Tag Archive: New York

New Paltz Students Find $40K In A Couch



Lara Russo with the cash found stashed in the couch





” It was an ethical dilemma straight from the textbooks: Imagine you and two of your friends find a small fortune of cash inside a crummy old couch you bought for cheap at a second-hand shop. Would you trace the money back to its owner, or would you keep it to spend on your heart’s deepest desires? A SUNY New Paltz student and two friends dealt with this dilemma first hand early March 2014.

  Third-year geology student Reese Werkhoven, Mount Holyoke College graduate Cally Guasti and SUNY New Paltz graduate Lara Russo were getting cozy on their new couch for the first time, when Werkhoven ruffled himself a plastic envelope from under the couch’s patchy arm.

“ I almost peed,” Werkhoven said. Inside the envelope was a wad of twenties that added up to $700.

“ The most money I’d ever found in a couch was like fifty cents. Honestly, I’d be ecstatic to find just $5 in a couch.”

  The group began a thorough excavation, maneuvering the couch in all directions so that every linty crevice could be probed to find more money.

“ Just when we thought we pulled out the last envelope we’d find another $1,000 a few minutes later,” said Guasti.

  Twenty minutes after sitting on an old musky couch, three college students were now miraculously standing on $40,000 in cash.

  For a while, there were no notes, no names, or anything else that could have told them who the money belonged to. For all they knew the money was fair game.

  Then there was a game changer. Russo found a woman’s name on one of the envelopes.

“ We had a lot of moral discussions about the money,” Russo said. “We all agreed that we had to bring the money back to whoever it belonged to… it’s their money– we didn’t earn it. However, there were a lot of gray areas we had to consider.”


Read the rest





















Reported Shooting A Hoax By Online Gamer



Long Beach SWAT Raid




” The action became very real for a 17-year-old Long Beach resident who was playing the video game Call of Duty on Tuesday, after a bitter online opponent called police and falsely claimed that the teen had fatally shot his mother and brother in his Laurelton Boulevard home.

  Long Beach Police Commissioner Michael Tangney said that the teenager had just won a round of the popular online multi-player shooter game. But when a losing rival claiming to be the teen called police to report the bogus incident, it prompted a massive responseincluding a fully armed Nassau County SWAT team with an armored vehicle and a helicopter unit — to what was initially believed to be a multiple shooting and hostage situation.

  Tangney said that when police arrived at the house at around 3 p.m., 17-year-old Long Beach High School student Rafael Castillo was still playing the game on Xbox while wearing a headset and had no idea what was happening outside.”



It was one mighty expensive hoax phone call …







” “He was quite stunned — he was very shaken up by it,” Tangney said, adding that the police response could cost roughly $100,000.

  More than 50 county, Long Beach and MTA police officers, and firefighters responded to the home. Nearby streets were blocked off as numerous police vehicles rushed to scene. The standoff lasted more than an hour and attracted crowds of onlookers who milled about, saying that they learned about the incident on social media.”



Continue reading at LI Herald





Read This Feature By Bob Owens FromTown Hall


Register Nothing



” In the April issue of Townhall Magazine, Bearing Arms editor Bob Owens asks what would happen if a liberal government passed a new gun law but nobody obeyed it?

  Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) signed what the Hartford Courant called “the toughest assault weapons legislation in the nation” last year. It required owners of semi-automatic firearms to register all firearms designated as “assault weapons” with the state government, along with any “high capacity” magazines they may own, by December 31, 2013.

  The Malloy regime expected Connecticut residents to register somewhere between 372,000-400,000 firearms, and roughly 2 million firearm magazines that held more than 10 rounds before January 1.

What they got instead was defiance. “




     And as Bob points out , the results in New York , while not quite finalized , are likely to be even more dismal for the Statists in Albany .




” A nearly identical problem is brewing next door in the much larger, more populous state of New York, thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s hastily-passed NY SAFE Act. That law demands that New Yorkers register their semi-automatic “assault rifles” with the government by April 15.

  While Connecticut is thought to have something less than 400,000 firearms classified as “assault weapons” under their law, New York is thought to have as many as 1 million firearms meeting New York’s revised criteria.

  Cuomo faces an even bigger registration problem in New York than Malloy did in Connecticut because many of New York’s sheriffs are in near open revolt against the SAFE Act, and have stated publicly that they will not enforce it. While they have been less publicly vocal, New York State Troopers have quietly indicated that they, too, will do as little as possible to enforce the law.”



