Tag Archive: Muslim Extremism

Children Of The Caliphate




” They stand in the front row at public beheadings and crucifixions held in Raqqa, the Islamic State’s stronghold in Syria. They’re used for blood transfusions when Islamic State fighters are injured. They are paid to inform on people who are disloyal or speak out against the Islamic State. They are trained to become suicide bombers. They are children as young as 6 years old, and they are being transformed into the Islamic State’s soldiers of the future.

  The Islamic State has put in place a far-reaching and well-organized system for recruiting children, indoctrinating them with the group’s extremist beliefs, and then teaching them rudimentary fighting skills. The militants are preparing for a long war against the West, and hope the young warriors being trained today will still be fighting years from now.

  The young fighters of the Islamic State could pose a particularly dangerous long-term threat because they’re being kept away from their normal schools and instead inculcated with a steady diet of Islamist propaganda designed to dehumanize others and persuade them of the nobility of fighting and dying for their faith.

” [The Islamic State] deliberately deny education to the people who are in the territory under their control, and not only that, they brainwash them,” said Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, who’s tasked with thinking about future threats and planning for the Army’s future. “They engage in child abuse on an industrial scale. They brutalize and systematically dehumanize the young populations. This is going to make this a multigenerational problem.” “


This article from Foreign Policy is a real eye-opener , or should be , if we had some real leadership . 












2016 And Paris: It’s The Jihad, Stupid!




” Forget the economy, forget education, forget even Obamacare. All politics is local, as Tip O’Neill famously said. And there’s nothing more local than a crazed jihadi aiming an AK-47 at your head and splattering said head against the wall and through the window.

  The last few days should remind us of that. And if you don’t think what happened in Paris can happen here, you’re out of your bloomin’ mind. It already has, as everybody knows, and the chances are about 99.9999% it will again. (We could be hit by an asteroid instead, saving us from the jihadis.)

  Meanwhile, under the watch of the man who masquerades under the moniker of president of the United States, someone who can barely muster a dopey three-minute speech filled with banalities about the killings in France, radical Islam has metastasized across the world in a manner only dreamed of on 9/11. A map on Gretawire shows terror networks cutting a wide swathe across the planet, from South America through North Africa on to the Indian subcontinent and then into South-East Asia. In a sense the map should already include Western Europe, the way things are going.

  And most likely things are going to get worse. Al Qaeda (operating with impunity in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere) and ISIS (with a state of its own the size of Indiana) are in a pissing contest for terrorist maniacs of the year while Boko Haram is doing its best to exterminate everyone in Nigeria, and apparently succeeding – all in the name of Allah. And our president never uses the word “Islamic” or acknowledges that we are at war — even though, quite obviously, the Islamists are at war with us and with Western civilization. And they seem just to be getting started. Only the morally narcissistic buffoons at the New York Times would think otherwise. “


    As poor as the Democratic choices for president are likely to be , it is doubtful the the candidate put forth by the Republicans will be much better .

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Charlie Hebdo: Fresh Shootings Near Paris, Hostages Taken In Manhunt, Reports Say








” Two suspects in Charlie Hebdo killing have been identified in French town of Dammartin-en-Goele, north of Paris. There are reports of shooting and hostages taken in.

  A French security official said two suspects in the storming of satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead have stolen a car and are on the move again.

  The two, brothers with al-Qaida sympathies, stole a Peugeot on Friday morning in the town of Montagny Sainte Felicite, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) northeast of Paris. Shots were fired.

  Thousands of French security forces have mobilized to find the brothers after the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices on Wednesday.

  Investigators were scrutinizing the recent past of two brothers with al-Qaida sympathies and a place on the US no-fly list as a manhunt for the suspects in the newsroom massacre at a satirical French weekly entered its third day Friday.

  Police SWAT teams swarmed a region north of Paris, fearing a second strike by the suspects, who are described in a nationwide notice as “armed and dangerous.”

  One brother was convicted of terrorism charges in 2008, and survivors of the bloody assault on Charlie Hebdo said the attackers claimed allegiance to al-Qaida in Yemen. The weekly newspaper had been repeatedly threatened – and its offices were firebombed in 2011 – after spoofing Islam and depicting the Prophet Muhammad in caricature.

  Heavily armed security forces with air cover moved along country roads and among old stone buildings. The country’s maximum terror alert was extended from Paris to the northern Picardie region, focusing on towns that might be safe havens for Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34.”



 Unsurprisingly it has come to light that these brothers are well known to police and are actually on the US “no-fly” list while one has already been convicted of terrorism and the other has recently traveled to Yemen … Political correctness kills …



” A senior US official said on Thursday the elder Kouachi had traveled to Yemen, although it was unclear whether he was there to join extremist groups like al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, which is based there.

  The younger brother, Cherif, was convicted of terrorism charges in 2008 for his links to a network sending jihadis to fight American forces in Iraq.

  Both were also on the US no-fly list, a senior US counterterrorism official said. The American officials also spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss foreign intelligence publicly.

  French President Francois Hollande called for tolerance after the country’s worst terrorist attack in decades.”



    By all means Hollande , tolerance will save the day … I would say that your over-emphasis on “tolerance” is what brought on the deaths of twelve of the citizens your are sworn to protect .

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Ohio Airport Jihad: “Armed With Knives” Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed Attacks Police At Airport







” A 41-year-old Ohio man armed with several knives tried to buy a plane ticket with a fake ID before being gunned down by police after lunging at an officer with a blade outside the Columbus airport, police said.

  Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed had parked illegally outside the ticketing terminal and was acting bizarrely as he tried to buy a ticket to an undisclosed location Wednesday afternoon. He showed off a woman’s ID to try and make the buy at one point before he was rebuffed, cops said.”



