Tag Archive: Mitt Romney



” Guess who has a bigger home than Mitt Romney? In fact, guess who has a home that is more than twice the size of Mitt Romney?  If you guessed Jeff Bezos, the man whose new toy is The Washington Post, you would be right.

  Owner Bezos, whose paper traffics in class warfare, has a house in Medina, Washington that is “29,000 square feet spread over two buildings with 200 yards of shoreline.” Even if one divides this in half, an individual building would be 14,500 square feet. And that’s not all.

  Down the coast in Beverly Hills, the Post owner also maintains a 12,000 foot mansion complete with a “pool, a sunken tennis court, a gym, a, greenhouse, and a separate guesthouse.” Variety, the bible of entertainment goings-on, headlined this Bezos purchase this way:  

  So Post owner Bezos has not one but two houses bigger than Romney’s. Now there’s a headline you won’t see inThe Washington Post . “


Read more













“Slow Jam The News” With Mitt Romney (Jimmy Fallon)




Published on Jan 24, 2014

” Gov. Mitt Romney joins Jimmy Fallon and the Roots to slow jam the news.

Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon:http://full.sc/IcjtXJ









This Side Of Mitt Romney America Didn’t Get To See Could Have Saved America 4 More Years Of Obama



” If you ever wondered how Mitt Romney reacted to his 2012 defeat, you can see it personally in the upcoming documentary Mitt, which will be aired Netflix.  The film charts Romney’s rise from 2008-2012.

  Greg Whitley, who directed the film, is a close family friend who had exclusive access to Romney for six years.  In Mitt, he captures the trials and tribulations experienced on the national campaign scene. It also appears to capture the difficulty candidates’ wives face, with Ann Romney being filmed saying, “I would not want to do this again. It’s just too much.” “











Did The IRS Give Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns To Harry Reid?





” During the 2012 presidential campaign, Harry Reid claimed to have intimate knowledge of what was secretly inside Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s tax returns.

As President Obama’s campaign slammed Romney nearly every day for not releasing more tax returns, the Senate majority leader repeatedly made the unsubstantiated claim that, at one point in his life, Romney hadn’t paid taxes for almost a decade.

He even did so from the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Since the new IRS scandal broke, Republicans have found the question of who Reid got his information from — and from where — intriguing.

“We all wondered how Harry Reid had Mitt Romney’s taxes,” Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski told The Daily Caller. “The question is, will he call for a full investigation into the IRS?” ”












The Rubio Amnesty





” When Mitt Romney lost last November, the Republican establishment decided that his moderately hawkish stance on immigration had been a major cause of his defeat. Never mind that his share of the Hispanic vote was within the margin of error of McCain’s 2008 share. Never mind the significant drop in white turnout. There is little elite constituency for a hawkish approach to immigration, and much elite support for lax enforcement and increased legal immigration (Romney actually supported the latter).

So the Republican establishment turns its hopeful eyes, once again, to so-called comprehensive immigration reform. The same senators who pushed such a bill in 2007, prominently including Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham and Democrat Chuck Schumer, are at it again. They have devised a plan that would ease the path to legality for illegal immigrants while making some gestures toward enforcement. But a new element this time around is Marco Rubio.

A tea-party favorite (and a favorite of this magazine) who wrested the senatorial nomination from GOP-establishment pick (now Democrat) Charlie Crist, he’s young, telegenic, and the son of Cuban immigrants. Rubio became part of the “Gang of Eight,” four Democrats and four Republicans negotiating a deal that sought to placate a dizzying array of interests, all seeking de facto unlimited immigration but each with a different set of specific concerns. The result of all this is S.744, a sprawling, 844-page measure legalizes most of the illegal population (plus many who were deported and are currently living abroad), promises tougher enforcement in the future, and hugely increases all forms of legal immigration, low- and high-skilled, temporary and permanent.”