Read Mr Owens’ entire piece here .








Nursing Home Hired Strippers For Patients: Suit






” The elderly residents of a Long Island nursing home saw their shuffleboards replaced by washboard abs when they were subjected to a low-rent Chippendale’s striptease in the facility’s rec room, a new lawsuit claims.”







” The son of one resident, 85-year-old Bernice Youngblood, was shocked when he showed up for a visit and found a picture of his mom stuffing dollar bills — which are supposed to be locked away in her commissary account — into a dancer’s briefs.

  The image also showed several of Youngblood’s fellow residents at the East Neck Nursing Center in West Babylon looking on with a mix of shock and delight as the dancers bumped and ground for their amusement.”


NY Post has more







NY State Police Update NY SAFE Guide, Will Not Enforce

Seven-Round Mag Limit



Increased Demand For Guns And Ammunition, Leads To Nationwide Ammo Shortage




” Following a federal judge’s ruling in December that the seven-round magazine limit imposed under the New York SAFE Act was “tenuous, straitened, and unsupported” and therefore unconstitutional, state police have updated their filed guide on the controversial law to urge officers not to enforce the arbitrary magazine limit.

  The announcement on the revisions to the New York State Police NY SAFE Act Guide was made on Wednesday and came via the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association.

“ The New York State Police have followed the same sensible path taken by the New York Sheriffs’ Association and many local law-enforcement agencies in not enforcing a capricious, ill-conceived and unconstitutional portion of the NY SAFE Act,” stated NYSRPA President Thomas King in a press release.

“ To date, NYSRPA has spent over $500,000 in litigation and we are prepared to fight the NY SAFE Act all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court where we are confident that many provisions of the law will ultimately be overturned,” he continued.”




Read more here and the NYSRPA press release is below …




” NYSRPA pleased police will not enforce SAFE Act provision – The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association is pleased to announce that the Revised New York State Police NY SAFE Act Guide instructs its members not to enforce the 7-round magazine limit originally imposed by the hastily enacted measure.

” This is a direct result of the December 31, 2013 ruling in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York on litigation filed by NYSRPA,” said NYSRPA President Thomas King. The court ruled that the unlawful possession of certain ammunition feeding devices (fully loaded 10-round magazines) was unconstitutional.

” The New York State Police have followed the same sensible path taken by the New York Sheriffs’ Association and many local law-enforcement agencies in not enforcing a capricious, ill-conceived and unconstitutional portion of the NY SAFE Act,” stated King. “To date, NYSRPA has spent over $500,000 in litigation and we are prepared to fight the NY SAFE Act all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court where we are confident that many provisions of the law will ultimately be overturned.” 

  Citing the secretive and hurried process in which the NY SAFE Act became law, King said, “Lawmakers, mental health professionals, and New York’s gun owners were essentially ignored in the rush to enact this law. As a result, careful judicial scrutiny is uncovering some of the law’s flaws and unenforceability. New York’s legal gun owners are among the most law-abiding citizens of this state and ultimately their civil rights will be upheld.” “











Billy Joel And Jimmy Fallon Plot To Crash WLNG In Sag Harbor







” On Thursday night, “The Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon looked straight into the NBC network camera, pointed his finger at millions of viewers nationwide and delivered a message meant for just one humble radio station based in Sag Harbor—oldies stronghold WLNG 92.1.

“ WLNG, look out,” he said, with his guest, music legend Billy Joel, laughing silently in the chair next to him. “We’re gonna be crashing that station. Billy Joel and I. This summer. This summer, we’re coming after you guys.”

  Mr. Joel, a Sag Harbor resident who will be hosting his own Sirius XM satellite radio channel for three months starting on Wednesday, March 26, is no stranger to the station. He has visited several times over the years, according to Gary Sapiane, president and general manager of WLNG. His most recent stop was in 2009.

  Mr. Sapiane did not catch the live interview, the broadcaster said, and he didn’t have to. The shout-out captured the nation’s attention—and its result has overflowed Mr. Sapiane’s inbox with hundreds of emails, and is currently flooding the station’s online streaming.

“ It was just an honor to have them do that. It was the last thing we would ever expect, especially there—nationwide TV,” he said. “Judging on how many people are listening online to us today, we have a lot of extra listeners, from all over the country. It’s just really jam-packed today.”

