Tag Archive: Miriam Carey

Daily Video 4.7.14

Miriam Carey Autopsy: Shot In The Back Of The Head, No Drugs In Her System









Published on Apr 5, 2014


WASHINGTON, D.C. — An erratic female driver was enough to send the capitol city into lockdown Thursday, resulting in a frenzied deployment of armed security agents and mass panic around the city. Helicopters whirred overhead as men with rifles flooded the area. The chaos was initiated after a car evidently took a wrong turn at the White House and collided with a security barrier. The disgruntled driver fled the scene, and was pursued by police and ultimately shot to death when her car got stuck. 

An autopsy of Miriam Carey’s body has revealed that she was shot in the back of the head, drawing questions about the use of force on a suspect that did not pose a direct threat.










U.S. Sued Over Unarmed Mom’s D.C. Killing






” The family of the young, unarmed woman shot to death by federal agents in the shadow of the Capitol will file a $75 million lawsuit against the U.S. government, WND has learned.

  Attorney Eric Sanders informed WND he has filed the multi-million dollar claim against the U.S., the uniformed division of the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Capitol Police for “numerous intentional, grossly negligent and reckless actions of police officers, supervisors, managers and other related employees.

  Miriam Carey was shot to death Oct. 3, 2013, by federal officers after a car chase that began at the White House and ended about a block from the Capitol.”



The Carey family’s lawyer explains …



” “Somehow, the Bill of Rights did not apply to Miriam. Miriam’s life did not seem to be so important. Thus far, Miriam’s death is being treated as simple collateral damage in the government’s zeal to protect itself from terrorism,” said Sanders.

He said that zeal should not eclipse the importance of human life.

“The framers of the United States Constitution fought for, died for and demanded it. We should expect no different in today’s society either,” he said.

Sanders, a former New York Police Department officer, has told WND numerous reasons why he insists officers should never have shot at Carey.

  • Media reports claimed Carey tried to ram a White House gate or barrier with her car, but the initial police report did not mention an attempt to ram anything;
  • The police report said Carey tried to make a U-turn after arriving at a White House checkpoint;
  • She apparently broke no laws until fleeing after being confronted by heavily armed guards;
  • Police justified the shooting out of fear Carey might be a terrorist, but Sanders pointed out, if officers feared Carey had a bomb, that would be reason not to shoot at her;
  • Additionally, WND found information that officers would have known within minutes that Carey was not a terrorism threat;
  • Sanders and law enforcement experts also told WND that the policy of most major police departments is to never shoot at moving vehicles;
  • Non-lethal means, such as tire spikes, apparently were not used to try to stop the car.
  • Non-lethal means, such as pepper spray or a Taser, apparently were not used to subdue Carey before officers shot her to death;
  • Video showed officers shooting at Carey in a crowded public space at least seven times after officers inexplicably failed to block her car at a traffic circle.”



     World Net Daily has an exhaustive article on this terrible miscarriage of justice about which every citizen should be outraged . Read it . Miriam Carey was assassinated by our “government” as is happening on a daily basis . It is open season on the citizenry and the “authorities” face damn little repercussions over their continued brutality .










The Strange Case Of Miriam Carey Who Was Gunned Down By D.C. Police


Miriam Carey



” In the video below, Rev./Dr. James David Manning refers to a phone interview he had with Miriam’s sister, Valarie Carey, who is a retired New York City police sergeant, and points out many oddities about Miriam’s death:

  • Why did Capitol Hill police, who are trained to be temperate, instead shot to kill an unarmed woman who had a baby in the back seat of her car? No guns or bombs or threatening letters were found in her car. (To that I’ll add this: If police thought Miriam’s careening car was a public hazard, why didn’t they shoot out the car’s tires?)
  • Why did police not follow the usual procedure of notifying the next of kin first? Instead, according to Valerie Carey, police released Miriam’s identification to the public before notifying her family. Valerie found out about her sister from a reporter’s phone call.
  • When the Carey family traveled to Washington, DC, they were told they couldn’t see Miriam’s body but were just shown a photo of her body.
  • To this day, the Carey family has not been given an official notification of Miriam’s death, or of the autopsy report, or how many times she was shot.
  • Why are black race-agitators like Al Sharpton and Charles Rangel silent about Miriam’s shooting death when they normally raise a hue-and-cry about any alleged police mistreatment of blacks? Sharpton’s silence is especially noteworthy because Miriam’s sister, Valerie Carey, is on the executive board of his National Action Network. Did somebody get to Sharpton?
  • Why did the police intimidate and silence Carey family attorney Eric Sanders?
  • Why is Miriam being discredited and portrayed as a mentally-ill, deranged woman when there is no evidence as such? On the contrary, Miriam was highly functional, being a dental hygienist. The only medication she was taking was prescription med for post-partum depression.
  • And the biggest question of all: Why did Miriam Carey drive to Washington, DC that day, and specifically to the White House?

   That last question is what prompted Valarie Carey to wonder if her sister’s 18-month-old daughter is Barack Obama’s “love child.”

  To answer that question, Valarie Carey and Rev. Manning are demanding a paternity test of Miriam’s daughter, and that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder conduct an investigation into the death of Miriam Carey. Click here for Valarie’s petition.”



Read it all here .







Meet Miriam Carey, Suspect Reportedly Killed In The Capitol Hill Shooting





This just shoots their narrative all to hell , doesn’t it ?



” Here’s what we know about Miriam Carey, the woman identified in news reports as the suspect in a shooting incident that left Capitol Hill on lockdown for a brief period Thursday afternoon, and has now reportedly been shot dead by police.

Carey, a 34-year-old dental hygenist has been identified by ­­­the New York Post and the New Haven Register newspaper as the suspect (victim) in a shooting incident that took place in the nation’s capital. 

ABC News reported that Carey had “a history of mental health issues.”



    It would appear that the latest “shooting” , which the minions of the State were preparing to use as a cudgel on the NRA , Tea Party and the rest of us “right-wing extremists” was in fact , another instance of the agents of the State doing the shooting and the unarmed citizens , disturbed or otherwise , doing the dying.