Tag Archive: Money Supply

U.S. Homeownership Rate Falls to Lowest Since 1995





” The U.S. homeownership rate fell to the lowest in almost 18 years, reflecting rising demand for rentals and investor purchases in the housing market.

The share of Americans who own their homes was 65 percent in the first quarter, down from 65.4 percent a year earlier and the lowest level since the third quarter of 1995, the Census Bureau reported today. The vacancy rate for rented homes dropped to 8.6 percent from 8.8 percent a year earlier, while vacancies for owner-occupied houses fell to 2.1 percent from 2.2 percent.”









Bitcoin vs. Big Government




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” Interest in Bitcoin has surged along with its valuation. Last week saw its exchange rate soar past $100 for the first time ever, landing the virtual currency on the front pages of The Washington Post and the Financial Times. Yet the media frenzy, which has focused on the rapidly rising valuation and its possible causes stemming from the bank crisis in Cyprus, is overlooking Bitcoin’s true radical significance—that it can’t be controlled by government.

Until Bitcoin, virtual currencies have in one way or another relied on a third party intermediary, such as a bank or a credit card company, to prevent “double spending.” In the physical world, if I give you a $20 bill, I will no longer have it. You can’t be as sure of that, however, when the cash is a digital file that can be easily copied. The solution has been to have a trusted intermediary keep a ledger of balances and deduct a transaction’s amount from the payer’s account, and add it to the payee’s.”


Get started on your Bitcoin wallet here : 



A little Bitcoin history from Wikipedia




Background Information 

The Race to Unmask Bitcoin‘s Inventor(s)

FAQ – Bitcoin

Who Created Bitcoin?








The Real Hockey Stick Chart: Inflation Since the Birth of the Nation


“This is what happens when the dollar is backed by “the full faith and credit of the United States” and not the barbarous relic. Nixon abandons gold in 1971 and inflation launches skyward. It’s hard to believe that for most of the history of the United States inflation was next to 0%.

That the rate of crony capitalism has launched into the stratosphere at a commensurate rate with inflation is no coincidence. Fiat money is the mother’s milk of crony capitalism.”








” Just how subservient to Barack Obama is the Fed? We’ll soon find out . The Fed is considering pumping more money into the
economy and inflating the currency by the end of September, just in time to artificially stimulate growth and help Obama’s reelection prospects. Just two weeks ago,
Senator Chuck Schumer told the Fed it should act before the 2012 election. “