Tag Archive: New Hampshire

Manchester Man, 95, Fends Off Would-Be Robber With Cane







” A 95-year-old World War II veteran used his cane to fight off a would-be robber in Manchester over the weekend.

  Arthur Kamberis said he has been in tough situations before, including climbing down a cargo net 70 years ago on his way to invade Okinawa, but he was still unnerved when he was accosted by a man Saturday morning.

” But damn it, if I’d have had my cellphone, we would have nailed that guy, because the police station is only one block down,” Kamberis said.

  Police said they always recommend surrendering goods during robberies because things can be replaced, but people can’t. Despite the attempted robbery, Kamberis said he has no plans to change his routine — with one exception.

” When I go out alone, my .357 Magnum will be with me all the time when I’m alone, because I cannot protect myself other than the cane,” he said.”















Lindsey Graham: As President I Would Deploy The Military Against Congress





” Republican senator and presidential maybe-hopeful Lindsey Graham stopped by the “politics and pies” forum in Concord, New Hampshire, today, where he announced that if he is elected president in 2016, his first act will be to deploy the military in Washington to force Congress to reverse cuts to the defense and intelligence budgets.

  Yes, you heard that right. Here are Graham’s exact words:

  And here’s the first thing I would do if I were president of the United States. I wouldn’t let Congress leave town until we fix this. I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to. We’re not leaving town until we restore these defense cuts. We are not leaving town until we restore the intel cuts.

  Graham would use the military to force members of Congress to not just vote on the bill — but to pass it. Graham didn’t say “until I get an up-or-down vote on restoring defense cuts.” He said “until we restore these defense cuts.”  

  In other words, Graham is proposing that his first act as president would be to use the military to force the legislative branch to pass his agenda.”



   The only bright spot in Graham’s admission of his Statist proclivities is the fact that there will never be a Graham administration but that shouldn’t stop the republicans of South Carolina from attempting a recall if state law provides  , or at the very least primarying him out of office next election cycle … What an embarrassment … Vox has the whole story












Girl Scouts Open Cookie Drive-Thru





” It is a dream come true for Girl Scout cookie lovers.

  Troop 12115 in Salem plans to host a special fundraiser Sunday to help reach their cookie selling goal for the year. The girls will set up a Girl Scout cookie drive-thru at the Garabedian Properties located at 179 Main St. People looking to get a sweet fix can drive up, select their favorite cookie flavor and drive away satisfied.

  Troop leaders said the cookie program not only provides customers with delicious cookies, it also teaches girls about money management, business ethics and people skills. Troop 12115 in Salem would like to sell 5,000 boxes of cookies. So far, they have sold over 1,200 boxes.”


Thanks to WMUR-TV













12 Injured In 35-Car Pileup On I-93 In New Hampshire






” A 35-car pileup on snowy Interstate 93 in New Hampshire on Friday morning left a tractor-trailer in flames, crumpled cars strewn along the roadway and 12 people injured, as snow squalls and ice made driving treacherous.

  The crash was reported around 10 a.m. on I-93 North in Ashland, according to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. New Hampshire State Police Lt. Jerome Maslan said 35 vehicles were involved in two separate pileups, after initial reports that 50 to 100 cars might have been involved.

  One of the crashes involved a tractor-trailer that caught fire after a vehicle went underneath it. Aerial footage of the crashes showed boxes strewn about and crumpled cars.”

NECN has more

New Hampshire Ballot Access Challenge Continues




” A federal judge has ruled that the Libertarian Party can proceed with its challenge to a New Hampshire law it claims could prevent its candidates from getting on the ballot.

  A third party can have its nominees placed on the New Hampshire general election ballot by winning at least 4 percent of the vote for either governor or U.S. senator in the most recent election or by collecting signatures equal to 3 percent of the total votes cast during the prior election. Under a law that took effect in July, parties can’t begin gathering those signatures until Jan. 1 of the election year.

  The state argues that the change ensures that signatures on nomination papers are valid, but the Libertarian Party sued, arguing that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the party to petition its way onto the ballot.