Pamela Geller has more on the latest example of “workplace violence” from the “Religion Of Peace™ “… 













Controversial Owner Declares Her Store A ‘Muslim-Free’ Zone; Find Out Her Reasoning







” Of course, not all Muslims are violent and should not be treated as such. However, one store, The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range in Hot Springs, Arkansas, has declared itself a “Muslim-free zone.”
  Citing safety concerns and an extensive history of violent actions taken by Muslims in the U.S. and abroad, range owner Jan Morgan posted on her website a ten-point explanation for her decision to ban Muslims from her establishment and clarification as to her supposed legal reasoning.
  Morgan claims that the ATF has asked her in the past to exercise judgment in refusing service to people who she feels might be unstable or a threat in general. This broad leeway, Morgan claims, offers her the authority to deny service broadly to Muslims. Bearingarms.com backs-up this assertion and notes, 

She brings up a very valid point that gun stores and ranges have both a legal and moral obligation to ensure the safety of their patrons. Because of this, they may refuse service to anyone they deem to be under the influence, mentally unstable, or otherwise a potential threat to themselves, or others. FFLs are afforded a great deal of latitude in this regard, as the federal government would rather err on the side of caution.” “

Ms Morgan’s ten reasons can be read here and they make perfect sense to us .

Woman Confronts Muslim Extremists Who Invaded Her Hometown




” Muslim cab drivers and Subway franchise managers refusing disabled customers with guide dogs. Muslim refugees on welfare demanding Sharia Law-compliant food banks. Towns surrendering to the complaint of a single Muslim to remove an ad for bacon. Man ordered to remove an American flag because it was ‘offensive to Muslims.’

  The demands of Muslims in America are spreading more quickly than we can document it. Yet despite the record influx of immigrants and “refugees” from Muslim nations, the population in America is (for now) well below that of Britain.

  And it is from Britain that a stunning warning video comes showing us what can happen when a large number of Muslims infiltrate a Western city.”



Read more at Top Right News and you can visit the EDL website here












Uploaded on Jan 1, 2012

” http://www.answeringmuslims.com/p/jih…
Jihad proceeds in stages. Stage One: Stealth Jihad. Stage Two: Defensive Jihad. Stage Three: Offensive Jihad.”










Uploaded on Oct 11, 2011

” Early Muslim Extremists In American History presented by Glenn Beck & David Barton.”















” Ah, yes, the gap between rich and poor, that old canard is being dusted off and trotted out to avoid the M issue.”Often young people with immigrant backgrounds – who are poorly educated, cannot find work and feel pushed to the edge of society.” There are thousands of non-Muslim immigrants and working class poor who are not burning down the country screaming allahu akbar even though many of them live in the exact same neighborhoods and have the same levels of income.

In a country with a reputation for openness, tolerance and a model welfare state, the rioting has exposed a fault-line between a well-off majority and a minority – often young people with immigrant backgrounds – who are poorly educated, cannot find work and feel pushed to the edge of society.

But in Orebro, a town in central Sweden, some 25 masked youths set fire to three cars, a school and tried to torch a police station, police said. An old empty building was set alight in the town of Sodertalje, less than an hour’s drive from the capital.”








Police: French Soldier Stabbed In Neck While On Patrol




” A French soldier who was stabbed Saturday on the western outskirts of Paris was targeted because of his military service, France’s defense minister said.

“The aim was to kill the soldier because he was a soldier,” Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told CNN affiliate BFMTV. The attacker wanted “to kill a soldier who is in charge of French security,” he said.

The soldier was stabbed in the neck from behind with either a knife or a box cutter, a Hauts-de-Seine police spokesman said.

The attacker was wearing a robe and appeared to be North African, said Laurent Lefebvre, a spokesman for Syndicat Alliance Police Nationale, a French police union.”








To The Slaughter




” On Wednesday, Drummer Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, a man who had served Queen and country honorably in the hell of Helmand Province in Afghanistan, emerged from his barracks on Wellington Street, named after the Duke thereof, in southeast London. Minutes later, he was hacked to death in broad daylight and in full view of onlookers by two men with machetes who crowed “Allahu akbar!” as they dumped his carcass in the middle of the street like so much road kill.

As grotesque as this act of savagery was, the aftermath was even more unsettling.”




As always , Mr Steyn is THE “must read” of the weekend 






96% Of The FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists Are Muslim



” And the other four percent is a single animal rights activist. I blame Islamophobia for this shameless terrorist profiling. Also reality.

Interesting that with all of the obfuscation about domestic terrorism and Christian terrorism and Jewish and Lutheran and Episcopalian and Amish terrorism, 30 of 31 on the list are Muslim.

It’s easy to stand in front of a malleable press corps and claim that terrorism is not the exclusive domain of Islam, but when it comes to actual facts, they haven’t arrived at manufacturing charges….yet.”







Two Owners Of ‘Terrorista #1’ BMW Believed To Be Friends Of Surviving Boston Bombing Suspect Taken Into Custody For Second Time



Tweet: Dzhokar had tweeted pictures of himself with the car on his account under the name J_tsar




” The two men who own a BMW with the license plate ‘Terrorista #1’ and who are said to be friends with the younger Boston bombing suspect were taken into custody again on Saturday.

This time the two foreign nationals were arrested on immigration violations in the Massachusetts town, New Bedford, where police say the surviving suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, may have once lived.

The students, named be neighbours by their first names Azmat and Diaz, drive a black BMW 330XI with the personalised plate and a sticker on the back which reads: ‘F*** you, you f****** f****’.

They are thought to be from Kazakhstan and had not been seen since the bombings until last night when their ground floor apartment in New Bedford, MA, was raided by a dozen FBI agents at gunpoint.

One of their girlfriends was also arrested. All three are in their late teens or early 20s.”