  And they’ll have to keep listening, in order to catch the dynamic duo in the Sag Harbor studio. The pair did not disclose a specific date, only to say that it would be this summer—and out of the blue.

  On “The Tonight Show,” Mr. Fallon posed to Mr. Joel, “Would you ever want to crash the station with me?”

“ Absolutely,” Mr. Joel responded. “We gotta go at night.”


Read the rest








Protesters Burn Gun Registration Forms


” SARATOGA SPRINGS — Nearly a thousand gun registration forms were turned into ashes Sunday.

  The forms are used for people to register with New York State Police firearms that meet the state’s definition of military-style assault weapons. The deadline is April 15. Gun rights advocates gathered at the Saratoga-Wilton Elks Lodge 161 to burn the papers in a symbolic protest.

  E.J. Stokes, leader of the Warren County chapter of New York Revolution, said he was participating because he believes in the U.S. Constitution.

“ Once the Second (Amendment) falls, the rest will go with it. It’s an unconstitutional law, done in the middle of the night with no input from the public,” he said.”

Read on

New York High School Student Suspended For NRA Pro-2nd Amendment T-Shirt




” A high school student in upstate New York was suspended for wearing an NRA T-shirt that touted the second amendment after he refused to turn it inside out or cover the words with duct tape.

  Shane Kinney, a 16-year-old sophomore from Grand Island, located between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, said he served a one-day, in-school suspension Monday after he refused last Friday to turn his T-shirt inside out at the request of the vice principal at Grand Island High School. The shirt was emblazoned with the NRA logo and the words, “2nd Amendment Shall not be Infringed” across the back.

“ Mr. Lauria [the vice principal] told me I had to either turn the shirt inside out or put duct tape over the words,” Shane Kinney told FoxNews.com. “I told them that I wasn’t going to do it. I had to sit in the suspension room and eat lunch alone until my father brought me a new shirt to school.” “


Fox News has the whole story which is eerily reminiscent of Jared Marcum’s plight except that Jared was also arrested .







Judge Tosses Out SAFE Act Charge Against Lockport Man




” Lockport police violated Paul A. Wojdan’s constitutional rights by counting the bullets in his gun and charging him with violating New York’s SAFE Act, Lockport City Judge William J. Watson ruled Wednesday.

  Watson dismissed a misdemeanor charge against Wojdan, filed because the magazine of his 9 mm Ruger handgun contained 10 bullets, more than the limit of seven bullets per magazine under the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act.

  On Dec. 31, 2½ months after Wojdan’s Oct. 12 arrest, Chief U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny ruled that the seven-bullet rule was unconstitutional, the only portion of the law he did not uphold in his New Year’s Eve decision on a legal challenge to the SAFE Act, the gun-control law passed by the State Legislature at the behest of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo in January 2013.

  However, Niagara County prosecutors kept working on the case against Wojdan until Watson ruled after a hearing that opening up the handgun’s magazine to count the bullets was an illegal search.

  Wojdan, 26, of Parkwood Drive, Lockport, wasn’t all that happy after court, despite the dismissal of the criminal charge, because he won’t immediately get all his firearms back.”


Buffalo News has more







Church Uses AR-15 Giveaway For Community Outreach (Video)






” What do you think about a church giving away a gun as a form of outreach to bring new members of the community into the congregation?


  Grace Baptist Church wants to bring people in for a Sunday service later this month.”






” It sent out this flyer that says, “Win a free AR-15″ and “…my peace I give unto you…” John 14:27

  The church will be giving away what is described as a New York legally-modified gun. At the bottom of the flyer, it says that all applicants will be subjected to a federal background check.

  The church is in the district of Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, who will be speaking at the upcoming event.

“ It’s a legal product. Churches raffle off items all the time. My church has a $10,000 raffle every single year. I mean, I don’t know how it’s a controversy, quite honestly, that law-abiding, church-going citizens of New York that are legal gun owners are taking part in a raffle to raise funds for a church,” said Assemblyman McLaughlin (R – Melrose). “I don’t know why that’s controversial.” “


Read more 









LI Man Facing Manslaughter Charge For Shooting, Killing Alleged Armed Burglar



New York Sucks … Self-Defense



” Family members have been arguing that it was a clear case of self-defense when a Huntington Station man shot and killed an alleged home burglar.

  But Youssef Abdel-Gawad has been charged with manslaughter, even though he said he was only trying to protect his family, WCBS 880 Long Island Bureau Chief Mike Xirinachs reported Tuesday.

