Tag Archive: Michelle Obama

 Photos Reveal Just How Meager US Students’ Meals Are Compared To Even The Most Cash-Strapped Of Nations



What is it? School lunches in the United States stand in stark contrast to the wholesome and in some cases even decadent meals served to kids in other markedly less fortunate nations

Michelle’s American Slop

” Mouthwatering photos of school lunches served around the world reveal even children in Ukraine, Estonia and Greece are treated to delectable meals each day. School children in America, meanwhile, aren’t nearly so lucky.

  Whereas a kid in France might be treated to a juicy steak and a hunk of brie, the richest country in the world’s youths are more likely to receive unidentified meat served alongside little more than a starch like white pasta, fries or a roll.

  The contrasts between America’s school meals and those in far less fortunate economies are stark and suggest Michelle Obama’s push for more healthful lunches nationwide may not be enough.”

Then we have the French school lunch …

Brie, green beans, carrot, rare steak and pudding of kiwi fruit and apples is served in French schools 

” Brie, green beans, carrot, rare steak and pudding of kiwi fruit and apples is served in French schools”

” The first new school lunch standards championed by Michelle Obama have been phased in over the last several school years.

  In addition to whole grain requirements, the rules set fat, calorie, sugar and sodium limits on foods in the lunch line and beyond. While many schools have had success putting the rules in place, others have said they are too restrictive and costly.

  Backlash against the rules have spawned a wave of social media photos along with the tag #thanksMichelleObama. If these pictures are any indication, schools have responded to the rules by cutting down on portions to reduce fat and calories rather than by using potentially more costly ingredients. 

  Meanwhile, the widely different meals from Spain, Ukraine, Greece, South Korea, Brazil, France, Finland and Italy are all fresh and wholesome, with fish, steak and vegetables featuring prominently.”

    Well , you say , France has plenty of money considering their sky high tax rates … This is so but even near bankrupt countries such as Greece feed their children better than the prisoners of our public school system …

Greek school lunches feature baked chicken with orzo, stuffed grape leaves, salad of cucumber and tomatoes, yogurt with pomegranate seeds and two oranges

” Greek school lunches feature baked chicken with orzo, stuffed grape leaves, salad of cucumber and tomatoes, yogurt with pomegranate seeds and two oranges “

Then there is Michelle’s idea of a healthy lunch …

Thanks Michelle Obama? New school lunch rules backed by FLOTUS have students nationwide tweeting '#thanksMichelleObama' along with photos of meals like this

    Skeptics would be well-advised to visit the Daily Mail and see just what the children of the world are fed in such diverse countries as the Ukraine , Brazil , South Korea , Spain , Japan and more … For crying out loud , even Cuban children eat better than American students , look here:

Rice, a chicken croquette, a piece of taro root and yellow pea soup is the school lunch in Old Havana, Cuba

” Rice, a chicken croquette, a piece of taro root and yellow pea soup is the school lunch in Old Havana, Cuba”

    Read it and weep as the foreign menus make your mouth water even as the American cuisine does the same to your eyes … For shame America , for shame …

USDA Reports Show Fewer Students Buying School Lunch



School Lunch Fail





” It was just a week ago when an Oklahoma teen’s picture of her school lunch went viral on social media.
  It turns out that student is not alone in grumbling about school lunches, an investigation by the Washington Bureau discovered.
  Since new federal nutrition standards began rolling out in 2012, fewer students are buying school lunches, even though enrollment is going up.
  The Cox Washington Bureau reviewed U.S. Department of Agriculture documents and found thousands fewer students bought meals when stricter standards kicked in.
  The rules, championed by first lady Michelle Obama and approved by congress, require more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in lunches. Plus, the rules put limits on sodium, sugar, fat and calories.
  Nationwide, more than 1 million fewer students are taking advantage of school lunches each day, a drop of nearly four percent since 2012.”


