Tag Archive: Media Blackout

BREAKING: Massive Spike In Whites Setting Blacks On Fire




” Did you know that there’s been a massive uptick in white thugs setting black folks on fire, yet the media has been virtually silent on this horrendous subject?

  Sure, we all have heard of Darren Wilson’s shooting Michael Brown, but there has been no coverage of the aforementioned. Like in zero… nada… nothing… zilch.

  What kind of racist “news outlets” would be so heinous to cover up such gross and unspeakable evil?

  Why haven’t the most powerful people in our government and the entertainment industry spoken out and condemned this obvious xenophobic act of viciousness?

  How come there has been no national #hashtag crusade or basketball T-Shirt campaign against these barbaric atrocities carried out by white-trash scum who have actually lit black grandmothers, granddads, fathers, mothers, teens and twenty-somethings on fire after dousing them with lighter fluid?

  What kind of gross silence and injustice is this? Huh? Huh?

  What’s that you say? You say, “That it is not white thugs who’ve been setting innocent blacks ablaze lately, but actually black thugs that have been igniting innocent white people; and these crimes have been grossly ignored by the Lame Stream Media,”?

  Whoops. My bad. I guess I should change my title then, eh?

  Yep, I mistakenly thought it was white pukes doing that to harmless black folks. This changes everything. Now it makes sense why we’ve heard diddly squat from the “news outlets” and the president and LeBron James and the St. Louis Rams and Al Sharpton; because in Obamaland blacks can literally light whites on fire and there be no “I’m White, Don’t Ignite” protests, or hashtags, or orchestrated mass condemnation of this sudden spike of the most heinous murders and maimings known to mankind.

  For those of you who’re not in the know about this recent increase in this ghastly phenom carried out against us “white devils”, one of my guest contributors at ClashDaily.com, Angela Turner, did yeoman’s work last Friday and cobbled together this large list of insanely ill-reported burnings of white people that almost makes one think that lighting white people on fire might be the new “knock out game” perpetrated by black hoodrats on us pigmentally challenged white clods.

  Angela states,

  With the recent gruesome murder of Jessica Chambers, there is widespread speculation and argument as to whether her killer was black or white. Jessica, a 19-year-old from Mississippi, was found walking, engulfed in flames after her attackers put lighter fluid in her mouth and lit her on fire. The attack happened on December 6, in Mississippi. While we wait for the police to make an arrest, here are sixteen people from ages twelve to eighty-seven that have one thing in common: they are all white and they were all set on fire by blacks.

Robin and Mani Aldridge — Just last week, a beloved special needs teacher and her high school junior daughter from Charlottesville Virginia were beaten before they were burned in a house fire. Police arrested a black man named Gene Everett Washington and charged him with two counts of first-degree murder.

Michael Brewer – 15-year-old Michael from Miami had burns over 60% of his body after three black classmates poured alcohol on him and set him on fire. All three are serving time in prison.


Allen Goin — A 13-year-old from Kansas City, his two black teen attackers put him in a bear hug, poured gasoline on him and set him on fire saying, “This is what you get, white boy”.


image (4)

Allen Goin



Gabriela Penalba — A 23-year-old teacher in Knoxville Tennessee was set on fire by a 15-year-old black student. She briefly turned her back to the class when the student lit her hair and shirt ablaze.

Kathryn “Kit” Grazioli — Colorado Springs firefighters found Kit’s 87-year-old body burning on a trail after a nearby resident called to report the fire. Officers arrested a black 21-year-old, Marcus Smith, and charged him with 1st degree murder. Kit was a deacon at her church and loved by the community.

Jonathan Foster — In Houston, Mona Nelson, a black 44-year-old woman abducted and killed 12-year-old Jonathan with a blowtorch on Christmas Eve, later dumping his body in a ditch. She was found guilty of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison. The story was getting mainstream media coverage until they arrested a black woman.

Kenneth Athey — Beaten with a hammer, stabbed, doused with chemicals and set on fire, 87-year-old Kenneth survived to testify against his black male attacker.

Luke Fleischman — a black teenager, who was prosecuted as an adult and sentenced to seven years for the hate crime, set the 18-year-old on fire while sleeping on a bus in San Francisco.

Richard Michael Carter — Two black brothers were arrested for shooting and burning Richard, a father from South Carolina.

Flo “Violet” Parker –The 67-year-old homeless woman from California was set on fire by a black man as she slept on a bench.

Nancy Harris — The 76-year-old grandmother was killed when a black man set fire to her while she was working at a convenience mart. She was loved in her Texas hometown and known as Grandma to everyone.

Melinda McCormick — A black woman and two black men beat and burned Melinda to death.

Jimmy Sanders – Shot and burned after stopping to help two black men, Erik Ellis, 28, and Malcolm Melton, 22, with car trouble. “He didn’t answer his phone. I called about eight or nine times. About an hour after he wouldn’t answer I got really, really nervous and upset,” Betty Sanders said. Jimmy was 65 and also from Mississippi, where Jessica Chambers was just burned.

Raymond Vasholz — Raymond died after his black neighbor, Terrance Hale, attacked him and his wife and set fires. Elizabeth and Raymond were married 58 years.

  You and I both know that if the race roles were reversed there’d be a systematic condemnation of such behavior and nationwide protests leveled at “racist whites” randomly torching innocent blacks; but heretofore the media has been pretty damn quiet with little to no connection of the dots.

* Note: my youngest daughter, Regis Giles, creator and owner of GirlsJustWannaHaveGuns.com, has just signed on to narrate and star in a new documentary, produced by the folks who brought us such great films as Hating Breitbart and UnFair: Exposing The IRS, encouraging women worldwide to become proficient in self-defense and be victims no mas. You can check it out and support it here. “



    Many thanks to Doug Giles and Townhall for bringing us this virtually ignored development in race relations in the age of Obama to our attention .

