Tag Archive: Money

Generating New Revenue Streams




” The common reaction to a budget crisis is reducing personnel and cutting services. The focus of this article is to provide police agencies with an alternative to personnel and service reductions. This alternative could help the survival of a city and maintain or expand police service through generating new revenue streams as a proactive approach to meet the fiscal crisis of today and the uncertain future of tomorrow.

  While generating revenue streams is not new to most agencies, the focus and resources necessary to meet current and emerging public safety needs are unprecedented in law enforcement’s history. Law enforcement executives are accustomed to the ebb and flow of fiscal budgets. The current trend, however, is much more far reaching and will impact almost all cities in California and most likely all communities in the United States.

  Five years ago, the current state of the economy facing cities and counties was not even a concern. Now, however, many law enforcement agencies are facing the reality of severe budget cuts, reduced workforce, and the elimination or reduction of many law enforcement programs. Today, police chiefs are being asked to look for ways of economizing, increasing efficiency, eliminating redundancies, and finding revenue sources.

  This trend will be prompted in two possible ways. First, increasing financial pressure will require more severe budget cuts to the point that many agencies will be able to provide only basic services. Second, cities will begin to see successes at nearby agencies and look to new revenue streams as a panacea to forestall reduced services or even bankruptcy. Based on the research for this article, there is a clear presumption of need for law enforcement to generate new income streams. A first necessary step in that process is to examine possible revenue-generating ideas.
Possible New Revenue Streams

  A group of experts in the fields of city government, business, real estate, and entrepreneurship assembled in April 2008 to identify possible new income streams that could be initiated by law enforcement.2 Their suggested new revenue streams serve as an example of ideas that can be generated in a short period of time. Each idea must be weighed against the feasibility of implementation, profit potential, and appropriateness for law enforcement involvement. Their most prominent recommendations were

    • fees for sex offenders registering in a given jurisdiction,
    • city tow companies,
    • fine increases by 50 percent,
    • pay-per-call policing,
    • vacation house check fees,
    • public hours at police firing range for a fee,
    • police department-run online traffic school for minor traffic infractions,
    • department-based security service including home checks and monitoring of security cameras by police department,
    • a designated business to clean biological crime scenes,
    • state and court fees for all convicted felons returning to the community,
    • allowing agency name to be used for advertisement and branding,
    • triple driving-under-the-influence fines by the court,
    • resident fee similar to a utility tax,
    • tax or fee on all alcohol sold in the city,
    • tax or fee on all ammunition sold in, the city,
    • public safety fees on all new development in the city,
    • 9-1-1 fee per use,
    • police department website with business advertisement for support,
    • selling ride-a-longs to the public, and
  • police department–run firearm safety classes.

  In addition to concepts that may lie ahead, there are also many examples of revenue-generating ideas that have been tried and proven in actual use. “



    Yes , as this police chief acknowledges however inadvertently , it’s all about the revenue generation and less about public safety …












From The New TV Comedy Show “The Flipside” Hosted By Michael Loftus





Published on Sep 17, 2014

” Comedian Michael Loftus, host of the new TV show “The Flipside” goes on an extended rant about how people who supposedly believe in the upcoming end of the world brought on by global warming primarily seem interested in just making money for themselves.”



HT/ The People’s Cube



   These links will allow you to like “The Flipside” on Facebook , visit host Michael Loftus’ website and subscribe to their Youtube channel if so inclined .

Brought To You By Storm Clouds Gathering

Published on Sep 11, 2014

” The real reason Russia and Syria are being targeted right now
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Bill Gates Is The Richest In The World, But Who Is The Wealthiest In Your State?







” A recent interactive map identifies the wealthiest person in each of the 50 states. While Oregon’s richest resident comes as no surprise, topping the charts of not only the richest man in the country, but the world as well, others might be lesser known.

  Movoto lists the richest person in each state, considering entrepreneurs, heirs and heiresses, and widows, and their outstanding fortunes.”
















