Tag Archive: New York

Congratulations, New York, You’re #1 In Corruption






” Other states have plenty of corruption, but it’s hard to beat New York when it comes to sheer volume. The indictment Monday of Dean Skelos, the state Senate majority leader, and his son Adam came just three months after charges were brought against Sheldon Silver, then the Assembly Speaker. Having the top leaders in both chambers face indictment in the same session is an unparalleled achievement, but Skelos is now the fifth straight Senate majority leader in Albany to face indictment.

  New York doesn’t so much have a culture of corruption as an entire festival. So far, Senate Republicans are standing by Skelos, but if they decide to make a change, they probably won’t turn to Thomas Libous, the chamber’s Number Two leader. He faces trial this summer on charges of lying to the FBI, while his son faces sentencing later this month on similar charges. All told, more than two dozen members of the New York state legislature have been indicted or resigned in disgrace over the past five years. “Albany for a long time has had a culture of self-interest, where private gains are woven in with public policy,” says Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause in New York.

  Clusters of corruption and even convictions are not unique to New York. Silver was one of four state House Speakers to face indictment over the past year (Alabama, Rhode Island and South Carolina are home to the others). In Massachusetts, three Speakers prior to current incumbent Robert DeLeo all resigned and pleaded guilty to criminal charges. When Dan Walker died last week, it was hard for obituary writers not to note that he was one of four Illinois governors over the past five decades who ended up in prison. “While I’m a proud New Yorker and want my state to be ahead in everything, I’m not sure we’re ahead on corruption,” says Daniel Richman, a former federal prosecutor who teaches law at Columbia University.

  Richman is kidding, but he makes a serious point. Give any U.S. attorney a year and 10 FBI agents and he or she can probably come back from the state capital with a passel of indictments. Having said all that, however, the waters in Albany have long been heavily stocked with potentially big fish. Remember in the movie Lincoln, when the president decides he has to resort to low dealings to get the anti-slavery amendment through Congress? The characters he relies on to do the trick come from Albany.”


Politico has the details












With White-Knuckle Grip, February’s Cold Clings To New York





” As it limps away, February will not be missed. With the average temperature for the month lingering around 24 degrees, some 11 degrees shy of normal by the National Weather Service’s calculation, this insult of a month looks as though it will clock in as the coldest recorded February in New York City since 1934. That is 81 years of weather. That is all the way back to the Depression, when there were so many more dire things to worry about than whether 7-Eleven had salt or whose turn it was to walk the dog.

  That year, February averaged 19.9 degrees and included the lowest daily reading ever registered for New York: On Feb. 9 the mercury sank to a ridiculous 15 degrees below zero. “


Read more at The New York Times













The 15 Most Expensive Places To Live In America






” After paying your rent or mortgage, transportation, utilities, and any other bills, how much do you have left at the end of the month? The answer probably depends largely on where you live.

  FindTheBest created a cost of living index based on 2013 family budget estimates for housing, taxes, healthcare, childcare, transportation, and “other necessities” (like food) from the Economic Policy Institute to compare, in over 600 counties and metro areas across the US, where your dollar goes the farthest.

  The average overall index for US cities and metro areas is 100, so a city with an index of 120 is 20% more expensive than average, and a city with an index of 80 is 20% cheaper than average.”



   Welcome to the wonderful northeast , land of high taxes , stifling regulation and home to ten of the fifteen most expensive places to live in America , including four out of the top five  , and the “winner” of the title of most expensive place to live in the US is … drum roll please …



” 1. Nassau-Suffolk Counties, New York

Nassau-Suffolk index: 155

State index: 120

  Nassau and Suffolk Counties, on Long Island, aren’t the highest in the country in terms of housing, taxes, or healthcare, but they’re up there in each category, and that’s enough to make the area the most expensive place to live in America. Also a major New York City commuting hub, it’s known for high property taxes and pricey real estate, especially in Nassau County. Suffolk is home to the Hamptons, a popular summer spot for the wealthy and the famous.”



   See about your area at Business Insider . Something to consider as you peruse the map above; which states/areas are producing jobs ? With the exception of the DC area which is awash in record tax receipts , the most expensive areas are also the ones struggling to produce enough growth to meet the local population’s demands . 













