Tag Archive: Nebraska

Working Toward A Warp Drive: In His Garage Lab, Omahan Aims To Bend Fabric Of Space







” You might not believe any of this stuff. But suspend your disbelief for a moment and make space for something incredible.

  Let’s start this past summer, when a NASA scientist named Harold “Sonny” White unveiled an artist’s rendering of a spacecraft capable of shooting across the galaxy.

  The spacecraft was theoretical, but the research behind it was real. For years White has been exploring the possibilities of actual “Star Trek”-like travel. He even named his ship the IXS Enterprise.

  There are obstacles, such as forms of energy that might not exist. That’s a problem.

  For NASA, yes, but also for the world’s scientists and Trekkies and time-travel obsessives (not necessarily mutually exclusive groups) for whom “warp drive” technology — once the stuff of science fiction but now generally accepted as a mathematical possibility — hangs like the most delicious carrot on the most spectacular stick in the cosmos.

  The dreamers are out there. They attend space conventions and frequent online discussions and brush aside pooh-poohing issues over “causality” and “exotic matter,” and believe these questions must have answers. You just have to know where to look — because maybe the key to unlocking this cosmic mystery will be found in a place nobody expects.

  Like here in David Pares’ garage.

  You might call Pares (pronounced “PARE-is”) one of those dreamers, though what he’s doing goes far beyond the realm of online chatter. “


Read more at Omaha.com











Guns OK In Nebraska Senior Photos If ‘Tasteful’







” It’s a new twist on the guns-in-schools debate: A district in central Nebraska has told seniors it’s OK to pose with firearms in their senior portraits, which are taken off campus. The students in the Broken Bow district, however, have to abide by a few rules, reports the Omaha World-Herald: Gun photos must be “tasteful and appropriate,” which means no aiming at the camera and no photos that include an “animal in obvious distress.” “














The Independence Day Float That’s Making Obama Supporters Irate



The Independence Day Float That’s Making Obama Supporters Irate




” Freedom of speech is something that is widely celebrated from members of the left. From dressing up like vaginas to prove a point about “women’s rights,” destroying 9/11 memorials, or defecating on the American flag, liberals fully support freedom of speech. That is, until you criticize their lord and savior, Barack Obama.

  Liberals are losing their minds after an Independence Day parade in Norfolk, Nebraska included a float of a “presidential library,” which depicted the Obama’s library as an outhouse.  The main complaint – you guessed it – was that the float was “racist.” “




    Let’s compare and contrast , shall we . The above float along with the rodeo clown who was fired from his job for wearing an Obama mask are the two most “outrageous” and “racist” examples of free speech that have provoked the ire of the tolerant left and unleashed torrents of condemnation from same .







     On the other hand for the eight years that Bush was in office he was subjected to an unceasing barrage of hatred and vitriol by the “tolerant” Left that is unprecedented in modern political history , all held up as shining examples of the power of our Constitutional rights to free expression , and not just from private citizens , but even from the establishment media itself …





   Of course everyone can remember the Bush = Hitler meme …




  And then there were the calls for Bush’s outright assassination , in the name of free speech , mind you …







   And what of the accolades heaped on the movie “Death of a President” by the oh so tolerant trendsetters of the progressive movement ?







    Can anyone of us imagine the uproar and cries of racism that would resound should a similar theme be explored with BHO as the target ?

   These are just a few examples of the hypocrisy on display by our “liberal” fellows and don’t even take into consideration the hatred displayed towards others on the right such as Sarah Palin , John McCain , Michelle Bachmann , Ann Coulter and many others .

   However you look at it , a “presidential outhouse” and an Obama rodeo clown are quite tame in comparison to the vile criticisms the proponents of conservatism have been subjected to over the years .


Read more











19 States Join Lawsuit Against NJ Gun Law



” Support is mounting for a lawsuit that challenges New Jersey’s tight restrictions on handgun ownership and its high standard of “justifiable need” for carrying a weapon outside the home.

  Nineteen states as well as the powerful National Rifle Association have joined the case’s plaintiff John Drake, who in his lawsuit claims he was denied a permit following a thwarted robbery attempt on his Sussex County business.

  Drake lost his appeal before a three-judge panel of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last year and now a growing number of states, led by Wyoming, are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case, claiming New Jersey was wrong when it determined that the business owner failed to prove “justifiable need” to carry a gun under state statute.

Drake’s suit also claims that his right to bear arms under the Second Amendment has been violated.”


Read more at Newsmax









Nebraska Cops Ordered To Pay $40k And Return $1 Million Seized From Innocent Woman





” Tara Mishra, 33, of Rancho Cucamonga, California, had her life turned upside down, her life savings taken, and her business plans quashed in March 2012 when police unlawfully seized just over $1 million from her during a traffic stop.

  Last July, U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Bataillon ordered police to return the money. This week, that same judge ordered the government to pay Mishra an additional $39,035 to cover attorney fees.

  Back in 2012, two of Mishra’s future business associates, a husband and wife, were driving to New Jersey from California to help her pursue her lifelong dream of purchasing a nightclub. The pair had more than $1 million of Mishra’s cash in the car when they were pulled over for speeding near North Platte, Nebraska, and a routine traffic stop turned into a nightmare.

  During a consensual search of the vehicle at the traffic stop, officers discovered Mishra’s cash in multiple plastic bags stuffed with $100 bills in $10,000 stacks. Suspecting drug involvement, the officers called in a K-9 unit, which indicated trace amounts of illegal drugs on the bills. On this basis, police seized the cash. Sound familiar? Nearly 90 percent of U.S. currency contains trace amounts of cocaine—hardly evidence that any particular person is involved in drug activity. The couple was released without being charged only after agreeing to relinquish the cash.”


