Tag Archive: Military

Sniper: Inside The Crosshairs – Full Documentary





Published on Nov 6, 2014

” The deadliest weapon on the battlefield is neither bullet nor gun; it’s the lone sniper. Journey inside the science and psychology behind the greatest shots in military history, through the scope of the world’s most extreme marksmen. Deconstruct the missions, ranging from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan, presented by the men who were there and pulled the trigger. For the first time on American television Canadian sniper Robert Furlong, tells the story of his history-making shot in Afghanistan–striking a Taliban fighter from 1.5 miles away. Ballistics… Tactics… Weaponry… Stalking… This two-hour special examines these critical components in vivid detail, combining interviews with cinematic reenactments, CGI and present day shooting demonstrations to put the viewer squarely inside the crosshairs.”













Terrorist Killer US Military GAU 19B 50 Cal Gatling Gun




Published on Oct 27, 2014

” Another great weapon for the US military and us army. Could prove useful in combating terrorists in Iraq and Syria. The GECAL 50, officially designated by the United States military as the GAU-19/A, is an electrically driven Gatling gun that fires the .50 BMG (12.7×99mm) cartridge.

Technical specifications

  The GAU-19/A is designed for a linkless feed, but can be fed from a standard M9 linked belt if a delinker feeder is used. The rate of fire is selectable to be either 1,000 or 2,000 rounds per minute. The Humvee armament kit version fires at 1,300 rounds per minute. The average recoil force when firing is 500 pounds-force (2.2 kN). In January 2012, General Dynamics announced they would be delivering a new version designated the GAU-19/B. It provides the same firepower in a lighter platform, weighing 106 lbs.[1]

  The GECAL 50 was first manufactured by General Electric, then by Lockheed Martin, and now by General Dynamics. Design work began in 1982. Early prototypes had six barrels, but a three-barreled configuration is now standard. The GAU-19/A was originally designed as a larger, more potent version of the M134 Minigun. Due to the loss of nine helicopters in Grenada GE started building prototypes of the weapon in both a three-barreled and a six-barreled configuration. The six-barreled version was designed to fire 4,000 rpm, and could be adapted to fire up to 8,000 rpm. The GAU-19 takes 0.4 seconds to reach maximum firing rate.[2] Soon it was recommended as a potential armament for the V-22 Osprey.[3] The magazine would be located underneath the cabin floor and could be reloaded in-flight. However, plans to mount the gun were later dropped.[4] In 2005, the GAU-19/A was approved to be mounted on the OH-58D Kiowa helicopter. It also could have been used on the Army’s now cancelled ARH-70.[5] In January 2012, the U.S. Army ordered 24 GAU-19/B versions for use on helicopters. All were delivered by the next month.[1]

  In 1999, the United States sent 28 GAU-19s to Colombia.[6] Oman is known to use the GAU-19/A mounted on their HMMWVs. The navy of Mexico uses MDH MD-902 series helicopters with the GAU-19/A system mounted for anti-narcotics operations.[7]

Colombia: Used by Drug Enforcement troops, and the Colombian national police
Japan: Used by Japan Coast Guard, on PC Kagayuki class
Mexico: Used by the Mexican Air Force and the Mexican Navy in Humvees, UH-60 Black Hawks and the MD Explorer
Oman: Used on Army HMMWV.
United States
Gatling Gun History

  The Gatling gun is one of the best-known early rapid-fire weapons and a forerunner of the modern machine gun. Invented by Richard Gatling, it is known for its use by the Union forces during the American Civil War in the 1860s, which was the first time it was employed in combat. Later it was used in the Boshin War, the Anglo-Zulu War and still later in the assault on San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War.[1]

  The Gatling gun’s operation centered on a cyclic multi-barrel design which facilitated cooling and synchronized the firing/reloading sequence. Each barrel fired a single shot when it reached a certain point in the cycle, after which it ejected the spent cartridge, loaded a new round, and in the process, allowed the barrel to cool somewhat. This configuration allowed higher rates of fire to be achieved without the barrel overheating.

Patent drawing for R.J. Gatling’s Battery Gun, 9 May 1865.

  The Gatling gun was designed by the American inventor Dr. Richard J. Gatling in 1861 and patented on November 4, 1862.[2][3] Gatling wrote that he created it to reduce the size of armies and so reduce the number of deaths by combat and disease, and to show how futile war is.[4]
Although the first Gatling gun was capable of firing continuously, it required a person to crank it; therefore it was not a true automatic weapon. The Maxim gun, invented in 1884, was the first true fully automatic weapon, making use of the fired projectile’s recoil force to reload the weapon. Nonetheless, the Gatling gun represented a huge leap in firearm technology.