New Rochelle Police Officer Holds Teens At Gunpoint Over A Snowball Fight






” In a video uploaded by New Rochelle’s Talk of the Sound, a New York police officer can be seen holding several teens at gunpoint after being called out for a disturbance which turned out to be a snowball fight earlier this week.

  In the video, the officer can be seen pointing his weapon at the kneeling teens, telling them “Don’t f*cking move, guys,” as he approaches them while speaking into his shoulder-mounted radio mic.

  As the officer frisks a teen with one hand, while pointing his gun with the other, the young woman filming the encounter on her cell phone explains what led up to the incident.”



   If the reader follows the link to the Talk Of The Sound article they will find numerous updates including one that maintains that the officer in question was really answering a call regarding “a young man with a gun” and that the video has been taken entirely out of context .

Story continues













New York, Northeast Lead Nation In ‘Outmigration






” New York State and the Northeast region led the nation in domestic net “outmigration” in the period from July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2014 , according to newly released data from the Census Bureau. During the same period, Texas and the South led the nation in domestic net “immigration.”

  Domestic net outmigration is the number of residents who move out of a state or region to another part of the country minus the number of residents who move in from another part of the country. It does not include international migration—n.b. people who move into a state or region from outside the United States, or from a state or region to outside the United States.”



   This video dates from 2011 and demonstrates that the flight from NY has been ongoing for decades , which gives you an idea of how long the state has been so poorly managed …







” A state or region has domestic net immigration when the number of people moving in from another part of the country exceeds the number moving out.

  From July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2014, 30 states had a domestic net outmigration and 20 states plus the District of Columbia had a domestic net immigration.”



Here are the top ten states that people are fleeing:


” 1-New York (-153,921)

2-Illinois (-94,956)

3-New Jersey (-55,469)

4-California (-32,090)

5-Pennsylvania (-31,448)

6-Michigan (-28,679)

7-Connecticut (-26,216)

8-Virginia (-20,400)

9-Ohio (-18,243)

10-Massachusetts (-16,354) “




CNS News has more details



Here is some further reading on the “Exodus” state:


Going Going Gone: Why are People Leaving NY?

People leaving New York State

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State

The “Exodus States:” People leaving New York

The States People Are Fleeing In 2013

Movers Study: People Leaving NY, NJ En Masse

Why Are People Leaving New York?

New Yorkers leaving state










New Yorkers Told To Stay Home As 2 Feet Of Snow Forecast


Another %22Storm Of The Century%22




” New York officials told residents to stay at home as a blizzard forecasters call “life-threatening” may dump as much as two feet of snow from New York to Boston.

  Northern New Jersey, New York City, Long Island and large parts of southern New England to Boston may receive as much as 24 inches (60 centimeters) of snow, the National Weather Service said in its latest advisory. The storm has already caused more than 1,800 flight cancellations and will likely block road and rail traffic, close schools and knock out power across the U.S. Northeast.

  Snow may fall so hard and fast that commuter rail, buses and subways could shut down before workers leave for home on Monday afternoon, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said yesterday in an e-mailed statement. A blizzard warning has been posted from New Jersey to Maine’s border with Canada. “


Bloomberg News












State Police Eye Early Pistol-Permit Registration




” State Police are planning a pilot program to start getting pistol-permit holders to re-certify their weapons as part of the state’s controversial SAFE Act.

  New York’s gun-control law adopted in January 2013 requires pistol-permit holders to re-certify their weapons every five years starting in 2018.

  But with about 2 million pistol-permit holders in New York, State Police appear to be starting the process early through a pilot program in the Albany area that could slowly expand to other parts of the state, county clerks and sheriffs said.

  The pilot program in Albany, Schenectady and Fulton counties could start as early as next month. State Police, according to local officials, are expected to start by sending out letters to 500 gun owners in each county asking them to voluntarily re-certify their guns now instead of 2018.

” They are trying to break up the workload,” said Wayne County Clerk Michael Jankowski, who wrote a memo to fellow clerks last month after State Police presented preliminary plans at a clerks’ meeting last fall.

  But the scope and the process for the early re-certification is unclear. State Police would offer no specifics.”


