Tag Archive: MSNBC







” MSNBC anchor Krystal Ball and NBC correspondent Anne Thompson shamelessly politicized the Ebola crisis in a Thursday op-ed on MSNBC.com. Ball and Thompson bewailed how due to “Senate dysfunction and NRA opposition, we don’t have a surgeon general right now….during a time when, we not only have Ebola arriving on our shores, but are also dealing with the mysterious Enterovirus, which is infecting and contributing to the deaths of children in the U.S.”

  The two on-air personalities led their piece, “How the NRA is making the Ebola crisis worse,” by noting that “poll by Harvard found that 39% of U.S. adults are concerned about a large outbreak here, and more than a quarter fear someone in their immediate family could get sick with Ebola.” They continued with a lament: “If only there was someone around who could educate the American public about the actual level of risk. Someone who was trusted as a public health expert and whose job it was to help us understand what we really need to worry about and what precautions we should take.”


MSNBC has “jumped the shark” … again












MSNBC Celebrates Cinco De Mayo In Worst Possible Way








” MSNBC tried its hand at cultural commentary on Monday with a Cinco de Mayo segment featuring a stereotypical portrayal of a stumbling Mexican by a reporter pretending to guzzle tequila straight from the bottle.

  As a visual reading “Mexican Heritage Celebration” appeared on screen, Way Too Early host Thomas Roberts explained the historical background of the holiday. As he spoke, a sombrero-clad Louis Burgdorf wandered around the newsroom shaking a maraca.

” It’s also an excuse to drink tequila on a Monday morning at work for Louis,” Roberts said, adding “you have to drink the whole thing and eat the worm.” “


   Read more on MSNBC’s blatantly racist Cinco de Mayo report . Imagine the uproar , had Fox News or Rush Limbaugh done something like this .










MSNBC Cuts Away From Some Silly NSA Thing To Breaking Bieber News


NSA vs Beiber MSNBC



” For those of you who don’t like how the media prioritizes the superficial over the substantive, here is your new go-to video for everything you hate about cable news. On MSNBC Thursday, Andrea Mitchell was speaking with former Congresswoman Jane Harman about reviews and proposed restrictions on the NSA debate, but before they could really get down to the meat of the subject, Mitchell had to cut away for some breaking news.

  Specifically, news having to do with America’s favorite… whatever he is… Justin Bieber. “


Read more at Mediaite







… Half Under Age 30 Never Watch News





” Network news viewers are declining in unprecedented rates, from an average of 48 million nightly network news viewers in 1985 to 24.5 million in 2013, according to Pew Research analysis of Nielsen Media Research data.

  Young people aged 18-29 are the least likely to watch network news regularly (only 11 percent did so in 2012), and 49 percent of people in this age group say they never watch the news.”













MSNBC: December Jobs Report Is ‘Horrific, Awful And Ugly’






” Morning Joe’s crack news team did make a half-hearted stab at blaming “cold weather,” but you could tell they’re just not into the argument. The fact is there’s simply no way to spin this data as anything other than dismal. They even bemoaned the fact that the unemployment rate only went down because so many people left the workforce.  For MSNBC, that comes dangerously close to actual reporting.

  Probably the best part of the segment was the look on Mika Brzezinski’s face. Dour, downcast, and frustrated, she looks like her head’s about to explode. This may be because, like liberals everywhere, she treats each and every bit of negative news that stems from her political messiah’s administration as a personal assault.”



More at CainTV







MSNBC Mocks NRA, Suggests It’s Better To Confront A School Shooter Unarmed

School Shooters MSNBC

Click For Video



” On Monday’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC’s Richard Wolffe mocked NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre for asserting a year ago that “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” by using the example of Antoinette Tuff, who last August heroically talked a gunman in a school into surrendering.

  Wolffe treated one exceptional and unlikely case as if it proved LaPierre wrong as he awarded Tuff the show’s “person of the year” award. Wolffe: “

Read more at NewsBusters









The Best Notable Quotables 2013


Ed Schultz

” Welcome to the Media Research Center’s annual awards issue, a compilation of the most outrageous and/or humorous news media quotes from 2013 (December 2012 through November 2013).

  To determine this year’s winners, a panel of 42 radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, columnists, editorial writers, and expert media observers each selected their choices for the first, second and third best quote from a slate of five to seven quotes in each category [List of Judges]. First place selections were awarded three points, second place choices two points, with one point for the third place selections. Point totals are listed alongside each quote. Each judge was also asked to choose a “Quote of the Year” denoting the most outrageous quote of 2013.

