Tag Archive: Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg Calls Colorado’s Decision On Legal Pot Stupid




” Moderator Jennifer Bradley, director of the Center for Urban Innovation at the Institute, then asked what the U.S. can do to get people out of poverty. Bloomberg responded that conventional wisdom points to education, but education isn’t going to help uneducated adults. Bradley later asked how government can offer basic fairness to the children “who have been failed.”

  Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25. Cities need to get guns out of this group’s hands and keep them alive, he said.

“ These kids think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed,” Bloomberg said. “They just don’t have any long-term focus or anything. It’s a joke to have a gun. It’s a joke to pull a trigger.” “

Imagine the outrage if Rand Paul , Ted Cruz or any other non-liberal said something like this

Aspen Institute

S.E. Cupp: Michael Bloomberg Is ‘The Best, And By That, I Mean The Worst Face For Gun Control’






” Conservative commentator S.E. Cupp had some tough words for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the wake of him giving $50 million to push his gun control agenda.

  Appearing as a guest on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, the CNN Crossfire co-host mocked Bloomberg’s efforts: “Well, he’s the best, and by that, I mean the worst face for gun control. And believe me, my friends at NRA high-fived when they heard about this.

  Prior to the segment on Bloomberg’s gun control agenda, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos hosted former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to lobby for gun control. Stevens proposed a constitutional amendment in which the Second Amendment would read “The right of the people to keep and bear arms when serving in the militia should not be infringed.”

  Following the Stevens promotional segment, ABC’s Jeff Zeleny proclaimed that Michael Bloomberg was “absolutely not” the right face for gun control before arguing “That’s the exact question because during the Senate debate on this, in the months after Sandy Hook, everybody thought that some sort of background checks would pass the Senate. But it’s too easy for politicians out there to say that’s the New York City Mayor.”

After Zeleny’s repudiation of Bloomberg’s efforts, Cupp continued to dismantle Bloomberg:

  Going after the NRA is a very odd thing. The NRA represents law-abiding gun owners, like myself, they don’t represent criminals. They don’t event represent gun manufacturers. So why Mayor Bloomberg is turning his figurative guns on people like me when there are criminals out there seems a very strange way to go about reducing gun crime. His efforts on this issue have been measurable failures. “

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Bloomberg’s $50 Million Anti-Gun Campaign Starts Off With A Video Trying To Scare You And Your Kids





” Michael Bloomberg has pledged to pour 50 million dollars into his new gun control advocacy group, Everytown. The goal is to create a grass roots network of concerned mothers, mayors and Hollywood celebrities that can work to persuade Congress as effectively as the pro-gun lobby.”


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12 Years Of Little Tyrannies In 2 Minutes!




Published on Dec 30, 2013

” After 12 years, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg leaves office on New Year’s Day, 2014.

  His legacy goes far beyond his nanny state war on cigarette smoke, salts and fat, but into his use of the NYPD (which he described as “his personal army”) to spy on citizens and stop-and-frisk young men of color en masse, as well as his abuse of eminent domain to seize private property and hand it over to his fellow billionaire developers for massive vanity projects.

  Reason TV takes a brief year-by-year look back at Mayor Bloomberg’s most outrageous assaults on freedom of choice and civil liberties.

  About 2 minutes. “









Jailing Photogs and Smokers, Outlawing Chipotle! Plus Halle Berry! (Nanny of the Year, 2013)



Published on Dec 26, 2013

” At Reason TV’s Fifth Annual Nanny of the Year Awards, we recognize those who devote their lives to telling us how to run ours! The nominees for 2013 are trailblazers who insist on breaking barriers that would have been politically impossible to confront just a short time ago. 

  Why stop at banning smoking in public places? Let’s criminalize the dirty deed and throw smokers behind bars, says Oregon State Rep. Mitch Greenlick. (Greenlick also champions prison reform, declaring that we need a “more rational way to decide who gets imprisoned.”) 