12 Things Men Do Differently To Women. #7 Is Priceless
















Harry Reid Takes On the Koch Brothers



Stewart Reid Koch Brothers


Click Picture For Video … Part One



” The Koch brothers’ wealth causes Harry Reid to worry about a troubling addiction among Senate Republicans. (3:19)”





Harry Reid’s Vegas Placation


Stewart Reid Koch Part Two

Click Picture For Video … Part Two



” Senator Harry Reid explains why some mega-donors are better than others. (4:53)”











Mark Sanford Returns Over 25 Percent Of Budget






” This week, Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S. Car.) returned over 25 percent of his congressional office budget to the U.S. Treasury. Sanford said in a press release Thursday:

  I have long believed that those in government need to spend taxpayer dollars as they would spend their own, both carefully and deliberately. Too often in government there is a distance between what a bureaucrat might spend money on and what a taxpayer would. Our office approaches this fundamental question from the side of the taxpayer and I believe our end-of-year surplus reflects that.

  Today I am pleased to announce that our office returned $231,140.30 or 28.8% of the taxpayer dollars provided to our office by the House of Representatives for 2013.

  Senator Rand Paul returned $600,000 to the U.S. Treasury in 2013 and returned $500,000 in 2012, both constituting around 20 percent of his annual senate budget.”



Rare has more










How Erik Prince, Founder Of Blackwater, Will Help China Subjugate Africa





” China’s ongoing colonization of Africa represents yet another sad development in the continent’s tragic history. I briefly highlighted this topic once before in December 2012, via a “Guest Post” I suggest reading titled: Africa in the Crosshairs.

  Unfortunately, Erik Prince of Blackwater infamy is now coming to town, which can only mean more pain, suffering and servitude for Africa.

  Prince has logistics, aviation, manufacturing, resources and energy business interests in Africa, the Middle East and North America, and is the founder of Frontier Resource Group, a private equity firm active in African aviation, exploration, mining and logistics, DVN said. “



   For the uninitiated the above video and accompanying text (see below) give an overview of Erik Prince , Blackwater and the controversy that seems to follow him wherever he goes .


Published on Jul 16, 2013

” Erik Dean Prince (born June 6, 1969) is an American businessman and former U.S. Navy SEAL, best known for founding the world’s largest private military company, Blackwater USA, in 1997. He served as its CEO until 2009 and later as chairman until Blackwater Worldwide was sold in 2010 to a group of investors. Prince currently lives in the United Arab Emirates.

  Prince credits the Rwandan genocide with his decision to start Blackwater. He told an audience in his native Holland, Michigan, “It really bothered me. It made me realize you can’t sit back and pontificate. You have to act.”[14]

  Since 1997, the firm has been awarded more than $1.6 billion in unclassified federal contracts and an unknown amount of classified work.[15] It became the largest of the State Department’s three private security companies, providing 987 guards for embassies and bases abroad.[16]

  Since 2001, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has awarded up to $600 million in classified contracts to Blackwater and its affiliates.[17] The Barack Obama administration awarded the company a $120 million United States Department of State security contract and about $100 million in new CIA work in 2010.[15]

  Prince takes great pride in the work Blackwater has done and points to its successes. According to him, out of 40,000 personal security missions, only 200 involved guards discharging their weapons. “No one under our care was ever killed or injured. We kept them safe, all the while we had 30 of our men killed.”[14]

  Prince, according to Robert Young Pelton reportedly thinks of Blackwater’s relationship to the military as something similar to FedEx’s relationship to the U.S. Post Office “an efficient, privatized solution to sclerotic and wasteful government bureaucracy.”[18] He credits his father’s competitive streak in the automotive business with the inspiration to design a lighter, faster army.[19]

  In recent years Blackwater has come under criticism, but Prince believes that much of this criticism stems from politics. “I put myself and my company at the CIA’s disposal for some very risky missions,” Prince told Vanity Fair for its January 2010 issue. “But when it became politically expedient to do so, someone threw me under the bus.”[20]

  Prince resigned as CEO of Blackwater on March 2, 2009 and remained as chairman of the board until he sold the company in late 2010 to a group of investors.[21]
Disclosure as part of a covert CIA task force

  Prince was part of a secret CIA task force created to kill terrorists. The House intelligence congressional committee leaked his name to the press.[22] Prince compared himself to the target of the similar government leak of Valerie Plame: “Valerie Plame’s identity was compromised for political reasons. A special prosecutor [was even] appointed. Well, what happened to me was worse. People acting for political reasons disclosed not only the existence of a very sensitive program but my name along with it.”


