Tag Archive: Newtown

Newtown School Panel To Include Proposed Gun Ban In Report




” An advisory panel charged with looking at public safety in the wake of the deadly Newtown school shooting agreed Friday to include in its final report a recommendation to ban the sale and possession of any gun that can fire more than 10 rounds without reloading.

  The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, created by Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy in the wake of the 2012 school shooting, plans to complete its work next month. The report will include dozens of recommendations in three categories: law enforcement and emergency response; safe school design and operation; and mental health and wellness.

  In its interim report last March, the commission included the proposed gun ban, which is opposed by the gun lobby and manufacturers. It would go much further than a 2013 Connecticut law which, among other things, expanded the state’s assault weapons ban and barred the possession and sale of large-capacity ammunition magazines.

” Whether or not this law would stand the test of constitutionality is not for this commission to decide,” said former Hartford Police Chief Bernard Sullivan, a member of the panel. “The commission has expressed very strongly that this is a statement that is needed regarding the lethality of weapons.” “


Morning Journal











We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook





Published on Dec 1, 2014

” Visit our website!:

  Independent Media Solidarity is a loose knit group of independent journalists that have come together to tackle the issue of Sandy Hook. We are normal people with normal lives, who have families, children, and jobs. Although many of us haven’t physically met each other, we are united. All we seek are answers to the many inconsistencies. But most importantly, we just want the truth made available to all who might seek it.

  Over the past 2 years, efforts to explain and expose the Sandy Hook event may seem to have slowed down. We never slowed down. “












Cuomo’s Gun Law Plays Well Downstate But Alienates Upstate





” In large stretches of upstate New York, it is the reason Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is deeply unpopular. To many voters in New York City and its suburbs, it is one of his crowning achievements.

  Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, made New York the first state to pass a broad package of new gun laws after the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., in 2012. Seizing a singular political moment, he called it the Safe Act, and he implored Congress to follow his lead.

  Nearly two years later, as he seeks a second term, Mr. Cuomo presents the act to his supporters as one of his greatest successes, and Democrats are assailing the governor’s Republican challenger, Rob Astorino, for being lax on guns. It remains one of the most far-reaching pieces of gun-control legislation passed in response to the Newtown shooting.

  But in pushing for passage of strict new gun laws, Mr. Cuomo alienated a vocal constituency across upstate New York, a region he has otherwise wooed. In court, gun owners have challenged the constitutionality of the laws; on lawn signs and bumper stickers in places like the Catskills and western New York, they demand their repeal.

 Counties, towns and villages have passed resolutions denouncing the laws, and some counties have even demanded that their official seals not be used on any paperwork relating to them. In response to an open records request, the governor’s office shared hundreds of pages of such resolutions, from far-flung places like the Adirondack town of North Hudson, with 238 residents, to more populous areas like Erie County.

The calculation when it was passed was people were going to get mad for a little while and then get over it,” Stephen J. Aldstadt, the president of the Shooters Committee on Political Education, said. “I don’t think people are getting over it.” Despite its scope, the Safe Act was not everything it was originally intended to be, and there were stumbles. A provision limiting the size of gun magazines, for example, turned out to be unworkable.

  Thirty-two days after the shooting in Newtown, on Jan. 15, 2013, Mr. Cuomo signed the act into law. The measure included an expanded ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, as well as a broader requirement for background checks, and tougher penalties for gun crimes.”

Read the whole article at NY Times

They Are Coming For Your Children






” Home-schoolers represent the only authentically radical social movement in the United States (Occupy Wall Street was a fashion statement) and so they must be suppressed, as a malevolent committee of leftist academics and union bosses under the direction of Governor Dannel Malloy is preparing to do in Connecticut, using the Sandy Hook massacre as a pretext. The ghouls invariably rush to the podium after every school massacre, issuing their insipid press releases before the bodies have even cooled, and normally they’re after your guns. But the Malloy gang is after your children.

  Malloy’s committee on the Newtown shootings is recommending that Connecticut require home-schooling families to present their children to the local authorities periodically for inspection, to see to it that their psychological and social growth is proceeding in the desired direction. For anybody even passingly familiar with contemporary government schools, which are themselves a peerless source of social and emotional dysfunction, this development is bitterly ironic.

Adam Lanza was the product of madness, but he also was very much a product of the public schools and their allied institutions. He was briefly — very briefly — homeschooled after his parents had exhausted every other option. His mental troubles began long before he was home-schooled and were in fact well known to and documented by the various credentialed authorities under whose management he spent his youth, from his kindergarten therapists to the scholars at Yale’s Child Study Center. Far from being removed from the public system, Lanza was still attending student-club meetings at Newtown’s high school just before the horrific events at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

  As City Journal notes, the Malloy gang says that Lanza’s educational and medical records support its proposals, which is curious: Its members have no access to those records. But a government commission says that it is so, so it must be so.”