  Prior to the Gatling gun, the only weapons available to militaries capable of firing many projectiles in a short space of time were mass-firing volley weapons like the French Reffye mitrailleuse in 1870–1871, or field cannons firing canister, much like a very large shotgun. The latter were widely used during and after the Napoleonic Wars. Although the maximum rate of fire was increased by firing multiple projectiles simultaneously, these weapons still needed to be reloaded after each discharge, which for multi-barrel systems like the mitrailleuse was cumbersome and time-consuming. This negated much of the advantage of their high rate of fire per discharge, making them much less powerful on the battlefield. In comparison, the Gatling gun offered a rapid and continuous rate of fire without having to manually reload by opening the breech.”











2014 Man Of The Year: A-10 Warthog







” There you are, an Islamic State fighter minding your own business on a crisp winter day in the suburbs of Raqqa. Perhaps it’s been a busy morning—your work on the morals patrol is always a hassle, your team leader Mahmoud will not shut up, and you hurt your hand beating that recalcitrant shopkeeper who has been selling pop music despite your stern admonitions.

  Now, you’ve got to stand duty on a checkpoint just outside of town, but it’s a quiet and peaceful spot, and you can rest a bit before getting back to the wives later in the day.

  Then, literally out of the clear blue sky, you hear the swelling roar of a jet engine. As you turn, there is a new, unfamiliar noise, the kind of noise an industrial steam engine would make if it could burp like Jessica Simpson. It sounds like this:” (see above)

” That is the noise that a 30-mm Gatling gun makes, firing 3,900 rounds per minute—or 65 depleted uranium slugs every second—from its mount on the U.S. Air Force’s ugly, slow, fat, and entirely irreplaceable A-10 Warthog. It is widely believed that the force of the gun firing actually slows the A-10 in flight. (Some say this is a myth—but life is more fun if some myths aren’t debunked.)

  Truth be told, you didn’t actually hear that noise. See, the bullets go faster than sound. But all of your compatriots within a few miles did. They should be happy for you! For over a decade now, the A-10 has been serving in the role of an online dating service, connecting jihadists with those eager 72 virgins awaiting them in heaven. It’s a Tinder for the terrorist set.

  Today, the U.S. Air Force swiped right for you. “



Thanks to the Free Beacon














Have We Lost Our Minds & Sense Of Respect For Our Military?





Ex-SEAL Higbie: ‘Morale Is Terrible In The Military Right Now’



Carl Higbie




” Former U.S. Navy SEAL Carl Higbie is standing by his controversial declaration that 90 percent of America’s military troops do not support President Barack Obama.

” The morale is terrible in the military right now…. This is an ongoing failure of his. [Obama] has yet to provide any type of leadership that any commander-in-chief should possess.”

  Higbie — author of Battle On The Home Front: A Navy SEAL’s Mission to Save the American Dream,” published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform — said the president’s no-ground-troops vow to America’s troops is not what they want to hear. “



Full story at NewsMax









From The Brigade




Desert Rats




Here’s another 



random 09 03 14 550 17 Daily Afternoon Randomness (63 Photos)





See the rest here














50 VA Hospital Workers Claim Retaliation For Blowing Whistle On The Horrors They Saw






” When Valerie Riviello, a nurse at a Veterans Affairs facility in New York, saw the clinic restrain a sexual assault survivor to a bed for seven consecutive hours, she released the woman.

  The next day, Ms. Riviello said, she was removed from her post as senior nurse manager and given a full-time desk job that prohibited her from contact with patients. She eventually was reprimanded and is facing a 30-day unpaid suspension for releasing the woman.

  Now, Ms. Riviello is one of more than 50 whistleblowers who say the Veterans Affairs Department retaliated against them for trying to do their jobs. The complaints got backing last week from the Justice Department’s office of special counsel, which issued a stern warning for the VA to shape up.

  Ms. Riviello said her reprimand for the November incident has cowed other nurses at the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center in New York.”



   We’re still waiting for the appearance of that “most open , honest and transparent” administration we keep hearing about…




       Being a whistle-blower in this administration is bad for your career . Ask the 50 brave souls at the VA









… And It’s Not Barbeques , Boats And Beer














Pentagon Wasting Millions On Ammunition, Report Says




ammo destruction



” The Pentagon plans to destroy more than $1 billion worth of ammunition although some of those bullets and missiles could still be used by troops, according to the Pentagon and congressional sources.