  Academi—previously known as Xe Services LLC, Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide—is a private military company founded in 1997 by Erik Prince and Al Clark. Academi is currently the largest of the U.S. State Department’s three private security contractors. Academi provided diplomatic security services in Iraq to the United States federal government on a contractual basis. Academi also has a research and development wing that was responsible for developing the Grizzly APC along with other military technology. The company’s headquarters is located in Arlington County, Virginia.










Tre Mason Headed To NFL Draft



Tre Mason



” Tre Mason finished the season as well as any player in college football, and he hopes to carry that momentum to the next level.

  The junior running back announced Thursday that he will forgo his senior season at Auburn and declare for May’s NFL draft. 

  Auburn junior running back Tre Mason led the SEC and was fifth nationally with 1,816 yards rushing. 

” It’s been my dream since I was young, and I’m a dream chaser,” Mason said. “I’m just trying to make a dream into a reality.”

  Mason, who said he was given a third-round grade by the league’s draft advisory committee, led the SEC and was fifth nationally with 1,816 yards rushing.”






Is Bitcoin The Future Of Money ?





” You may have seen in the press recently that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has shut down drug website Silk Road.

With this news many commentators have tied in the fact that many customers of Silk Road use Bitcoins to make transactions. Some have even suggested that now the FBI potentially has a grasp on Bitcoin it will mean the end for Bitcoin and all other private digital currencies.

But from what I can see, the Feds shutting down Silk Road is evidence Bitcoin will survive and be a permanent fixture in the global economy, whatever shape or form it might take in the future.

The biggest issue with Bitcoin is the insane price volatility and people using it in a way not suited for its intended design. Most people see Bitcoin as an investment.

Because Bitcoin is so new, people are confused about what it is and how to use it.

And that’s half the issue, people are trying to pigeon-hole it into a definition, ‘Oh it’s like gold. Oh it’s like cash. Oh it’s like a stock.’ In fact, it’s all of the above and more.

It’s a whole new medium of economic exchange.

It’s most similar comparison is to gold. But it’s as flexible and liquid as cash…with the potential to appreciate in value like a stock. You can’t define it as anything other than Bitcoins.

You need to also remember its history to appreciate its actual current resistance to turmoil.”










US Feds Seize $2.1 Million More From Bitcoin Exchange Mt. Gox



” The hits just keep coming for Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox. Earlier this year, the US Department of Homeland Security had seized $2.9 million from Mt. Gox’s Dwolla account, and now reports are coming in that say an additional $2.1 million was seized from the company’s Wells Fargo accounts.”









My Week In North Korea



” To American ears that sounds like the set-up to a joke. The very idea of a North Korean giggling seems absurd. What can there possibly be to laugh about? The country has been ruled for more than half a century by absolute dictators who periodically threaten to blow up the world. It is populated by the children of a 1990s famine, malnourished orphans with oversized heads who never grew. It is forbidden to use the orphans’ nickname: kotchebi, or “little sparrows,” a reference to their habit of flitting around in the dirt looking for crumbs to eat.

Western impressions of North Korean culture are filtered through the prism of their totalitarian government and unrelieved misery. Day-to-day life is usually imagined as one of constant drudgery and fear. In 1965, Robert Jenkins was one of the few U.S. soldiers to defect into North Korea. Escaping four decades later, he wrote, “I did not understand that the country I was seeking temporary refuge in was literally a giant, demented prison.” 

It’s easy to get into North Korea as a tourist. The reason is the most capitalist one possible: They need money. In 1980, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) achieved the dubious honor of being the first Communist nation to default on its loans, ruining its credit rating to this day. The following three decades were hardly better for the DPRK’s international reputation. The 1990s collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe removed most of their strongest allies. President George W. Bush famously included North Korea on his “axis of evil,” and despite Dennis Rodman’s best efforts President Barack Obama will not be calling on Marshall Kim Jong Un any time soon. Like his father, Kim Jong Il, and his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, this dictator is a global oddity. “







The Death Throes of the United States

Published on Jan 21, 2013

” The United States is a nation in its death throes, on the path to total collapse, in this video we’re going to explain why. 
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Medicaid Expansion: Déjà Vu All Over Again




” Republican governors are following the script of Obama and Clinton in their campaign strategy for the Medicaid expansion that is needed to implement ObamaCare: The cast of earnest white coats and tearful upstanding, hard-working patients with hard-luck stories. Statements that sound as though they were written by the same PR firm. The same dire consequences of inaction.

“It’s just the right thing to do,” is a favorite concluding sentence.