Read the rest … forewarned is forearmed












NY SAFE Act Reform On The Table







” Two years after the state adopted among the toughest gun-control measures in the nation, some Republican state lawmakers are seeking reforms to the controversial law.

  Republicans senators in recent days have introduced bills that would either repeal the so-called SAFE Act or modify it, such as allowing homeowners to have 10 bullets, instead of seven, in a handgun at home.

  Critics said the law was hastily passed in the middle of the night in January 2013 and needs to be revisited. For example, a federal judge has ruled the seven-bullet limit as unconstitutional, and police aren’t enforcing it. The law is also being fought in court.

  Gov. Andrew Cuomo championed the law in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting in 2012, and he’s shown no interest in major changes. Some Democrats said they want to make the law stronger, while gun-rights advocates held numerous protests calling for its repeal.

  Republicans, who took a majority in the state Senate this month, said they would press for changes.

” I think the time is right for, if not outright repeal, then certainly modifications to the SAFE Act, and I’m hopeful we are going to see some movement on it in the new session,” said Sen. Phil Boyle, R-Suffolk County, who is sponsoring the “Defend Our Homes Act.”

  Since the law took effect in March 2013, there were 3,930 arrests as of mid-December under the various SAFE Act offenses, state records obtained by Gannett’s Albany Bureau showed.

  The overwhelmingly majority of the arrests — 3,230 — were in New York City, mainly in the Bronx and Brooklyn. Outside the city, the most were on Long Island and then Monroe County, where there were 69 arrests, records shows.

  There were 53 arrests under the SAFE Act in Erie County, 34 in Westchester County and 14 in Broome County.

  The most — 3,173 — were for criminal possession of a firearm, which was made a felony under the law. Of the total arrests, 2,409 were in 2014.”




    We won’t hold our breath over this one . In reality is changing the allowable pistol magazine capacity from 7 rounds to 10 any kind of significant reform ? We don’t think so especially since a Federal court has already ruled that provision of the law is unconstitutional .

   The only legitimate “reform” to the SAFE Act is outright repeal given that the law was another example of a Democratic majority pulling the wool over their constituents eyes with a rushed , dead of the night vote , shades of Obamacare

Read the rest and decide for yourself …












Federal Prosecutors Accuse Two Delta Employees Of Gun Trafficking





” Federal prosecutors accused a Delta Air Lines Inc. baggage handler and a former employee of the carrier of ferrying guns aboard a passenger flight as part of a larger gun-trafficking operation between Atlanta and New York.

  The accused employee, Eugene Harvey of Atlanta, was arrested without incident on Saturday and made an initial appearance in front of a U.S. Magistrate Judge in Atlanta on Monday, said Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Stephen Emmett. Mr. Harvey’s alleged accomplice, Mark Quentin Henry, was arrested earlier this month.

  Mr. Henry told investigators that he had traveled on a Delta flight on Dec. 10 from Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to New York’s Kennedy Airport carrying 18 handguns, seven of which were loaded, in his carry-on backpack, according to a criminal complaint filed on Friday in U.S. District Court in Atlanta against Mr. Harvey. The complaint alleges Mr. Henry was assisted by Mr. Harvey, who worked inside a secure baggage transfer room at Hartsfield-Jackson and had a special badge and a unique access code to gain entry to the area.

An FBI affidavit in support of Mr. Harvey’s arrest warrant alleged that Mr. Henry, who it said is a convicted felon, supplied 129 handguns of various makes and models, and two assault rifles, to another co-conspirator, who sold them to a New York undercover agent. This activity allegedly occurred from May 1 through Dec. 10, according to an investigation led by the New York Police Department described in the complaint. “


Wall Street Journal










Ramapo Rape Suspect Shooting Case Gets New Grand Jury





” Westchester prosecutors will not appeal a judge’s dismissal of charges against David Carlson in the Orange County shooting death of Norris Acosta-Sanchez, a fugitive who was wanted on a statutory rape charge in Ramapo.

  Instead, they will present the case to a new grand jury, a spokesman for the Westchester District Attorney’s Office said Wednesday.

  The indictment was dismissed earlier this month by Judge Robert Freehill, who ruled that an Orange County prosecutor had compromised the integrity of the grand jury presentation by withholding Carlson’s statements about feeling threatened by Acosta-Sanchez’s aggressive movements.