Romney Speaks


Romney In First Interview Since Election




” Romney also took a shot at President Obama saying that it kills him that he sees what’s not doing what needs to be done. He accused the president of failing to lead and putting politics ahead of the nation, adding that the president is crisscrossing the country campaigning instead of leading.

It kills me not to be there, not to be in the White House doing what needs to be done. “I don’t see that kind of leadership happening right now. The hardest thing about losing is watching this critical moment, this golden moment slip away with politics.








” Is American ready for a strong third party? If so, what kind–what ideology? Right? Left? Center?

One thing is for sure: Across the board, people are mad. According to a January survey conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 53 percent of Americans think that the federal government threatens their personal rights and freedoms. That is the first time in the history of the Pew data, we might note, that a majority has felt so threatened by its own government.

Meanwhile, according to the same Pew poll, a mere 26 percent of Americans say that they can “trust the government always or most of the time,” while 73 percent say that they can trust government “only some of the time,” or that they can “never” trust it.

Such findings don’t seem very favorable for incumbents, or for the establishment in general. And so, looking at these data, one might have thought that President Barack Obama would have had a tough time winning re-election last year. But of course, Obama was lucky enough to be challenged by a man who seemed to be even more a part of the establishment, Mitt Romney.”

The 50 Best, Most Notable, & Most Controversial Posts From John Hawkins In 2012




50) Interviewing Jonah Goldberg About His New Book, “The Tyranny of Cliches: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas.”

49) What Would The Republican Party Ever Do If We Lost Meghan McCain?

48) 25 Questions about What the Hell has Happened to America

47) My Speech At The April 14, 2012 Myrtle Beach Tea Party

46) Mitt Romney’s Top 30 Potential Picks For Vice-President

45) The Story Of The Toughest Son Of A B*Tch Ever To Walk The Face Of This Earth


Read Them All . You Won’t Be Disappointed



The 10 Most Embarrassing Examples Of Media Coverage In 2012





” The year is coming to a close. Thank goodness.

Maybe in 2013 we won’t have to worry about Honey Boo Boo, Gangnam Style, Kony 2012 and Mayans. Those topics and more were the ephemera of the year. While Democrats and Republicans were fighting to see which party could run America, the traditional media were trying to run it into the ground by consistently taking a one-sided approach to coverage.

On every major news story of the year – abortion, gay marriage, the economy, the fiscal cliff and guns – major media outlets consistently and openly sided with the left. Gone was any pretense of neutrality. From the media’s campaign against Mitt Romney to their campaign for gun control, the bias of the press was never worse.

Picking out bad media moments is like looking for egos in Washington or corruption in Congress. Here are the year’s lowlights:

10. The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife: Journalists love anything that tears down Christianity. Give them a spicy tale of Jesus’s wife and they treat it like it’s, well, gospel. The New York Times front-paged a story about a cell phone-sized scrap of papyrus that included the phrase: “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife…’” CBS reporter Allen Pizzey claimed it “challenges the very foundation of Christian thinking.” When the Smithsonian pulled a planned documentary and experts said they thought the papyrus was bogus, journalists were reluctant to report that news. “

20 Observations About Human Nature That Liberals Would Probably Disagree With







My latest Townhall column is called, 20 Observations About Human Nature That Liberals Would Probably Disagree With. Here’s an excerpt from the column.

1) Working hard, being self-reliant and taking responsibility for your own life are good for you and will make you much happier than having too much leisure time, being overly dependent and giving others responsibility for your life.

2) The more a behavior is rewarded with attention, fame, sympathy or money, the more of it we’ll see. We recognize this almost instinctively when it comes to good behaviors, but we also tend to almost habitually block it out when it comes to behaviors we don’t want to encourage.

3) There’s nothing shameful about being poor — but, if you stay poor over the long haul in a country like America, you’re doing something wrong.