  The state asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit, but U.S. District Court Judge Paul Barbadoro refused. In a ruling this week, he noted that the right to vote must be balanced against the state’s interest in conducting orderly elections, but said whether or not the new restrictions are reasonable depends on factors that have yet to be explored.

” The state offers a number of arguments in favor of dismissal, but none are persuasive,” he wrote.”

Read more

Report: 71 Percent Of NH Job Growth Since 2000 Has Gone To Immigrants Over Americans





” A whopping 71% of new jobs in New Hampshire since 2000 have gone to foreign immigrant workers—both those who are here illegally and legally—a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) found.

“ Job growth in New Hampshire has not been very strong,” Steven Camarota, CIS’s research director and the report’s co-author, said in a statement accompanying its release. “The situation for natives without a college education has been particular bad. Thus, it is surprising that many of New Hampshire’s politicians supported the Gang of Eight bill, which would give work authorization to illegal immigrants and dramatically increase the number of foreign workers allowed into the country in the future.”

  One particular politician in the state who supported the “Gang of Eight” bill, which would have hurt even more New Hampshire jobs than current immigration policy does, is incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). Shaheen voted for the immigration bill and regularly defends it on the campaign trail, despite the fact that the data that CIS found shows New Hampshire’s citizens are struggling, and illegal and legal immigrants are taking many of the state’s new jobs.”













GHOST: An Anti-Terrorism Vessel Built To Outperform Stealth Aircraft








” Like all branches of the military, the U.S. Navy is undergoing revolutionary change, where time-tested military tactics and cutting-edge technological advances can potentially meet formidable challenges. One of the greatest threats on the high seas is low-tech vessel attacks with conventional explosives; for example, the October 12, 2000 attack on the USS Cole that killed 17 sailors and wounded 39 others.”






” That horrific event alerted America’s military to the clear and present danger of those tactics being used again against our Navy and other military branches. It also underscored the need for new solutions. One innovative company is stirring great excitement among a variety of naval leaders. Juliet Marine Systems, a maritime technology company headquartered in Portsmouth, NH, takes historically proven systems, combines them with new technologies and comes up with breakthrough solutions to existing needs.”






” With regard to the ongoing threat of terrorist attacks against America’s naval and coalition ships, the company has developed a first-of-its kind anti-terrorism vessel called GHOST. It is a combination of stealth fighter aircraft and attack helicopter technologies packaged in a marine platform. The unique capabilities of GHOST are designed to provide a marine surface and subsurface platform for tracking and identification of multiple targets. Systems for integrating onboard weapons will be designed to be capable of multi-target firing solutions while GHOSToperates at very high speed. These weapons integration systems will also allow for attacking several targets simultaneously with a variety of weapons systems options. Already GHOSTvessels have the ability to create a protective fleet perimeter, while providing sensor and weapons platforms to deny surface or subsurface intrusions.”






Some specs from the manufacturer:  





  • Very High Speed Surface Craft
  • Manned and Unmanned Surface Craft
  • Manned and Unmanned Subsurface Craft
  • ROVs
  • UUVs



  • Force Protection
  • Special Operations Support
  • Anti-submarine Warfare, (ASW)
  • Mine Warfare, (MIW)
  • Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, (ISR)


Additional Applications

  • High Speed Maritime Ferry/Taxi
  • Offshore Oil Rig Supply Vessel
  • Pleasure Craft



Read more












Zac Brown Band






” #IceBucketChallenge accepted! This one’s for you Hunter Hayes and Vineyard Vines. We now challenge Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers,Foo Fighters, Bob Lefsetz and #GarthBrooks. Join us to #StrikeOutALS! You have 24 hours. “











Swansea Motorcyclist Arrested In NH For Allegedly Going More Than 130 MPH




” New Hampshire State Police have accused a motorcyclist of traveling over 130 mph in a 70 mph speed zone on Interstate 93.

  State police aircraft clocked the speed at 134 mph in the southbound lane in Canterbury at about 11 a.m. Monday and saw that it traveled in the breakdown lane and cut between lanes of traffic, passing vehicles. At times, the aircraft tracked the vehicle doing between 150 and 180 mph.

