Tag Archive: Neo-nazis

Black Female Filmmaker Gently Goes Face-To-Face With Ku Klux Klan And Neo-Nazis




” Mo Asumang, who’s the daughter of a black Ghanaian father and a white German mother, talks to the BBC about her new documentary The Aryans in which she peacefully confronts racists about what makes them tick.

  There are some real zingers in this short piece, especially when she confronts a Ku Klux Klan member about his garb.

  Filmmaker Mo Asumang embarks on a journey into the abyss of political evil and finds out that the Aryans originally come from an area which now belongs to Iran. ‘The Aryans’ is a personal journey into the madness of racism: Mo Asumang meets German neo-Nazis, America’s most notorious racist Tom Metzger and members of the Ku Klux Klan in the Midwest. When she encounters the true Aryans in Iran, she realizes that they are friendly and cosmopolitan people who lay no claims to being members of a superior race.

  What I like about Mo’s interview style is her gentle approach. She’s not confrontational. It’s almost like the KKK members are ashamed or feel shameful of what they’re doing when they speak to her.  That’s a unique talent!”


Thanks to Dangerous Minds











Obama is certainly living up to his promise of being a “uniter not a divider ” . Ask yourself , when have race relations been this bad in your recent memory ?

Update: Two held in Tulsa shootings .

Posted by John Galt

The latest wildfire spreading through the media and blogosphere is that armed neo-Nazis are patrolling Sanford, FL, in anticipation of trouble
if George Zimmerman is not charged in the killing of Trayvon Martin. In what has become a prime example of media malpractice, none of the major
publications spreading the rumors bothered to check with local law enforcement. I did, and the Sanford Police deny any indication of neo-Nazi patrols. . . .For The Daily Beast, Huffington Post,Mediaite, and The Daily News to spread such thinly-sourced claims without verification at a time when racial tensions already are high is irresponsible in the extreme.

“Remember when people were saying that if we left news reporting to the blogosphere we’d just get a bunch of unsubstantiated rumors and spin?”

Posted at 6:13 pm by Glenn Reynolds

This was too good to just link to . Professor Reynolds nails it . New media is here to stay and it will rule the day .

Posted by John Galt