… and Fighting for Acceptance of Both Identities


 ” Ms. Smith, a 53-year-old teacher in North Carolina, said that despite signs that she was attracted to women, she was “clueless” in her youth.

“I always wanted to find a husband because my mother felt that women should be married,” Ms. Smith said.

At 18, she registered as a Republican, and though she briefly reconsidered her party affiliation when she came out, Ms. Smith voted for Mr. Romney, albeit reluctantly. Echoing the more than a dozen women interviewed, Ms. Smith said liberal lesbians react more negatively to her political views than conservatives do to her sexual orientation.

“Mention that you’re Christian or mention that you’re Republican and suddenly you just get vilified,” she said. “That may be one of the reasons for the lack of visibility of gay women in the Republican Party.”

Still, she said, “What good are gay rights if your country is falling apart?” “

Stop With The Excuses Already … You Sound Like The Opposition




” Movement conservatives, Reagan conservatives, and tea partiers did not back Gov. Romney in the Republican primaries. Despite misgivings, when the GOP establishment chose Romney, these patriotic conservatives did not sulk or stay home. They walked through fire for Romney and formed the backbone of his base and ground game. They gave their all to their country, they volunteered their time, they donated what they could to a candidate they did not choose, and they voted for him. Why? Because they put the future of the country ahead of their own personal interests.

Which is something Ann Coulter may want to try. “

Republicans Fall Short .28% of Total Electorate in Crucial Swing States



” This is hollow solace for those who thought from reading certain polls that a Romney victory was in the cards. But consider that although Mitt Romney’s Get-Out-the-Vote software failed, he still fell short by only 334,000 votes in the key battleground states of Florida, Virgina, Ohio, and New Hampshire. Of the total number who voted, some slightly more than 118 million voters, this vote margin in the swing states represents .28% of the total electorate.

That’s as close to a 50-50 proposition, to use Bill Whittle’s phrase, as you get (even accounting for Obama’s 332-206 electoral college victory). Now, let’s consider the extremely high vote totals in minority-populated urban areas of Ohio and Pennsylvania, where Republicans apparently didn’t even bother to make an argument. In 44 districts in Ohio, President Obama’s vote totals were upwards of 99% at 14,686 to 23 (not enough to turn the election) and in 59 districts in Pennsylvania Romney received exactly zero votes — a feat that would make a North Korean despot proud. “

 What About The ” Anti-Romney ” Districts ?


So Lets Get This Straight , 139-5 Romney makes this county ” the most anti-Obama ” county , yet how many of you have heard of all the voting wards , districts  and precincts where Obama got every single vote ? Why isn’t that news ? If it  wasn’t for the new media reporting it we wouldn’t know , yet CNN goes out of their way to try and spin a story of how ,  Texas has the  ” the most anti-Obama ” county  , even though  Obama got 3.4 %  .

Anybody hear a” Dog Whistle” ?





  ” In a CNN video, it is revealed that the most anti-Obama area in the United States is King County, Texas. There, Mitt Romney won by a landslide as Barack Obama only got five votes. “

Holy S**t . Of course the idiot GOP made this grand bargain . The Tea Party and the libertarians did no such thing . It’s been obvious for quite some time who is required to lead the fight for liberty . The GOP certainly lacks the qualifications to do so .


You Won’t Believe What Machine Expert Claims






  ‘  A Chicago voting-machine tech is sounding the alarm, claiming he witnessed multiple error messages on the voting touch-screens this election – but only in cases where people voted for Mitt Romney.

Steve Pickrum said he worked for Chicago’s election system during the early voting and Election Day voting for the 2012 race.

As an equipment manager for the system, Pickrum said, he responded whenever there was a glitch with a voting machine.

“On early voting, when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported.

See the Big List of vote fraud reports.

Then when he went on Election Day to cast his own vote, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message.

Pickrum said he worked at both the Matteson voting area as well as in Precinct 70, and although he discussed the anomalies with his boss, had not yet filed a formal report.

