Tag Archive: Newsbusters

Jodi Miller Gives Us A Humorous Take On The Events Of The Day





Published on Feb 23, 2015

” — ISIS
— President Obama
— Ashton Carter
— Homeland Security Funding
— Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
— Climate Change
— Yemen
— Marijuana Use by Teens
— Deja Vu

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email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media “













NewsBusted 1.20.15

Jodi Miller Presents The Lighter Side Of The News





Published on Jan 19, 2015

— President Obama
— Paris Unity March
— John Kerry
— James Taylor
— Josh Earnest
— U.S. Capitol
— Plot to Poison Boehner
— Gitmo
— Boston Time Capsule
— Obama Marriage on the Rocks

Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media “












Jodi Miller Brings Us The Lighter Side Of The News







Published on Dec 15, 2014

— House Speaker John Boehner
— Jonathan Gruber
— Al Sharpton
— Prince William
— Senior al-Qaeda Killed
— Hillary Clinton
— President Obama’s Export Council
— Gitmo Prisoners Tortured?

Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media “












A Touch Of Humor From Jodi Miller




Published on Nov 20, 2014

— Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
— China’s one-child limit
— IRS fraudulent refunds
— Gitmo detainees
— Fox series “Utopia” canceled
— Joe’s Crab Shack
— Bruce Jenner

  Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media “










NewsBusted 11.14.14

The Latest From Jodi Miller & NewsBusted




Published on Nov 13, 2014

— Vladimir Putin
— Illegal Border Crossers
— Heavy Snorers
— Willie Nelson
— Kim Kardashian
— False Eyelashes

  Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free! 

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media “










Jodi Miller With The Latest News




” Published on Jan 16, 2014

— President Obama
— Jobless America
— Nevada DMV
— Illegal Immigrants
— NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
— Marijuana
— Youth Misery Index
— War on Poverty
— Cell Phones
— Justin Bieber

Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media”









Liberal Radio Pundit: Missile Strike On NRA Gathering Would End Obama’s Problems





” While appearing on the Stephanie Miller radio program on Monday, Lee Papa, a liberal pundit who goes by the name of the “Rude Pundit” suggested that a missile strike on theNRA convention in Houston would have “taken out” most of Obama’s problems,Newsbusters reported. Worse yet, Miller agreed.

“You know I was thinking this weekend, if Barack Obama is really as evil as everybody says he is just one errant missile shot in Houston would really have taken out most of his problem,” Papa said.

“Yeah,” Miller responded.

“Barack Obama isn’t just the greatest president ever, he’s also an especially kind man. After all, His Worship has every right to blow political opponents to smithereens, yet repeatedly declines the opportunity,” Newsbusters said.”








NewsBusted 3/12/13

NewsBusted 2/05/13


NewsBusted 11/16/12

Gore’s Current TV Up For Sale


  ” According to the New York Post, there has been enough interest in the television channel nobody watches let alone heard of that CEO Joel Hyatt has decided to shop around for offers.

“Current has been approached many times by media companies interested in acquiring our company,” Hyatt told the Post.”

Posted by John Galt

NewsBusted 10/16/12

Video Caption

NewsBusted 10/09/12

Humorous Headlines

” ‘Full Metal Jacket’ Star: ‘GEICO Fired Me’ for Criticizing Obama “

   “R. Lee Ermey, the actor best known for his role as the drill sergeant in Stanley Kubrick’s “Full Metal Jacket,” claims he was fired by GEICO for criticizing President

   During an impromptu interview with TMZ, Ermey also said, “If you’re a conservative in this town, you better watch out” (videos
follow with transcribed highlights and commentary): “

News Busters :

   “Over the previous four episodes, Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom has become the liberal media’s Sunday night darling. So, after the July 15th offering, which featured fictional news anchor Will MacAvoy comparing Tea Party members to sex offenders, a little conservative-bashing was expected. The July 22 episode did not disappoint, with the team at “Atlantic Cable News” delving into the Citizen’s United Supreme Court case and effectively accusing Clarence Thomas of bribery. “

  This sort of programming , which is predominant in the prime time schedule should be counted as in kind contributions to the democratic party .

Originating in the Democratic mouthpiece  New York Times , Newsbusters points us to this Laugh Out Loud steaming pile . Don’t have anything in your mouth when you read it . We will not be responsible for ruined/damaged monitors .

  ” David Carr of The New York Times wrote an unintentional laugh line for Monday’s paper: “There is a growing worry that the falling value and failing business models of
many American newspapers could lead to a situation where moneyed interests buy papers and use them to prosecute a political and commercial agenda.” “

Thank Goodness for the New Media

“Yesterday, a Reuters story credited both Breitbart.com and NewsBusters for bringing the problem to the attention of NBC executives.”