  The MRC’s Cassandre Durocher distributed the ballots and tabulated the results. Senior news analyst Scott Whitlock helped produce the numerous audio and video clips included in the Web-posted version. Rich Noyes and Brent Baker assembled this issue and Brad Ash posted the entire package to the MRC’s Web site.

Ed Schultz

“This is the Web site folks, HealthCare.gov. If you go to this Web site, you will find out how easy it is to read, how easy it is to navigate all the information, all the basic questions, and all the direction you need to take to get involved, to get health care. This is a great guide, if I may say, for any of you out there who feel so confused by all of these right-wing commercials that are just permeating through your television screen.”
— Host Ed Schultz on MSNBC’s The Ed Show, September 30.”

Just one of the many idiotic highlights from the media on MRC’s list .

Rye’s Racist Liberal Rant Shoved Back In Her Face By Black Conservative


Bogus Racism



” Angela Rye, the former Executive Director and General Counsel to the Congressional Black Caucus, has the nerve to label another entity as being racist. Of course, in America, organized black racism is largely accepted or tolerated and calling others racist because they oppose your socialist or racist agenda is generally accepted as well, but not by everybody.

  Republican strategist Ron Christie called Rye on her comments, and challenged not only her assertions against the tea party, which welcomes people of any race, but also challenged her on the still unsubstantiated spitting incident involving John Lewis (D-GA), and alleged use of the “n-word” on the day of the Obamacare vote. Christie was there that day and he says not only did he not hear it, but Lewis has refused to comment on it. Additionally, a $100,000 reward for proof that it happened which was offered by Andrew Brietbart went unclaimed. “












” On Friday, George Soros-funded hit group Media Matters for America declared victory over its arch-nemesis Fox News. In a puff piece by Amanda Terkel for the Huffington Post, Media Matters leaked that “in the coming years, Fox will no longer be the center of Media Matters’ universe.” What changed? Nothing, really, considering that Fox News still effectively dominates the ratings, with better numbers than MSNBC and CNN combined. But Media Matters reports that it has “effectively discredited the network’s desire to be seen as ‘fair and balanced.’”

  However, polls show that simply isn’t the case. The 2012 Public Policy Polling TV News Trust poll showed that 34 percent of respondents trusted Fox News more than ABC News, CBS News, CNN, MSNBC, Comedy Central, NBC News, and PBS. Even among Democrats, Fox News polled better than MSNBC. The 2013 numbers were similar.”


Read The Rest











More At The Right Scoop











Al Sharpton SNL


Click pic to play video



” Late night comedy show “Saturday Night Live” used a skit this week to poke fun at Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show.

  The skit featured an “unpaid contributor to The Huffington Post” as a guest on the “Politics Nation” show to discuss President Barack Obama’s signature health care law.”

HT/The Blaze

Obama Dismisses IRS Targeting Of Conservatives


Obama Hardball




” President Obama rejected the notion that the IRS’ targeting of Tea Party groups was illegal — or even improper — during his interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Thursday.

  But the interview became interesting when the Hardball host asked why Americans were growing increasingly skeptical of government. Obama noted that the media never seems interested in government success stories. “When we do things right, they don’t get a lot of attention,” he said.”



   Perhaps Dear Leader would be so kind as to point out these elusive , ignored government triumphs … Well ? We’re waiting … and we’ll have a long wait , we’re sure . We are having a very difficult time recalling anything at all that the State has gotten right in our lifetime … excepting the occasional military accomplishment .


” OBAMA: That’s not — that’s not something that’s reported about. If, on the other hand, you’ve got an office in Cincinnati, in the IRS office that — I think, for bureaucratic reasons, is trying to streamline what is a difficult law to interpret about whether a nonprofit is actually a political organization deserves a tax exempt agency. And they’ve got a list, and suddenly everybody’s outraged.”



   With toadies such as “Tingles” Matthews controlling the mainstream airwaves it is impossible to imagine any government success stories that would be buried on page thirty six . 

   For those with a strong stomach below we have included the entire interview below .














Jim Norton, On HuffPostLive, Attacks Liberal Hypocrisy On Race And Political Correctness



Jim Norton


” Comedians often aim their jokes at conservatives, but not this time. Comedian Jim Norton attacked Al Sharpton, host of MSNBC’s “Politics Nation,” and his network for hypocritically promoting racial and homophobic vitriol.