  Why stop at cracking down on traditional fast food joints like McDonald’s? Let’s kick it up a notch and outlaw “fast casual” restaurants like Chipotle, says Eastchester, New York Supervisor Anthony Colavita. (Eastchester is “a very upscale community,” Colavita explains. “You can go get your sandwich in Larchmont. We aren’t going to cheapen the town with fast food or these formula fast-quick casual places.”) 

  While we’re at it, let’s make photography a crime! After all, celebrities deserve to be protected from the annoying aspects of their life choices, like dealing with the paparazzi, and anyhow we’d really be doing it (all together now!) for the children (well, for the children of celebrities and politicians, at least), says our first bonafide A-list nominee–actor, humanitarian, and lobbyist Halle Berry. 

  All our nominees recognize that they stand on the shoulders of giants, giants like the recently termed out New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whom we salute for with a (sort of) lifetime achievement award. 

  Kick off awards season with the awards show that’s 99 percent shorter than all the rest!

  3 minutes, 13 seconds.

  Follow Nanny of the Year/Month on Twitter (@NannyoftheMonth) and submit your nominees for next month!

  Nanny of the Year is written and produced by Ted Balaker (@tedbalaker). Motion graphics and research by Matt Edwards (@MattChrisEd). Camera by Zach Weissmueller. Opening graphics by Austin Bragg.

To watch previous episodes, go here:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=…

Subscribe to ReasonTV’s YouTube channel for notifications when new material goes live.










Bloomberg Anti-Gun Group Loses 97 Percent Of Va. Delegate Races




” 2013 was a lousy year for Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group co-founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. Despite the millions of dollars the group and Bloomberg himself contributed to support gun control laws and candidates who support them, they had little success to show for it.

Although Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ efforts helped defeat GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli, no one seriously expected him to win. However, of the 67 Virginia House of Delegates candidates endorsed by the National Rifle Association and targeted by Bloomberg’s group, 65 won, according to the Washington Examiner.”








Soros & Fellow Billionaires For Open Borders Lobby GOP On Amnesty




” Anyway, that’s all boilerplate and hardly worth commenting on, as much as it might irk me. But I got to thinking about the groups hosting this thing and thought it’d be interesting to match up their principals and supporters with the Forbes 400 list. Turns out that “Billionaires for Open Borders” isn’t just a catchy name — it’s the reality. Joining Soros (#19 on the Forbes 400) in backing today’s lobbying effort are a broad collection of his fellow billionaires. One of the co-hosts was Partnership for a New American Economy. Among the group’s co-chairmen: Michael Bloomberg (#10 on the Forbes 400), Steve Ballmer (#21), Rupert Murdoch (#30), Douglas M. Baker Jr. (#161), and Bill Marriott (#296).

Another co-host was Fwd.us, founded by Mark Zuckerberg (#20) and including among its supporters Bill Gates (#1), Eric Schmidt (#49), Reid Hoffman (#103), John Doerr (#184), Stanley Druckenmiller (#184), John Fisher (#193), Barry Diller (#260), Sean Parker (#273), Jim Bryer (#352), Mark Pincus (was #212 in 2011, but fallen off since), Matt Cohler (worth a measly $400 million, but on the Forbes Future 400 list), Fred Wilson (#16 on Forbes Midas List of top tech investors), Ron Conway (#41 on the Midas List), and Richard Kramlich (#73 on the Midas List). That’s not to mention a whole list of mere multi-millionaires and even billionaires who didn’t make the cut.”


Read the whole thing at The Corner



  The fact that each of these self-serving a**holes can be given a hearing by the bend-over crowd on the right side of the aisle while they continue to ignore the will of the people is indicative of the total corruption of our present political system 

    Now more than ever we need to institute a ” one and done ” policy concerning our political class . We saw fit to limit the terms of the presidency and that job is actually less damaging to the public good than is Congress . For that reason we need term limits now . It is well past time to eliminate the possibility , nay certainty , that our elected leaders will become beholden to the money men in this country as is now the case .

