Tag Archive: NICS

Contrary To Media Narrative, Gun Sales Are Steadily Increasing




” If you only follow news in the Left wing echo chamber, you might be tempted to think that Americans have begun turning their backs on gun ownership. Whenever there is one smidgen of data to suggest a decline in sales, the media will latch onto it as proof of a larger trend. The most recent example was when Virginia saw a slight decrease in background checks following three years of exponential growth. (Note the difference in terminology between actual sales and background checks which will become crucial a bit later.) Time Magazine, just last summer, went so far as to list guns as one of the ten things people just aren’t buying anymore. (Along with cereal, gum and … bread. Really?) But is there any truth to this? Are we falling out of love with our beloved tools of self-protection?

   The NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action takes a look at the actual figures and finds the claims to be less than substantive.

  The media’s claims about gun purchase trends are based upon the annual numbers of firearm-related background checks conducted through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). NICS statistics are not a perfect measure of gun purchases, but to the extent they illustrate trends in purchases, they show that the rate at which Americans are acquiring firearms is actually increasing.”



Jazz Shaw at Hot Air has more












March The Second Biggest Month For NICS Background Checks








” March was the third biggest month for firearm background check numbers in the National Instant Criminal Background Check systems history, according to numbers release by the FBI. That number changes when data is adjusted, Guns.com reports.

  According to the data, across the country 2,488,842 total background checks were performed  in March 2014, which is up by about 200,000 from one year ago and by about 400,000 from February.

  Additionally, March 2014 had three of the 10 highest number of checks in a single day, and the first two weeks of the month ranked in the top 10 for highest weeks for gun background checks. “

However, if the raw number is adjusted by subtracting out NICS purpose code permit checks used by several states such as Connecticut, Illinois and Utah for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW permit databases, it actually becomes the second highest March in NICS history, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the industry’s lobby. […] “

Thanks to the Free Beacon

Gun Sales Hit New Record, Ammo Boom To Follow


Record Gun Sales




2013 was the best year for firearm sales (commercial, domestic) in history — period! That’s true for NH to Hawaii,” said Richard Feldman, president of the Independent Firearm Owners Association in Rindge, N.H. “Ruger alone sold well over one million guns this year.” 

  Gun sales spiked as Congress and a number of states debated whether to impose more restrictions on firearms purchases after Sandy HookCongress stalemated, but some states moved forward.”









White House Announces New Executive Actions On Background Checks For Guns


” The White House announced two new executive actions Friday that would expand the government’s access to mental health information during background checks on gun buyers.

  The two new actions clarify what constitutes a mental health problem that might prohibit gun ownership and allow states more wiggle room in disclosing such personal medical information.

  One executive action frees states from some of the privacy laws that prohibit the disclosure of patients’ medical information, allowing institutions to input mental health information relevant to gun ownership into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, otherwise known as NICS.”

Who said he can’t do any harm when he’s on vacation ?









A Priceless Post From Tyler Durden At Zerohedge






” It would appear that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) website – required when purchasing a gun or explosive – is capable of handling large volumes of users…”    LOL




    We guess it all depends on the subject matter as to whether the State can get a well-functioning website up and running . So does that mean the authorities are more concerned with gun ownership than with the public’s health ? But then again , considering the lengths that the CDC will go to in order to try and classify gun ownership as a public health issue , perhaps this is indicative of the State’s priorities . 















After The Obama Surge: A New Rush On Gun Stores







” Gun buyers have long demonstrated a tendency to stock up on weapons and ammunition ahead of possible changes to gun laws, and a so-called “Obama surge” in gun sales kicked off in the lead-up to Barack Obama’s first election victory in 2008.

There was a similar pick up in 2012 as a second Obama victory looked likely, and another rush on stores when it became clear the Obama administration would push for tighter gun control laws in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting last December.

In fact, the rush beginning in December has been high even by historic standards: the FBI conducted just under 2.8 million background checks on prospective gun buyers in December 2012, the highest number in any single month since records begin in November 1998.  That’s more than triple the number it was running in in December 2002.