  Police said the motorcycle pulled in behind a business on North Main Street in Concord, and troopers responded. They charged 31-year-old Daniel Thibeault of Swansea, Mass., with reckless conduct, disobeying an officer and driving after suspension. He’s scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday. It was not immediately known if he had a lawyer.”


    While charged with doing “only” 134 mph , the aerial patrol plane estimated that Mr Thibeault actually hit speeds of between 150 and 180 mph .




CBS Boston










Woman Charged With Wiretapping For Filming Cops Wins $57,000 Payout







” A local New Hampshire police department agreed Thursday to pay a woman who was arrested and charged with wiretapping $57,000 to settle her civil rights lawsuit. The deal comes a week after a federal appeals court ruled that the public has a “First Amendment” right to film cops.

  The plaintiff in the case, Carla Gericke, was arrested on wiretapping allegations in 2010 for filming her friend being pulled over by the Weare Police Department during a late-night traffic stop. Although Gericke was never brought to trial, she sued, alleging that her arrest constituted retaliatory prosecution in breach of her constitutional rights. The department, without admitting wrongdoing, settled Thursday in a move that the woman’s attorney speculated would deter future police “retaliation.” 

” Unfortunately, sometimes, the only thing that changes entrenched behaviors is if it becomes too costly to continue those behaviors,” attorney Seth Hipple said. “This settlement helps to make it clear that government agencies that choose to retaliate against videographers will pay for their retaliation in dollars and cents. We are confident that this settlement will help to make arrests of videographers a thing of the past.” “

  The First US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled (PDF) in Gericke’s case last week that she was “exercising a clearly established First Amendment right when she attempted to film the traffic stop in the absence of a police order to stop filming or leave the area.”




Read more on this big win for citizen’s rights











Federal Appeals Court Reaffirms Right To Videorecord, Including At Traffic Stops







” From the First Circuit’s decision Friday in Gericke v. Begin (1st Cir. May 24, 2014):

  This case raises an important question about an individual’s First Amendment right to film a traffic stop by a police officer. Carla Gericke attempted to film Sergeant Joseph Kelley as he was conducting a late-night traffic stop. Shortly thereafter, she was arrested and charged with several crimes, including a violation of New Hampshire’s wiretapping statute. Gericke was not brought to trial. She subsequently sued the Town of Weare, its police department, and the officers who arrested and charged her, alleging in pertinent part that the wiretapping charge constituted retaliatory prosecution in violation of her First Amendment rights….

  Based on Gericke’s version of the facts, we conclude that she was exercising a clearly established First Amendment right when she attempted to film the traffic stop in the absence of a police order to stop filming or leave the area…. “


Read more from Eugene Volokh at the Washington Post










Wolfeboro Inundated With Calls For Police Commissioner To Resign Over Use Of N-Word








” The Wolfeboro Police Department’s dispatchers and the town manager’s office have fielded hundreds of phone calls and emails from as far as Alaska and Canada, reacting to reports of a police commissioner’s racist comment overheard in a restaurant.

  Many of those callers, according to Wolfeboro officials, do not understand that the police commission is a separate, elected board and not made up of sworn police officers.

  To clarify any murkiness, Wolfeboro Police Chief Stuart Chase held a press conference Friday afternoon, the day after hundreds of people turned out to protest Commissioner Bob Copeland’s racial slur brought to light by local resident Jane O’Toole, who complained to town officials.

  Copeland was overhead at a restaurant and has acknowledged calling President Obama a “f…… n…..”, but has refused to apologize or resign.”



    What has happened to our rights to free speech in this country ? However offensive people may find Copeland’s or Sterling’s or anyone else’s for that matter it is no one else’s business . 

A couple quotes from men and women wiser than us illustrate the point most succinctly …

Benjamin Franklin:

” In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”


Evelyn Beatrice Hall:

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”



   This quote from one of the Left’s guiding lights is most descriptive of our ongoing trend to punish those views with which people disagree …



Noam Chomsky:

“Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.”



   It’s worth remembering that nowhere in the Constitution is there granted or enumerated a right to “not be offended” . Read the rest and cringe . However “offensive ” an individual’s comments may be , if they are not protected as free speech then what exactly is the 1st Amendment for ?







