Tag Archive: National Shooting Sports Foundation

Giving A Gun As A Gift? Here’s What You Need To Know



” It’s that time of year again. As one who preaches the faith, so to speak, I will occasionally give a gun as a present. Doing so can be a bit of a hassle. At the very least, you have to consider how you are procuring the firearm, how you are transporting it, and the legal status of the whoever is receiving the gift.

  The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the lobby arm for the gun makers and retailers, brought up the topic just before Thanksgiving.

  NSSF spokesman Bill Brassard wrote, “The first question you have to ask is whether the intended recipient can legally own the firearm where he or she lives.” Understanding the answer can be tricky, but it will keep the recipient (and you, too) from a potentially felonious gift exchange.  The NSSF article points to the ATF’s page as a reference.  While the ATF’s page isn’t the most user friendly, it is authoritative.  The ATF’s page of frequently answered firearms transfer questions is also useful.”



More at Guns.com . Give the gift that keeps on giving …









Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New Gun-Control Law Targets Gun Makers



   If the rumblings are to be believed , Remington Arms , New York state’s oldest gun manufacturer , is finally getting ready to head for a more amenable work environment . 


” ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo’s tough new gun law has put a target on the state’s gun makers.

  Cities, counties and states from across the country have been making lucrative pitches to New York’s firearms companies, urging them to relocate. Their argument: They have a gun-friendly atmosphere, and New York does not.

  “They receive solicitations . . . on almost a daily basis,” said Lawrence Kean, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade group.

  “CEOs have told me they could basically move their factories for free.”

  Cuomo pushed his new gun law through the Legislature a month after the deadly shooting rampage in Newtown, Conn. The law broadened the definition of what is considered a banned assault weapon, and it reduced the size of permissible gun magazines to seven rounds, from 10.

  Since then, the state’s remaining firearms companies, including major employers like Remington Arms in upstate Ilion and Kimber Manufacturing in Yonkers, have been wooed by officials from places including South Carolina and Texas.”

   The move can’t come soon enough for us . Any manufacturer whose livelihood is based on the manufacture and sale of a product(s) that in the state in which they reside and pay taxes has been banned should take their business elsewhere as soon as humanly possible . Here’s to hoping that both Kimber and Remington see that things will only get worse in NY , which has become an embarrassment to the Union , the Founders and freedom lovers everywhere . 

Related :

Remington And Kimber To Relocate?

Remington to move to Tennessee?

National Review On Remington









Where To Shoot

iPhone Screenshot 2



” Search for shooting ranges near you, view video shooting tips and find other resources for shooters. Managed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), Where To Shoot is the web’s most comprehensive directory of shooting ranges in the U.S. and Canada. This app brings that directory into the palm of your hand. A great resource for all gun owners, hunters and shooters. “








New Taxes Penalize Gun Owners, Threaten Second Amendment



” Liberals are trying every tool at their disposal this year to go after guns. They have failed on Capitol Hill to restrict the Second Amendment, so they are moving through the states to enact their agenda. The latest maneuver is to hike the tax on guns and ammunition to dissuade the law-abiding from buying firearms. It’s the perfect storm of liberalism — more revenue for a bigger government and fewer people keeping and bearing arms.

President Obama’s hometown of Chicago started the movement late last year by enacting a $25 tax on new firearm purchases, which went into effect on April 1. Cook County stopped just short of adding a levy on ammunition.

In February, Rep. Linda T. Sanchez, California Democrat, and 26 of the most uber-liberals in the House introduced a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code to create an excise tax of 10 percent on any concealable gun in order to empower Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to establish a firearms buy-back grant program. Since the Newtown, Conn., school-shootings tragedy, anti-gun states across the nation have introduced similar measures.

A new bill in the House would prevent this infringement on the Second Amendment. Rep. Sam Graves introduced legislation on June 13 that would make it illegal for states and municipalities to raise taxes or fees on firearms and ammunition. The Missouri Republican’s proposal would also prevent raising taxes in order to pay for background checks. “The Constitution says ‘shall not infringe,’ ” Mr. Graves told me in an interview Thursday.

