Tag Archive: Nazi Germany

Anonymous: Urgent Update Jade Helm





We Are Anonymous

We are legion 

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us

The Nazi Women Who Were Every Bit As Evil As The Men



” In a book she tellingly calls ‘Hitler’s Furies’, Holocaust historian Professor Wendy Lower has unearthed the complicity of tens of thousands of German women — many more than previously imagined — in the sort of mass, monstrous, murderous activities that we would like to think the so-called gentler sex were incapable of.

  The Holocaust has generally been seen as a crime perpetrated by men. The vast majority of those accused at Nuremberg and other war crimes trials were men.

  The few women ever called to account were notorious concentration camp guards — the likes of Irma Grese and Ilse Koch — whose evil was so extreme they could be explained away as freaks and beasts, not really ‘women’ at all.

  Ultra-macho Nazi Germany was a man’s world. The vast majority of women had, on Hitler’s orders, confined their activities to Kinder, Küche, Kirche — children, kitchen and church. Thus, when it came to responsibility for the Holocaust and other evils of the Third Reich, they were off the hook.

  But that, argues Lower, is simplistic nonsense. Women were drawn into the morally bankrupt conspiracy that was Hitler’s Germany as thoroughly as men were — at a lower level, in most cases, when it came to direct action but guilty just the same.”









TRIFECTA — Obama Admin. Does ‘Reich’ Thing by Deporting Religious Refugees



Published on May 23, 2013

” Trifecta discusses a family that fled Germany because of the European nation’s anti-homeschooling laws. This evangelical family is now forced to comply with Nazi era educational laws that run contrary to their Christian faith. In deporting the family, Obama argued that this law, enacted under Hitler, was fair. Why is Obama defending the German educational system? Find out.”








“She was born under Hitler, raised under the USSR’s sovereignty in East Germany, and came to America as a young adult. LISTEN to her.”

HT/100 Percent FED Up


Limbaugh Goes Off On Media For Lack Of Outrage Over Bob Schieffer’s Nazi/Gun Lobby Comment




” On his radio show Thursday afternoon, Rush Limbaugh scolded the media for its lack of outrage over Bob Schieffer‘s “over-the-top” comments comparing President Obama taking on the gun lobby to other difficult struggles like defeating Nazi Germany in World War II.

Limbaugh joins fellow conservative radio host Mark Levin in condemning Schieffer’s remarks and wondering aloud why the media have not expressed outrage over such a comparison.

Schieffer’s comments came immediately after Obama announced 23 new “executive actions” on gun violence. He said on CBS, “What happened in Newtown was probably the worst day in this country’s history since 9/11 […] Surely, finding Osama bin Laden, surely passing civil rights legislation – as Lyndon Johnson was able to do – and, before that, surely defeating the Nazis was a much more formidable task than taking on the gun lobby.” “



Love Him Or Hate Him , Rush Says What Needs To Be Said


Speaking Of Nazis , The MSM Is Nothing More Than A Gaggle Of Josef Goebbels And Leni Riefenstahls , The Propaganda Wing Of The Current Statist Party




Woman Turns In Historic Nazi Assault Rifle At Conn. Gun Buy-Back


Most gun collectors would love to have one of these in their safe , we know we would .






 ” When police officers announced this year’s gun buy-back program would allow residents to exchange their guns for Wal-Mart gift certificates, they never expected a woman possessing a World War II-era Nazi Assault Rifle to take the bait.

But that’s exactly what happened in Hartford, Conn. over the weekend.

“It’s like finding the Babe Ruth of baseball cards. The rarity, it was made for such a very short period,” Officer John Cavanna, one of the two officers who discovered the gun, told ABC News. “

Mr . “Never met a Tax I didn’t Like” strikes again . This time invoking the Nazis . As a Jew he should be ashamed of himself , but then shame is unknown to this sorry excuse for a statesman . As a former New Yorker please except my sincerest apologies for inflicting this POS on America .  


Thanks to IOTW for the image


Schumer’s Bid To Tax a Founder of Facebook Ignites Discussion of a Law Used by Nazis”

”  “I think Schumer can probably find the legislation to do this. It existed in Germany in the 1930s and Rhodesia in the ’70s and in South Africa as well,” Mr. Norquist said. “He probably just plagiarized it and translated it from the original German.”

The Reichsfluchsteuer, or Reich flight tax, that the Nazis imposed on Jews trying to flee in the 1930s was 25%; Mr. Schumer and his Senate colleague Bob Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania, want30%. Give Mr. Schumer some credit for creativity, Mr. Norquist; the New Yorker did not just plagiarize and translate, he also raised the rate.”

  It is the fact that New York produces an endless supply of clueless statists like Schumer that has brought the state to the bottom of the barrel as  far as business climate is concerned . Not satisfied with destroying NY , he has now set his sights on driving business out of the country as well . The nerve that these progressives exhibit  in decrying  the loss of American jobs to more business friendly environments overseas when it is the inevitable result of the very policies that they have enacted is the height of hypocrisy . 

“Mr. Schumer is an easy target, but the blame for this one is bipartisan, as is so often the case in Washington. The speaker of the House, John Boehner, a Republican, told ABC News’ “This Week” program that Mr. Saverin’s exit from America was “outrageous” and that he would support Mr. Schumer’s legislation if it is necessary to prevent people from leaving America to avoid taxes. The law that imposed the exit tax Mr. Saverin was trying to avoid, the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008, was signed into law by a Republican president, George W. Bush, after being passed in the Senate by unanimous consent and in the House by a vote of 403 to 0.”

  Lest you think I’m letting the Rinosaurs off the hook , think again . Both sides are crooks . They all need to be fired and a method set in place that eliminates the possibility of spending one’s life suckling at the public teat . With an approval rating in single digits , ask yourselves , how well are we being served by a political class that works solely to stay in power ?

If you think jobs are hard to find now , imagine what the climate will be like if this proposal gains some traction . Citizenship renunciations are already way up during this administration but these people are by and large individuals and not large employers . That may change . It is a certainty that there is nothing being produced in DC these days to encourage the creation of jobs or incentive to do business in this country .