  Norton criticized Sharpton and MSNBC while on Nov. 19’s HuffPostLive. He claimed that MSNBC exhibits a double standard where they accept certain offensive behavior by individuals such as Sharpton, but censor contributors like Alec Baldwin. He also attributed a similar hypocrisy to Hollywood’s conception of political correctness.

  Norton, known for his popular radio show “Opie & Anthony,” get slamming Sharpton, saying he’s “been an absolute pig for many years, and he gets away with it because everyone’s afraid just to tell him exactly what a complete a**hole he is.”

  When asked about MSNBC host’s Alec Baldwin’s recent homophobic remarks, Norton said that he had “no problem with Alec Baldwin.” Instead, his problem is “with MSNBC and they mete out punishment arbitrarily.” He criticized MSNBC for punishing Baldwin, while ignoring the “jackass” Al Sharpton. MSNBC’s recent blind eye towards Martin Bashir is certainly an example of this double standard.”









CNN And MSNBC Lose Almost Half Their Viewers In One Year



” It’s been a tough year for the liberal cable news outlets.

  Data released Tuesday show CNN shedding 48 percent of total viewers since last November and MSNBC dropping 45 percent.

  The numbers were even worse in the all important demographic of people aged 25 to 54 as CNN’s ratings dropped 59 percent and MSNBC’s 52 percent.”




Further reading:


Fox News Destroys Competitors In November Ratings

” Fox News triumphed in the cable news ratings battle in November, grabbing more total day and primetime viewers than its two rival competitors — CNN and MSNBC — combined. 

  It marks the 143rd consecutive month that Fox News has come out on top, and it ranked second in all of cable for the month of November — behind only ESPN. It featured the top 14 programs in all of cable news.”


Nov. 2013 Ratings: CNN Shows Hit Year Lows

” While all the news networks were down this month compared to last November, due to the 2012 election, CNN was down the most. In the key A25-54 demo, the network was down -62% in primetime and down -59% for total day viewing.”





To quote the Professor : “Heh”








Rich 1% Oprah, Your Racism Is Showing; Bashir’s War On Sarah Palin



    Mr Dupree has the stones to take on a pair of the stupidest statements of the week that , had they been uttered by conservatives would have caused a major uproar and fueled demands for heads to roll , but since they were uttered by leftist darlings Oprah Winfrey and Martin Bashir the merit nary a raised eyebrow . Two of the mainstays of the Democratic party’s talking points , racism and the “war on women” have jumped the shark . Good for him for calling them both out .











We Could Use A Bit Of Insurrection Against The Established Order




” I appeared on NPR on Wednesday and was surprised to hear a caller say that Sen. Ted Cruz should be charged with sedition. “I’m really baffled by the fact that the discussion has not ever reached the point where charges of sedition should be brought up against him for conspiring and bullying others to work with him to undermine the American economy … full faith and credit,” the caller said. “He’s done so much damage to the standing of the United States in the world. And if you read the Sedition Act, it seems like it really applies.”

A colleague on the panel, the Wall Street Journal’s Sudeep Reddy, assured the caller, “There is no possibility of that.” And the conversation moved on. But it turns out that in a few corners of the left, there are activists who would like to see Cruz, along with other Republicans and conservatives who have expressed strong opposition to Obamacare, charged with inciting rebellion against the United States government.

After Cruz and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin appeared together last weekend on the National Mall, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reported the event in front of a screen with pictures of Cruz and Palin and the title LATEST SEDITION. Maddow did not utter the word itself, but viewers certainly got the message.”



Here is a legal definition of :



” An insurrectionary movement tending towards treason, but wanting an overt act; attempts made by meetings or speeches, or by publications, to disturb the tranquillity of the state. The distinction between “sedition” and “treason” consists in this: that though the ultimate object of sedition is a violation of the public peace, or at least such a course of measures as evidently engenders it. yet it does not aim at direct and open violence against the laws or the subversion of the constitution. Alis. Crim. Law, 5S0. In Scotch law. The raising commotions or disturbances in the state. It Is a revolt against legitimate authority. Ersk. Inst 4, 4, 14. In English law. Sedition is the offense of publishing, verbally or otherwise, any words or document with the intention of exciting disaffection, hatred, or contempt against the sovereign, or the government and constitution of the kingdom, or either house of parliament, or the administration of justice. or of exciting his majesty’s subjects to attempt, otherwise than by lawful means, the alteration of any matter in church or state, or of exciting feelings of ill will and hostility between different classes of his majesty’s subjects. Sweet. And see State v. Shepherd, 177 Mo. 205. 76 S. W. 79, 99 Am. St. Rep. 624.”