These costly measures disproportionately affect lower-income people, who often live in higher-crime areas. Along with other costly mandates, such as maintaining liability insurance, these restrictions would likely be overturned as unconstitutional by the courts.

“This is no different than a poll tax — but on the Second Amendment,” said Lawrence Keane, general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation. “These anti-gun politicians are clearly trying to unduly burden the exercise of the Second Amendment by pricing firearms and ammunition out of reach of many law-abiding Americans. Mr. Graves’ bill will put a stop to these sinister schemes.”







Obama’s EPA Attempts To Ban Ammunition





” A federal court on Thursday halted — at least for the time being — an effort by the Environmental Protection Agency to ban all ammunition containing lead, much to the dismay of gun control groups hoping to use environmentalism to “make an end run around the Second Amendment” right of access to ammunition, according to officials from several organizations representing gun owners and manufacturers.”







Understanding Minute of Angle (MOA) – Rifle Shooting Technique – NSSF Shooting Sportscast

” NSSF’s Ryan Cleckner explains the measurement term “minute of angle” (MOA) and how to use MOA adjustments on your scope for sighting in and to compensate for bullet drop at varying distances. For more information visit http://www.nssf.org/video/facts/MOA.cfm
(NSSF Video)”

Democratic Front Group Hyped As Hunters By Media In Gun Control Fight





” The liberal media will do anything to pressure lawmakers to support President Obama’s gun-control agenda.

Politico published a story Wednesday with this headline: “Hunting Group Wants Background Checks.” The story gave the false impression that the millions of hunters in the U.S. support Mr. Obama’s push for “universal background checks.”

That is way off target. In fact, 31 well-known hunting and conservation groups sent a letter to Capitol Hill Thursday expressing opposition to intrusion by the federal government into private firearm transfers.

Politico only cites one small group in its story, Bull Moose Sportsmen, which claims 5,000 members. The story gives no context for the size of this group in relation to other hunting advocacy groups, nor its prominence in the community. The single poll cited in the Politico story is one commissioned by the group itself and claims 72 percent of hunters support “criminal background checks with some exceptions.”

None of the major hunting groups which represent the millions of law-abiding sportsmen was mentioned, nor the polling of those members.

In fact, Bull Moose Sportsmen is a fringe organization run by Democratic activists that has been rejected from membership into the major gun and hunting groups’ umbrella organization because it refuses to reveal its funding sources.

The American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP) is a consortium of 42 organizations, including major groups such as Safari Club InternationalDucks UnlimitedNational Wildlife Turkey FederationNational Rifle Association and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The groups together represent 6 million individual members.

Members of AWCP tell me that Bull Moose has been denied entry into their organization because it refused to reveal its mysterious funding sources.”








Connecticut’s New Gun Law Is Selling an Awful Lot of Guns



” Today, Connecticut lawmakers plan to vote on possible new gun control laws that could be some of the toughest in the country.

This was a big concern for gun owners, and thousands of them rushed to gun stores to stock up on guns and ammunition that could soon be illegal.”





U.S. Government Spokesperson On UN Arms Treaty, “United States Would Vote “Yes” On The Treaty”




”  The National Shooting Sports Foundation today strongly objected to the last-minute reversal of the U.S. government position regarding the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. In the closing hours of negotiations on Thursday, March 28, the government abandoned its previous insistence that the treaty be approved only through achieving “consensus” of all the member states. Requiring consensus had been the United States position going back to earlier administrations.

At the end of the session, a U.S. government spokesperson told reporters “It’s important to the United States and the defense of our interests to insist on consensus. But every state in this process has always been conscious of the fact that if consensus is not reached in this process, that there are other ways to adopt this treaty, including via a vote of the General Assembly.” The spokesperson went on to say that the United States would vote “yes” on the treaty in the General Assembly, regardless of the positions of other member states. By abandoning the requirement for consensus the United States is assuring passage of the treaty by the United Nations.”


UN Arms Treaty Blocked By Iran, North Korea And Syria






National Shooting Sports Foundation Warns of Media Plan to Divide, Conquer Gun Rights Groups






” (Ammoland.com)- National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) president Steve Sanetti is warning gun owners to be beware the mainstream media’s efforts to pit one gun rights group against another in an attempt to divide and conquer.