WSBTV Atlanta










This Photo Of A Gross Michelle Obama School Lunch Has Sparked Widespread Outrage




Michelle's School %22Lunches%22

Click pic for video



” An Oklahoma family is outraged over the portions their 17-year-old daughter is being served at lunchtime.

  Kaytlin Shelton took a photo at her high school in Chickasha, Oklahoma, Monday showing a lunch with meat, two sets of crackers, a slice of cheese, and two pieces of cauliflower. The school serves this every other week, Fox 25 reported.

  School Superintendent David Cash told Fox 25 the small portions are due to federal regulations to fight childhood obesity, and knows that some kids are going hungry in his schools.

You’ve got in some cases little kids that their only two meals are breakfast and lunch at school, and they’re getting… a grand total of 1100 calories. That’s not enough. “


Read on











Over 1,200 High School Seniors Sign Petition Against Michelle Obama Speaking At Their Graduation



US Presiden Barack Obama attends event aimed at expanding college opportunity




” According to DailyMail, “Taylor Gifford, 18, started an online petition on Thursday with over 1,200 signatures asking that Michelle Obama not speak at Topeka High School graduation… Some students feel that the speech would overshadow student accomplishments and others feel limited seating will be a problem.”

  The students are worried Michelle’s speech would overshadow their accomplishments and also limit the seating for their friends and family. But see, what these high schoolers fail to realize is that EVERYTHING is about the Obamas. That’s why the President tweeted a picture of himself to celebrate the anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus. That’s why the President’s gift to Queen Elizabeth was an ipod pre-loaded with his speeches and photos of his inauguration. That’s why the President spent a three-day government shutdown posing for a portrait. That’s why Michelle goes on her constant vacations and hosts extravagant dinners on the taxpayer’s dime. That’s why the President showed up 30 minutes late and alone to dinner with Putin and other world leaders to discuss Syria. That’s why the President took a “selfie” at Nelson Mandela’s funeral. That’s why the President went to Vegas on the day when news broke about the attack in Benghazi. The list is unending. They aren’t leaders. They’re narcissists.”


Read more at Young Conservatives


According to The Blaze the number of signatories have climbed to 1750








Right Wing News



Moochelle Vacas









Michelle’s $12,000 Dress Cost More Than Median Yearly Household Income Worldwide of $9,733 


Michelle's Dress


” The blue and black designer dress that first lady Michelle Obama wore to Tuesday’s state dinner for the French president reportedly cost between $10,000 and $12,000, according to news media, which is more than the median annual household income worldwide of $9,733, and greater than the median income for households in at least 87 countries, according to data from Gallup. “


Let ’em eat cake … if they can afford it 


” According to Gallup’s survey of incomes in 131 countries between 2006 and 2012, the median annual household income worldwide is $9,733.   The median per-capita household income is $2,920.”











ABC Proves Michelle Obama Is Superficial And Devoid Of Accomplishment





” Today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s 50th birthday and to help commemorate this momentous occasion ABC News has prepared a list of ways you can help her celebrate. The list of 50 Ways To Celebrate Michele Obama’s Birthday is supposed to be a loving tribute, but it shows how truly unimportant Barack’s “trophy wife” has been.

  The list tries really hard to note all of Michelle’s accomplishments, but the best it can come up with is drinking more water and forcing school children to eat food they describe as “barf.” Other important things the First Lady has done include shopping and taking vacations. She really hasn’t established herself as a woman of the people.

  Here are a few highlights of the ways you can be like Michelle: 


1. Dance to Beyonce

3. Move into a massive new house with your family and invite your mother to move in too

5. Make the cover of Vogue

8. Buy a Jason Wu dress

11. Shop at J. Crew “









Michelle Obama’s Birthday Party Is Representative Of The Entire Administration





” If anyone still clings to some charitable notion that there is more to Michelle Obama than a celebrity wanna-be opportunist, let her 50th birthday celebration be the proof that does away with any remaining delusions.