Kevin Williamson has much more on the latest Statist move from the Nutmeg state












How We All Miss The Point On School Shootings





    Because we felt that this piece by Mark Manson is so well written and thought-out we have taken the liberty of publishing it in it’s entirety and encourage our readers to spend the time it takes to read the whole thing . While we do nor necessarily agree with everything the author says , we must admit that he gets closer to the heart of the matter than do all of the overpaid “talking/writing heads” that constitute our elite “chattering class” and thus deserves recognition .


” In 1998, a high school junior named Eric Harris from Colorado wanted to put on a performance, something for the world to remember him by. A little more than a year later, Eric and his best friend Dylan Klebold would place bombs all over their school — bombs large enough to collapse large chunks of the building and to kill the majority of the 2,000 students inside — and then wait outside with semi-automatic weapons to gun down any survivors before ending their own lives.

“ It’ll be like the LA riots, the Oklahoma bombing, WWII, Vietnam, Duke and Doom all mixed together,” Eric wrote in his journal. “Maybe we will even start a little rebellion or revolution to fuck things up as much as we can. I want to leave a lasting impression on the world.”

  Eric was a psychopath, but he was also smart.

  Despite what media outlets would later claim, Eric Harris did not wear black trench coats, he was not the victim of bullying, he was not a goth or an outcast. Eric was a straight-A student. He read Nietzsche and Hemingway for fun. He had friends and girlfriends. He was charming and funny and had a disarming smile.

  But Eric also understood people. And because he understood people, he changed everything.

  By 1999, there had already been a series of school shootings across the United States. But Eric wasn’t interested in those. They were small-time jobs, amateur hour. Eric was far more interested in Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building, which killed 168 and injured 600. Eric wanted to top that. But he didn’t just want to top the body count, he wanted to top the notoriety, the fame, the horror. He wanted to terrorize people and he understood that his best weapon was not the guns he secretly purchased or the bombs he built in his basement — it was television. He would not kill jocks or preps, he would kill indiscriminately, because that’s what caused the most fear and got the most attention. He wouldn’t just blow up the school, but he’d blow up the parking lot, the police cars and the firefighters and the journalists who rushed to the scene. He would, quite literally, go out with a bang, the shockwaves of which, carried by mass media and the internet, would reverberate through the world for decades.

  On April 20th, Eric and Dylan arrived at Columbine and opened fire at teachers, students, administrators, janitors and police officers. Eric’s largest bombs failed to detonate and bring the building down as he had hoped, but that did not prevent the ensuing carnage that would last for almost an hour and leave 15 dead and 24 wounded.

  As chaos engulfed the school in Colorado, it would quickly fan out across the country, commanding more or less 24-hour television coverage for weeks on end. The drama would be replayed endlessly — bloodied and crippled students climbing out of the library window, the heroic gym teacher who lost his life saving dozens of kids. And then there would be the questions and the speculation. Why? First it was goth culture and Marilyn Manson. Then it was bullying. Then it was being social loners and outcasts.

  All of the explanations were later discovered to be untrue. The event truly seemed inexplicable. And because it was inexplicable the media and the viewers couldn’t let it go. Books were written. Memorials were built and ceremonies filled out. Eric Harris got his death wish: “Columbine” was a household name. 

  This past weekend, a student named Elliot Rodger from Santa Barbara City College killed six and injured 13, the latest in a long series of school shootings that are all but becoming a normal part of American tradition. As usual, the killer left a cache of material behind to explain his intentions and milk as much publicity for his personal grievances as possible. This time, the focus was on women, and how they wouldn’t have sex with him.

  Like they always do, the media have descended to explain away the madness. And like a Rorschach Test, each outlet had its own pet cause primed and ready to be read into the situation.

  All of these issues are legitimate and deserve conversation. But they are not the singular cause. They’re not the point.

  Because of my book, I’m connected within the men’s dating advice industry. And many of them are scrambling right now. Elliot Rodger was a member of a number of sites, email lists and Facebook groups. And all of these authors and dating coaches — some of them legitimately decent men, others shady marketers — are all frantically trying to cover their tracks as best as possible.

  But this “witch hunt” we go through every time a school shooting happens is a total ruse. Elliot Rodger didn’t become a killer because he was a misogynist; he became a misogynist because he was a killer. Just like Eric Harris didn’t become a killer because he loved violent video games; he loved violent video games because he was a killer. Just like Adam Lanza didn’t become a killer because he loved guns; he loved guns because he was a killer.

  Every school shooting incident comes in the same dreary package: an angry, politically-charged rant, shrink-wrapped around a core of mental illness and neglect. These shooters leave behind journals, videos, diagrams, manifestos and treatises. They broadcast their plans and intentions to their friends and family. They email news outlets minutes before they start firing. They write down their plans and make checklists so that others may follow in their footsteps. They go on angry rants against materialism, hedonism, the government, mass media, women, and sometimes even the people close to them.