He said when he voted, he was told by a precinct worker to just go ahead and assume that his vote had been tabulated, despite the error message. But since he knew the operations of the machines, he asked the poll workers to check the vote report, and they found his vote had not been counted.

He insisted on completing his ballot on another machine, he told WND.

Curiously, he reported he never saw the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.

Stand up to fight against voter fraud right now!

Another poll worker, this one assigned at the University of Michigan, reported a list of irregularities, including that the precinct captain told her at one point, “You go sit down, you are bothering me,” when she was trying to observe the proceedings. “

Week Later, More Than 300,000 Ohio Votes Remain Uncounted




 ” The presidential election results in Ohio were close: According to still-unofficial figures from the Secretary of State, Barack Obama won the state with 2,690,841 votes to Mitt Romney’s 2,583,582 votes — a winning margin of 107,259 votes for the president.  In percentage terms, that is 50.18 percent of the vote for Obama, and 48.18 percent for Romney.

But those numbers will change.  Remember when, before the election, many observers discussed the possibility the results could be decided by the large number of provisional ballots that might be cast in Ohio?  Well, those provisional ballots were cast, and they have not yet been counted. Neither have a significant number of absentee ballots.  Together, the number of uncounted ballots is larger than Obama’s margin of victory.

According to the Secretary of State, there are 204,927 uncounted provisional ballots and 119,535 absentee ballots, for a total of 324,462 ballots.  That is roughly three times the president’s 107,259-vote winning margin. “

A Website Dedicated To Exposing Obama And ” The Chicago Way ” .


   This site is a collection of links documenting voting ” irregularities” from around the country . We must remember that , given the importance of a few “swing” states in determining the outcome of our presidential election , it is not a huge undertaking to sway the results through fraud .

   It is unfortunate that through the behavior and actions of our political class they have created an atmosphere where this sort of possibility is no longer confined to the realm of conspiracy theories . Through endless lies and deceit the ruling class has generated a culture of cynicism and lack of respect for authority that if unchecked will surely lead us down the path of our own destruction . 






Here is a sample of the content on the website . Read it for yourself .



” * Friday, November 9, 2012  –  22 Updates Posted Today and People You Can Contact!  See FRIDAY UPDATES! *

Is this what Barack Obama calls a “ground game?” All things considered, on this page and elsewhere, Mitt Romney IS our President elect. Let’s do something about it!

I’ll be adding additional links on a regular basis and forwarding all of this information to Mitt’s campaign!  Please send other links.

Evidence of massive Obama voter fraud in Colorado! Ten counties show 104% to 140% turnout!


Fraud: Some told they already voted, others brag about voting multiple times


Crooked Politics: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law

http://american3rdposition.com/?p=8416 ”



   If you are like us , and find it absolutely amazing that a president that has presided over the most disastrous four years this country has endured in nearly a century could achieve re-election , then you must face the possibility that it was the result of more than just ” a better ground game ” .


Seems to us there were 2.5 million reasons …





  1. They Allowed Democrats To Pick Their Nominee For Them. A succession of potential Republican nominees -– Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich –- were bright, attractive, and have compelling narratives. Instead, Republican voters (or, at least, enough of them) bought into this Democratic mantra that only a liberal stand-for-nothing Republican can win a presidential election.
  2. Having Nominated A Stand-For-Nothing, He Proceeded To Run To The Left.  That never works! In modern times (i.e.after the Lyndon Johnson era), five GOP nominees who have been PERCEIVED (rightly or wrongly) as “conservatives” all won the presidency. Four who were perceived, rightly, as being moderate (Ford, Bush ’92, Dole, and McCain) all lost. The only possible outlier was Bush ’88, who, frankly, was running for Reagan’s “third term.”
  3. The House GOP Should Have Used The September Continuing Resolution To Frame The Election.  The House Republicans, without help from anyone, could have refused to pass a continuing resolution for October 1 through March 31, unless it barred funds from being used to hire IRS agents to investigate, prosecute, and incarcerate people who filed to pay their ObamaCare premiums/fines. Had that been the case, all of October would have been spent debating Obama’s threat to shut down the government for the sole purpose of preserving the mandate.
  4. Instead, Paul Ryan Came Off The Campaign To Return To Washington For The Explicit Purpose Of Voting To Fund ObamaCare (And Other Obama Priorities). This is similar to when John McCain suspended his campaign to come back to Washington and pass TARP.