 Forget Citizens United and all the other pretend fixes that the princes in Washington offer as “solutions” to the corruption of our political class . The simple solution is to eliminate the political class all together . The Founders envisioned a citizen legislature where people from all walks of life briefly interrupted their lives to serve the public good and then retired to the productive work that they had always done . They never imagined that the Republic they gave so much to create would degenerate into a caste system with a ruling elite .

 It may seem like a radical idea to some but we feel that no politician should stand for re-election EVER . Hence our choice of “One And Done” . End the “profession” of politician now . No re-election drastically reduces the ability of outside money men to bend the politicians to their will with promise of filling their re-election coffers .




















MAIG Rally Shutdown By Gun Owners




” A rally organized by advocates of gun control was overrun by liberty minded gun owners who have had enough. The anti-gun rally held in front of the State House in Columbus by members of the infamousMayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) was intended to show support for expanded background checks, but things didn’t go as they had expected.

Only a handful of MAIG supporters attended the rally based upon news media reports, they numbered fewer than a dozen. When members of the Buckeye Firearms Foundation caught wind of the gathering of Bloomberg cronies, they turned out in force. Media reports place their numbers at 50 or more.”








People Who Have Been Trying To Control Your Life Since Reason Was Founded In 1968



In 2003, to celebrate 35 years of publishing a monthly magazine dedicated to Free Minds and Free Markets, reasonnamed “35 Heroes of Freedom”—innovators, economists, singers, anti-communists, pornographers, professional athletes, and even the occasional politician who contributed to making the world a freer place since 1968.

These weren’t necessarily the 35 best human beings to span the globe. Richard Nixon, for example, was selected for encouraging “cynicism about government” through his rampant abuses of power. And, well, let’s say Dennis Rodman hasn’t aged particularly well. But the list reflected the happy, unpredictable cacophony that has helped liberate the world one novel or deregulation or electric guitar at a time.

Our 45th anniversary has come along at a darker time. The post-9/11 lurch toward unchecked law enforcement power has now become a permanent feature of our bipartisan consensus, with a Democratic president now ordering assassinations of American teenagers and with millions of Americans unaware that the feds are combing through their telecommunications. Keynesians in Washington responded to the financial crisis of 2008 by ushering in a lost decade of government spending, sluggish growth, and the worst employment numbers since Jimmy Carter was president. And after an initially promising Arab Spring, whole swaths of the Middle East seem  poised for a long, sectarian, transnational war.

So it’s fitting that this time around we’re anointing reason’s 45 Enemies of Freedom. Again, these aren’t the worst human beings who bestrode the planet since 1968 (though Pol Pot and Osama bin Laden rank right down there). Some, like John McCain, are even genuine American heroes. What unites them is their active effort to control individuals rather than allow them free choice, to wield power recklessly rather than act on the recognition that the stuff inherently corrupts, and to popularize lies in a world that’s desperate for truth.

You’ll see some familiar names there (we can’t quit you, Tricky Dick!) and some others that deserve to be more notorious. But in our otherwise alphabetical list we’ll start with the man who nearly everyone on our staff nominated, a figure who embodies so much that is wrong with public policy and the political conversation in these United States.


1. Michael Bloomberg



Click here to read the whole list

Click here to cast your own vote for the biggest enemies of freedom.








Mayors Jumping Ship From “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” Following Scandals and Organization’s Overreach

” We’ve reported on numerous scandals plaguing Mayors Against Illegal Guns in recent weeks.

  Now, according to a report on Buzz Feed, numerous mayors are abandoning the organization, and new mayors are more hestitant to join the group than in the past.

  According to Buzz Feed,

” According to an old version of its member list, saved on a blog dated back to late February, more than 50 mayors who were then listed on MAIG’s website are no longer there. Most of the mayors whose names are no longer affiliated with the group are off the list either because they resigned or lost an election, but others have specifically asked to be removed.