Heritage has more









Omaha Family Sues Police In ‘Caught-On-Tape’ Case





” Police Chief Todd Schmaderer and 32 of his officers—nearly four percent of the department—are listed in a federal lawsuit filed Monday accusing police of excessive force and illegal search and seizure.

  The lawsuit stems from a highly publicized caught-on-tape incident last March 21.

  The video—shot by a member of the public— shows a police officer (see video below) throwing a man to the ground and hitting him several times, while a dozen other officers storm a home across the street.

Sharon Johnson issued this statement:

Officers entered the home while I was watching from the front door. Juaquez enters and next thing I know an officer enters, throws my wheelchair and me out of the way. I end up with the wheelchair on top of me, my legs in the air. Several officers continued to walk over me as they entered the house. I eventually rolled my way into the living room and got myself upright. I saw Juaquez surrounded by officers and started asking what was going on. I ended up in handcuffs. It wasn’t until a family member came by later that I was able to get back into my wheelchair. I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I still have physical pain from that day.”







Illegal Immigrant Rapes And Beats To Death 93 Year-Old Woman





” Omaha, NE – Wednesday night, a 93 year old woman, whose family is asking she only be identified as Louise died as a result of her injuries from being attacked and raped Sunday.

Police say 19-year old Sergio Perez beat and raped a 93-year-old woman in her south Omaha home.

“A lot of memories. Not so good ones now,” said Teresa Hatzell, the victims’ granddaughter. The victim shared the home with her daughter, and had owned it for decades.

Around 9 a.m. July 21, the victim’s daughter found her mother in her bedroom covered in blood.

“She heard my grandmother and she went in the bedroom, grandmother called ‘help me help me’. And my mom thought she was asleep,” Hatzell said.

City prosecutor, Brenda Beadle, says the crime is unbelievable. “It”s one of the most disturbing cases I’ve ever come across.” 







Secession Plan Floated By Some Northern Colorado Leaders


(credit: CBS)



” Several Colorado counties that strongly oppose increased regulation of the oil and gas industry say they want to form their own state.

They are planning on calling it North Colorado or Northern Colorado.

The counties are frustrated with the new agricultural and energy bills that have recently been signed into law.”







“We really feel in northern and northeastern Colorado that we are ignored — citizens’ concerns are ignored, and we truly feel disenfranchised,” Weld County Commissioner Sean Conway told CBS4.

Parts of Nebraska are also apparently interested in joining in on what would be a new state.”








Omaha Homeowner Gives Intruder Life Advice As He Holds Him At Gunpoint


article photo



” A homeowner in Omaha had a lot to say to an intruder he caught on his property.

“I worked for everything I have, all my life,” said the homeowner, 55. “I worked day and night for many years, so I said, ‘Why don’t you try getting a job?’”

The homeowner grabbed his shotgun when he heard his dog barking at something around 1am.

He found the would be intruder in a detached garage near the home. He held the suspect at gunpoint while his wife called police.”








The fact that a  long retired Senator is the best Nebraska dems can come up with they deserve to lose .

Good News via IOTW

” A new telephone survey of Likely
Voters in Nebraska shows Fischer with 56% support to 38% for Kerrey who is trying to reclaim the Senate seat he retired from in 2001. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate in the
race, and three percent (3%) are
undecided. “

More on Deb Fischer and her surprise victory over two much more well known , financed and endorsed candidates in Nebraska from Hot Air.

“For the second time in as many weeks, an upstart candidate has shocked the establishment, only this time it comes as an even
greater surprise. While Jon Bruning and Don Sternberg took turns beating up each other in the Nebraska primary for US Senate, state senator Deb Fischer stole a march on both and won handily , taking a “vast majority” of Nebraska counties: ”

It would appear that Sarah Palin was way ahead of the curve on this one :

“As recently as a week ago, Deb Fischer was dismissed by the establishment. Why? Because she is not part of the good old boys’ permanent political class,” Palin said in a Facebook post early Wednesday. “The message from the people of Nebraska is simple and powerful: America is looking
for real change in Washington, and
commonsense conservatives like Deb Fischer represent that change.”

And it also appears that Fischer has a very good shot at beating Bob Kerry in the general election . She certainly transitioned quickly from primary to general :

“We need somebody who’s different. Somebody who’s tough. Somebody who’s a Nebraskan,” said Fischer, 61, in a not-so-
veiled reference to Kerrey having lived the last dozen years in New York City. ”

Shades of Mr Lugar and his lack of a residence in the state he was supposed to be representing .

Alright , not the front page but from Jennifer Rubin .
She writes today of ten things to take away from Deb Fischer’s upset victory in the Nebraska GOP senate primary .

For example here is # 9 :

” 9. The GOP is developing a deep bench. Along with Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) and Govs. Chris Christie, Susana Martinez and Brian Sandoval, the 2012 crop of Senate candidates will fill the ranks of presidential and VP contenders for years to come. ”

Now Ms Rubin is sometimes a bit too establishment for me (ala Peggy Noonan ) but there is no doubting her smarts , or Peggy’s for that matter , and I have to agree that the right side of the aisle is building up one hell of a deep bullpen . There are a lot of very smart , sharp , qualified , experienced and electable people on the Conservative bench .

   If you remain skeptical just try and bring to mind a corresponding collection of up and comers from the liberal side .