  The family hopes surveillance video will clear their son, CBS 2’s Jennifer McLogan reported.

“ It’s a sad situation,” said the defendant’s brother, Ramy Abdel-Gawad. “Video will show, you know, he was doing what anybody would do to protect his family.”

  The Abdel-Gawads’ own surveillance cameras were rolling at the home, according to police, at the time of the incident back on Aug. 21 of last year.”



    We assume that because the suspects were put to flight before the fatal shot that the LI police are maintaining that the danger was past and thus the situation did not merit the discharge of the shotgun . Ok . But if that be the case then shouldn’t all police be suspect whenever they shoot a fleeing suspect ?

   According to the report , the DA doubts that the perp fired a shot but isn’t the presence of the gun reason enough for an act of self-defense ? Since when do the thugs have a right to the first shot for free ?

   When we were younger there was a policy (unwritten or official ?) that police could only shoot in self-defense or in the face of imminent peril for others . That no longer seems to be the case as we read all the time of cops shooting at perps in flight . If it’s ok for them then why not for civilians defending their homes and families ?


Apparently the Supreme Court’s Tennessee v Gardner ruling in 1985 cleared the way for cops to shoot people in the back if the had committed a felony and if that is the justification for law enforcement , surely the civilian populace should be afforded the same rights , no ?


CBSLocal has the story







Local Leader Charged For Allegedly Having Gun At School



Gun Control Man Arrested For Carry



” More than a dozen cop cars, the SWAT team, K9 units and the Erie County Sheriff’s Air One helicopter swarmed Harvey Austin Elementary School in Buffalo on Thursday after reports of a man with a gun near the school or on the grounds. Dwayne Ferguson, head of the Buffalo chapter of MAD DADS, was taken into custody. He will be arraigned Friday.

  An anonymous call came into 911 around 4:15 p.m. that a man with a gun was seen inside the Sycamore Street school. The building was placed in lockdown and around 60 students who were in the building for after school programs were herded into the cafeteria as officers from every district in the city went room-to-room in twos and threes looking for a possible gunman. A portion of Sycamore Street and Walden Avenue were closed and parents were kept from the scene until a preliminary sweep of the school was complete.

  Meanwhile, the SWAT team conducted a more thorough secondary search of the school. It was during the secondary search that police found Ferguson with a gun.”










Cops Break Special Needs Teen’s Arm On School Bus – Family Suing For $1 M




Warning : If you are squeamish you might not want to watch as you can actually hear the young man’s arm break .




” A surveillance video shows two cops in Rotterdam, New York breaking the arm of a special needs 16-year-old while trying to remove him from a school bus.

  Two cops attempted to convince the teen to get off of the vehicle — the entire time, the teen remained on his seat, unresponsive. In the video, one cop can be heard saying, “Either you or one of us might get hurt and we don’t want to do that.”

  After 30 minutes of asking the teen to get up, the cops used force to remove him from the bus. The boy’s arm was broken in the process.”

Read more








Cops Use Informant To Frame A Business Owner By Planting Crack In His Store





” The incentive to make busts will often lead to unscrupulous measures being taken by cops. Below, in the video, is a perfect example of how easy it is for cops to bust anyone they want. Good thing this guy had security cameras in his building, otherwise he’d be doing a five-year mandatory minimum sentence.”


   Bear in mind that the above perpetrator was a CI not a cop but the resulting illegal attempt at entrapment stems from the pressure brought to bear on the CI by the police . 
Read the rest at The Free Thought Project









Glenn Beck’s Open Letter To Gov. Cuomo: Are We Welcome In New York?





” Dear Gov. Cuomo:

  In light of your comments this past Friday, in which you declared that those “…extremist conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay” have no place in the state of New York, we would humbly request a written explanation as to whether or not we are welcome to do business in this state. For many of our employees are pro-life and believe strongly in the Second Amendment. All of us will stand against any group being discriminated against.

  But if we are not welcome, we will leave.

  To give you some background on who we are and what we believe, Mercury Radio Arts and TheBlaze Inc. is a multimedia news, opinion and entertainment company, dedicated to delivering high-quality programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Through our Mercury One non-profit organization, we have also raised and given away for emergency relief over $14 million since its inception.

  We were the first responders to Coney Island during Superstorm Sandy, not the federal government and not the state government, but Mercury One. We are good neighbors. We employ approximately 200 people in the State of New York and well over 300 people nationally from Washington D.C. to Dallas, Texas.