  The FLOTUS’ birthday bash invitees included such moneyed stars as Gladys Knight, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Michael Jordan, Stevie Wonder, Samuel L. Jackson, Ashley Judd, and, of course, power couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z (the latter of whom sings a little ditty that says, among many other vile words it’d be indecent to print here: “Uh, she love different kinds of sex now, Uh, black girl sippin’ white wine, Put my fist in her like a civil rights sign”).”







” And this is just the stuff we know about.

  The event was so top secret, the NSA had to find out about it by reading Sasha and Malia’s text messages. No cell phones were permitted for the 500 people who attended, and those who disobeyed were told to check their devices at the door.”









Add Your Caption To The Comments For This Picture At The Looking Spoon






” Pictures truly are worth 1000 words. Lets find a few for this one…

 As usual leave them in the comments and I’ll post the best ones in the next day or so.”


Here are a couple entries to sample before you add your own pithy witticism .



  • ” Smilin’ Jack

    “Can you believe it? My waist got bigger, but my boob belt size stayed the same.”


    It flopped to the wrong side and she’s readjusting. “



Add your own caption here





Audio Of Michelle Obama Has Surfaced


Michelle Calls Kenya Obama's Home




” RUSH: Audio of Michelle Obama has surfaced. Audio from 2008, August of that year in Denver at a luncheon for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender delegates to the Democrat National Convention. There are others? Anyway, here is a portion of what she said, and this is causing quite a sir out there. 

  MICHELLE: Barack has led by example. When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test for the very point of showing folks in Kenya that there is nothing to be embarrassed about in getting tested, and we did it as a couple. 

  RUSH: Right on, right on, right on, right on, right on. So she called Kenya her husband’s home country. So you know this is reverberating all over the place out there.”









Obama, Friends Explain On Facebook That All This Cold Really Means Global Warming!






Global warming as seen by our “Dear Leader” and buddies … LOL




USDA: On Second Thought, Some Of Those School-Lunch Restrictions Weren’t Such A Good Idea






” After the federal government’s school-lunch standards were overhauled in 2012 in what I’m sure was a very well-intentioned effort to institute healthier habits in America’s children and help stave off of the country’s growing childhood obesity problem, it didn’t take long for the calorie-intake and portion restrictions in the new code to crash and burn spectacularly. Healthy eating habits being the highly individualized needs and preferences that they are, kids and parents quickly began complaining that students were not able to get enough to eat at lunchtime, and in some districts, school-lunch participation began to drop as more and more students started bringing their own lunches to school. The USDA soon implemented a temporary stay on the rules, and they just made the changes permanent — seeing as how the restrictions were never very well thought out in the first place. NPR explains:

Why? Because in some cases, schools had to limit healthy foods — such as sandwiches served on whole-grain bread or salads topped with grilled chicken — due to restrictions the U.S. Department of Agriculture set on the amount of grains and protein that could be served at meal-time. …

The USDA temporarily lifted the restrictions following many complaints. And, now, according to a new announced this week, the change will be made permanent.”










The Obama’s Are Getting A Divorce! The Public Reacts To This (Fake) News, Not Realizing It’s Fake!




Published on Dec 2, 2013

” People react to the (fake) news of the Obama divorce (that happened two weeks ago) without realizing the interviewer is trolling them (while wearing a troll shirt nonetheless) 
Subscribe to http://www.YouTube.com/MarkDice
http://www.Twitter.com/MarkDice “










Obama Visits Immigration Activists





” President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama met informally with immigration activists on the National Mall on Friday.

  They visited individuals taking part in Fast for Families to “offer their support for those who are fasting on behalf of immigration reform,” a White House official told the pool report. The Obamas spoke with the activists for about half an hour.

  The immigration activists have been fasting since Nov. 12, abstaining from all food except water and “are calling for the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives to take up action on comprehensive immigration reform,” the official said.”



