Tag Archive: New Zealand

Daily Video 3.24.15

Extreme Bungy Jumping With Cliff Jump Shenanigans In New Zealand






Published on Mar 23, 2015

” Check out the Behind The Scenes here:

  Huge thanks to 100% Pure New Zealand for giving us the opportunity to film here!
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Website: http://www.newzealand.com

  Go subscribe to Stoked for Saturday, they made everything in NZ happen!
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Website: http://www.stokedforsaturday.com “














NZ Skydivers Bail Out Over Lake Taupo As Plane Crashes






” All 13 people on board a small plane, including the pilot, parachuted to safety before the aircraft crashed into a lake on New Zealand’s North Island.

  The aircraft was taking them on a tandem skydive excursion over Lake Taupo when it suffered engine problems, said the authorities.

  No-one was seriously injured, but the case is being investigated.

  A spokesman for the Civil Aviation Authority, Mike Richards, said it was a miracle no-one was killed.

  Taupo Mayor David Trewavas said the had plane lost power about 1,300m off the ground and the pilot called for the passengers to evacuate.”


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Small Asteroid To Safely Pass Close To Earth Sunday







” A small asteroid, designated 2014 RC, will safely pass very close to Earth on Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014.  At the time of closest approach, based on current calculations to be about 2:18 p.m. EDT (11:18 a.m. PDT / 18:18 UTC), the asteroid will be roughly over New Zealand.  From its reflected brightness, astronomers estimate that the asteroid is about 60 feet (20 meters) in size.”














Cat Delivers Bag Of Weed To His Owner







” A cat in New Zealand has behaved in a very un-feline manner, bringing his owner a bag of marijuana and leaving it at the door. Police are now praising the furry friend for possibly helping them secure a drug bust as they dust the bag for prints.

  Local police say they are very impressed with the deed.

” You hear of cats bringing dead birds and rats home, but certainly in my career I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Sergeant Reece Munro told the local Otago Daily Times. “I guess you never know who’s keeping you honest these days, do you?”

  At around 6pm on Sunday in Ashmore, the cat brought home 5 grams of pot in a bag, shocking its owner, who wanted nothing to do with the find and called the police immediately, saying there was a “bag of drugs” right at her door.”


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Drunk Child At Skate Park In New Zealand Sparks Outrage



” Authorities are investigating a video of a heavily intoxicated New Zealand kid stumbling around a skate park.

  The unidentified, boozed-up 9-year-old boy claims to have slammed 18 beers that afternoon — mortifying local police officials that quickly launched a probe into the video, according to reports..”







Nude Swimmers ‘Smash Record’ For World’s Largest Skinny Dip On New Zealand Beach

745 bathers in New Zealand took to the sea in an attempt to break the record for the world's largest skinny dip



” Bathers on a New Zealand beach stripped naked and took to the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to shatter the record for the world’s largest skinny dip.

  Basking in the glow of a warm summer’s day down-under, the 745 nude swimmers swarmed into the water on the coast of Gisborne in northeastern New Zealand.”



” The intrepid participants from across the country gathered as nature intended in the waves for what organisers hope will be a new Guinness World Record.”

See more here









WikiLeaks Presents The Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)




” Today, 13 November 2013, WikiLeaks released the secret negotiated draft text for the entire TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Intellectual Property Rights Chapter. The TPP is the largest-ever economic treaty, encompassing nations representing more than 40 per cent of the world’s GDP. The WikiLeaks release of the text comes ahead of the decisive TPP Chief Negotiators summit in Salt Lake City, Utah, on 19-24 November 2013. The chapter published by WikiLeaks is perhaps the most controversial chapter of the TPP due to its wide-ranging effects on medicines, publishers, internet services, civil liberties and biological patents. Significantly, the released text includes the negotiation positions and disagreements between all 12 prospective member states.

The TPP is the forerunner to the equally secret US-EU pact TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), for which President Obama initiated US-EU negotiations in January 2013. Together, the TPP and TTIP will cover more than 60 per cent of global GDP. Both pacts exclude China.

Since the beginning of the TPP negotiations, the process of drafting and negotiating the treaty’s chapters has been shrouded in an unprecedented level of secrecy. Access to drafts of the TPP chapters is shielded from the general public. Members of the US Congress are only able to view selected portions of treaty-related documents in highly restrictive conditions and under strict supervision. It has been previously revealed that only three individuals in each TPP nation have access to the full text of the agreement, while 600 ’trade advisers’ – lobbyists guarding the interests of large US corporations such as Chevron, Halliburton, Monsanto and Walmart – are granted privileged access to crucial sections of the treaty text.

