Tag Archive: NEA

Wealthy Donors Sided With Democrats In Midterms





” For as often as Democrats attack the conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch for their heavy spending on politics, it’s actually the liberal-minded who shelled out the most cash in the just completed midterm elections.

  At least, that is, among those groups that must disclose what they raise and spend.

  Among the top 100 individual donors to political groups, more than half gave primarily to Democrats or their allies. Among groups that funneled more than $100,000 to allies, the top of the list tilted overwhelmingly toward Democrats — a group favoring the GOP doesn’t appear on the list until No. 14.

  The two biggest super PACs of 2014? Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC — both backing Democrats.

  In all, the top 10 individual donors to outside groups injected almost $128 million into this year’s elections. Democratic-leaning groups collected $91 million of it.

  Among the 183 groups that wrote checks of $100,000 or more to another group, Democrats had a 3-to-1 cash advantage. The biggest player was the National Education Association, at $22 million. Not a single Republican-leaning group cracked the top 10 list of those transferring money to others.”


Yahoo News












Teachers Respond To NEA Common Core Propaganda






     Here are dozens of scathing comments from teachers in response to an NEA propaganda piece claiming widespread support for Common Core among it’s membership . The original post that generated the irate commentary is included . Below are several examples of the teacher’s ire .



shorttam says:

” I am die-hard union, through and through. But THIS is exactly why unions are fading from the United States. Union leaders are incredibly out of touch with their rank and file members. They have been in leadership positions for so long, they have absolutely no clue what their members’ priorities and needs are. Sadly, NEA leaders are also so consumed with having a “seat at the table” that they are willing to sell not only their own souls, but the souls or their members and the students they serve as well. There is absolutely NO research that supports standards – any standards – as a method to increase student learning. There is absolutely NO research that supports the use of standardized testing – as a method to increase student learning. Our country is severely underfunding education and now spends millions and millions of those scarce resources on implementing standards and giving standardized tests. The premise that “standards” will equalize things for our student living in poverty is an incredibly laughable one. We’ve had “standards” for more than a decade. The inequities between students have INCREASED since the introduction of standards, and that is exactly what educated, logical people would expect to happen. I am disgusted with my union and an’t believe that now I not only have to fight anti-worker forces and anti-public education forces… but I also have to fight my union. NEA does NOT speak for me or any other teacher I know, on this issue and sadly, on many others too.”


StandingProud says:

” “An NEA poll conducted in July by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research found that 75 percent of its members—teachers and education support professionals —supported the standards outright or supported “with reservations.”
Make up your data-mind. Is it “roughly two-thirds” or “75%”? And why did you leave out that only 26% of the 1200 surveyed ‘fully support’ CC$$.

WOW!!! You just turned 312 teachers into “MOST NEA MEMBERS”

After this Gates backed and funded fluff-piece of crap, that’s about all the members you will have left.
Oops. . . . looks like the union busting is working. . . from the top down “

deeply saddened says:

” As if it wasn’t enough of a disappointment/slap-in-the-face that President Obama threw kids and teachers under the bus, now our own union has done it as well. Apparently, nothing IS sacred and NEA does NOT represent its membership. Way to sellout???? “









Obama Offers More Of The Same Failed Education Ideas




” Sure proof of the failure of the country’s education system is the fact that Americans, the casualties of that system, could listen to President Obama’s remarks on education in his 2013  speech and not laugh him out of the hall.

In his speech, Obama dished out the standard “education is the key and the government needs to spend more” drivel. But those whose critical skills were not damaged by the government institutes the president purports to improve will see the fraud to which parents and students have been subjected to for decades.

Obama’s laundry list of policy proposals starts with a new entitlement: pre-school for all. He also wants our system to graduate “high school students with the equivalent of a technical degree from one of our community colleges, so that they’re ready for a job,” an idea that has been floating around for decades.

Obama wants “tax credits, grants, and better loans” to help kids go to college; he already has orchestrated a quasi-takeover of lending to college students and has relaxed loan repayment terms. And he wants to fight the high cost of higher educations by ensuring “that affordability and value are included in determining which colleges receive certain types of federal aid.” “

Related : 


Why We Need to Change Our Flawed Approach to Educating America’s Children (Video)

School Choice: Spreading Like A Prairie Fire




” The school choice movement is extraordinary because it’s not inspired by any political figure. Instead, it’s an organic, grassroots parent movement inspired by extreme dissatisfaction with the status quo. It is a purely American protest movement, uniquely bipartisan and multicultural. But it’s more than a protest movement; it has become a successful, constructive change agent.

I can’t imagine an industry more ripe for restructuring than K-12 education. Governments run this monopoly, spending nearly $600 billion annually on K-12 education. Meanwhile, SAT scores recently hit a 40-year low. (Here come the parents with the pitchforks.) ”



Illustration By Lisa Benson

Unions Slam Push To Arm Teachers With Guns




” The debate continues over whether teachers and other school personnel should have access to guns in an emergency, but the nation’s two biggest teachers unions warned Thursday that would be a disastrous idea that sends the wrong message to children.

“Some are actually proposing bringing more guns in, turning our educators into objects of fear and increasing the danger in our schools. Guns have no place in our schools. Period,” reads a rare joint statement from the presidents of the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers.

In their letter, Dennis Van Roekel of the NEA and Randi Weingarten of the AFT called the idea of arming teachers “astounding and disturbing,” saying it runs counter to educators’ vow to provide safe and secure public schools. “