Paul Rahe

” Within the last few weeks, hardly a day has gone by in which someone did not email me or buttonhole me on the Hillsdale campus, wondering whether I still thought that Mitt Romney would win the Presidency by a landslide. My answer has always been the same. I thought that there was every likelihood that he would do so.

As some of you will remember, I laid out my reasoning in this regard on 8 August, when Romney was behind in the polls, in a blogpost on Ricochet entitled Landslide on the Horizon, and I stuck to it in September when nearly all of the pundits were wringing their hands. Here is how I began my post:

When I read Nate Silver, Sean Trende, Charlie Cook, Jay Cost, and the others who make a profession of political prognostication, I pay close attention to their attempts to dissect the polling data and predict what is to come. But I also take everything that they say with a considerable grain of salt. You see, I lived through the 1980 election, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the collapse of the Soviet Union, and I was struck at the time by the fact that next to no one among the political scientists who made a living out of studying presidential elections, communism in eastern Europe, and Sovietology saw any of these upheavals coming. Virtually all of them were caught flat-footed.”


Cartoon by Eric Allie

Monday will bring a full page ad in the Washington Times :

” Nearly 500 former military admirals and generals are poised to endorse Mitt Romney, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

The group will post a full page ad in the Washington Times on Monday. The advertisement will have the headline, “We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation’s next President and Commander-in-Chief,” followed by the names of the former military commanders.”

… Mitt Romney for President

 ” Republican candidate and former governor Mitt Romney is a leader of tremendous character, whose ability to turn around enterprises, talent for overcoming partisanship, and commitment to his country make him worthy of becoming the next president of the United States. The following are characteristics displayed by Mitt Romney, based on his record.

#1. Mitt Romney graduated from Harvard University with a degree from the prestigious J.D.-M.B.A. program, which is the graduate education of the last two presidents combined.

#2. Mitt Romney governed a state whose schools ranked first nationally in education.

#4. Bain Capital helped turn around numerous struggling businesses that went on to become prosperous and successful, such as: Burger King, Sealy, Sports Authority, Staples, Brookstone, Burlington Coat Factory, Clear Channel, Domino’s Pizza, Houghton Mifflin, Dunkin’ Donuts, The Weather Channel, Guitar Center, and the Hospital Corporation of America.

#6. As governor of Massachusetts, Romney turned a $3 billion deficit into a $700 millionbudget surplus in less than two years.

#7. Governor Romney was granted emergency gubernatorial powers and slashed unsustainable spending levels by hundreds of millions of dollars.

#14. Romney cut taxes 19 times, and they were only raised in Massachusetts when his governor’s veto was overridden. The governor used fees to help close the state’s $3 billion budget shortfall.

#18. Mitt Romney has given nearly 13.5% of his income to charity over the last twenty years, $4 million in 2011 alone. Much of his donations was given to his church. ”

Read Them All

… For Alleged Romney Threat

” A community college student who was overheard by a teacher saying he wanted to leave class to go shoot Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney during a visit to the state has been arrested and charged with inducing panic, police said.

Shaquille Brown told police after he was taken into custody that he didn’t even have a gun to do such a thing, according to an Elyria Police Department report.

Brown, 19, was charged Wednesday in Elyria Municipal Court with one count of inducing panic, a low-level felony. He said in a brief phone interview that he was just making a joke and never said anything about shooting.”