Retiree Dies In Police Custody After Traffic Stop








” Florida authorities are investigating the death of a man in Key West after he was arrested by police.

  The Michigan retiree moved to the island paradise for sun and sand, but that came to a sudden end after a routine traffic stop.

  Eimers had just arrived from Michigan when Key West police pulled him over in front of a Pizza Hut for reckless driving. According to police, he fled the scene and several officers followed him to a beach.

  Official documents obtained by CBS News offer differing accounts of Eimers’ encounter with police and what happened next. In the police report, Eimers was charged with resisting an officer “with violence.

  But officers on the scene told paramedics a different story. An EMS report indicates Key West police told paramedics that Eimers left his vehicle and ran, then collapsed on the beach. He never regained consciousness.”



Charles Eimers Death




” Hospital records say that Eimers “was found without a pulse by police” and later died at the hospital from lack of oxygen to the brain.

  But a cell phone video – shot by a bystander and released nearly two weeks after the arrest – shows none of those versions are accurate. Eimers can be seen walking away from his car and surrendering before police approach with guns drawn.

  Treavor Eimers said, “I watched the video, and I had no words. Everything that I was told while I was here was a lie.”


   A suspicious death involving the police and yet there was to be no autopsy , a clear violation of Florida law ? Hospital records destroyed ? A quick cremation ? WTF ? Can you spell coverup ?