  It’s impossible to know what portion of the arsenal slated for destruction — valued at $1.2 billion by the Pentagon — remains viable because the Defense Department’s inventory systems can’t share data effectively, according to a Government Accountability Office report obtained by USA TODAY.

  The result: potential waste of unknown value.

” There is a huge opportunity to save millions, if not billions of dollars if the (Pentagon) can make some common-sense improvements to how it manages ammunition,” said Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., and chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “Despite years of effort, the Army, Navy and Air Force still don’t have an efficient process for doing something as basic as sharing excess bullets. This Government Accountability Office (GAO) report clearly shows that our military’s antiquated systems lead to millions of dollars in wasteful ammunition purchases.”


Read the rest of this damning report of waste .









NY Times Contributor Compares Combat Veterans To White Supremacists…



Extremist Vets




” Vantage Point:Recently, the Veteran community has been forced to fight back on a disturbing narrative: Veterans are dangerous, violent people that society should be weary of. It doesn’t take much for some media outlets to push this agenda either. It seems all they need is one person, who happened to serve in the military at any time, to commit a heinous act, and the sensationalist headlines driving high ratings start pouring in.

  Today, The Opinion Pages of the New York Times posted a story by Kathleen Belew that claims “the return of [Veterans] from combat appears to correlate more closely with Klan membership than any other historical factor,” and linked the murder of three innocent people in Kansas by one man to a generation of Vietnam Veterans.”


Continued here









Terrifying GoPro Video From Tanks In Syria’s War Zone







” Need a quick reminder as to why war should be avoided at all costs? Spend an hour in the driver’s seat of a Syrian Army T-72 tank column as it spews destruction through Syria’s Darayya warzone. Then watch the rebels destroying the tanks. Warning: Although you can’t see the bodies, fighters on both sides are dying. This footage may upset you.


Here’s a rundown of what’s going on here:

  • Tanks attack a fortified Rebel stronghold 00:15
  • Armored Russian infantry BMP and tanks fire on fortified positions 11:14
  • Tanks get ambushed on route to a mission 18:26
  • Fire support for the advancing infantry 30:54
  • Tank gets destroyed by rebels 33:44
  • Fire support near stronghold 42:47
  • Protecting BMPs during a supply run 46:38
  • Tank gets destroyed by rebels 41:07
  • Tank gets destroyed by rebels 57:48 “


Thanks to Gizmodo/Sploid








Company Develops Tool To Seal Battlefield Gunshot Wounds In 15 Seconds





” Currently, blood loss from gunshot wounds sustained in a battlefield environment can be extremely difficult to treat, especially if heavy blood loss in play. A medic must stop bleeding long enough to get the wounded party to more advanced care.

  With that in mind a company called RevMedX has developed, with funding from the Army, a fairly innovative method for stopping blood loss due to a gunshot wound in a mere 15 seconds.

  According to the company’s website,

  XStat is an investigational hemostatic dressing under development by RevMedx for the control of severe bleeding from pelvis or shoulder wounds not amenable to tourniquet application in adults and adolescents.”





Story continues at GunsSaveLives









From Cracked



” Every time we hear someone complaining about wasted tax dollars, we usually just roll our eyes and get back to whatever pantsless activity we were attempting to engage in. But, you know, it turns out those people kind of have a point. We asked our readers to find us the biggest waste of time, money, and resources and gave $200 to the most appalling …”

Imagine that . The State Dept spends nearly two thirds of a million dollars for Facebook likes . There is plenty more waste to be seen here .









Gen. Dempsey’s ‘Failures In Leadership’ Cited In Benghazi Disaster



Failure Of Leadership



” Congress generally has given the Pentagon a pass on failing to come to the aid of Americans in Benghazi — that is until now.

  Six Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, led by Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, have issued a blistering criticism of Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, who as Joint Chiefs chairman is the nation’s highest-ranking officer and chief military adviser to President Obama.

  Under the heading “Failures in leadership — General Dempsey,” the senators singled out the four-star officer for not having an emergency plan in place in al Qaeda-infiltrated North Africa, including Benghazi, Libya.”









WTF Wednesday Christmas Edition (38 Photos)



PUBLISHED by catsmob.com



Prefer tree pictures ? How about this ?








There are 36 more at Guns.com









Honesty Ratings Of Police, Clergy Differ Most By Party



Party Differences in Honesty and Ethics Ratings of Professions, December 2013



” Reinforcing the power party identification has in shaping Americans’ views of many aspects of the world around them, Republicans and Democrats differ by at least 10 percentage points in their honesty and ethics ratings of six of 22 professions included in Gallup’s 2013 update. Republicans rate the honesty and ethical standards of police officers, clergy, military officers, and pharmacists higher than Democrats do. In turn, Democrats are more positive about judges and TV reporters.”


