Tag Archive: National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council

Border Patrol Agents Beg For Public’s Help, Afraid Of Obama’s Order For Millions Of Blank Work Permits






” Already furious after a summer that saw American Border Patrol agents turned into a “babysitting service for tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border with the administration’s blessing, the immigration officers’ union lashed out Monday against a “unilateral amnesty” widely suspected of being planned at the White House for after the midterm elections.

  In a news release, Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council, appealed for the public’s help in stopping yet another overreach by President Obama aimed at evading the country’s immigration laws.

“ If you care about your immigration security and your neighborhood security, you must act now to ensure that Congress stops this unilateral amnesty. Let your voice be heard and spread the word to your neighbors,” Palinkas said in a statement.

“ We who serve in our nation’s immigration agencies are pleading for your help – don’t let this happen. Express your concern to your Senators and Congressmen before it is too late.” “



Palinkas’ letter continues …



” I write today to warn the general public that this situation is about to get exponentially worse –
and more dangerous. America dodged a bullet when the Senate immigration package S. 744 was
blocked by the House. That legislation would have been a financial and security catastrophe. But
news reports have leaked information to the public of a USCIS management contract bid for a
“surge” printing of 34 million green cards and employment authorization documents to be
provided to foreign nationals, a bid that predicts the Administration’s promised executive
amnesty. “


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Amnesty Opposition Grows




” The National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council (USCIS Council) says the legislation fails to address its top concerns about the current system, including the pressure on USCIS officers to approve visa applications without thorough review and the bureaucratic barricades that prevent them from coordinating with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials.

Sources say it is highly unusual for the USCIS Council to weigh in publicly on legislation.

Like the ICE Council, the USCIS Council was not consulted in the crafting of the Gang of Eight’s legislation,” wrote USCIS Council president Kenneth Palinkas in a statement. “Instead, the legislation was written with special interestsproducing a bill that makes the current system worse, not better. S. 744 will damage public safety and national security and should be opposed by lawmakers.”

“The legislation will provide legal status to millions of visa overstays while failing to provide for necessary in-person interviews,” said Palinkas “We need immigration reform that works. This legislation, sadly, will not.” “