The TPP negotiations are currently at a critical stage. The Obama administration is preparing to fast-track the TPP treaty in a manner that will prevent the US Congress from discussing or amending any parts of the treaty. Numerous TPP heads of state and senior government figures, including President Obama, have declared their intention to sign and ratify the TPP before the end of 2013.”



    This has NWO/Statism written all over it . The fact that Obama is trying to skirt the necessary Congressional approval of trade agreements says all we need to know about his administration’s efforts “on our behalf” . It would appear after a very brief , cursory reading that many of the provisions in the latest piece of sovereign renunciation are blatantly unconstitutional , which helps to explain the imperative of secrecy and subterfuge from our “most open , honest and transparent” administration .

    This whole treaty , conceived in the smoke-filled back rooms of some old boys network private club , far from the prying eyes of the peons people and their representatives by the Masters of Industry and State is nothing more than a two-fisted power grab enriching the global corporate entity and the transnationalist political figures they bankroll .



” The 95-page, 30,000-word IP Chapter lays out provisions for instituting a far-reaching, transnational legal and enforcement regime, modifying or replacing existing laws in TPP member states. The Chapter’s subsections include agreements relating to patents (who may produce goods or drugs), copyright (who may transmit information), trademarks (who may describe information or goods as authentic) and industrial design.

The longest section of the Chapter – ’Enforcement’ – is devoted to detailing new policing measures, with far-reaching implications for individual rights, civil liberties, publishers, internet service providers and internet privacy, as well as for the creative, intellectual, biological and environmental commons. Particular measures proposed include supranational litigation tribunals to which sovereign national courts are expected to defer, but which have no human rights safeguards. The TPP IP Chapter states that these courts can conduct hearings with secret evidence. The IP Chapter also replicates many of the surveillance and enforcement provisions from the shelved SOPA and ACTA treaties.”



    In order for Obama to skirt the Constitutional requirement of senatorial “advise & consent” the proposed TPP and TTIP have to be Executive Agreements and not , strictly speaking , treaties . This ploy allows him to avoid the necessary 2/3 vote of approval from the full Senate . Executive agreements have a long and controversial history in the hands of US presidents .

Having been unfamiliar with the distinction between the agreement and treaty we thought we would educate ourselves a bit and pass along our research for the benefit of readers such as ourselves . Here is how the Oxford Companion To The Supreme Court describes the differences between the two types of agreements :



” Under the Constitution, treaties with other countries require consent of two‐thirds of the Senate. The framers clearly intended joint action of the national executive and the representatives of states in Congress to make binding international obligations. 

Executive agreements, unmentioned in the text, are practical alternatives made under presidential authority. They are so ubiquitous in American foreign relations—and sometimes so controversial—that one should distinguish various forms. The vast bulk have some form of legislative approval by statute, treaty, or joint resolution of Congress. For example, the North American and general trade agreements of 1993–1994 were approved by joint resolution. If the subject is within Congress’s broad powers, the Supreme Court accepts the delegation of legislative power and the Senate bypass. “


    Franklin Roosevelt , Obama’s presidential idol , was the undisputed master of usurpation through the use of executive agreements , which coming from the man who’s very reign inspired the need for presidential term limits , who attempted to change the very nature of the Supreme Court and who issued orders for nationwide gold confiscation should come as no surprise .



” President Franklin D. “Roosevelt converted executive agreements into primary instruments of foreign relations. He approved the Litvinov Agreement recognizing the Soviet Union in 1933, and the destroyer bases deal of 1940. During World War II, Roosevelt and Truman made secret agreements with allies at Cairo, Yalta, and Potsdam affecting most of the world.”


Some history on executive agreements



” … presidents have had the power to enter into executive agreements with other nations since George Washington’s administration. Treaties are binding on future presidents unless modified with Senate consent; executive agreements are not.

The State Department explains:

As explained in greater detail in 11 FAM 721.2, there are two procedures under domestic law through which the United States becomes a party to an international agreement. First, international agreements (regardless of their title, designation, or form) whose entry into force with respect to the United States takes place only after two thirds of the U.S. Senate has given its advice and consent under Article II, section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution are “treaties.” Second, international agreements brought into force with respect to the United States on a constitutional basis other than with the advice and consent of the Senate are “international agreements other than treaties” and are often referred to as “executive agreements.”

Let’s look, then, at 11 FAM 721.2 to see on what “constitutional basis” a president might enter into such an agreement.