  And each time, as a culture, we work ourselves into a frenzy debating the angry exterior message, while ignoring the interior life and context of each killer. We miss the point entirely.

Reality Check

  According to the FBI, mass shootings (defined as shooting events that kill at least four people) occur on average every two weeks in the United States. Yes, every two weeks. Yet we rarely, if ever, hear about most of them. The reason is because these shootings are easily explainable. In most mass shootings, the crimes occur at a private location and the victims are people close and well-known to the shooter — family members, neighbors, friends. Many of them are attributable to gang violence or illicit criminal activities. Others are a crime of passion.

  School shootings only account for 4% of all mass shootings and yet they dominate the news media and get the entire country talking about them for weeks on end.

There are a few reasons for this:

  1. They occur in everyday public locations which are supposed to be safe.
  2. The victims are targeted and killed at random.
  3. The victims are innocent bystanders and often children.
  4. The killers leave behind large amounts of material about themselves for the media to share.
  5. The perpetrator and victims are generally upper-middle class, white, and privileged.

  These shooters know what they are doing. They’re not “crazy.” They don’t just “snap.” Most of them spend months or years planning their massacres. Elliot Rodger had apparently been planning his shooting for over a year. You don’t just show up with a 140-page manifesto and a large stockpile of weapons one day. You work at it for a long time. And you plan not only the violence, but the presentation for the audience, the performance — what they will see from you, what they will hear from you, the reasons why, the message. It’s all very conscious and deliberate.

  And it works. Their killing sprees are specifically targeted to generate the most fear and uncertainty from the public, because the more fear and uncertainty they generate, the more attention they get. They then use all of the attention as a platform to promote themselves or whatever complaints they may have against society. It’s the Columbine formula. It works. And as Eric Harris pointed out in his journal, it’s not about the guns. It’s about the television. The films. The fame. The revolution.

  If this sounds like a familiar strategy, that’s because it is.



Mass Shootings as Non-Political Terrorism

  For a country that is so single-mindedly obsessed with terrorism, it’s jaw-dropping that almost nobody recognizes that school shooters use the exact same strategies to disseminate fear and their twisted agendas throughout society. Terrorists use violence and mass media coverage to promote political or religious beliefs; school shooters use violence and mass media coverage to promote their personal grievances and glorification.

  When viewed in this way, our responses to the school shooters looks juvenile in comparison. Can you imagine arguing over whether misogyny made Osama Bin Laden plan September 11th? Or whether video games caused Dhokhar Tsarnaev to plant bombs at the Boston Marathon? Or whether heavy music inspired Timothy McVeigh to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City?

  You would be laughed at.

  And in fact, when anyone goes as far as to suggest that Islam causes terrorism, they are immediately and rightfully scolded for it. Yet when it comes to school shootings, these types of discussions are not only tolerated, but engaged in willfully. 

  It’s not that we should respond to school shootings the same way we respond to terrorist attacks. It’s that we already do. We just don’t realize it.

  When Elliot’s creepy YouTube videos went public, declaring vengeance upon every college girl that wouldn’t sleep with him, every woman who had ever heard a guy mutter something similar suddenly felt a chill run up her spine. And that chill caused the video to be posted and reposted, sending more chills up more women’s spines until it had spread across the country. My guess is that’s exactly what Elliot would have wanted.

  And we’ve seen this viral dissemination over and over again. After every school shooting episode, writings and videos of the killers get passed around on the internet. Television specials show and reshow the footage. Books are written. Experts are hired. Rinse and repeat.

  Last year, I wrote that terrorism works because it takes advantages of psychological inefficiencies in our brains: we pay a disproportionate amount of attention to threatening events and we always overestimate how likely it is for a random event to happen to us. School shootings transfix us by leveraging the exact same inefficiencies in our minds. And once they’ve dominated this mindspace, we can’t seem to shake them out of it.

  Yet, for some reason, while we seem to imagine potential terrorists everywhere — in airport lines, at stadium gates, in subway cars — we never see the school shooters coming. We’re always caught by surprise.

Hiding in Plain Sight

  When we think of terrorists, we think of some alien “other” — the bearded, turbaned man hiding in some cave on the other side of the world. Because he’s so distant and different, we let him eat at our imagination — he could be anywhere, ready to strike at any moment, hiding in behind every bush, planting a bomb on every bus or plane. We clog our airports and blast warnings through our public buildings for some imagined bogeyman who is never actually present.

  By contrast, we fail to spot shooter after shooter because they are so close to us and so much like us. We miss them because they are our neighbors, our classmates, our friends or even our family members. They are right in front of our noses and we ignore them for a whole host of trivial reasons. Maybe they’re too weird, or awkward, or they’re a loser. We don’t want to talk to them. We put our blinders on and pretend that they’re not miserable, we pretend that they didn’t just have that awkward outburst, we pretend they didn’t just make a joke about killing their own parents.