For example, Sanetti points out that a March 5 Washington Post article is constructed around the theory that the NSSF does not stand with the NRA in opposition to universal background checks.”


















Gun Rights Groups Converge On The Connecticut State Capitol


Gun Rights Advocates Voice Concerns in Hartford




” Prominent gun rights groups and their supporters are convening at the Connecticut State Capitol Monday to protest new proposed gun-control measures and to remind lawmakers of the long history and economic importance of the state’s storied firearm industry.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is joining with the National Rifle Association, the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, and the  Connecticut Citizens Defense League to hold a “Lobby Day” Monday at the second floor atrium of the Connecticut state capitol’s Legislative Office Building in Hartford.

The 10 a.m. event, replete with a complimentary shuttle service and transportation volunteers in orange hats, aims to protect the Connecticut gun industry from legislative efforts that could cause thousands of layoffs in the state.

Last week, Democrats on a gun control task force in the state legislature proposed banning modern sporting rifles by July 1 and confiscating magazines over 10 rounds by October 1. Further legislative committee hearings are scheduled this week to discuss the proposals.

An assault-weapons ban would cause approximately 1,700 job losses in Connecticut alone, according to the NSSF.

Approximately 2,900 Connecticut residents work for gun makers, while another 4,400 work for companies that would also be affected by the ban, according to the NSSF.”



See Also :

Gun Rights Advocates Voice Concerns in Hartford


” Hundreds of gun rights advocates, including the state’s gun manufacturers filled the halls of the Legislative Office Building on Monday.

They are trying to put the pressure on state lawmakers to vote against tougher gun control laws.

Advocates say responsible gun owners will be punished if new laws are passed.”











NSSF Action Alert For Maryland Residents



NSSF Action Alert Maryland




Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee Members:

Senator Brian E. Frosh, Chairman (D-16)

Senator Lisa A. Gladden, Vice Chairman (D-41)

Senator James Brochin (D-42)

Senator Joseph M. Getty (R-5)

Senator Jennie M. Forehand (D-17)

Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34)

Senator C. Anthony Muse (D-26)

Senator Jamie Raskin (D-20)

Senator Christopher B. Shank (R-2)

Senator Norman R. Stone Jr. (D-6)

Senator Bobby A. Zirkin (D-11)


Visit NSSF’s Government Relations site at nssf.org/GovRel




12 Miles Of Guns: SHOT Show Kicks Off In Las Vegas



” The largest gun show in the world has opened its doors in Las Vegas, revealing 12.5 miles of firearms, ammunition and related gear from every major gun manufacturer on earth.

The annual SHOT show — short for Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade — is owned and sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), a firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry trade association. Each year the show generates millions of dollars in revenue that NSSF uses to fund programs that help “promote, protect and preserve” hunting and the shooting sports.

Attendance to the show is restricted to shooting, hunting and outdoor trade professionals and commercial buyers and sellers of military, law enforcement and tactical products and services, however, meaning hunters, sports shooters and shooting clubs are not permitted entry.

Similarly, they do not permit any personal firearms or ammunition. Only exhibitors’ firearms on display that have had their firing pins are permitted.

A bucketload of celebrities, from the A&E’s Duck Dynasty family through to NASCAR driver Jason White, will also be making an appearance this year. The show will also host legendary Vietnam War sniper Chuck Mawhinney, Medal of Honor recipient Jon Cavaiani, pro shooter Doug Koenig, country music singer Mark Wills and SEAL Team 3 sniper Chris Kyle. “

Wal-Mart Will Meet With Holder, Not Biden




”  Wal-Mart’s envoy to the White House’s gun violence task force will meet with Attorney General Eric Holder, not the group’s leader Vice President Joe Biden, an administration official said Thursday.

Wal-Mart is one of ten retailers meeting with Holder Thursday, the Justice Department said. Other stores expected to be represented at the 3:15 p.m. ET meeting include Dick’s Sporting Goods and Bass Pro Shops.