(3) Agreements Pursuant to the Constitutional Authority of the President

The President may conclude an international agreement on any subject within his constitutional authority so long as the agreement is not inconsistent with legislation enacted by the Congress in the exercise of its constitutional authority. The constitutional sources of authority for the President to conclude international agreements include:

(a) The President’s authority as Chief Executive to represent the nation in foreign affairs;

(b) The President’s authority to receive ambassadors and other public ministers;

(c) The President’s authority as “Commander-in-Chief”; and

(d) The President’s authority to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” “



Findlaw offers even more on the executive agreement , it’s limitations and it’s consequences :




” The capacity of the United States to enter into agreements with other nations is not exhausted in the treaty-making power. The Constitution recognizes a distinction between ”treaties” and ”agreements” or ”compacts” but does not indicate what the difference is. 388 The differences, which once may have been clearer, have been seriously blurred in practice within recent decades. Once a stepchild in the family in which treaties were the preferred offspring, the executive agreement has surpassed in number and perhaps in international influence the treaty formally signed, submitted for ratification to the Senate, and proclaimed upon ratification.

During the first half-century of its independence, the United States was party to sixty treaties but to only twenty-seven published executive agreements. By the beginning of World War II, there had been concluded approximately 800 treaties and 1,200 executive agreements. In the period 1940-1989, the Nation entered into 759 treaties and into 13,016 published executive agreements. Cumulatively, in 1989, the United states was a party to 890 treaties and 5,117 executive agreements. To phrase it comparatively, in the first 50 years of its history, the United States concluded twice as many treaties as executive agreements. In the 50-year period from 1839 to 1889, a few more executive agreements than treaties were entered into. From 1889 to 1939, almost twice as many executive agreements as treaties were concluded. In the period since 1939, executive agreements have comprised more than 90% of the international agreements concluded. 389




     In the interests of “equal time” , sort of , you can view TPP “news” , what little there is at the Office of The US Trade Representative’s website . Good luck with that . 

 In closing , and admittedly not knowing as much as we should about this looming shadow of globalism , we are of the opinion that any agreement or treaty related to business and commerce promulgated by the most economically illiterate leader this country has ever had can only be intended to accomplish one , the other or both of two things … most likely both : 1)  further pad the already bloated bank accounts of his corporate cronies through regulation and protectionism and 2) advance the Statist/NWO agenda that drives his trans-nationalist puppet masters through gaining control of the creative process … meaning control of the lines of communication ( internet freedom) and control of property rights (patents , trade marks , etc).

    There is surely nothing in this secretive effort that can be described as advancing the cause of the individual and human rights and that is not acceptable from any US president . 







Search Called Off For Sailboat With Seven Passengers Off New Zealand




” The search operation was launched June 25 and covered an area eight times the size of New Zealand, FairfaxNZnews reported.

Onboard the Nina were David Dyche III, 58; his wife Rosemary, 60; their son, David Dyche IV, 17; Evi Nemeth, 73; Kyle Jackson, 27; and Danielle Wright, 18, all Americans, and Briton Matthew Wootton, 35.”


11-Yr-Old Fathers Child With 36-yr-Old Woman


 Stock Photo

” The woman coerced the boy, from Auckland, into repeated sexual encounters over a period of time before becoming pregnant, the New Zealand Herald daily reported. The woman gave the boy beer to drink and then later took part in a sexual encounter with him, the report said. The sexual contact continued for a number of months after the initial encounter. The boy had turned 12 by the time the child was born. 

The case has caused counsellors working in the area of child sexual abuse to highlight the lack of attention given to women as potential offenders. It has prompted justice minister Judith Collins to step in saying she will seek information on the law. “This case raises an important point. I will seek advice from officials on whether or not a law change is required.” 

And it has also highlighted disparity in the law of rape, which makes it impossible for a woman to be accused of the crime. Present legislation stipulates the crime of rape applies only when men force sex. In contrast, women who force an unwilling partner to have sex face charges of sexual violation. Both carry a maximum sentence of 20 years but only men can be charged with rape.”








” Another day, another monster? Not quite, this time. A large aquatic animal, apparently carnivorous, has washed up in New Zealand. The body is badly decomposed, and suggests a crocodilian head with a twin fin tail.

Sydney Morning Herald article suggestions so far contain just about everything:


A marine mammal expert from the Museum of New Zealand, Anton van Helden, told NZ media that based on the creature’s fins, it was most likely to be a killer whale. The body had probably been floating around at sea for some time before it washed up, he said.


The orca suggestion isn’t quite so far fetched, despite the apparent crocodilian resemblance. Orca teeth are similarly structured, and hooked. Information from the Orca Project shows distinctly similar teeth.”







” After battling a huge swordfish to the surface on his trusty handline out off the coast of Northland, New Zealand, Matt Watson finds himself in a race with a gigantic mako shark to secure his prize catch and get it aboard his little boat in one piece! “