  We don’t see things as left and right. We see things as right and wrong.

  And we believe that the only moral position is to stand up to bullies and fascists of all kinds. We believe in equal rights for all and special privileges for none. We believe it’s our duty to dedicate our life and sacred honor to all American citizens, and every last one of us deserves and has a right, not from our government, but from our Creator, to be heard.

  If the majority tramples on the rights of the minority we all lose.

  And the most important minority is the individual – whether he or she be an “extreme conservative” or an “extreme progressive.” “

The whole letter can be read at The Blaze

10 Cities Where You’re Most Likely To Achieve The American Dream




” A new study from The Equality of Opportunity Project has mapped the 10 best and the 10 worst cities for economic mobility in the United States. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of California at Berkeley used millions of anonymous earnings records to measure the chance that someone born into the bottom fifth of income earners reaches the top fifth. A full summary of their findings can be viewed here.



Upward Mobility in the 50 Biggest Cities: The Top 10 and Bottom 10 
Rank Odds of Reaching Top Fifth
Starting from Bottom Fifth
Rank Odds of Reaching Top Fifth
Starting from Bottom Fifth
1 Salt Lake City, UT 11.5% divider 41 Milwaukee, WI 5.6%
2 San Jose, CA 11.2% 42 Cincinnati, OH 5.5%
3 San Francisco, CA 11.2% 43 Jacksonville, FL 5.3%
4 Seattle, WA 10.4% 44 Raleigh, NC 5.2%
5 San Diego, CA 10.4% 45 Cleveland, OH 5.2%
6 Pittsburgh, PA 10.3% 46 Columbus, OH 5.1%
7 Sacramento, CA 10.3% 47 Detroit, MI 5.1%
8 Manchester, NH 9.9% 48 Indianapolis, IN 4.8%
9 Boston, MA 9.8% 49 Charlotte, NC 4.3%
10 New York, NY 9.7% 50 Atlanta, GA 4.0%









Welfare Payouts Top $20 Per Hour In Eight States


welfare payouts



 ” In 35 states, welfare, housing assistance and other benefits pays more than a minimum wage job, according to a new study by the Cato Institute. The study also found that in 13 states, the payout is more than $15 per hour.

  Of course, this study doesn’t take into account that not everyone on public assistance receives all of the programs. But if they did, their payout would be significantly higher than even a starting teacher’s salary in 11 states or a computer programmer in 3 states.

  The states with the highest welfare payouts – more than $20 per hour – are Hawaii, with payments equaling $29.13 per hour, DC at $24.43 per hour, Massachusetts at $24.30 , Connecticut at $21.33, New York at $21.01 per hour, New Jersey at $20.89 per hour, Rhode Island at $20.83 per hour and Vermont at $20.36 per hour.









Knockout Game: Black Teen Hits Older White Woman For Fun Then Posts Video On Facebook (Video)




” This is some serious dirtbaggery.  A black teenager loitering around the entrance of a store in Rochester, New York, waited with glee for a small, older white woman to come out so he could hit her.  And that’s exactly what he did.  With a swinging fist to her head.  His friend video taped the whole event and then posted it on Facebook.”

Gateway Pundit has the scoop

Small Plane Lands On NY Highway




” A small plane traveling to Connecticut after taking a tour of the Statue of Liberty made an emergency landing Saturday on a New York City interstate highway, startling drivers but touching down safely with no serious injuries to anyone aboard or on the ground, officials said.

  The aircraft, a Piper PA-28, set down at around 3:20 p.m. on the northbound side of the Major Deegan Expressway in the Bronx, in an area where the highway passes through Van Cortlandt Park.”


Federal Judge Upholds Majority Of SAFE Act




” Gun control advocates won a major victory Tuesday, but the fight over New York’s SAFE Act is far from over.

  An appeal of Chief U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny’s decision upholding most of the new law is all but guaranteed.

  And that appeal may come from supporters of the law, as well.

“ I think there’s going to be appeals on both sides,” said Brian T. Stapleton, a lawyer for the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, one of the groups fighting the law.

  Stapleton’s prediction is based on Skretny’s decision to uphold two key elements of the law, the state’s ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and his rejection of a third component, the seven-round limit for magazines.