   Be sure to click the link to Turner’s Clash Daily piece which provides the reader with photos of all the victims .












    We are sorry to say that the videos below are all the reporting that we could locate on yesterday’s “The Day We Fight Back” protests . We had high hopes for constructing a comprehensive report on yesterday’s events but apparently this is about as comprehensive as we can get due to the near media blackout on news of the protests .

‘The Day We Fight Back’: Netizens rally against NSA in memory of Aaron Swartz



Published on Feb 11, 2014

” It’s been a year since his death but his mission hasn’t been forgotten. The organization co-founded by internet freedom fighter Aaron Swartz is leading a mass protest against the NSA’s indiscriminate surveillance in a campaign called: “The Day We Fight Back.”

For more details on the story, check out http://on.rt.com/ql1q2e





The Day We Fight Back – OccupyMN



Published on Feb 10, 2014

” Stand with us!


For more information on the upcoming action – The Day We Fight Back – click here: https://thedaywefightback.org (#F11)

opVolkskrieg: http://youtu.be/qACMouDHD3Q

TheAnonNewsNet (note): If you cannot, or wish to not enter Cryptocat for the sake of security start then, by talking to the people in your area, start planing, organizing and acting. DO NOT BE AFRAID.

Project V: http://youtu.be/uH-_4x1p904
Project V Clarification: http://youtu.be/o4yCUidp4wk

Security: http://youtu.be/GA7Z4cSWu7U

These are clips and excerpts from interviews featured in the upcoming documentary about Aaron Swartz called “The Internet’s Own Boy.” Sadly, Aaron took his own life on January 11th, 2013 after a two year legal battle. These clips show some of his work on SOPA, and his thoughts on the NSA.”





The Day We Fight Back: global mass protests against U.S. spy program



Published on Feb 11, 2014

” Today is “The Day We Fight Back”: activists, websites and web platforms have launched an online protest against the massive espionage program by National Security Agency and recalls the protests from 2012 against the SOPA and PIPA anti-piracy laws. teleSUR
http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/web/t… “





‘Day We Fight Back’ takes on NSA



Published on Feb 11, 2014

” It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over 5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill, representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more. Find RT America in your area: http://rt.com/where-to-watch/ Or watch us online:http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/ Like us on Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/RTAmerica Follow us on Twitterhttp://twitter.com/RT_America “





The Day We Fight Back – The Hacker Wars



Published on Feb 12, 2014

https://thedaywefightback.org/ “





The Day We Fight Back (The Feed)



Published on Feb 12, 2014

” The Feed’s Andy Park looks The Day We Fight Back an online moment protesting spying by the NSA.

Contains footage courtesy of EFA. 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SBS2Australia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheFeedSBS2
Tumblr: http://sbs2australia.tumblr.com/





Piratpartiets demonstration “The day we fight back”



Published on Feb 11, 2014

” Runt hela världen och på internet demonstrerade människor på årsdagen av Aaron Swartz död. Kritik riktades statlig övervakning och talarna förklarade varför ett fritt internet är viktigt.”





     We searched for some major network video coverage of yesterday’s “The Day We Fight Back” protests and it was a fruitless effort . As you can see by the list below neither the major networks nor the new self-styled , “cutting edge” video news services deigned to offer footage of the worldwide protests . For that matter we were unable to find any first-hand videos from the protestors themselves . The above videos represent the sum total of our success in bringing you accurate and timely reports on this all important movement . We apologize for the dearth of information and cannot help but wonder , in the day and age of video/cell cameras in every pocket , why there is so little reporting .


The following major media outlets offered no video reportage of yesterday’s protests at all . 


CNN has nothing 

AP nothing

CBS nothing

NBC nothing

Reuters nothing

ABC nothing

EuroNews nothing

WSJ Digital nothing

ITN nothing

BBC nothing

Truthloader nothing

Sourcefed nothing



    The lack of video documentation of “The Day We Fight Back” protests is matched by the equally lacking print coverage evidenced by our search of the web . Even Drudge is without a single reference to yesterday’s protests . What gives ? Were they that much of a bust ? Were any of our readers present at any of the events ? If so , we would love to hear from you .










GOSNELL WHO?! (It Ain’t Easy Being a Babykiller)

A nicely constructed piece on the continuing Dorner saga and the myriad contradictions in the official storyline .

Did Police Order Media Blackout To Cover Up Plan To Kill Dorner?






” Audio which indicates police involved in the siege against Christopher Dorner deliberately planned to set fire to the fugitive’s cabin was preceded by an attempt by authorities to impose a media blackout in an apparent effort to cover up the chain of events that led to Dorner’s death.

As the standoff reached its height, Big Bear-area police scanners were disabled online in order to “ensure officer safety.” However, the feeds were not cut until after police were clearly heard discussing plans to “go ahead with the plan with the burners,” while on another audio feed from a local news broadcast, cops were heard shouting, “burn this motherfucker.”

At around the same time, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer announced that police had asked news networks not to film live footage of the scene.”


Bozell Blasts ABC, CBS, and NBC For Censoring Footage of Union Violence

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:

The pro-union broadcast networks are deliberately censoring footage of thuggish union violence directed at conservatives. If a Tea Partier had physically assaulted a liberal journalist or ripped down a structure occupied by a liberal organization all on video, the footage would be broadcast on an endless loop. ABC, CBS, and NBC have a responsibility to the American people to expose what’s really happening in Michigan. Their double standard is absolutely outrageous.”





PC Euro-Style








” A broad coalition of groups from across France came together because they feel they’re losing their country to radical Islam, Sharia law, and a politically correct establishment that encourages the spread of Islam. “