  Eric Harris’ friends later said that he would often “joke” about blowing up the school and murdering classmates. Even after they discovered he was building bombs in his basement, they never put two-and-two together. They just couldn’t believe it. Not Eric. Not the guy they had played video games with and toilet papered girls’ houses with.

  Meanwhile, the wrong sarcastic word at the airport and you can be held in jail for days.

  An FBI study on school shooters found school shootings are never a result of a crazy person “snapping.” Most shooters do have serious mental health or emotional issues, but they all plan their attacks months or even years in advance. And as they plan, they almost always “leak” information about the attack beforehand, sometimes intentionally, and sometimes in incredibly obvious ways.

  Both Harris and Rodger had the police called on them multiple times due to suspicious behavior. Both of them had a history of strange and violent outbursts towards friends and those close to them. Both put their intentions and their angry rants up on the web for everyone to see. Elliot Rodger wrote and re-wrote his plan out, sometimes including murdering his family members and stealing their car. He wrote that if someone had just searched his room, it would have all come apart, he would have been found out. Eric Harris wrote almost the exact same thing 15 years earlier.

  Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter who killed 32 people, turned in paper after paper that depicted gruesome killings and gun violence. He had a history of mental health issues and had been reported to the campus police four times for aggressive and antisocial behavior, particularly towards women. One of his professors went so far as to tell the board that she would rather resign than teach another class with him in it.

  Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter, also had a history of mental illness and inappropriate anti-social behavior. And he too, began sharing his intentions online through forum posts and audio. Lanza had paranoid delusions about mass media and the government, and began to argue that school shootings were justified as a form of protest or revolt. People humored him and ignored him. No one realized he had a small armory of semi-automatic weapons in his house.

  Then there are those who are simply ignored. Dylan Klebold was suicidally depressed for over two years. He fantasized and wrote about killing himself liberally. Despite getting into trouble with the law, turning in school assignments that glorified murder and suicide and failing most of his classes senior year, his parents and friends claimed that they had no idea something was amiss. George Sodini, a middle-aged Pennsylvania man who shot up an aerobics class full of women, wrote in his journal that since he spent the past 20 years of his life alone and miserable, there was no reason to think that the next 20 wouldn’t be lonely and miserable as well. His mother had been emotionally abusive. His father hadn’t had a meaningful conversation with him in over 30 years. Simply put: he had nothing to live for. So why not take some revenge on your way out?

  Gun control gets the headlines. Mental health care gets the headlines. Violence and video games and misogyny and internet forums and atheism — the list is endless at this point.

  Here’s what doesn’t get the headlines: Empathy. Listening to those around you. Even if you don’t like them very much.

  Despite being relevant and important discussions, the glamorous headlines are ultimately distractions — they just feed into the carnage and the attention and the fame the killer desired. They are distractions from what is right in front of you and me and the victims of tomorrow’s shooting: people who need help. And while we’re all fighting over whose pet cause is more right and more true and more noble, there’s likely another young man out there, maybe suicidally depressed, maybe paranoid and delusional, maybe a psychopath, and he’s researching guns and bombs and mapping out schools and recording videos and thinking every day about the anger and hate he feels for this world.

And no one is paying attention to him.”



Mr Manson is to be commended for this timely piece and thanked by us all that yearn for a better understanding of the seemingly incomprehensible actions of some of our failed citizens .










Wolfgang Halbig Raises Many Questions About The Sandy Hook Shooting




Published on Feb 13, 2014


” Wolfgang W. Halbig doesn’t believe anyone was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, and he’s looking for some answers. So many answers, in fact, that he was paid a visit by some police investigators telling him to back off.

  Mr. Halbig isn’t your average “conspiracy theorist.” He’s worked in public education as a teacher, dean, assistant principal, principal of an alternative school and as the Director for School Safety and Security for the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students.

  A former Florida State Trooper and United States Customs Inspector, Mr. Halbig was invited by the U.S. Department of Justice to train over 3,500 school police officers, school superintendents and school principals. He travels the country providing presentations and keynotes to a variety of school board associations and conferences and is a nationally-recognized school safety and security expert and consultant, who has provided safety training and school assessments for more than 4,000 school districts nationwide.

  Dave Gahary spoke with Wolfgang about why he doesn’t believe the official story of the Sandy Hook Elementary School event, in this interesting interview (43:23). “









Sandy Hook School To Be Completely Destroyed, Demolition Contractors Sign Confidentiality Agreements





” The people in charge of destroying the remaining ‘evidence’ of the alleged Sandy Hook Massacre have stated that they do not want ‘exploitation’ of anything at the crime scene, so that is why they now have armed guards patrolling the area day and night, stopping people from taking pictures or video of the place. 

