Tag Archive: Mid East

Bibi Is Back: The Consequences For U.S.-Israeli Relations






” Bibi’s win is another in a long string of Middle East failures by President Obama and will add to the belief by both our friends and our enemies in the region that the costs of being Obama’s friend can outweigh the costs of his enmity. Egypt’s President Mubarak thought he was Obama’s friend; so did his successor President Morsi. The Syrian moderate rebels expected their friend in the White House to back them. The Zionist Union thought that promising to work more closely with Obama was the ticket to an electoral win in Israel. Meanwhile, as Bibi can now testify, those who defy this White House don’t seem to pay much of a price: just ask Syria’s Assad or, for that matter, his patrons in Iran. ISIS has more visibility and power in the Middle East than al-Qaeda ever did, while the Sunni Arab tribes of Iraq who saved America’s bacon during the surge and who counted on American influence to protect their interests in postwar Iraq are being overrun by Shi’a militias.”



   While we would argue that for the past six years the present administration has done everything in it’s power to destroy the above referenced US-Israeli relationship and that the “two state solution” is a non-starter , we’ll set that aside and let the esteemed Walter Russell Mead continue













Iran Says Captures Two U.S.-Made Miniature surveillance Drones



” Iran said on December 4 that it had captured a U.S. intelligence ScanEagle drone in its air space over the Gulf in the previous few days, but the United States said there was no evidence to support the assertion.

The U.S. Navy said had not lost any unmanned aircraft in the area. The four-foot (1.25 meter) ScanEagle surveillance drones built by Boeing Co are deployed in the region by the United States military and also by other countries.”




HT/America’s Freedom Watcher