What “it” basically means is to get the “free” federal money before somebody else does. Since it doesn’t cost “us” anything, at least not at first, it’s a “no brainer” to just grab it. It means billions of dollars, and thousands of jobs, for “us.

But if we exercise our brains for a minute, we see that in reality the billions go to “them,” not “us.” They are the ones in the expensive suits lurking in the background and attending the closed-door meetings. They are the million-dollar-a-year executives of managed-care companies or administrators in big hospital chains. They get the billions and trickle a portion down to people in scrubs and white coats who do real work, for the care of approved patients. They are the real players; the visible ones are props, shills, or camouflage. They are the decision-makers, who decide who is eligible for what.

They don’t think like doctors. Doctors ask, “What is the best way to help this patient with hepatitis c?” Rather, they ask, “Is this person with a certain set of social characteristics worth spending some of ‘our’ resources?” ”







18 Things Presidents Are REALLY Spending Our Tax Money On



” It is said that two things are certain: death and taxes. Of course, that ignores the inevitability that those taxes will be spent on ridiculous crap. We asked our readers to show us what presidents have secretly splurged on with our hard-earned money. The winner is below, but first the runners-up … ”


#8 By: Froggar








SUNSHINE WEEK: A Look Inside An Obscure Foundation Of Undue Influence







” A powerful group of left-wing activists has leveraged big money, high-level White House access and tax-code loopholes to create a lobbying organization dressed up as an educational nonprofit with the benign name of a household laundry detergent.

The Tides Foundation is a favorite charity of such big-name liberal donors as Teresa Heinz Kerry (ketchup up heiress and wife of Secretary of State John Kerry) and Barbra Streisand. The two have given Tides more than $8.5 million over the years.

And Tides has a lesser-known benefactor: You. From the foundation’s 2009 to 2011 IRS 990 tax returns, the most recent years for which data is available, the government has given Tides some $28 million in grants paid for by American taxpayers.

That grant-making function helps explain Tides’ critical role, not just on the Left but in the White House. It has become a kind of banking operation of the Left.

Indeed, when asked why some of its donors require anonymity, Tides spokesperson Byrne said, “Transparency comes in many forms … The only area where we choose not to disclose information is that of our anonymous donors. In this effort we stand with many longstanding institutions in our field such as RPA, Schwab, Fidelity, etc.”

The analogy is telling: RPA is a marketing firm, of course. Schwab and Fidelity are investment and banking firms.

“The Tides conglomerate is an octopus with hundreds of incubating projects funded by untraceable wealthy foundations,” said Arnold, of Undue Influence. “Now it has promoted itself to a member of the federal government, particularly the White House.” “






Bloomberg:Don't Panic,USA Has'Infinite Amount of Money'...




” We are spending money we don’t have,” Mr. Bloomberg explained. “It’s not like your household. In your household, people are saying, ‘Oh, you can’t spend money you don’t have.’ That is true for your household because nobody is going to lend you an infinite amount of money. When it comes to the United States federal government, people do seem willing to lend us an infinite amount of money. … Our debt is so big and so many people own it that it’s preposterous to think that they would stop selling us more. It’s the old story: If you owe the bank $50,000, you got a problem. If you owe the bank $50 million, they got a problem. And that’s a problem for the lenders. They can’t stop lending us more money.”

Nevertheless, Mr. Bloomberg said it wouldn’t be easy to find the spending cuts that do emerge. Accordingly, when Mr. Gambling suggested cutting “waste” could solve a significant portion of the deficit, Mr. Bloomberg flat-out disagreed.

“Listen, I’ve worked now in government for 11 years,” he said. “One of the problems is the definition of ‘waste.’ You think the programs that I want are waste. And I think the problems that you want are waste. It’s not like somebody is taking wheelbarrows full of dollar bills and throwing them out the window. It’s a question of definition, what is ‘waste’ and what is not. Everything we have was put in by Congress, signed by the president. There was a reason for it, or a constituency for it. Most of the tax breaks are designed to encourage or discourage economic activity.  There’s a reason for it.” ”



Illustration By Steve Sack





5 Hollywood Secrets That Explain Why So Many Movies Suck




” Chances are if you’re reading this, you are already mad at Hollywood. You’ve watched helplessly as it bastardized the franchises you loved as a child, or failed to promote — or even release — a project you had been excited about for years.

