Cantor supporters have met with stiff resistance in trying to wrest control of the state party away from Tea party enthusiasts, including in the Cantor’s home district.”  


Fox News 


   Heh , outspent by huge margins by the establishment RINO and Tea Party backed Dave Brat still comes out ahead . I guess those reports of the death of the Tea Party must be “premature” .









Sen. Mike Lee: Secure The Border Before Discussing Legalization




” Sen. Lee appeared on Fox News on Thursday to stress that the GOP should not be looking to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes border security but should, instead, be focusing on revamping the nation’s border security before addressing the legalization process.

“In order to reform our immigration code, and I agree that we need to reform it, we need to undertake this in a step-by-step fashion, and the very first thing we need to do is secure the border,” Lee stated. “And we also need to reform our antiquated, outdated visa system – our legal immigration processes.” “


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