Tag Archive: Nation Of Islam

Farrakhan And Nation Of Islam Want Blacks To Separate From White Society




” At the end of a 4-day Nation of Islam conference in Detroit, leader Louis Farrakhan laid out his plan for blacks to separate from a predominately white society that he feels is unjust. He called for blacks to set up their own justice system, told them all to move to Detroit, and threatened the government if they try to stop him.

  Farrakhan is kind of like Malcolm X in a Pee Wee Herman outfit, but he sure knows how to get people’s attention with his inflammatory speech. No doubt referring to the George Zimmerman and Michael Dunn cases, the NOI leader called for a separate “blacks only” court system to deliver rulings favoring African Americans.

“ We want equal justice under the law. Our people can’t take much more. We have to have our own courts. You failed us.”

  So because two black men died at the hands of whitey (one justified, one not), there is rampant injustice for blacks in this country? What about the tens of thousands of whites, Asians, and Latinos that are raped, murdered, and assaulted by blacks every year? Will this new black-centric court system give justice to those victims?”



Being the racist that he is Farrakhan had this to say



” In a moment that seems to indicate Farrakhan is looking to take on “whitey” in armed conflict, he asked the crowd if America had been just to them. The crowd responded “no” and Farrakhan replied, “So … if we retaliate, you can bring out your soldiers. We got some, too.”

  Farrakhan was on a roll so he also insulted Christians, gays, and Jews. He often put Jesus in the context of Islam, saying that Jesus and Mohammed would be “arm in arm.” He likened himself to Henry Ford and since Farrakhan didn’t event the assembly line, we are left to assume he is referring to Ford’s anti-Semitism. Lastly, he condemned gay marriage saying the Bible doesn’t allow it. Of course, Muslims don’t read the Bible so who knows what the f*ck he was talking about.”


   More here and here including a three hour video , and remember that this hate-filled bigot is welcoime company among many of the so called “tolerant” Left . Let them have Detroit , their policies have made it what it is … “They built that “







Nation Of Islam (Black Panthers) Gets Pasadena Texas Welcome




Published on Jan 17, 2014

” Diversity Rocks….. They are The Black Panthers – but it is an umbrella group for Islamic Jihad nowadays.

NEWS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOP2T…

Enter “The complete Joe Horn 9-11 call” into youtube to hear the 911 call that caused this event.

   They need conflict to feel power. Society is built upon good ideas and they have none. That’s why when you talk about issues, they talk about you. That is the best they can offer – and it is merely annoying not informative.

  Like the crackhead who walks in front of your car to make you tap the brakes. Just on a larger scale and with media complicity. The opposite of Order is Anarchy. They go for maximum effect. This time they tried it on Texas. They have not been back since.”