    We guess the “website thing” is all straightened out since Obama has time to meet with illegals where he was too busy to attend 150th anniversary festivities for Gettysburg , and what of the troops ? When has he visited them ? How about the wounded at Walter Reed Hospital ? They are unlikely to vote for his policies so they must make up that part of America that he doesn’t represent









Obama Using Food-Stamp Cash To Fund Michelle’s ‘Let’s Move’




” As you dig into your Butterball with all the trimmings this Thanksgiving, remember that millions of famished schoolkids around America may be forced to forgo classic turkey — and chow down instead on vegan black-bean patties and organic locavore quinoa salad.

On Nov. 1, sizable cuts were gouged into the federal food-stamp program (or, as it’s now called, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which feeds 47.6 million people, or nearly one in six Americans. In the city, 1.9 million folks get the bulk of their Jell-O and Campbell’s Soup from stamps.

But news has spread among the poor, like leafy green vegetables, that it wasn’t heartless Republicans who triggered the cuts.

Rather, some of the food-stamp cash was snatched to pay for Michelle Obama’s pet project, Let’s Move. What?

It’s come to this. Some 76 million meals a year will vanish from this city — poof! — partly because the president diverted money from SNAP to the first lady’s signature program, part of her Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative — the bean-sprout-heavy, $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.”


Illustration by Dickie Neely









Obama-Friendly Firm Received $100K Contract For Michelle’s

“Let’s Move!” Campaign




” Shepardson, Stern & Kaminsky (SS&K) have received several contracts from the Obama administration including a $2 million deal from the Department of Education for a teacher recruitment program in 2010. Partners Robert Shepardson, Marty Cooke and Rebecca Matovic have all fundraised for Obama or members of his administration at one time or another.

This particular no-bid agreement for “Let’s Move!” violates federal contracting rules and is acknowledged as an “unauthorized commitment.” The Department of Agriculture (USDA), which was responsible for issuing the illegal agreement, even filed a “request for ratification of an unauthorized commitment” in order to evade consequences.”



Let’s move this taxpayer money right into my friend’s bank account .







Company Behind Obamacare Website In Charge Of Nearly $2 Billion In Sandy Relief




” CGI Federal Inc., the mastermind behind healthcare.gov, is assisting the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the distribution of $1.7 billion in relief for Hurricane Sandy.

The Associated Press revealed Tuesday that a mere $700 million of the $60 billion federal aid package – 1.2 percent of the total funds – has been given to victims of super storm Sandy.

Nearly a year after the devastating storm, a majority of the 24,000 families that have requested monetary assistance have yet to receive a penny from the federal aid package.”












Michelle Obama’s Princeton Classmate Is Executive At Company That Built Obamacare Website




” First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the contract to build the failed Obamacare website.

Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at Healthcare.gov. CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.

Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni. “

Cronyism of the highest order … it pays very handsomely to be friends with the King .








NewsBusted 10.15.13

Published on Oct 14, 2013

Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media

Feeling generous? Text ‘NewsBusters’ to 85944 to make a $10 contribution to keep ‘Busted going strong.

NewsBusted is a comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday.

If you like the show, be sure to tell your friends and family!

Feel free to post your comments on this video, we love them. We also love seeing how many people won’t read this disclaimer and realize the laughtrack is a joke itself.

Think you’re funny? Send your (short) jokes to newsbusted at dialognewmedia.com. If we use them, we’ll pay you USD $50 for each one.”









First Lady Heckler Speaks Out: Michelle Obama ‘Came Right Down In My Face’




” The LGBT activist who heckled Michelle Obama at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser says she just “couldn’t stay silent any longer.”

Sturtz’s actions Tuesday night appeared to rankle the first lady, who threatened to leave if Sturtz did not stop interrupting her.