Some understand that this is an effort to conceal something. Along with all the other ways that people investigated this ‘massacre’ have been stifled, jailed, or halted, now the people concealing this event are destroying the only remnants of this event that can still be investigated. If they didn’t destroy this building, an independent investigation could yield the truth, and that is why they are demolishing the entire building.
If you really want to keep people from stealing stuff and putting it on EBAY, put barbed-wire fence around it and call it a day…

NY Post

NEWTOWN, Conn. — When the old Sandy Hook Elementary School is demolished, building materials will be pulverized on site and metal will be taken away and melted down in an effort to eliminate nearly every trace of the building where a gunman killed 26 people last December.

Contractors also will be required to sign confidentiality agreements and workers will guard the property’s perimeter to prevent onlookers from taking photographs or videos.”





    The writer asks a valid question , why is there NO video of Lanza ? Every other mass shooting in a public place has yielded some sort of surveillance video and still photos , why not Newtown ? No other public building has been razed , why Newtown ?








The Social Construction Of A Mass Shooting Epidemic






” The killings of 20 first-grade students and six adult staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012, obviously constitutes a terrible, newsworthy event. But the news coverage did more than report the details of what happened at Newtown. It also sought to classify this incident as an instance of a larger problem. The initial news reports described what had happened as “the second deadliest school shooting,” “another mass shooting,” and a “mass killing” (all in stories in the next day’s New York Times) and as “the second deadliest shooting event in U.S. history” (The Washington Post). The Post’s website ranked the 12 “Deadliest U.S. shootings” (the earliest case on their list occurred in 1949), while the Mother Jones website added Newtown to its page “A Guide to Mass Shootings in America” (which included only cases from 1982 to 2012).”


    The categorization of “mass shootings” , “mass murders” , “workplace violence” or whatever other clever nomenclature that happens to be in vogue are decided upon by the media that reports on the stories and we would do well to remember that the present day media , the so-called mainstream anyway , are anything but dispassionate observers and reporters of fact .


” According to The New Republic, there were 70 mass shootings between 1982 and 2012, leaving 543 people dead. The magazine does not say whether this death toll includes the shooters, who often—but not always—also die. But let us assume that only the shooters’ victims were counted. (Amy Sullivan, the New Republic article’s author, says she believes that is the case.) That works out to about 2.3 incidents and 18 victims’ deaths per year. Last year was an unusually bad year, with 68 people killed in seven mass shootings—a terrible toll, to be sure. But in the context of some 2.5 million deaths from all causes last year, mass shootings, while dramatic, are simply not a major cause of death. And because these events are quite rare, and their number fluctuates from year to year, it is difficult to determine a clear trend. The horrors of 2012 made it easy from some commentators to claim that mass shootings were on the rise, but should there be fewer cases in 2013, it is unlikely that people will note that the problem is growing smaller.”



    As with most any news items today , how events are portrayed in the media is really more an issue of what particular ax the reporting organization has to grind than it is a fair illustration of the facts .














Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire – Theatrical Trailer



Published on May 22, 2013


” “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” — United States Constitution, Amendment II

Newtown school shooting. Aurora theater shooting. Tucson supermarket shooting. 
Are visceral reactions to tragedies trumping the words of our forefathers?
Should we allow fear and the growing concern over public safety to limit our civil liberties?

Dead Patriot Films presents “Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire,” a documentary that brings audiences to the center of the controversy over the issue that is dividing our nation — gun control. The film takes a critical look at current gun laws and the rising movement to restrict the rights guaranteed by our Second Amendment.

With the original intention of empowering a citizenry’s ability to defend themselves against a corrupt or tyrannical government, the concept today may seem farfetched or the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster. However, it has happened throughout U.S. history. And long before gun control was positioned as a “common sense measure” to combat violence, it was used as a means to oppress certain minority groups. Presently, the growing trend in gun control favors the wealthy and privileged, who leverage their connections to ensure their Second Amendment rights and safety, while those of lesser means struggle.

Informative and emotionally charged, “Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire” is an eye-opening look at the genesis of the Second Amendment in the Constitution, leading the audience to rethink the issues surrounding gun control, and the affect on civil rights and liberty.

After all, what you don’t know can kill you.” 








Step Inside The Connecticut Gun Factory That Is Leaving The State In Protest



PTR Industries, gun



” CEO Josh Fiorini and his gun manufacturing company PTR Industries, are right in the center of the national gun control debate. 

PTR makes clones of the HK-91 semi-automatic rifle and is located in Bristol, CT. Bristol is about 45 minutes north of Newtown, where 20 children and six of their teachers were shot to death last December.

We visited PTR Industries to get a firsthand look at the company, their operation, and employees living on the front lines of the gun control debate.”


These parts are being assembled by PTR's 42 employees. This is the 1st phase assembly area.




      See a photo essay tour of the factory Josh is packing up and taking to a more friendly business environment . Good for him and good for us . Bad for statists in Connecticut.










