Tag Archive: NDAA

Bye-Bye Police Tanks? Law-Makers Propose Anti-Police-Militarization Bill



” A bill introduced in Montana, HB 330, which would attempt to reign in the growing militarization of law enforcement is making its way through the House.

  The legislation, introduced by Rep. Nicholas Schwaderer, would put limit on the type of military equipment that could be transferred to state and local police under the federal 1033 program. In addition, the bill will audit the current inventory and require a strict regiment of oversight.

  Local and state police agencies would be barred from receiving long-range acoustic devices (LRAD), grenade launchers, explosives (including grenades and flash-bangs), silencers, tanks, and armored or weaponized drones.

  Beginning in the 80’s, under the guise of the “War on Drugs,” a war on the American people was undertaken. The federal government began attempting to turn local police forces into paramilitary organizations and local cops into quasi-soldiers.

  Then with the attacks of 9/11 the government doubled down and began a “War on Terror,” passing new draconian laws that decimated constitutional rights and individual liberty such as the NDAA and Patriot Act.

  Using the 1033 program, the feds provided surplus military hardware to local police to fight this war against its own citizens. These actions went unchecked and very little government or public oversight existed.”



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From Storm Clouds Gathering





 The repression has only just begun . We are all “Enemies of the State” if the State says so .

Woman Leaves Room Speechless: “I’m Just A Mom!” – One Of The Most Powerful Speeches Ever Made


Published on Nov 26, 2013

” On Tuesday Nov 5th, 2013 after making her wait 8 hours, the Clark County Commission in Las Vegas decided to hear Daphne Lee speak against the NDAA. What followed was one of the most powerful public comments in history.”









New From Storm Clouds Gathering

Published on Oct 2, 2013

” Update: The police admitted to having burned Dorner alive (but no charges were filed).
Police admit Dorner fire was set on purpose:http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow…




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New California Law Rejects NDAA Indefinite Detention



” As reported by Nick Hankoff at the California Tenth Amendment Center today, AB351, the California Liberty Preservation Act has been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown:

Assembly Bill 351, commonly called the California Liberty Preservation Act, has been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown making it statewide policy to refuse compliance with federal attempts to enforce “indefinite detention” made famous by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA). What began as a marginal issue with little legislative support has unified Californians of all persuasions and brought attention to the proper role the people and their states play in a constitutional republic.

AB351 now makes it state policy to reject “indefinite detention” powers from the federal government.   It reads, in part:

It is the policy of this state to refuse to provide material support for or to participate in any way with the implementation within this state of any federal law that purports to authorize indefinite detention of a person within California. [emphasis added]

This language of AB351 goes far beyond what has been considered in most other states, which focus solely on indefinite detention powers under the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and nothing else.  Donnelly’s legislation broadened the scope by recognizing that indefinite detention should not be complied with no matter what federal law is used to justify it.  Donnelly confirmed this broad scope, “AB351 will prevent California from implementing indefinite detention for any reason.”

This can make a HUGE dent in any federal effort to detain without due process in California.  As Judge Andrew Napolitano has said recently, such widespread noncompliance can make a federal law “nearly impossible to enforce” (video here). Quite simply, the federal government is going to have an extremely difficult time – at best – carrying out indefinite detention in California without the assistance of California.”











Obama Continues War On Free Speech



The Obama Administration has declared war on the First Amendment — free speech. Groups that try to educate Americans about the Constitution have been put through the IRS wringer. The Justice Department scoured the emails and tracked the whereabouts of a television news reporter. These are just a couple of cases in which the Obama Administration turned its back on the First Amendment, and its protection of freedom of speech and the free exercise of one’s deeply held beliefs.

Furthermore, a number of military members have recently disclosed an alarming rise in First Amendment violations against military chaplains and members.

For example, one service member received a severe reprimand from his commanding officer for respectfully expressing his faith’s religious position in a personal religious blog. An Air Force officer was told that he could not keep a Bible on his desk because it might offend someone. And, an Army training presentation labeled Evangelical Christianity as an example of religious extremism, equating it to such organizations as the KKK and al-Qaeda. “










Liberty Preservation: The States Say ‘NO’ To NDAA




“Just days ago, an anniversary passed which should never be forgotten. On April 1, 1942, an order was issued by Lt. General J.L. DeWitt which began the forced evacuation and “internment” of people of Japanese descent.

In the following three years, over 100,000 people, including US citizens, were “indefinitely detained” based solely on their racial (Japanese) background. This supposedly made them a threat to national security. Thousands of people of German and Italian descent got the same treatment.

Many lost everything. A few years later, when the federal government offered to pay claims for lost property, the average payout was a paltry $1392.

Much has been written about the horrors of internment during those years, so let’s not belabor the point. But today, when the federal government assumes some new power, those who point out how that power could very-well be abused in fantastic ways are often told, “That won’t happen here!”

April 1st should be a reminder to all of us. It already did happen here.

Unfortunately, the federal government has granted itself similar “indefinite detention” powers today. But the People have an opportunity to learn from history, and do something about it.