And the rush has continued through 2013 so far. Here’s the number of monthly background checks in the first three months of each year since 1998. This year looks set to be the busiest ever.” 






The Toomey-Manchin Proposal Will Allow Doctors To Block Your Right To Guns




” The proposal will allow a doctor to add a patient to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) without ever telling the patient he or she has been added.

There would be no due process requirement. Not all doctors will be able to do it with the same ease, but many will. Knowing a doctor could add him to a federal database as mentally ill without his knowledge could potentially dissuade a patient from going to the doctor in the first place to get help.

Worse, if the doctor does so and makes a mistake, the patient would have to actively work through the system to get himself removed — guilty before being proven innocent. In some states, should a doctor flag you as having mental illness without your knowledge, you may very well see the state come collect your previously purchased guns.”







Pressure Mounting on President, Attorney General Regarding Lack Of Prosecutions For NICS Denials

” As detailed in a February 21 press release, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) are pressing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department to explain why they have failed to prosecute the vast majority of convicted felons and fugitives from justice who are failing background checks under the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

And, on February 22, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary–led by Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.)–sent letters to President Obama and to Attorney General Holder demanding answers on the lack of prosecutions and enforcement of our nation’s existing gun laws.  In the letter to the President, the committee noted that, during Obama’s administration, “federal firearms prosecutions have fallen to the lowest levels in over a decade.” ”

   This is an administration that is best known for arming the criminals and terrorists and denying protection to both the law-abiding and it’s own employees here and abroad . Is it any wonder that the criminals of America are less persecuted prosecuted than the law-abiding?

   One could almost envision a scenario where-by this government is actively pursuing policies designed to foment civil unrest and provide an excuse to curtail/eliminate our civil rights .

  If anyone is still naive enough to believe that this cabal in the White House has the Nation’s best interests at heart ask the families of Brian Terry , Christopher Stevens , Tyrone Woods , Sean Smith , Jaime Zapata , Glen Doherty and hundreds of dead Mexican’s what they think .

Hundreds Of Dead Mexicans

Honest Americans Bought Enough Guns in November and December to Outfit the Entire Chinese and Indian Armies














” Honest Americans Bought Enough Guns in November and December to Outfit the Entire Chinese and Indian Armies

The Obama Administration is the number one threat to the nation’s gun rights advocates.  In the four years since Barack Obama was first elected president in November 2008, an estimated 67 million firearms have been purchased in the United States. In November a record 2 million guns were sold in America.  This was followed up by another record in December.  2.7 million guns were sold in America in the last month of 2012 “

What State Buys The Most Guns?


NICS 95-12

” Four states exceeded one million Federal Bureau of Investigation NICS checks; Kentucky, Texas, California and Illinois. Kentucky is the only state to exceed two million background checks.

Background checks are only a proxy measure for gun sales. A buyer may purchase more than one gun through a gun dealer, depending on the local laws, once the background check comes back authorizing the purchase. ”

State by state NICS checks 2012

NCIS By State

Black Friday Gun Sales Set Record


 ” A new single-day record for point-of-sale background checks was established on Black Friday, November 23, when 154,873 were conducted by the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). That total was nearly 20 percent more than the previous high of 129,166 set on Black Friday last year. ”



…  Due To Call Volume




 ” Pretend for a moment that you’re the owner of a giant retail store in a populated, commercial area.  Pretend that it’s Black Friday and throngs of holiday shoppers are in your store looking to score big deals on coveted items.

You’ve done your homework.  You’ve spent the last several months preparing for this all-important day, the day that officially kick-starts the holiday shopping season.

You’ve stocked up on product and merchandize, you’ve doubled your staff, you’ve expanded your store hours, essentially you’ve done everything you could to ensure the day runs as smooth as possible so that you can maximize profit.

Now imagine that before every transaction is completed you have to call the government so that they may sanction the sale.  It’s standard protocol, you’re accustomed to doing it, but on this day, arguably the busiest shopping day of the year, for some reason, the government is not picking up the phone. “