   At least two mayors, Mayor Donnalee Lozeau of Nashua, NH and the mayor of Rockford, Illinois, Larry Morrissey, left the group earlier this year due to the overreaching and ever expanding anti-gun efforts of the group. Many mayors thought the group’s primary purpose was to keep guns away from criminals, but as the group began to lobby for bans on certain types of weapons, magazine capacity limits and further gun legislation, it has become clear that Michael Bloomberg is using the group to spread his personal, anti-gun politics to other areas of the country.


” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) will lead a tour of House leaders next week aimed at educating Americans, and each other, about the history and importance of immigration to the United States. The tour, dubbed the “Become America” tour, will feature events and speeches aimed at overcoming opposition to the passage of comprehensive immigration reform, which has stumbled amidst opposition from conservatives.

“The lawmakers will attend events on Ellis Island and at the Museum of Jewish Heritage and the African Burial Ground National Monument, according to an itinerary of the trip,” Politico reported late Wednesday evening. “Leaders will speak at a naturalization ceremony, and the group will also have a breakfast meeting at Gracie Mansion with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a key advocate of immigration reform.” ”

Pro Gun Supporters Outnumber Anti Gunners 2-1 At Bloomberg Gun Event In Atlanta



” According to an article by Claude Werner, a firearms instructor and competitive shooter, the “event” held by anti gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in Atlanta today was a bust.

Werner, who attended the event said that pro gun supporters from the grass roots pro gun organization GeorgiaCarry.org outnumbered the anti gun crowd at least 2-1. It also seems that many of those attending for the anti gun side of things were part of the Bloomberg bus tour.”







 Bloomberg Using Taxpayer Resources To Publish And Maintain Anti Gun Websites


” The MAIG Action Fund (which is supposedly separate from the main MAIG organization) is registered as a 501c4 non-profit, you know, the same designation that the IRS refused to many conservative groups for being “political” in nature. The organization is largely funded by Bloomberg’s personal fortune and the mayor has spent over $14 million of his own funds on the group.

According to POLITICO, several domain names for the organization are registered with and maintained by New York City’s IT department and city employees. From the report,

Two domains – mayorsagainstillegalguns.com and mayorsagainstillegalguns.org – both list the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications as the registrants.”








 Nanny Gets Nasty: “Taxi King” Says Bloomberg Threatened To Destroy Him After Leaves Office



” Via The NY Post, Mike unleashes a ‘hail’ storm:

Mayor Bloomberg went on a spitting-mad rant against a city cab-fleet boss who won a court victory over Hizzoner’s planned “Taxi of Tomorrow” — vowing to “destroy your f–king industry” when he leaves office, The Post has learned.

A fuming Bloomberg made the threat against Taxi Club Management CEO Gene Freidman at Madison Square Garden’s private 1879 Club during last Thursday’s Knick playoff game, a witness said yesterday.

“It was like Gene had kidnapped his child. He used the f-word twice,” the witness said.

Freidman confirmed the blow-up to The Post, and said Bloomberg’s tirade included the warning that, “After January, I am going to destroy all you f–king guys.”

That’s bad news for Bloomberg’s political enemies, who could all become targets once the revenge-minded billionaire has nothing but time on his hands. “






‘Smoking’ Gun Nets 60G Fine



‘GUN’ LIGHTER Shop owner fights fine.



” The owner of a Midtown tourist shop is firing back at Mayor Bloomberg’s crusade against toy guns, filing papers to block a $60,000 fine from the city for selling lighters shaped like small pistols.

“We don’t have the money,” said Fred Shayes, 49, who owns US Camera & Computer Inc. near Penn Station. “I would have to take a loan out from the bank to pay that.”

Shayes filed a petition in Manhattan Supreme Court to vacate the fine. At issue is a bronze-and-silver colored 3-inch butane lighter shaped like a gun with a black handle and a red tip that was selling for $10 until investigators slapped the store with a fine and yanked it off their shelves.

