Tag Archive: Mobile Phone

Prankster Crashes People’s Cell Phone Conversations At Airport




” We’ve all likely encountered people who talk on their cell phones in public, or (gasp) done it ourselves at some point.  Admittedly, sometimes it’s almost unavoidable at a place like an airport where you might be trying to coordinate the other details of your travel.  But other times, it’s probably avoidable.

  One prankster had a funny lesson for reminding cell-phone talkers that others around them can hear their conversations. “Don’t you hate when people talk loudly on their phones in public? Why not have some fun with it and “crash” their calls!” he posted on his YouTube channel alongside the following video.

From the LA Times:

  Greg Benson, actor and funnyman, has a new prank video climbing the YouTube charts. “Cell Phone Crashing at the Airport” has Benson and his hidden camera (operated by wife Kim Evey) crowding people at an airport as they talk on their phones. “


Read more at Legal Insurrection







Poverty Includes Computers And Cell Phones ?




” A newly released report by the U.S. Census Bureau indicates that most Americans  living below the bureaucratically designated “poverty line” enjoy most modern conveniences.  For example more than 80 percent of U.S. households below the poverty line have a: refrigerator (97.8%); stove  (96.6%); television (96.1%); microwave oven (93.1%); air conditioner (83.4%); VCR/DVD player (83.2%); and cell phone (80.9%).  In addition, more than half of  households beneath the poverty level also have a:  clothes washer (68.7%); clothes dryer (65.3%);  computer (58.2%); and landline telephone (54.9).  Now, when we use these figures as a standard of comparison, most middle-class Americans families in, say, 1960, were living well below the poverty line.  But this comparison obscures the important point that capitalism long ago solved the problem of poverty in a meaningful sense and in doing so radically transformed the very concept of poverty.”








No Shooting At Protest? Police May Block Mobile Devices Via Apple




” Apple has patented a piece of technology which would allow government and police to block transmission of information, including video and photographs, from any public gathering or venue they deem “sensitive”, and “protected from externalities.”

In other words, these powers will have control over what can and cannot be documented on wireless devices during any public event.

And while the company says the affected sites are to be mostly cinemas, theaters, concert grounds and similar locations, Apple Inc. also says “covert police or government operations may require complete ‘blackout’ conditions.”

Apple patented the means to transmit an encoded signal to all wireless devices, commanding them to disable recording functions.

Those policies would be activated by GPS, and WiFi or mobile base-stations, which would ring-fence (“geofence”) around a building or a “sensitive area” to prevent phone cameras from taking pictures or recording video.”







Young Pakistani Woman Stoned To Death For Having A Cell Phone


File Photo

” Arifa, a mother of two, has been stoned to death on the orders of Panchayat (a tribal court) for possessing a cell phone. She was executed on 11 July in the district of Dera Ghazi Khan in Punjab province. The victim was stoned to death by her uncle and relatives on the orders of Panchayat after she was found to have a mobile phone.

According to media reports her uncle, cousins and other relatives threw stones and bricks at her until she died. She was buried without informing anyone. Police registered a First Information Report (FIR) against the Panchayat but no one has been arrested. She was buried in a desert far away from her village and nobody (not even her children) was allowed to participate in the funeral. Her husband is unknown.”







Next Nokia To Have A 41 Megapixel Camera





” As part of the never-ending smartphone battle, Nokia has unveiled a new handset that features a 41 megapixel sensor camera.

The camera is sufficiently powerful that Nokia states that users will be able to zoom in and reframe their photos without worrying about the image quality suffering. The phone will be called the Lumia 1020. Nokia, according to Tech Radar, note that phone will allow owners to adjust focus, shutter speed and white balance via a new user interface


Discussing the new design, Francisco Jeronimo, a mobile phone analyst at the firm, told the BBC that:”

Read On …












” Those concerned about their communication privacy — be it over the phone or on the Web — may then be wondering: Is there anything to be done? Is full privacy even possible?

We went searching and found a few answers. Here are a few tips:

1. Go off the grid:

2. Keep your browsing quiet:

3. Encrypt. Encrypt. Encrypt:

4. Secure phone conversations:

5. Avoid cellphone tracking:

Is full privacy even possible?

Tech experts say even some encryption services have left backdoors for law enforcement purposes. And Smith said completely preventing metadata being collected from phone communications isn’t entirely possible either. The tips mentioned above are just a few ideas to increase privacy.

Zaborszky said unless one isolates oneself from how the rest of society uses technology, it’s not possible to avoid all snooping.