  Carlson shot Acosta-Sanchez in the arm and head with a shotgun on Oct. 11, 2013, while walking him away from his Sparrowbush home. Carlson claims he fired when Acosta-Sanchez lunged at him. “


This is the type of “legal” maneuver one can expect in anti-gun New York …


” After pretrial hearings in August, Ostrer argued that the Orange County prosecutor should have shown the grand jury video of Carlson’s statements. Instead, a state trooper was allowed to recount what Carlson told him and denied Carlson ever claimed the fugitive had lunged at him — even though it was mentioned in the video. “



Read more of the Westchester County DA’s attempt to railroad David Carlson here










Drone Captures Scope Of Massive Snowfall In Otherwise Unreachable Great Lakes Area




” With two days having passed since the heaviest lake-effect snow buried parts of western New York, numerous communities remain under a state of emergency, with residents confined to their homes in the wake of several travel bans.

  Snowbound James Grimaldi, however, of West Seneca, New York, used his drone to capture the aerial views of his neighborhood, revealing snow-covered roofs and eerily quiet roadways.

  West Seneca received 61.5 inches of snow from late Tuesday night into Friday but was far from the hardest-hit area.

” The areas that got hit the hardest were farther away from the lake than West Seneca and had lower temperatures,” AccuWeather.com Expert Meteorologist Brett Anderson said.

” In West Seneca, the air was warmer and the snow was heavier and wetter, so it compacted more than fluffy snow would have,” he said.

  In Lancaster, New York, more than 74 inches fell, making it difficult for plows and shoveling efforts to keep up with the demand.”


Thanks to AccuWeather










Elise Stefanik Becomes Youngest Woman Ever Elected To Congress







” Thirty-year-old Republican Elise Stefanik just became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. The Associated Press reports that Stefanik defeated Democrat Aaron Woolf, securing the House seat vacated by Democrat Bill Owens in New York’s 21st congressional district.

  Stefanik had been rising in the polls after having spent months hitting the pavement, holding rallies and going door-to-door in what is geographically one of the largest districts east of the Mississippi.

  As a “millennial” herself who won the GOP nomination at the tender age of 29 years old, Stefanik reaped the benefits of a year in which young voters who were expected to turn out at the polling places suggested a lean toward Republicans. She said she sees her youthful persona as boon and expects to use it to her advantage in the halls of Congress.”


CBS News










Republican Lee Zeldin Unseats Congressman Tim Bishop




” New York State Sen. Lee Zeldin (R-Shirley) unseated six-term U.S. Rep. Tim Bishop (D-Southampton), sending the Albany lawmaker to Washington, D.C., where he’ll join the increased GOP majority in the House of Representatives.

  Zeldin, 34, beat Bishop, 64, by a margin of 54 percent to 45 percent with the majority of election districts reporting in the First Congressional District, which covers the East End and part of Brookhaven town, according to unofficial results from the Suffolk County Board of Elections.

  Bishop, a former Southampton College provost, was also running on the Working Families and Independence party lines. Zeldin, an Iraq War veteran, additionally had the Conservative Party endorsement. The race was a rematch from four years ago, when Zeldin lost to Bishop, whose last re-election was the longest-running congressional recount in the nation. “


Long Island Press










Voter Outrage In Suffolk County




This morning I was denied the right to vote .

   Let me explain . When I showed up at my polling place at 6am this morning and walked over to my election district table to pick up my ballot imagine my surprise when the election official informed me that not only was my name not in the rolls but the book with the voter registration names in it that we have to sign into , without any ID mind you , was missing pages 1 through 10 and 12 through 60 . 

    I live in a smallish town in Suffolk county but even so those nearly sixty missing pages account for approximately 600 voters who have been disenfranchised . To be fair I was offered two alternatives: casting an “affidavit ballot” , which I initially chose , or returning to the polls some hours from now when a “new book” could be delivered from the county seat an hour and a half’s drive away .

    Unbeknownst to me when I accepted the “affidavit ballot” , I was given a special envelope that required me to fill out all manner of personal information including “party affiliation” . My conditional ballot would then be sealed into this envelope and allegedly transported to the county seat and be counted at the end of the day with all of those who were allowed to vote in the usual way . 