Under city law, toy guns can’t be sold in the city unless they are bright green, blue, red or a neon color.

Over the past seven years, city officials have seized more than 7,200 illegal toy guns from stores and levied $2.4 million in fines, officials said.

Retailer Party City paid a record $500,000 in fines for 800 violations of the city’s toy-gun law.”






Bloomberg: If You Sell A Gun To Your Son, ‘There’s Something Wrong In Your Family





” In a radio appearance on Friday, Bloomberg, a gun control activist and co-chair of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, praised the legislation that is now moving forward in the Senate.  The bill would require universal background checks for most sales of firearms, including those online and at gun shows.

“The only thing it would not cover is if you sold a gun to your son, for example,” Bloomberg told radio host John Gambling.  “Number one, I don’t know how we would ever enforce that if it were the law. So to make a big deal about that’s carved out, so what? It doesn’t change anything.”

“Number two, I would argue if you want to sell your gun to your son, maybe you have a problem in your family,” he said.  “Why don’t you just give—I don’t know if you should have a gun or not, but if you have a commercial transaction of $100 with your son, there’s something wrong in your family.”



    We would just point out Mr Mayor , number one … That most guns cost a lot more than $100 , and , number two … that most families are not quite so moneyed as yours . We gun-owners are mostly not of the 1% like yourself and consequently may not be able to afford to just “give away” things , even to family members .


    And that’s not to even mention the life lesson taught by parent to child about having to work for things that you want . Your ignorance of the common folk rivals that of the rest of the ruling class in Albany and DC . 









Bloomberg Group Grades Lawmakers’ Gun Votes





” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg‘s Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition will now rate lawmakers on their gun records, the coalition’s director said.

The coalition of more than 900 mayors across the country was expected to announce a scoring system Tuesday, with grades of A through F, much like those of the National Rifle Association, Director Mark Glaze told The Washington Post.

“For decades, the NRA has done an admirable job of tracking to minute detail how members of Congress stand on gun bills. We’ve simply decided to do the same,” Glaze said.

NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told the Post the Mayors Against Illegal Guns scoring system would likely not have the same effect as the NRA’s.”






Mayor Bloomberg Tees Off, Hints Gov. Cuomo Partly To Blame For Albany Circus




” It was the ultimate putdown of state lawmakers caught in the corruption spotlight. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said they’re not qualified to get real jobs.

The circus has returned to Albany.
The man known in some parts as “El Bloombito” took out his rapier to cut state lawmakers down to size with a jab only a self-made billionaire could fire off, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported Friday.

“The average legislator who has to make policy on things that influence our lives, our kids’ lives, our future, would they ever get a job in the private sector making policy on big things? No, not a chance,” Bloomberg said.

After a week of almost non-stop corruption revelations, including charges that Bronx Assemblyman Eric Stevenson took bribes to write a bill to help his friends, Bloomberg also included Gov. Andrew Cuomo in his revulsion of all things Albany, implying that one of the things that aids corruption is the practice of the governor sending lawmakers something called a “message of necessity” so a bill can pass quickly, without anyone having a the chance to study it.

“Why can’t you give it time? Well, the answer is they don’t want anybody to see it. That’s the only explanation,” Bloomberg said.”











‘Mayor Against Illegal Guns’ Arrested In Gun-Related Incident [Video]



” Marcus Hook, PA — A member of the Michael Bloomberg-sponsored gun control organization “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” has been arrested and charged in connection with a handgun incident at his home.

James Schiliro, a.k.a. Jay Schiliro, the mayor of Marcus Hook, a small town in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, faces charges of official oppression, reckless endangerment, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, and furnishing a minor with alcohol. He surrendered to authorities on Thursday morning, and his attorney declared that “we intend to fight these charges.”