Connecticut Sees Number Of Background Check Requests Increase By 6,000% (Not A Typo, 6,000%)





” In CT you have to get a permit just to purchase a firearm.

In December state police, who are responsible for processing the background checks for those permits, had a fairly normal backlog of around 1,000 pending background checks.

Now, just over 4 months later, and following the Newtown shooting and the passage of extremely strict new gun laws, that backlog has grown to over 60,000, an increase of around 6,000%

There are several reasons for the massive increase. One, part of the new gun control package passed by CT last month included an “effective immediately” provisions which now requires a background check for rifle and shotgun sales as well as handguns.”













” This article is part of a series on Guns in America that explores the use of firearms in our country and the debate over gun control.

Since the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, one of the major responses has been to increase restrictions on gun rights, presumably to reduce the probability that a mass shooting will take place.

But what if their proposed methods for doing so are unconstitutional? That’s the argument advanced by some experts on constitutional law, who argue that the landmark cases of District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago protect against the most controversial ideas being proposed, such as an assault weapons ban. Moreover, even some renowned liberal experts on the same law law admit that the tools available to the government are limited.

Key questions in the debate are: Can the government ban assault weapons without violating the Constitution? If so, why? To answer these questions, TheBlaze spoke to legal authorities on both sides of the ideological divide, including some truly famous names within the realm of constitutional law. What we found may surprise you.

A Teaser To Pique Your Interest …

” On these grounds, at least one expert would toss out assault weapons bans entirely. That expert, Randy Barnett of Georgetown Law Center, explained his reasoning to theBlaze via phone:

“When you get down to specifics, I think some of the easier cases for finding unconstitutionality is the assault weapons ban, which bans a weapon in common use, which is the phrase that Heller used to describe the weapons that are protected by the Second Amendment,” Barnett told TheBlaze. “There’s hardly a weapon that’s in more common use than the AR-15 so-called assault weapon. I say so-called, because we all know this is a made-up category. They don’t fire any faster than a constitutionally protected handgun fires, and it’s typically less lethal than a handgun.” “

Read The Whole Thing






USA TODAY Poll: Public Support For Gun Control Ebbs





” Four months after the shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a USA TODAY Poll finds support for a new gun-control law ebbing as prospects for passage on Capitol Hill seem to fade.

Americans are more narrowly divided on the issue than in recent months, and backing for a bill has slipped below 50%, the poll finds. By 49%-45%, those surveyed favor Congress passing a new gun-control law. In an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll in early April, 55% had backed a stricter gun law, which was down from 61% in February.”


Tugging at the heartstrings and attempting to “never let a crisis go to waste” failed this time around .


“So much of the support for gun control is emotional, following the Newtown tragedy,” says Stuart Rothenberg, editor and publisher of the non-partisanRothenberg Political Report. The December shooting at the Connecticut school left 20 children and six adults dead. “The longer you get away from there, people start thinking of other issues. They start thinking about terrorism or jobs or immigration, and not surprisingly, then some of the momentum behind gun control starts to fade.”

The Boston Marathon bombings last Monday also may have had an effect, he speculates. “It wouldn’t be shocking if people sitting in their homes in Massachusetts cities and towns thought to themselves, ‘Boy, I wish I had something to protect myself with if a terrorist came through the door now.'”


   Odd isn’t it ,  that nowhere in this article do we find mention of the astronomical ” 90% support” for new gun laws  claim so recently trumpeted from on high by our lord and savior Barack and his minions in the MSM ? More pie in the sky BS , more lies …




HT/Guns Save Lives











” Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) has a great new idea for gun control grandstanding: call on Rupert Murdoch to cancel a NASCAR race sponsored by the NRA this weekend.  Murphy claims the National Rifle Association sponsorship would be “inappropriate in the immediate wake of the Newtown massacre.”

The “immediate wake” of Newtown?  The shooting occurred in December.  When does the “immediate wake” end?  2014?  2018?  Never?

The race is to be held at the Texas Motor Speedway, which as the reader might surmise, is not located in Connecticut.  Murphy doesn’t seem interested in rational discourse, as CNN relates his letter to Murdoch:

“The race not only brings national attention to an organization that has been the face of one side of this heated debate, it also features the live shooting of guns at the end of the race,” Murphy wrote to Rupert Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corporation, which owns the Fox network where the race will be broadcast.

“I would like to make a similar challenge to you,” Murphy told the media mogul in his letter Thursday. “You should play a constructive role in our national dialogue by refraining from broadcasting the NRA 500. By airing this race you will be strengthening the brand of a radical organization that is currently standing in the way of meaningful progress on this issue.”

So much for all the balloon juice about how much Democrats “respect your Second Amendment rights” and want to be best pals with “responsible gun owners” and “responsible hunters.”  That’s what the NRA is.  For months, Democrats have called for a “national conversation on guns,” but it turns out people who join that conversation on the “wrong” side can’t even sponsor a NASCAR race.