   After starting to cast my ballot and being given the envelope  , I refused to fill out said envelope which would have denied me my anonymity as the election officials opening my envelope would have been able to associate my votes with a name thus denying me the confidentiality afforded to all of the voters who’s names were in the registration book . 

   I for one am lucky enough that I can return later in the day to try again .  After driving away it came to me that since they have already recorded my name in the book as having cast an “affidavit ballot” are they going to be competent enough to record the fact that I refused to turn in my ballot and erase the botched transaction ? 

   This is an outrage that only lends credence to the notion that our government is too incompetent to be trusted with anything of importance and one has to wonder how many of these +/- 600 voters will even be able to make a second trip to the polls . This is Andrew Cuomo’s New York folks .



   Good luck . To be continued … We’ll see if I am allowed to cast a real ballot when I return this afternoon after refusing to complete my “affidavit ballot”













New York Governor Destroyed In Soon-To-Be Viral Ad Featuring His Opponent’s Wife




” Sheila Astorino is a mother, school teacher and the wife of Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino who’s challenging New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Sheila is featured in a new ad that says what Cuomo is doing is “unforgiveable.” “

Young Conservatives

Watch New York Voters Laugh At A Female Democrat For Invoking The ‘War On Women’







” The “War on Women,” as a political message, has been relatively effective for Democratic candidates even in spite of its intellectual emptiness and its fabricated premises. But the attack on Republicans as hostile to women’s health issues have thus far been largely successful, in no small part due to a credulous and uncurious media which has repeated them uncritically. That has not been the case this cycle.

  Republicans deserve most of the credit for dismantling this baseless and cynical political attack; the most effective of which has been a stance adopted by candidates like Cory Gardner and Thom Tillis, among others, which advocates for increased access to contraception via over-the-counter methods. It is impossible to perpetuate the fiction that liberal groups like Planned Parenthood want more access to birth control when they oppose a plan to increase access to birth control.”


Read more at Hot Air











A 58-Foot-Long Fin Whale With Huge Bite Marks Has Washed Up On Long Island




” A whale washed ashore on Long Island on Thursday with bite marks “bigger than a Chihuahua,” Kim Durham of the Riverhead Foundation told Newsday.

  Gothamist reports that the 58-foot fin whale was discovered about 8 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 9, near the campgrounds at Smith County Park in Shirley, New York. For reference, that’s about 77 miles from New York City.”






” Durham said that the creature was missing most of its skin and was in an advanced state of decomposition. The bite marks indicated that “large sea animals, possibly a shark, had fed on the carcass post-mortem,” Durham added. The fin whale’s only natural predator, apart from humans, is the orca whale.”


Read more










Ramapo Rape Suspect’s Killer Wants Charges Tossed






” A murder indictment in last year’s killing of a Ramapo man suspected of rape might not have happened if an Orange County prosecutor had not pushed grand jurors to continue deliberating after their initial vote.

  The lawyer for David Carlson cites that as one example of what he alleges was the prosecutor’s misconduct in the grand jury presentation. He is asking the judge to dismiss the indictment.

” In this case, the presentation was infected with a desire to obtain an indictment,” lawyer Benjamin Ostrer wrote in court papers.

  Carlson had been scheduled to go on trial last month in the Oct. 11, 2013, fatal shooting of Norris Acosta-Sanchez near Carlson’s home in Sparrowbush. But the trial now awaits a ruling by Orange County Judge Robert Freehill on Ostrer’s dismissal motion.

  Ostrer suggested that the prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Kerry Kolek, coerced grand jurors into charging his client with murder. He also accused her of withholding tapes of Carlson’s statements from the grand jury, relying instead on police testimony that mischaracterized whether Carlson ever claimed to have shot Acosta-Sanchez because the fugitive lunged at him.”


Read more











New York Next To Pursue Gun Violence Restraining Order Legislation





” Only days after California’s precedent setting bill authorizing confiscatory gun seizures from those deemed a risk becoming law, the Empire State may be next to examine the concept.

  A new bill intended for the state Assembly, modeled after California’s AB1014, was debuted this week by a Manhattan Democrat. Like the West Coast law, the first of its kind in the nation, it would set up a framework to deny firearm possession to those believed to be dangerous.

