Tag Archive: Natural Rights

Concealed Carry Without A Permit: Will Crime Go Up Or Down?




” This week, lawmakers in New Hampshire, Kansas, Mississippi, and Montana advanced bills that, if made into law, would no longer require special permits to carry concealed weapons in public. Five states already have no concealed permit requirement – part of a broader trend toward so-called constitutional carry.

  Also this week, Sen. John Cornyn (R) of Texas introduced federal legislation that would turn concealed weapons permits into something like state driver’s licenses, which are legal anywhere in the United States. The measure nearly passed a Democrat-controlled Senate last year, meaning it could well end up on President Obama’s desk in 2015.

  With about one gun already in circulation for every American, critics, including many in law enforcement, say constitutional carry will only make life more dangerous. However, so far, studies have failed to conclusively prove or disprove another correlation – between expanded gun carry and the decline in general and violent crime rates that has occurred in the US over the past two decades.

The operative idea for many gun owners: It’s law-abiding citizens, not the state, who should make the decision as to when carrying a gun is reasonable, or necessary. At least anecdotally, a lot of people who proclaim to be open or concealed carriers actually holster a gun only rarely, or arm themselves only for nighttime commutes or journeys into what they perceive as dangerous areas.

“ What I’ve seen is, for many people it’s more about, ‘I want to be the one to make the decision [about whether to carry], and I have that right,’ ” says Brian Anse Patrick, a professor at the University of Toledo in Ohio, concealed-carry instructor, and author of the upcoming book, “Propagunda.” “While the doors to gun carry are opening more and more, it all still comes down to practicality. A lot of people with permits, who have gone to classes, don’t follow through [with carry]. You have to be a really determined person to go through this whole thing.” “



Read the rest of this surprisingly even-handed , given the source , article at the Christian Science Monitor















From Storm Clouds Gathering





 The repression has only just begun . We are all “Enemies of the State” if the State says so .

Detroit Police Chief James Craig Talks Self-Defense Shootings In NRA Magazine



Chief James Craig




” Detroit Police Chief James Craig is getting national attention for encouraging residents to arm themselves for their own self-defense.

  Craig is featured on the cover of the NRA magazine America’s 1st Freedom. In the cover story, the chief insists he’s not responsible for a recent slew of self-defense shootings. Since January, there have been seven incidents of homeowners shooting intruders. Six resulted in death.”


HT/MyFoxDetroit … Read NRA interview here











Take This Mr Weinstein . This Young Woman Is Smarter Than You .




Published on Jan 13, 2014

” You can make a second amendment argument. You can quote statistics. You can reference history. These arguments are relevant but unneeded. There is only one true “progun” argument. It is an absolute. It is unwavering and does not fall on its knees to circumstance. It is fundamental to all human beings. 

  You are alive. You have an inherent right to stay alive. A gun is a tool. You have the right to wield it to preserve your life when under threat. 

  It’s not about gun rights, it’s about the unquestionable right to yourself. Guns are equality. Guns are life. So get one and brave the world. 

  Subscribe. More content manifesting.
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Three Cheers For Autonomy

” In today’s New York Times, philosopher Sarah Conly gives “Three Cheers for the Nanny State,” specifically, NYC’s famed big soda ban. Invoking aspects of the theory of “nudge,” made popular in a book by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein, Conly argues that, sometimes, the government can rightfully save us from ourselves.

The popularity of “nudge theory” is closely tied to the recent spate of popular science books on the foibles of the human brain. Books such as Predictably Irrational and A Mind of Its Own are part of a new self-help fad: the idea that scientists studying the error-prone human brain can help us understand why we are unable to quit smoking, lose weight, and many other common problems.

It was only a matter of time until government regulators and their champions embraced this new science in order to put a fresh spin on an old impulse—their never-ending desire to save us from ourselves. But despite the valid insights of cognitive neuroscience, both nudge theory and Conly’s editorial are no more defensible than any other paternalism. We should not be deceived into believing that there is any new wine in those old wineskins. “

KrisAnne Hall – The “Genealogy” of the Constitution




” KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor who was fired for teaching the Constitution to TEA Party groups. KrissAnn decided she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck! She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents.

KrisAnne Hall does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today.

She presents the “genealogy” of the Constitution — the 700 year history and five foundational documents that are the very roots of American Liberty.”

What Liberals Need to Understand About ‘Gun Guys’*




” Dan Baum is not your typical gun guy. He has a lifelong love of firearms he can trace back to the age of five. But he’s also a Jewish Democrat and a former staff writer for The New Yorker and feels like a misfit next to most gun owners, who identify overwhelmingly on the conservative side of the spectrum.