Murphy is making a totalitarian effort to read the NRA completely out of society.  Conveniently enough, once you’ve been designated an unspeakable monster, it is no longer necessary to salute your “rights” or take your dissent seriously.  

If you don’t like the word “totalitarian,” well, stop running around and being totalitarian, gun control nuts.  Asserting that no one can dissent from your agenda in good faith, and must obey your commands without complaint, is a totalitarian impulse.  So is using human props to make “arguments” that no one is allowed to refute, without being accused of monstrous insensitivity.”







The ATF Revokes Firearm License From The Gun Shop That Sold Adam Lanza’s Mother The Bushmaster “Assault Weapon” But Won’t Say Why




” Shortly after the killings the federal government raided Riverview Gun Sales and now the ATF has revoked the firearm permit from the gun shop. The question is why, but the ATF is silent. Here is what the owner of the gun shop had to say:

There is nothing more devastating than the loss of a child,” LaGuercia said in a statement in December. “We are absolutely appalled that the product that we sold several years ago would be used in this type of horrendous crime. Our hearts go out to the victims and the families

From all accounts Riverview Gun Sales legally sold this weapon to a law abiding citizen so it sees as though an explanation is due because this seems highly unusual.”





Why Hasn’t The Media Been Reporting On Or Booking Pro-Gun Newtown Parent Mark Mattioli?

” Some of the most compelling voices in the current debate over gun violence are those who have been touched by itparticularly the parents of the twenty children slain at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14. It’s strange, then, that one of those parents, Mark Mattioli, has simultaneously been white-washed and virtually blacked out of the media’s post-Newtown coverage. While endorsing the NRA’s plan to arm school personnel Tuesday, Mr. Mattioli urged people to put politics aside, but it appears as though his politics may be a factor in the media’s treatment of him.

At a press conference to roll out the NRA’s 225-page report on school safety, Mark Mattioli praised the plan, and said “I think politics needs to sort of be set aside here, and I hope this doesn’t you know, lead to name-calling. But rather, this is recommendations for solutions. Real solutions that will make our kids safer.””

Mr Mattioli’s speech before the Connecticut legislature

States Move Quickly, Divergently On Gun Laws




” Even as momentum for new gun legislation wanes in Washington, lawmakers across the country are fashioning their own response to the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, resulting in a patchwork that tightens restrictions in some places and eases them in others.

While varied, the measures show how much more nimble states can be than the federal government.

California, New York and Connecticut, the scene of the school shooting, are among those that have moved to stiffen already tough gun laws. Many more, including Ohio, Michigan and Arkansas, have acted to protect the rights of gun owners and make it easier to possess a firearm.

The result is a significant disparity between states — some side by side — as President Obama pushes for new federal gun controls.”



Obama Tells Democratic Donors Sandy Hook Shooter Used “A Fully Automatic Weapon





” Here is the quote from the White House transcript of the event.

Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon – by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.”










Revealed: The Never-Before-Seen Photo Of Newtown Killer Adam Lanza And The College Records Which Show He Refused To Identify His Own Gender


Documentation shows that Lanza refused to identify his own gender and to describe himself when asked by the college


” A never-before-seen photograph of Newtown killer Adam Lanza has emerged, along with college records which include new information about the gunman including that he refused to identify his own gender when asked to do so in college documents.

Lanza attended Western Connecticut State University for less than a year after his mom withdrew him from Newtown High School when he still only 16.

When asked his gender on a student background information form, Lanza wrote ‘I choose not to answer.’ ”


” Video gaming loner:


Police said they found a smashed computer hard drive and a gaming console in Lanza’s bedroom.

And an unnamed source told investigators that Lanza was an avid gamer who obsessively played video games and was a loner.

The ‘citizen witness’, whose name is redacted in the documents, told investigators Lanza ‘rarely leaves his home’.

They added Lanza was ‘a shut in and an avid gamer who plays Call of Duty, amongst other games.’ ”

” Terrifying Inventory: What police found during their investigation

At the school:

  • 1 Bushmaster .223 caliber model XM15 rifle with a 30-round magazine
  • 1 Glock 10mm handgun
  • 1 9mm Sig Sauer P226 handgun
  • 1 Saiga 12 shotgun with two magazines containing 70 rounds
  • 6 30-round magazines, three of them emptied

At the home:

  • A gun safe that belonged to Nancy Lanza that was open with no evidence that it was broken into to
  • 1,400 rounds of ammunition in different locations across the house
  • Several rifles, handguns and shot guns including an Enfield Albian bolt-action rifle, a Savage Mark II rifle, a BB gun and a .22-caliber Volcanic starter pistol
  • Three Samurai swords, ten knives
  • One seven-foot-long spear
  • One bayonet
  • Three photographs of an unknown dead person covered in plastic and blood
  • A military style uniform inside Lanza’s bedroom
  • National Rifle Association certificate’s for Nancy and Adam Lanza*
  • A holiday card with a check made out to Adam Lanza for the purchase of a CZ-83 handgun (firearm), authored by Nancy Lanza.
  • Seven of Lanza’s personal journals
  • An NRA guide to the basics of shooting
  • A book entitled ‘Look at Me: My Life with Asperger’s and another book, ‘Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Mind of an Autistic Savant’
  • A New York Times article about the 2008 Northern Illinois University shooting
  • A damaged computer hard drive
  • Sandy Hook report card for Adam Lanza
  • His mother Nancy was discovered in her room with one gun shot wound to the head and a rifle lying on the bed next to her “


  * (Editor’s note : What might these alleged certificates be ? As a life/endowment member for over 4 decades I’ve never received any kind of certificate for membership and if they were for some instructional course given by the NRA the reason would be self-evident on the certificates and could be revealed to the press instead of a vague reference to the NRA . 






Newtown Shooting Details Revealed In Newly Released Documents






” Adam Lanza stayed at home mostly, a witness said, playing video games such as “Call of Duty.”

But on December 14, 2012, he went out — armed with 10 30-round magazines for his semiautomatic Bushmaster .223 caliber model XM15 rifle and bullets for his two handguns and a shotgun.

Lanza didn’t make it home alive. Nor did the 26 people — 20 of them schoolchildren ages 6 and 7 — he shot dead in less than five minutes, firing one bullet roughly every two seconds he was at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

These were among the details spelled out Thursday in five search warrants and other material tied to the grisly shooting at the Newtown, Connecticut, school, as well as in a statement from a local top prosecutor. Together, the newly released documents help paint a clearer picture of what happened.

What they don’t explain is why Lanza did it.

Read the documents “


    The timing of this release of new “details” strikes us as especially fortuitous for the gun control crowd coming as it does in the midst of a failing effort to capitalize on the story a la Rahm Emanuel’s ” never let a crisis go to waste”. 






Cuomo’s Shameful SAFE Act





” All things being equal, New York State’s infamous new gun laws will go down in history as a prime example of the folly of hysterical calls to action; and Governor Andrew Cuomo, who led the chase for the measures, will join them in disgrace. After 20 children were killed in Newtown, Conn., last December, progressives saw a golden opportunity to reverse the liberalizing tide of recent firearms law and leverage the national outrage in favor of long-desired gun-control codes. Freed by his reelection, the president declared, in an increasingly tiresome formulation, “Now is the time to do the right thing for our children, our communities, and the country we love.” In Albany, it appears that the governor took him literally.

Legislation cast in the wake of tragedy invariably carries with it the stench of the mob, and when it’s contrived in haste to protect “the children,” this is doubly so. Parliaments and institutions might protect us from the sight of angry, rash, pitchfork-wielding villagers in search of blood, but, however sanitized our politics have become, the impulse of rabble-rousing politicos is the same: Something must be done, it must be done right this second, and all naysayers are on the side of the monster. Wise men understand this, and they act to cool passions. Andrew Cuomo, we have learned in recent months, is not a wise man. His signature now adorns a law that has proven unworkable from start to finish. Next time we are told that we cannot wait for democracy or reflection to soothe passions, we might remember the course that New York has taken.”






President Obama Appeals to Newtown Tragedy to Push for Stricter Gun Laws



” President Obama gave his weekly address and revisited the Newtown tragedy in an appeal to Congress to pass universal background checks, restrictions on private gun sales, and the assault weapons ban.

Adam Lanza planned his grisly murders for years, and if it weren’t a ‘military-style’ rifle, it would have been something else, like fire or explosives. Are we going to ban fire too? Because in 2009 there were over 58,000 arsons, costing an average of $17,411 each in damage. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there are an average of 375 deaths each year from arson, which is also more than those killed by all rifles.”




The Sandy Hook Shooting No kids got killed proof UPDATE







” How do Connecticut residents feel about the crackdown on the Second Amendment? Well, there are people from both sides making passionate arguments on the issue, however, one gentleman last week was able to make a particularly persuasive case against more gun control and in favor of the U.S. Constitution.

Meet Robert Steed, a resident of Vernon, Conn. who took three days straight off work to attend several gun control hearings in Connecticut. On March 14, Steed was more “aggravated” than usual with lawmakers and he let them know it in his fiery testimony, telling them that they were “coloring outside the lines of constitutional parameters.”

” The reason that your jobs are becoming so difficult is because you’re coloring outside the lines of constitutional parameters,” Steed shot back. “That’s the bottom line. You are trying to marriage up public safety with constitutional rights. The Constitution did not guarantee public safety, it guaranteed liberty. And sometimes what comes with liberty is tragedy, unfortunately.” “