   The above words regarding the “crime” of sedition would seem to run quite contrary to the spirit of America in that they can easily be construed to prohibit any kind of disagreement in the political arena . The Left can revel in that language if they so choose , but the following words would seem to take precedence from an American point of view .





”  When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

   We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

   The words above should be required reading these days and that is why the progressives have systematically tried to eliminate the instruction of American history in the indoctrination centers we refer to as public schools . For those of you who do not recognize the above words , they are the opening paragraphs of the document that changed the world , the Declaration of Independence.















MSNBC Falls Below HLN In May, Rachel Maddow Hits Lows



” HLN’s wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias trial has had substantial ratings legs. Surging around the time of the May 8 verdict, the network notched an extremely rare monthly victory: It topped MSNBC in total day and primetime. And with CNN posting its second consecutive month as a distant primetime runner-up to Fox News Channel, MSNBC is in a very precarious fourth place.

The soft start for All In With Chris Hayes has not helped. Hayes, down 32 percent in total viewers fromThe Ed Show last May, has offered a poor lead-in for MSNBC’s primetime flagship, The Rachel Maddow Show, at 9 p.m. The show delivered its lowest-rated month since it debuted in September 2008 (717,000 total viewers) and its second lowest with adults 25-54 (210,000). Maddow was topped by typical time slot victor Sean Hannity and CNN’s Piers Morgan.”








Chris Matthews Sours On Obama





” President Obama “obviously likes giving speeches more than he does running the executive branch,” Chris Matthews said tonight.

“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians — that means his own cabinet, that means members of the congress, either party. He doesn’t particularly like the press…. He likes to write the speeches, likes to rewrite what Favreau and the others wrote for the first draft,” Matthews said.”








CNN Gives 30 Times More Coverage To Tabloid Stories Than Benghazi Hearing




” On Wednesday evening, CNN barely covered the congressional hearing on the Benghazi attack from earlier that afternoon. Instead, the network provided wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias trial verdict and the Cleveland kidnappings.

From the hours of 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. ET, CNN gave a whopping 4 hours, 9 minutes of coverage to the two crime stories, but a measly eight minutes to Benghazi — over 30 times more coverage. And three of CNN’s prime-time shows didn’t even mention Benghazi.

The 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ET hours of Anderson Cooper 360 featured over one hour and twenty minutes of material on Arias and the Cleveland abduction, but not a second on the hearing. The 9 p.m. ET hour of Piers Morgan Live aired over 40 minutes on the two stories, but completely ignored the Benghazi hearing.”









From Freedom Outpost










MSNBC: ‘NRA Is Also In the Business Of Helping Bombers Get Away With Their Crimes’



 Why Liberals Like Touré Love Racism


” AlfonZo Rachel examines the ugly, racist comments delivered by MSNBC’s Touré about Dr. Ben Carson. Hear what Touré said, and why Zo is outraged by MSNBC’s brand of liberal racism.”




” Pew Research has a new State of the Media 2013 report which finds that MSNBC’s output contains far more opinion than news. This chart shows the balance at all three cable networks:”





” The methodology Pew used was to survey stories and categorize them based on the percentage of information vs. opinion. Any story which contained 25 percent opinion or more was labeled commentary/opinion, while a story with less was labeled “factual reporting.” ”








MSNBC’s ‘Lean Forward’ Ad Unwittingly Alludes to Communist ‘Great Leap Forward,’ Which Killed Millions of Chinese



” MSNBC’s newest ad features weekend host Melissa Harris-Perry unwittingly — or at least one hopes– referencing the Communist Chinese economic program known as the “Great Leap Forward” which left an estimated 18-45 million Chinese dead. The 30-second ad featuring Ms. Perry is narrated as follows:

No fight began just in the years preceding victory.  The struggle for civil rights didn’t begin in the 1950s.  African-Americans had been demanding representation since the 1880s.  Women didn’t just start fighting for the vote in the 1920s.  That began at the founding of this country.  Immigrants to this country have been since its founding fighting for safe and legal status. It’s a change in the political climate that creates the moment for that great leap forward.  The time has come.   [See video after jump.  MP3 audio here.]”