In order to bridge this gap, Baum set off on a cross-country journey, chatting with everyone from a gun store owner in Louisville to a wild boar hunter in Texas to a Hollywood armorer. The result is Gun Guys: A Road Trip. I spoke with Baum about his trek through gun country and why this issue is one of our nation’s most complicated and politically divisive.

You write that you didn’t want to be part of a gun culture, even though you were a “gun guy” yourself. Why did you feel this conflict?

This is one of the things I was trying to figure out — why a fondness for firearms, these beautiful mechanical devices that are so fun to shoot, always seems to be found on the same chromosome as political conservatism. I’m not a conservative. At the same time, often I’d be around my “tribe” — the liberals — and they’d say these terrible things about gun people. “Gun nut,” “penis envy,” all this stuff. I’d keep my mouth shut. I didn’t feel particularly comfortable with either group. That’s why I always wanted to do this book.

How did the act of carrying a weapon every day affect you?

There’s a part of every gun guy that wants to carry a gun because you get to be with your gun all the time. I know that sounds weird, but not if you like guns, you like handling them. Most of the time you don’t get to. You take them out of the safe once or twice a year.”




*And ‘Gun Girls’ we would add …











Why Licensing Gun Owners Is Unworkable and (Probably) Unconstitutional





” The main problem that I can think of for licensing gun owners is that it converts a right that you can exercise at will into a privilege for which you need government permission. That raises important practical objections and, potentially, constitutional hurdles.

The practical objections should be clear in such a politically loaded issue: Informing millions of gun owners that they now need permission from government officials they’ve already clearly indicated they distrust to purchase and own firearms — something they consider a natural right — is begging for opposition and non-compliance on a massive scale. Fisher says he foresees little opposition because many gun owners have submitted to licensing and permitting requirements for concealed carry and hunting. But … hunting is a recreational activity involving a use of a firearm that’s already owned. Concealed carry also involves a use of an already owned gun — and permitting requirements for concealed carry are sufficiently controversial that several states, including my own Arizona, haverepealed them or made them voluntary (some people still want them for the purposes of reciprocity with other states). “


“Universal Background Checks” Could Unjustly Deny Millions Of People The Right To Armed Self-Defense




” Second Amendment supporters historically have opposed gun registration, fearing that it could ultimately lead to confiscation, something that has actually happened in places such as Canada, Great Britain, Australia, California, and New York City. While wholesale disarmament would be clearly unconstitutional in this country, confiscation of guns that legislators arbitrarily deem unnecessary or excessively dangerous is easier to imagine, especially given Obama’s support for a new, stricter ban on “assault weapons.”

Perhaps fear of confiscation seems paranoid to you. But consider what would happen if the federal government merely enforced existing law through expanded background checks and improved records—another step nearly everyone seems to think is self-evidently sensible. Such a crackdown would reveal the folly of current restrictions, which prohibit gun ownership by several absurdly broad categories of people under the threat of a five-year prison term.

One disqualifier is a felony record, whether or not the offense involved violence or even a victim. It is doubtful that check kiters, marijuana growers, or unauthorized farm workers (another banned category) are substantially more likely to go on a shooting rampage than the average person.

Federal law also bars “an unlawful user of…any controlled substance” from owning a gun. Think about that for a minute. If you smoke pot or use a relative’s Vicodin or Xanax, you have no right to keep and bear arms. Survey data indicate that nearly 40 million Americans have used “illicit drugs” in the last year, and the true number is probably higher, since people may be reluctant to admit illegal behavior even when their answers are confidential. “


Bill Maher: ‘A Lot’ of The Constitution is Bullsh*t



“Political philosopher HBO know-it-all pundit Bill Maher had some really intelligent phraseology to describe The Constitution of the United States:

“I mean, a lot of it is bullsh*t. I mean, the Second Amendment is bullsh*t, the way they interpret the Second Amendment. The left completely forgot how to interpret that. I mean, it really is about militias at a time when, you know, there was a battle between the states and the government. It wasn’t really about private citizens owning a handgun.”




” A brief survey of the literature finds that Maher is an abject ignoramus. Federalist No. 46, written by key Constitutional framer James Madison, for example, had the following to say:

It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops. Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes.

In addition, there are the underlying rights, namely, the right to self-defense and the right of resistance. An article “Never Ask Who Should Rule: Karl Popper and Political Theory” written by scholar Andrea Pickel in 1989 described the theory of John Locke: ”