Biden is scheduled to meet with gun owners and gun rights groups Thursday, including the National Rifle Association. Later in the day he’ll sit down with representatives of the entertainment and video game industries.

The NRA is sending James J. Baker, the head of its federal relations office, to meet with the vice president and other administration officials who comprise the panel, which is charged with developing proposals to stem gun violence. Those measures will be presented the President Barack Obama upon the conclusion of the meetings.”





Related : A List Of Attendees To The Farce Led By Mr “Fast & Furious” Himself . Will These Other Retailers/Organizations Sell Out As Well ?



Sportsmen and Women and Wildlife Interest Groups (11:45 a.m.):

Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

BlueWater Strategies

Bull Moose Sportsmen’s Alliance Action Fund

Ducks Unlimited

Outdoor Industry Association

Pheasants Forever

Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

Wildlife Management Institute

Gun Owners Groups (1:45 p.m.):

Defense Small Arms Advisory Council (DSAAC)

Firearms Import/Export Roundtable

Independent Firearm Owners Association (IFoA)

National Rifle Association of America

National Shooting Sports Foundation

National Association of Arms Shows


Representatives from the Entertainment Industry (6:00p.m.):

Branded Entertainment

Comcast Corporation

Directors Guild of America

Independent Film & Television Alliance

Motion Picture Association of America

National Association of Broadcasters

National Association of Theatre Owners

National Cable and Telecommunications Association


Representatives from Gun Retailers (3:15p.m.):

Academy Sports + Outdoors

Bass Pro Shops

Big 5 Sporting Goods


Dick’s Sporting Goods

Dunham’s Sports

Gander Mountain

Sportsman’s Warehouse


National Retail Federation  (unconfirmed)


  We’d be very sorry if we have to cease doing business with Cabelas . Gander Mountain and Bass Pro Shops would be missed as well . But make no mistake , we will vote with our pocketbooks . Any business that chooses to enjoy and profit by some of the Constitutional rights of this country yet will be bullied into abandoning the one most precious to a large portion of it’s customer base should not be surprised when they face a sudden downturn in their bottom line .


 Remember , all this political theater is an attempt to manufacture a crisis where none exists in the interest of further a political agenda . Banning gun-ownership in the US .


FBI Murder Stats


Senate to Vote on NSSF-Backed Sportsmen Act After Thanksgiving (VIDEO)




 ” After several preliminary votes on the Sportsmen’s Act (S.3525), the U.S. Senate has decided it will take a final vote on the measure after Thanksgiving break.

Thus far, the bipartisan bill, which contains all sorts of goodies for gun owners, hunters, shooters and sportsmen (see priority provisions below), has garnered a ton of support from lawmakers.

On Thursday, the Senate advanced the Sportsmen’s Act by an 84-12 preliminary vote, a sign of the bill’s overwhelming popularity.

“Sportsmen and -women across Montana and the nation are calling for responsible decisions that strengthen our outdoor economy and secure our outdoor heritage for future generations,” Sen. John Tester, the bill’s lead sponsor, told KFBB News.

“This measure does just that,” Tester continued, “taking good ideas from Republicans and Democrats to protect our hunting and fishing traditions and safeguard our most treasured places. I will keep pushing to get it across the finish line.” “

National Shooting Sports Foundation | NSSF


No God , But Gun Control

Democratic Platform ‘Commonsense Improvements’ Brings Back ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Gun Show Loophole Arguments

  “The 2012 Democratic National Convention released its party platform today and it quickly drew fire from several points of the political spectrum for its statement on the Second Amendment and firearms ownership. As we did with the corresponding Republican platform section, we include it in its entirety:

Firearms. We recognize that the individual right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans’ Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation. We understand the terrible consequences of gun violence; it serves as a reminder that life is fragile, and our time here is limited and precious. We believe in an honest, open national conversation about firearms. We can focus on effective enforcement of existing laws, especially strengthening our background check system, and we can work together to enact commonsense improvements – like reinstating the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole – so that guns do not fall into the hands of those irresponsible, law-breaking few.”

Then support the National Shooting Sports Foundation