  The judge called the seven-round limit “tenuous, strained and unsupported.” “



See this related article on compliance and enforcement



” “People know that registration leads to confiscation,” said Jacob Rieper, a spokesman for the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, referring to the portion of the law that requires anyone possessing a military-style assault rifle on Jan. 15 register it by April 15. 

  Failure to do so is a misdemeanor. But Rieper and other gun-rights advocates predict many owners will run the risk, which may not be much of a gamble if their belief that local police, sheriffs and the state police will not go out of their way to aggressively enforce the law holds true.

“ The rank-and-file troopers don’t want anything to do with it,” state Assemblyman Bill Nojay, a Republican from suburban Rochester, said on Monday. “I don’t know of a single sheriff upstate who is going to enforce it.

“ If you don’t have the troopers and you don’t have the sheriffs, who have you got? You’ve got (Gov.) Andrew Cuomo pounding on the table in Albany,” Nojay said.”


Do Not Comply …


“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”


Thomas Jefferson








Man Discovers It Is Illegal To Wash His Car In His Own Driveway







 ” A couple of friends cleaning up a car they had just purchased were threatened by the police for car washing in their own driveway.   The reach of the nanny state truly has no bounds when it comes to dictating what people must do on their own private property. 

  Jonathan Schmidt and Eric Jeer were minding their own business and about to wash a used Volkswagen Golf they purchased together.  They were standing in their own private driveway, when a police officer walked onto the property.

“ Is there a problem?” said Schmidt.

“ It is, when he starts calling about things being done against the village ordinance,” said Officer Buonaiuto.  “Such as doing any kind of work here, or any kind of detailing, like washing the car;  things like that you’re not allowed to do.” “









Probably The Best 2nd Amendment Speech Ever




Published on Jun 30, 2013

” Army veteran and cop tells it strait. A flawless speech ! “

Sheriffs Think Gun Laws Are Waste of Time





” One of the leading talking points for those advocating more gun laws has been the support many such measures have gotten from law enforcement personnel. As a rule, police officers generally prefer working in environments where the populace is unarmed. That’s understandable since, at least in theory, fewer guns ought to make it safer for cops to do their jobs. But just as the consensus about the need for more gun control in urban sectors breaks down once you leave the suburbs and head into the exurbs and rural areas, the same might be said about peacekeepers. As the New York Times reports today in a front-page feature, a growing number of county sheriffs are not only saying they think the latest wave of state laws passed in the wake of last year’s Newtown massacre are wrongheaded or unnecessary. They’re also saying they won’t enforce them because they are unconstitutional or a waste of time.



    Now , a year later the Old Grey Lady finally catches wind of the average Sheriff’s position ?  That’s some investigatory staff they’ve got there . Good thing we don’t need to rely on those resourceless , pajama-clad , basement-dwelling bloggers for timely reports of the news .



” This is happening not only in rural Colorado, which has become the cutting edge of the gun debate, but also in upstate New York, where Governor Andrew Cuomo made new laws restricting firearms and ammunition magazines a priority in 2013 as well as in Florida and California. The trend stems in part from pro-gun sentiment. But just as important to the discussion is the notion that outside of cities, laws whose sole aim is to make it harder to legally possess weapons are seen as vague, unenforceable, and burden already overworked law enforcement officials with busywork. Many sheriffs simply say they’ve had enough and even if their attempts to nullify legislation on constitutional grounds are unlikely to succeed, their protests illustrate the growing discontent about legislation that is out of touch with the culture of rural America.”



Read the rest at Commentary






The Problem For Gun Control Advocates Is That They Keep Promising That No Way Will Registration Lead To Confiscation Of Firearms, Even As It Does Just That.





” The problem for gun control advocates is that they keep promising that no way will registration lead to confiscation of firearms, even as it does just that. The Brady Campaign’s Dennis A. Henigan accuses the National Rifle Association of peddling “fear” for even raising the possibility. In the New York Times, Charles Blow calls such concerns “cultural paranoia.”

  Yet gun owners seem to have legitimate worries. Hundreds of New York City residents are receiving, and publicizing, letters demanding the surrender, not of scary “assault weapons,” whatever arbitrary definition may locally apply to that slippery term, but of target rifles and cowboy guns. Among the forbidden items gleaned from New York City registration lists and ordered to be surrendered or removed from city limits are the bolt-action Marlin 25N, and lever-action Browning 92 and Winchester 94 rifles. Semi-automatic rifles of the plinking variety, such as the AR-7, have been targeted, too.”