Explosion Rocks Home After Officer Shot In Brentwood






” A house in Brentwood exploded and was consumed by fire shortly after a massive police response triggered by an officer being shot.

  Dozens of police officers and state troopers responded to the scene of an officer-involved shooting in Brentwood Monday afternoon.

  A large number of police from multiple agencies responded to the home about 4:45 p.m. after a report of an officer-involved shooting. The condition of the officer was not released.

  SWAT teams were in the area of 46 Mill Pond Road as a fire began on the second floor of the duplex. About 5:50 p.m., a massive explosion rocked the house and blew out a large part of the roof. The fire quickly spread throughout the home.

  Shortly before the explosion, media crews and others nearby were told to get back out of concerns that the might be in the line of fire. An officer was heard saying there may be a person with a long firearm in the house.”


WMUR has more


Update: Brentwood Police Officer Steven Arkell has died from his wounds.








Daughter Of William Baer Speaks After her Father Is Arrested At Gilford, NH School Board Meeting






” Marina Baer is the daughter of Dr. William Baer.  William Baer was arrested and removed from the Gilford, NH school board meeting for violating a 2 minute speaking rule.  Dr. Baer refused to yield the floor until he was finished so the school board had him arrested and removed by the duty officer.  His daughter, Marina, the 9th grader who revealed the sexually explicit material she found in a book she was assigned to read at a Gilford Public School, stepped up to speak after her father was removed.”

Thanks to Granite Grok .Video of Marina’s father’s arrest can be seen here along with the back story .








DEA Raids Phat Stuff, Steals All Smoking Implements







Reports in national media claim the DEA has raided synthetic drug suppliers in 25 states, but Keene’s Phat Stuff hasn’t sold synthetic drugs since mid-2013. According to the sealed warrant, which you can see here, the agents were taking all smoking devices, as well as sales records from 2011-today.

  The approximately dozen agents spent five hours boxing up thousands of dollars in various pipes, water pipes, hookahs, and accessories. After 4pm, they loaded it all in the back of a U-Haul and took off with the loot at approximately 4:20pm.

  During the raid, one agent stood out back smoking a cigarette. I asked him if he found it ironic that he’s smoking a cigarette while he and his fellow thieves are stealing tobacco-smoking devices from the store.

  At least two agents had balaclavas on outside the store, but not inside. The cowardly man exiting the heist vehicle in the picture on the right, a U-Haul truck, will be seen in the videos without his mask on. Stay tuned for that! “

More at Free Keene












New Hampshire Court Upholds COPSLIE Vanity Plate








” New Hampshire’s highest court ruled Wednesday that the state violated the free speech rights of a man who wanted “COPSLIE” on his license plate.

  In a unanimous decision, the state Supreme Court agreed with the arguments of David Montenegro, who wanted the plate to protest what he calls government corruption.

  State law prohibits vanity plates that “a reasonable person would find offensive to good taste.” But the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union argued that the law is unconstitutionally vague and gives too much discretion to a person behind a Department of Motor Vehicles counter.

  New Hampshire had argued that state workers were right to deny the plate, because the phrase disparages an entire class of people — police officers.”


Story continues












Libertarians Trail Meter Readers, Telling Town: Live Free Or Else






” In most places, the parking enforcement officer reflects the municipal compact. Armed only with a gadget that can spit out a ticket at the forgotten drop of a dime, the officer quietly serves civic and commercial life by ensuring that meters are fed.

  In most places, yes. But not here in charming Keene, where parking officers figure in a philosophical tug of war between a small band of activists who live by the motto “Free Keene,” and the great majority of residents who were unaware that their city was in bondage.”







  Keene’s two parking officers, both women, are often videotaped by young adults known as “Robin Hooders.” They track the whereabouts of the officers by two-way radio, feed expired meters before $5 tickets can be written, and leave a business card saying that “we saved you from the king’s tariff.”