Of the interaction with the first lady Sturtz told The Washington Post in an interview Tuesday night that “[Obama] came right down in my face ,” Sturtz said. “I was taken aback.” “




Michelle Obama Heckled At DNC Event, Threatens To Leave



” First Lady Michelle Obama was met with a heckler Tuesday evening at a Democratic National Committee event in Washington, D.C.

The pool reported that Obama left the lectern toward the protestor saying that they could “listen to me or you can take the mic, but I’m leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.”

Last we knew one was not a choice .











Michelle Obama Vacation Maven




” Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia are looking at an extended vacation on Martha’s Vineyard this summer, according to a report in The Boston Globe. The Globe might have something here – it’s almost a local Vineyard paper, after all.

According to The Globe the First Couple is looking at a house near Farm Neck, in Oak Bluffs, which they’ve visited in the past.  The particular house they’ve stayed in previously, Blue Heron Farm, “Up Island” in Chilmark, has since been sold. So that piece of real estate is probably out.

If Michelle and the kids do opt for a lengthy Vineyard stay it could become fodder for critics. First Family vacations are a fraught issue, as it’s easy to portray them as insensitive in some manner. The Vineyard is an expensive and exclusive area (as well as kind of Democratic – didn’t the Clintons go there?) so it’s likely that at some point some talk radio host will go after this plan as demeaning to US workers still suffering in a slowly recovering economy.”








‘I’m Not The Young Muslim Socialist I Used To Be!’ Obama Blasts His Critics And Even Mocks Michelle’s Hair At Correspondents’ Dinner





” Pictures of him with Michelle-style bangs, quips about Jay-Z and sideswipes at the media and his political foes helped Barack Obama win laughs at this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

The traditional send-up speech saw the President earn some laughter at his own expense but also land some funny blows against the media and the Republican Party. 

The President opened with a soft joke about his time in office but increasingly moved onto more controversial territory – even joking about ‘burning books with Michelle Bachmann’.”








Budget Cuts End Blue Angels’ 2013 Season



PENSACOLA NAVAL AIR STATION, Fla. – The U.S. Navy has canceled the remainder of the elite Blue Angels demonstration team’s 2013 season because of federal cuts.

The commander of Naval air forces announced the decision on Tuesday.

The Blue Angels have performed at air shows around the world for more than 60 years. The fighter pilots selected to serve a two-year tour with the team are among the world’s best and are often graduates of the Navy’s famed Top Gun air tactics school.

A spokesman for the Navy said team members would be allowed to fly minimal hours to maintain flight proficiency in the F/A 18 fighter jets, but the six-jet squadron would discontinue group practices for the remainder of the season.”




No money for entertaining the masses , but plenty of coin for partying at the White House …



” Obama Gets Down With Memphis Music

Memphis music created ‘harmony with harmony,’ Obama says

The new sound out of Memphis in the 1960s and 70s wasn’t just catchy, President Barack Obama said Tuesday. Soul music was a way to unite people through common human emotions — love, heartbreak and tenderness.

Speaking at a White House celebration of the genre, Obama said those common themes made Memphis soul almost universally popular.

“Who does not love this music?” he asked to applause. The event featured a slew of hit-makers, both past (Mavis Staples, Eddie Floyd, William Bell) and present (Queen Latifah, Cyndi Lauper, and Justin Timberlake, singing “(Sittin’ On) the Dock of the Bay” alongside Steve Cropper).

“These songs get us on the dance floor…They get stuck in our heads,” Obama said. “We go back over them again and again. And they’ve played an important part in our history.”

When Memphis was a segregated city in the 1960s, musicians formed integrated bands that helped to “bridge those divides – to create a little harmony with harmony,” Obama said.

“That was the spirit of their music – the sound of Soulsville, U.S.A., a music that, at its core, is about the pain of being alone, the power of human connection, and the importance of treating each other right,” Obama said.

During the concert, Obama and first lady Michelle Obama danced in their seats alongside daughters Malia and Sasha.

The concert was part of the PBS series “In Performance at the White House,” which began in 1978.”