“But it is important to know that it’s not the technical side of things that is the weak link, but the legal side and the fact that most of these companies are based in the USA and are bound by US laws,” he noted.”

    Each of the headings is filled with tips , links to useful software sites , videos and further elaboration on minimizing your web presence . Well worth the read .



















Quebec Students Strip-Searched During Exam



” A school board in Canada has launched an investigation after school staff strip-searched 28 tenth grade students after a cell phone went missing during a final exam.

The students at Cap-Jeunesse high school north of Montreal were told to place their phones on the teacher’s desk to prevent cheating during a math test. When one phone went missing, teachers ordered the strip search.

“They put us in a small room,” one student told QMI. “[They said] ‘take off your bra, then raise your arms.’ They even tapped us on the back,” she said.”












” Adam Pringle was cited by a San Diego police officer over the weekend for smoking on the sidewalk — an actual violation of the law in the area he was in — but it wasn’t so much this violation that he finds upsetting. Pringle was filming his citation with his smartphone and after he refused to stop when asked by police, he claims the officer attacked him.

According to Photography is Not a Crime – a weblog frequently covering the right to photograph and film law enforcement activities in public — Pringle was walking on Mission Beach boardwalk on Saturday when two police on bicycles approached him and his friends for the violation.

In the video that was posted on YouTube of the encounter, you can see an officer writing up the ticket as Pringle says offscreen that he was getting a citation for smoking on the sidewalk. From there, when the officer is about to explain to Pringle the citation, he asks that Pringle put his phone away. Pringle refused, which led to what appears to be a struggle before the screen goes dark.”

San Diego Police Accused of Attacking Man for Filming Them With Cellphone

” A separate video filmed by one of Pringle’s friends identifies one of the officers as M. Reinhold.

In this video, Reinhold said “[the other officer said] just give him the phone. Isn’t that a reasonable thing to do?”

The friend asks how the phone is a weapon and Reinhold said he didn’t know for sure at the time that Pringle’s device wasn’t.

“If you look it up online, cellphones can be converted into firearms and Tasers. Look it up online. There’s video of how to do it,” Reinhold said.

Reinhold later goes on to explain that officers have training on how cellphones can be converted into such weapons.

“So, if someone wants to stand within a couple feet of me, I’m gonna need to look at that cellphone and make sure it’s not a weapon,” he said.”

More at photographyisnotacrime.com

” UPDATE II: Mickey Osterreicher, general counsel of the National Press Photographers Association, sent the following email to the mayor:

Dear Mayor,

As the general counsel for the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) I have been in contact with you police department in an ongoing attempt to help improve police relations and avoid the type of incident that occurred yesterday. See: http://www.photographyisnotacrime.com/2013/04/09/san-diego-police-attack-and-arrest-man-video-recording-them-claiming-phone-could-be-a-weapon/

I spoke at the annual meeting of the IACP held in your city last September regarding the First Amendment rights of the press and public to photograph and record. Apparently more is needed. As I have done training with other police departments around the country I renew my offer to help yours.

Please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Very truly yours,
Mickey H. Osterreicher
General Counsel
National Press Photographers Association (NPPA)”









VIDEO: Feds Swarm Metra Train After Detecting Nuclear Risk







”  It was stunning for those who watched Thursday night as federal agents investigated a possible nuclear threat at Chicago’s Ogilvie Transportation Center.

CBS 2′s photojournalist Lana Hinshaw-Klann happened to be at the scene and used a cell-phone camera to record agents in action. Reporter Dave Savini looks into what agents were looking for and what they found.

Sources say the agents were members of the elite TSA VIPR team on the 5:04pm Union Pacific West line. They were carrying hand-held nuclear-detection devices that picked up a reading.”





Raymarine’s Mobile Apps





” Raymarine has launched new mobile apps for tablets and smartphones that let anglers wirelessly control c-Series and e-Series multifunction displays. The RayControl app transforms tablets into full-function MFD repeaters with seamless touch-screen interaction. RayControl comes with a virtual slide-out keypad that emulates the actual MFD keypad, allowing interaction anywhere on board. ”




Weird World

 ” Scientists have created the smallest petrol engine in the world ( less than a centimeter long , not even half an inch ), small enough to power a watch or any small gadget. The mini-motor, which runs for two years on a single squirt of lighter fuel, is set to revolutionize world technology. It generates 700 times more energy than a conventional battery. It could be used to operate laptops and mobile phones for months doing away with the need for charging. Experts believe it could be phasing out batteries in such items within just six years. The engine, minute enough to be balanced on a fingertip, has been produced by engineers at the University of Birmingham. — with Jamie Gleeson and Amka Tseezen. “