  Welcome to Sherwood Forest, N.H., where these acts of charity have led to some donations and gratitude, but also to sidewalk tensions, harassment allegations and litigation. They are part of a broader effort by about two-dozen activists, most of them from someplace else, to unshackle Keene from the “violent monopoly” of government and its enforcers, including these parking officers who work in weather fair and foul.”




   Meet the Robin Hoods Of Keene in the New York Times and visit their Facebook page to give them a Like as they do battle with the State in an effort to keep New Hampshire free .











Exclusive: Father Arrested For Speaking Out Against Sexually Explicit Book As Required Reading (Graphic Content)

” A father of a high school student was arrested at a school board meeting Monday night after protesting the school’s sexually explicit required reading assigned to his 9th grade daughter at Gilford High School.

  The book in question, ”Nineteen Minutes” by author Jodi Picoult, is about a school shooting taking place in a fictitious New Hampshire town, and it contains themes of student violence, bullying, and sexual aggression. There is one particularly provocative and graphic depiction of violent, drunken sex between two teens in the story on page 313. Click here to read the passage (warning: graphic language and explicit sexual content).”




Below is a full video of the arrest showing all that WMUR failed to cover from Free Keene .







” William Baer came to the meeting to voice his opposition to the school’s failure to send home notification alerting parents of the graphic content. “I’m outraged that Gilford High School would require my daughter to read this kind of material,” Baer told the Laconia Daily Sun.”

Ben Swann has more














Store Surveillance Footage Shows Ghostly Activity



Ghostly Prescence NH Store




” A New Hampshire store owner is starting to believe in the supernatural after she had a ghostly encounter in her store that was all caught on tape!

  The surveillance video from the Ellacoya Country Store in Gilford NH shows a glass tray thrown from the table after the employees leave the store.

  After the tray crashed, a store employee, Heidi Boyde, runs back into the room to investigate and found the glass shattered all over the floor.”

Read more here and see the unedited raw video here







Brought To You By The Free State Project



Free State Project



” Among the many advantages of moving to New Hampshire, these 101 reasons are at the top. If you know of a good reason that should be added, let us know.


Sales Tax

New Hampshire has no general sales tax.

Income Tax

New Hampshire has no general personal income tax. Dividends and interest are taxed at only 5%.

Source: Bankrate
Eminent Domain

New Hampshire state law prohibits the use of eminent domain for private use or private development.

Source: USA Today
Gun Laws

New Hampshire offers some of the least restrictive gun laws in the nation: no license is required to open carry and a concealed carry license is available on a shall-issue basis.

Seat Belt Laws

New Hampshire is the only state that does not have a mandatory seat belt law for adults.

Right to Revolution

New Hampshire’s constitution is one of only four state constitutions that expressly protect citizens’ right to revolution (Section 1, Article 10).

Image: Some rights reserved by James Walsh

SHOCK VIDEO: Police Smile As They Slam Half-Naked Inmate’s Head Against A Wall




” An old police station surveillance video surfaced on Monday, leading to an investigation of three Seabrook, New Hampshire police officers who are shown gleefully bashing an inmate’s head against a wall.

  The timestamp on the video states that the incident transpired on November 11, 2009. On camera, three officers dragged a young-looking, shirtless inmate down a corridor. Without warning, one of the officers forcefully slams the young man’s head against the wall. Afterward, he can barely walk, and falls down. The officers leave him on the floor for a few minutes, smiling all the while.”









Why Does The Environmental Protection Agency Need Its Own SWAT Team?


” Nestled in the tranquil Connecticut River watershed of southwest New Hampshire, the city of Keene has largely avoided the violent unrest common to many other urban areas. With a population of only 23,409 people, Keene’s violent crime index is about half the national average.

  Despite the calm, however, local authorities didn’t think twice about requesting a BearCat armored counterattack vehicle from the Department of Homeland Security.

“ Our application talked about the danger of domestic terrorism, but that’s just something you put in the grant application to get the money,” said a Keene City Council member. “What red-blooded American cop isn’t going to be excited about getting a toy like this?



And if they have it , what “red-blooded American cop” isn’t going to get excited about USING it ?