You can write it all off as greed and the terrible taste of the movie-going public, but there are other factors that make Hollywood the soulless blockbuster machine that it is. Some of which you’d never suspect …


#5.Writers Don’t Come Up With the Ideas

“There are no original ideas! Look at the top-grossing 25 films of the 2000s — 23 were remakes or adaptations! How lazy can these writers get?”

The Problem:

Even if you know nothing about how movies get made, you know that there are very specialized tasks — the sound guy is an expert in microphones and audio but probably couldn’t be trusted to do stunts. And, you assume that when it comes to thinking up the ideas for what happens in the movie, somewhere it’s all just some writer hunched over a keyboard — a professional who is an expert in story, plot and character.

Not so.

In almost all cases, the initial ideas for movie plots don’t come from screenwriters at all, but from producers (basically, the people in charge of the money side of the project). So most of the movies playing in your nearest theater didn’t come from some writer thinking up a story he wanted to tell — they came from some producer saying, “There hasn’t been a ThunderCats movie yet, has there?”
At that point, the producer and whoever else is involved (other producers, maybe a famous actor if they’re lucky) will then hammer out a rough idea for the movie that will appeal to at least two of the four market demographics (young males, young females, older males, older females). So if it’s an action movie aimed completely at young males, you throw a romance in there for the ladies. It’s only then that they will give a screenwriter a call. In other words, in most Hollywood films, the writer is basically there to fill in the dialogue holes and think of clever catchphrases for Ryan Reynolds to say every time he socks a guy in the jaw. “

I, Pencil: The Movie


‘Rosa Parks’ of the Dollar


  ” A “speedy trial” is one of the rights the Constitution requires the government to provide to defendants in criminal cases, but it’s silent on whether the sentencing also needs to be speedy. We were put in mind of this fact by Alan Feuer’s profile in this morning’s New York Times in respect of Bernard Von Nothaus. He was convicted more than a year and a half ago of “counterfeiting,” because he issued silver coins, which he called “Liberty dollars,” and sold them at a price much lower than they would command in United States currency. He could face the rest of his life in prison, but the court seems to be in no rush to sentence him. In the year and a half since the verdict was brought in against him, he’s been living in a friend’s house at Malibu, awaiting word of his fate.

The case throws into sharp relief an astonishing irony —that a man who issued money that has sharply appreciated in value is facing the rest of his life in prison while the officials who issue the official Federal Reserve Notes, the value of which has in four years plunged in half, to less than a 1,750th of an ounce of gold, are walking around free. We do not mean to suggest that Chairman Bernanke and his colleagues have committed a crime. We do mean to suggest that it’s a context that makes the verdict against Bernard Von NotHaus seem absurd. We’d like to think that the federal judge in the case, who is a sage jurist, understands all this and is trying to come up with a solomonic solution. “

“As Embassy In Yemen Attacked,
Obama Discusses “Tough Day” At
Campaign Appearance”

Oh , the Unfairness

Chris Rock whines ,

”  “I wish we didn’t have to stoop to this level. I wish they made it like a real fight. I mean, we’re watching the Olympics right now and everything is fair. So I wish both guys could only spend the exact same amount of money and let the best man win.”

  This is fair, Mr. Rock. There were few cries of ‘foul’ and ‘unfair’ in 2008 when Obama raised $778,642,962 in 2008, because he did a better job of captivating America. But now that Obama has captained the economy through the least impressive recession recovery, Americans are showing that they don’t support Obama nearly as much. “

Considering that he has mortgaged our children’s future to them and then raises funds there perhaps he should campaign for president of China instead of the US .

   Lord knows his policies are more in keeping with totalitarianism than republicanism .


” The Obama campaign may be attacking Republican rival Mitt Romney for investing abroad, but it is not shy about raising campaign cash overseas. Last week, the
campaign held a fundraiser for American expatriates in Shanghai, raking in large sums from those benefiting from the sort of
personal and professional investment overseas that President Barack Obama has cast as unpatriotic in a recent attack ad
against Romney. “



” The Democrat Party is the party of factional payola : it is comprised of factions who are united to attain power and reap rewards such
as loans, direct transfer of funds, contract set asides, special legislation for special treatment,
pay increases, and patronage.

  All of their ideology is meant to accomplish is attaining power and keeping their factions united.

  They have NO principles. Redistribution really means taking from the enemy and giving to the
factions in the party.”

HT/Director Blue