Schiliro, 38, allegedly ordered a local police officer to bring a 20-year-old male friend to his home, where the mayor plied him with alcohol, and made sexual advances which the man refused. Schiliro allegedly brandished several handguns and fired one of them into the floor in an apparent attempt to intimidate the young man, who reportedly was in fear of his life.”




NYC’s Michael Bloomberg Accused Of ‘Hypocrisy’ ForArming Security Detail In Gun-Free Bermuda




” Bloggers are taking New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to task, accusing him of hypocrisy for pushing strict gun control onto Americans but simultaneously seeking gun-carry exemptions for his security detail when he travels to Bermuda, where firearms are largely prohibited.

“Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda,” writes Walter Olson, of Cato, quoting a New York Times article. “But Mayor Bloomberg of New York, one of the nation’s most famously anti-gun politicos, has a dispensation for armed bodyguards from his own NYPD.”

One blogger writes in answer to that: “Gun laws are just for the ‘little people.’ Those who command millions of dollars and political capital don’t have to obey gun laws since they can hide behind their ‘need for security’ because of said wealth and political connections.”

And another writes on the blog Weazel Zippers: Mr. Bloomberg is guilty of “hypocrisy.” The story highlights “another [case of] ‘some animals are more equal than others.’ “




Mayors Gone Wild




” Mayors Against Illegal Guns member and Democratic Gainesville, Fla., Mayor Craig Lowe was arrested on charges of driving under the influence and property damage after police found him asleep in his car at the scene of a crash last Thursday.

Police said Lowe appeared intoxicated and his Honda Civic was badly damaged, according to WKMG in Orlando.

Lowe was one of 30 mayors featured in a recent ad released by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a gun-restriction lobbying group led by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Other members and former members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns have previously been charged with felony corruptionassault of a police officer, and child sex crimes.”




Guy In Bloomberg Gun-Control Ads Breaks All The Major Rules Of Gun Safety




” We’ve talked about this before. When it comes to gun safety, the physicians in the Democratic Party are not so into healing themselves.

In the latest example, we have Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s $12 million ads, which Emily Miller points out, break the three first rules of gun safety. The NRA isn’t just an association of those who treasure their Second Amendment rights. It’s also the biggest gun safety organization in the U.S., and it teaches these rules every day.

Mr. Bloomberg’s organization, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, produced two ads featuring a man holding a shotgun, wearing plaid flannel with a camouflage cap and sitting on the tailgate of a pickup truck. While a child swings on a tire in the background, the man says, “I support comprehensive background checks so criminals and the dangerously mentally ill can’t buy guns.”

The ad does not specify if the man is an actor, but the text accompanying it says he is a “gun owner.” Either way, the man violates all three gun safety rules taught by the National Rifle Association (NRA).”




Bloomberg Attacks NRA with $12 Million Anti Gun Ad Buy. NRA Fires back!





” The battle is on between the NRA and Michael Bloomberg who plans to purchase 12 million dollars worth of advertising to target senators and pressure them to vote for stronger gun control laws. NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre fired back saying Bloomberg, “can’t buy America.”

From Fox News: NRA chief says Bloomberg can’t ‘buy America’ amid $12M gun control ad blitz

NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre on Sunday challenged New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to spend $12 million on ads meant to pressure senators into backing strict new gun control measures, saying Bloomberg “can’t buy America.” “





Soda-Obsessed Mayor of Illiterate City to Convene Climate Change Summit in World’s Rape Capital




” 80 percent of New York City high school students seem to have some trouble reading, but Mayor Bloomberg has no time for them. He’s too busy dealing with serious issues, like soda sizes, gun control in Illinois and the impending destruction of the planet.

A summit of city mayors will convene in February of next year in Johannesburg, to discuss ways to fight global climate change.


Fortunately Bloomberg is not going to let any of this stop him. And so the mayors of cities struggling with major social problems are going to convene a summit in the world’s rape capital to battle a problem that doesn’t exist, while ignoring all the huge and horrifying problems that do exist.”