Professor Jacobson has thoughtfully pointed out that the Wisconsin recall gambit is hemorrhaging support at an amazing clip . If you are of the left and you’ve lost the press you are doomed .

 “No governor in recent memory has been so controversial. No governor in America is so polarizing. Everyone has an opinion about Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

Here’s ours: We see no reason to remove Walker from office. We recommend him in the June 5 recall election.

Walker’s rematch with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was prompted by one issue: Walker’s tough stance with the state’s public-employee unions. It’s inconceivable that the recall election would be occurring absent that. And a disagreement over a single policy is simply not enough to justify a vote against the governor.

A Marquette Law School Poll in January showed that many people in the Badger State agree. In that poll, 72% of Republicans, 44% of independents and 17% of Democrats said recalls should be limited to criminal wrongdoing. Republican state Rep. Robin Vos has proposed tightening the recall mechanism; he should continue to push for that after the election, regardless of who wins.”

  I find the above referenced poll results concerning attitudes towards the recall mechanism particularly revealing . It gives one a fine indication as to who believes that they can stand on the merits of their arguments and who feels that any means is acceptable in order to get their way . Remind me again of the left’s commitment to the sanctity of the ballot box .