There is lots more detail at the link








Friday Firepower

Another Awesome Firepower Photo Post Thanks To The Brigade






Here is the usual second look to pique your interest . 






Go see the rest









Rock Hill Students Hold Guns During Veterans Day Event





” The principal of Saluda Trail Middle School in Rock Hill is defending the decision to let students hold military weapons during a Veterans Day program at the school last week.

A parent complained after pictures of two students holding weapons were posted on the eighth grade school blog.

In each picture a member of the military is next to the student.

The parent thought, that in light of recent school shootings, it was inappropriate.

Principal Brenda Campbell disagreed.

“Those guns are completely no ammo. They had been checked out by the military themselves, who brought them into our school,” Campbell said.”


Kudos to Principal Campbell for standing her ground .






Thank You Veterans , God Bless You



Uploaded on Nov 16, 2010

” This is a video I did to honor and thank all United States military personnel, past and present, for the selfless sacrifices they make to keep our nation free. It was used for our church’s annual Veterans Day Celebration on November 14, 2010.

I’m paying special honor to my grandfather, RICHARD A. PESTKE, who was a photographer in the US Navy during WWII. His picture is at the 2:20 mark of the video.

PLEASE, NO PROFANITY IN COMMENTS! I want this video to be something families and children can view without offense. If you use profanity your comments will be removed. If it continues I may shut off the ability to leave comments. I don’t want to do that, so PLEASE don’t use profanity. It’s not necessary. Thank you!

One last thing. I’m sorry for the random “flickering” on the video. You can thank Microsoft for making such a poor software program called “Windows Movie Maker.” I won’t be using it again for any more major projects. Now I know why most graphics experts like using Macs.

All images were taken from Google images and the sound effects from YouTube or sounddogs.com. A special “thank you” to Mr. Dustin Evans for the use of his song “If I Die Before You Wake.” “








Our Weekly Display Of Ordnance


choose weapon 11 08 13 920 4 Choose your Weapon is a go (38 HQ Photos)

Here we present one more teaser in order to tempt you to click through for more

choose weapon 11 08 13 920 6 Choose your Weapon is a go (38 HQ Photos)

Resist the urge … we dare you .




Real Time Satellite Tracking



   With this site you can keep track of where satellites are in their orbits over the Earth . Weather , military , communications and geostationary are available with lots of data including , altitudes , speeds , locations , launch dates , operators , etcetera all brought to you by N2YO.com .







Spectacular Video Shows USS Theodore Roosevelt Aircraft Carrier Receive 600,000 Gallons Of Jet Fuel While At Sea During First Underway Replenishing In Four Years




USS Teddy Roosevelt

Click Above To View Video

” At 1,092 feet, the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier is nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall.

Yet last month this nuclear-powered giant warship demonstrated its unlimited range and ability to sustain itself at sea by successfully completing a first underway refueling in four years.

On September 17, the supply ship USNS Kanawha pulled alongside and pumped 600,000 gallons of jet fuel into the carrier. A stunning video shows the complex 2-hour operation in just a minute.”


Mammoth task: The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (right) pulls alongside the replenishment oiler USNS Kanawha (left) during a first underway replenishment in four years




The Ship’s Specs


” Ordered: 30 September 1980
Builder: Newport News Shipbuilding Co
Cost: US $4.5 billion in 2007 dollars
Laid down: 31 October 1981
Commissioned: 25 October 1986
Homeport: NS Norfolk, Virginia
Motto: Qui Plantavit Curabit (He who has planted will preserve.)
Nickname: TR, Big Stick
Displacement: 104,600 long tons (117,200 short tons)
Length: Overall: 1,092 feet (332.8 m) Waterline: 1,040 feet (317.0 m)
Beam: Overall: 252 ft (76.8 m) Waterline: 134 ft (40.8 m)
Propulsion: 2 × Westinghouse A4W nuclear reactors, 4 × steam turbines, 4 × shafts, 260,000 shp (194 MW)
Speed: 30+ knots (56+ km/h; 35+ mph)
Range: Unlimited distance; 20-25 years
Endurance: Limited only by food and supplies
Complement: Ship’s company: 3,200, Air wing: 2,480
Aircraft carried: 90 fixed wing and helicopters”

















This is what the Marine should be holding ...















Friday Firepower

Firepower Afternoon Randomness (33 HQ Photos)



Sample number two 