“ So this is a bill that would permit family members or friends or medical professionals or law enforcement or really anyone who’s concerned that somebody having to access to guns poses a serious danger to go to a court and present evidence of that, and if the court were persuaded, they would be able to issue a temporary order preventing the person from acquiring or possessing guns,” Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh, author of the legislation, told WAMC this week.

  Kavanagh’s bill, as detailed in a release from his office, is intended to provide another tool in society’s toolbox to prevent gun violence. The avenue to implement the so-called gun violence restraining order would be the court system, who, upon being presented with a petition that contends an individual’s possession of guns in their current state could pose a general danger, could authorize an order to confiscate the firearms involved.”



Given the left-wing proclivities of the New York court system , one can only imagine the “preponderance of evidence” that will be needed to deprive a “suspected threat” of his/her rights to due process and the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” . This is yet another example of the rule of law being turned on it’s ear and all of us peons being guilty until we can prove otherwise . Read it and weep 

     We have entered the age of the “thought police” . Now we will be prosecuted/persecuted , like hate crimes , based on  perceptions and not on our actions … Land Of Liberty ? DOA …









Fox News Poll: Voters Reveal Which State They Want Kicked Out Of The Union





” There’s lots of talk about it. Last month, Scotland voted against it. In 2013, some residents in California, Colorado and Maryland signed petitions to do it. And Texas has toyed with the idea off and on for years. What is “it”? 


  But it’s a lot more talk than anything else, according to a Fox News national poll that asked voters if they would support their state splitting off from the United States. Just nine percent said they would. 

  The poll also gave people another option: What if you could boot other states out of the union? 

  Nearly twice as many — 17 percent — liked that idea.

  Which state would be the first voted out? California. Of the voters willing to ditch a state or two, 53 percent pick the Golden State. 

  Next out the door is New York (25 percent), followed by Texas (20 percent) and Florida (11 percent). Respondents were allowed to name multiple states they wanted out of the union.”


Read more










New York City Is America’s Unhappiest City: Study







” People living in the Big Apple are in rotten moods more often than people in other cities, according to a new study.

  New York City was ranked the least happy city in America when adjusted for income, according to a working study, titled “Unhappy Cities,” released by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

  The study leaned on a questionnaire that has been administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the last several years and asks respondents: “In general, how satisfied are you with your life?” “



Read more























Breaking News – Gun Confiscation Has Begun In NY!!! Must Watch!!





Published on Jul 9, 2014

” Gun confiscation has started in NY. This video highlights two cases out of NY state where guns are being confiscated under the NY SAFE Act. Here is a link to a video where Delaware county Sheriff Mills talks about how he refused to do one of the confiscations- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niES0… I know this is long, but please watch it in it’s entirety and share this video anywhere you can and tell your friends and neighbors and co workers about this. Gun confiscation is underway! Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe “


















New York Lawmakers Complain Alabama’s Remington Win Due In Part To ‘Gun-Friendly’ Political Climate



Remington Alabama





” Remington’s decision to move two gun production lines from New York to Huntsville is drawing sharp criticism from northern lawmakers who said their state’s stringent gun laws are costing jobs.

  The gun manufacturer announced Friday it would move production of its Bushmaster and R1 handgun lines to its new Alabama facility.

  The Bushmaster, a semiautomatic weapon, is no longer allowed to be sold in New York unless it is modified.
Alabama’s pro-2nd Amendment political climate is without a doubt an attractor to the Remington company.
Everyone knows in Alabama – we like our guns.

  It’s all well and good for our neighbors to the north to chide Alabamians and our lawmakers for what some characterize as a regressive, backwoods, homegrown approach to gun laws – but when it comes to losing jobs and growth to gun-toting southerners – that’s a different story altogether.

  While it most certainly will take some hefty renovations for the sprawling old Chrysler facility near Huntsville International Airport to accommodate Remington Outdoor Company, the business and political climates are already perfectly primed to welcome a major firearms manufacturer to move business here. Some New York leaders and lawmakers are sore over Huntsville’s recent acquisition. The local business community’s reaction to the recent squabblings? ‘New York – why are you surprised?’ “


Read more