” While the possession of an armored vehicle by such a peaceful city may seem strange, the militarization of the Keene police force isn’t an isolated case. Over the past decade, thousands of local police departments nationwide have been amassing stockpiles of military-grade equipment in the name of homeland security. Local police now have the sort of equipment soldiers use to fight wars.”



   This hard hitting article should be read by all that have an abiding love of liberty and civil rights . This is the type of wisdom to be found as one reads deeper into the article …



” Why the Founders Didn’t Create a Federal Police Force

  America’s founders were deeply wary of standing armies in peacetime. They could have given the federal government a well-armed federal police agency to “contain and reverse violent threats to domestic tranquility”—but they deliberately didn’t. Instead, they limited the power of the government, the federal government in particular. They wanted to reduce threats to individual liberty.

  The founders realized the danger posed to the American people by police forces that think and act like they are at war. Above all else, the Constitution’s framers believed that government power should be decentralized so that no one person or branch of government could emerge as a force of tyranny. As James Madison said at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive, will not long be safe companions to liberty.” “



   Please . Read the whole piece and pass it on . This paragraph gives the reader a chilling example of the mindset existent in today’s police hierarchy and this from the “Live Free Or Die” state …



” In the summer of 2013, a police chief in Concord, New Hampshire, asked Homeland Security for more than $250,000 to purchase an armored vehicle that he could use to protect the city from the Occupy New Hampshire movement and the Free State Project, a civil libertarian group. “The State of New Hampshire’s experience with terrorism slants primarily toward the domestic type,” he said in his filing. “We are fortunate that our state has not been victimized from a mass casualty event from an international terrorism strike; however, on the domestic front, the threat is real and here. Groups such as the Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire are active and present daily challenges.”



    We’ll leave you with this final example from the article to mull over and consider if the reader believes this country is being turned into a Statist haven or not .



” Racing Toward a National Catastrophe

  Discarding the laws of the land has become a theme of the current administration. If constitutional separations between federal and local law no longer apply, then the only law that does apply is the law of the jungle. If a federalized police force has more firepower than local police or private citizens, then might makes right.

  If federal agents want to swoop in and confiscate a company’s financial statements, then the executive branch of government “can do what they want, when they want, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” If a city mayor wants an MRAP to stop protests by civil libertarians, then you better hope he wakes up in a benevolent mood, because that’s the only remaining guarantee of public safety.

  Here is what Judge Andrew Napolitano wrote in the Washington Times: “Mr. Obama has argued that he can kill Americans whose deaths he believes will keep us all safer, without any due process whatsoever. No law authorizes that. His attorney general has argued that the president’s careful consideration of each target and the narrow use of deadly force are an adequate and constitutional substitute for due process. No court has ever approved that” (Feb. 7, 2013).”



    It’s all being done in the name of “public safety” but who is really being made safer ? The public ? Or the State ? For everyone’s sake READ THE ENTIRE PIECE .













Firefighter Unknowingly Pulls His Own Daughter From Deadly Christmas Eve Car Crash


Tragic: Steve Whitcomb, right, pulled his daughter Katie Hamilton, left, from her car - before he even realized that it was her


” Christmas Eve turned tragic in a small New Hampshire town when a volunteer firefighter pulled a dying woman from the wreckage of a car crash – only to realize after she was dead that the victim was his own daughter.

  Steve Whitcomb was horrified to find his 30-year-old daughter Katie Hamilton, a mother of three, had died on the highway after a crash pushed her SUV into oncoming traffic and she was hit head-on, Brookline Police Chief Bill Quigley revealed Tuesday. 

  Whitcomb, 58, owns a heating and air conditioning business in the town of 5,000 and volunteers as a firefighter in his spare time.”









Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2529053/Firefighter-unknowingly-pulls-daughter-deadly-Christmas-Eve-car-crash.html#ixzz2oSZpMJOS
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New Hampshire Man Puts A Gun To His Carjacker’s Head



Published on Dec 19, 2013

” NASHUA, N.H. — Paul Jensen of New Hampshire foiled his carjacker’s robbery attempt with his trusty firearm. When James Paul opened up Jensen’s door to try and rob him, Jensen immediately pulled his handgun and put it right to the thief’s temple.”