In states around the country, legislation is being considered which would severely hamper or even fully block any attempt to arrest and detain people without due process. In Michigan, Montana, Texas and California, votes are coming up soon to move such bills forward.  

In December 2011, President Obama signed the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which gave the federal government the power to “indefinitely detain” people, including US citizens. No due process. No access to lawyers. And those who are detained have no idea if they’ll ever be set free.

This is the same kind of power which resulted in mass internment 71 years ago. In 1942, FDR exercised the power via executive order. The ACLU notes that the NDAA codified indefinite military detention into law for the first time in American history.  “











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Nevada Introduces Anti-NDAA Bill





” With the recent passage by Congress of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, soon to be signed into law by Barack Obama, and existence of the 2012 NDAA law, many states have sought nullification of NDAA. Nevada is now set to put forth it’s own anti-NDAA bill, BDR 728. On December 19, the Nevada chapters of the People Against the National Defense Authorization Act (PANDA) announced the introduction of the bill. The bill is sponsored by Nevada State Senator Don Gustavson and will be presented to lawmakers in February when the legislature reconvenes.

Christopher Corbett, Nevada state coordinator for PANDA, said in a statement that announced the introduction of the bill, which is titled “The Nevada Liberty Preservation Act”:

I appreciate the community support backing up our efforts and the courage of those members of our governing bodies who are willing to actively protect the constitutional rights of their constituents. We need to restore the Constitutionally protected right to due process for every American.”



Indefinite Military Detention Of US Citizens To Be Signed Into Law By Obama




” We’ve been trying to keep you aware of what has been taking place with the talks concerning the 2013 version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). We’ve covered the Feinstein amendment, which effectively did nothing, except to empower Congress to authorize the military at their whim to violate people’s 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment rights. But now the talks are all done and the legislation is headed for Barack Obama’s desk to be signed into law soon, just as it was nearly one year ago today, including provision to use the military to indefinitely detain US citizens.”




Where Is The Outrage ?

The NDAA Retroactively Legalizes Gitmo, Black Sites, and the Worst of the War on Terror, Says Lawsuit Plaintiff [Updated]


  ‘ With 500-some pages of text, the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) covers a lot more than just section 1021(b), but the majority of the debates over the bill involve the very reason the four letters N-D-A-A have become shorthand for fears of government power finally crossing a Rubicon. Whether or not that’s really true, the caginess of the government in respect to who it can indefinitely detain[pdf] is disturbing and demands a clarification that is not being offered. 

Section 1021(b) reads that someone who can be indefinitely detained is:

A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”


If a republican president signed this the outrage would be phenomenal . Now the silence is deafening .

  Not being a regular Mother Jones reader I am surprised that I am linking to them but as with the subject matter of the article it has created some strange bedfellows .
   I don’t think that this is the type of bipartisanship our “rulers” have in mind .

“The revolt against the NDAA has brought together organizations and activists that disagree on almost every other issue—tea party activists, the states’ rights Tenth Amendment Center,the American Civil Liberties Union, and Occupy Wall Street protesters. The NDAA is “waking people up to the idea that the federal government shouldn’t have this kind of power,” says Michael Boldin, the director of the Tenth Amendment Center. “We’re seeing this weird mishmosh coalition of people.” In mid-April, Boldin’s group joined a number of other conservative organizations in filing a friend-of-the-court brief in support of liberal journalist Chris Hedges’ anti-NDAA lawsuit against the Obama administration. ”

  Once again the wisdom of the Founders comes to light as numerous states take matters into their own hands and attempt to mitigate this grossly unconstitutional powergrab .

  ” The NDAA backlash has already fueled action on the state level. In Virginia, Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell recently signed a bill that could prohibit state authorities from “knowingly” aiding in the military detention of a US citizen. The Arizona Legislature passed a bill making it a misdemeanor for state officials to help the feds detain US citizens under the NDAA, and the Maine Legislature passed a joint resolution urging Congress and the president to amend the law to make it clear that Americans apprehended on US soil can’t be detained without trial. All three states have legislatures with Republican majorities. ”

  This is exactly why Washington DC in general and the Obama administration in particular demonstrate such disdain for the principle of ” state’s rights ” .

    We all owe a debt of gratitude to the state of Arizona , Gov. Brewer , Sheriff Arpaio and everyone else in that state for pushing back against the Feds .

The Big Stick , sticking it to us .

At this rate the Obama Administration will spend the rest of it’s days defending the indefensible before the Supremes . Obama should ask for his money back .He sure didn’t get much of a constitutional law education to go with his degree .

“PHOENIX (April 24, 2012) – Just a week after the Virginia legislature approved a law to refuse compliance with NDAA“indefinite detentions,” an Arizona lawcommitting the Grand Canyon State to noncompliance with any attempted federal kidnapping under the NDAA now stands just a signature away from implementation.”

SB1182 asserts:

This state and any agency of this state shall not provide material support or participate in any way with the implementation of sections 1021 and 1022 of the national defense authorization act of 2012, Public Law 112‑81, against any citizen of the United States.

“The law would also make it a criminal offense for any public officer, employee or agent of the state to make any attempt to assist in federal kidnapping.”