Tag Archive: Media Bias

Cartoonists Are Controversial And Murderers Are Moderate





” Controversial, intolerant and provocative. Mainstream media outlets broke out these three words to describe the “Draw the Prophet” contest, the American Freedom Defense Initiative and Pamela Geller.

  While the police were still checking cars for explosives and attendees waited to be released, CNN called AFDI, rather than the terrorists who attacked a cartoon contest, “intolerant.” Time dubbed the group “controversial.” The Washington Post called the contest, “provocative.”

  Many media outlets relied on the expert opinion of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a multi-million dollar mail order scam disguised as a civil rights group, which had listed AFDI as a hate group. Also listed as hate groups were a number of single author blogs, including mine, a brand of gun oil and a bar sign

  The bar sign, which hangs outside a bar seven miles outside Pittsburgh, appears to be made out of metal and plastic. It is reportedly unaware that it is a hate group and has made no plans to take over America.

  The SPLC’s inability to conduct even the most elementary fact checking did not stop news networks from inviting its talking head on to suggest that AFDI got “the response that they — in a sense — they are seeking.” Neither CNN nor MSNBC were impolitic enough to mention that no AFDI supporter had used its materials to plan a killing spree, while at least one of SPLC’s supporters had done just that.

But being “controversial” and “provocative” has nothing to do with who is doing the shooting. It’s a media signal that the target shouldn’t be sympathized with. The Family Research Council, which was shot up by a killer using the SPLC’s hate map, is invariably dubbed “intolerant.” The SPLC, which targeted it, is however a “respected civil rights group” which provides maps to respected civil rights gunmen.

  A contest in which Bosch Fawstin, an ex-Muslim, drew a cartoon of a genocidal warlord is “controversial” and “provocative,” while the MSA, which has invited Sheikh Khalid Yasin, who has inspired a number of terrorists, including apparently one of the Mohammed contest attackers, is a legitimate organization that is only criticized by controversial, intolerant and provocative Islamophobes.”


Read more at FrontPage














Conservatives, Unleash the Awesome Power Of “No”







” We decent Americans are bombarded with lies, libeled, and subjected to petty (and, increasingly, not so petty) tyrannies by government flunkies. At every turn, liberals and their suck-ups in the media and academia seek to delegitimize our interests, concerns, and opinions. They want us to submit, to take the easy way out, to just go along. Our fate, they decree, is cultural and political dhimmitude.

  Well, it’s time to draw a red line and, unlike President Feckless and the Wimptones, to enforce it.

  Conservatives, it’s time to say, “No.”

  No, liberals, you can’t just lie about us anymore without us pushing back. The days of surrender in the face of your slander are over.

  No, liberals, you are the racists. Your party created the Klan. Your party created and enforced Jim Crow. Those weren’t Republicans beating black skulls in Selma – they were Democrats. Bull Connor was a union-loving populist and a delegate to a Democrat National Convention. You liberals elected a KKK member as your Senate Majority Leader and then made him your President Pro Tempore, and you did it in this century.

  I repeat, in this century.

  Your Democrat party relies on racial divisions, lies, and hatred. Quick, which party would fold tomorrow if racial hatred suddenly evaporated – the party that seeks to limit government and to empower every individual to create his own success, or the party that seeks to grow government to more lavishly hand out scraps to buy votes? “


Read the rest at Townhall










Modern Media And The Destructive Representation Of Conservativism


William Warren



” Although rightfully excoriated for his comments comparing public unions to ISIS, Gov. Scott Walker’s (R-Wis.) treatment by the media continues to highlight the gross disparity in the way with which conservative candidates are analyzed and represented, when compared to their liberal counterparts. Whereas Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Hillary Clinton are all hailed for their various policy proposals, as well as their personal and professional achievements, individuals like Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are ruthlessly assailed for every quip or comment, be they contextual or otherwise. 

  This was patently evident in 2008 as well as 2012, and will most assuredly be applicable once again in 2016. From tales of Mitt Romney’s elementary school bullying, to reports about Paul’s “Aqua Buddha” college days, the depths to which modern media apparatuses will dredge in order to invalidate a Republican’s candidacy, surpasses even those explored by the Trieste. This is highly problematic, as it only takes an anonymous comment, erroneous claim, or an unverified accusation, in order to destroy the legitimacy of a right leaning contender. This same approach however, would be understandable if it were equally applied to both sides of the political aisle, but seldom is that ever the case.”



    The Hill , not exactly a bastion of neutrality itself , discovers mainstream media bias … Watch your heads for falling porcine poo .













Why Elites Think ‘Pro-America’ Is So Last Century






” Ibn Warraq, renowned scholar of Islam, recently spoke at Yale about U.S. foreign policy:

“ We are engaged in a war of ideas, with our principal enemy: an ideology….  Islamic terrorism is not caused by poverty, lack of education, sexual deprivation…or lack of economic opportunity…. There are two kinds of Jihad: terrorism, and slow penetration of Western institutions subverting Western laws and customs from within. Ignorance, naivety, arrogance, political correctness, sheer laziness, sentimentality…have led to Islamic successes in penetrating the universities, from the Voice of America, the Pentagon…PBS, to the universities and colleges where Islamic propaganda is shamelessly and openly disseminated.”

  He likens the battle against Islamic radicals to the Cold War. But, he is mistaken in one sense. It was a proud and patriotic America that confronted the USSR. In the decades following World War II, most people in the United States were happy to celebrate our contributions to the defeat of Nazism and the liberation and restoration of Europe. Americans believed in themselves and their country.

  Today, we have a president, and a younger generation, that views the U.S. through a different prism – one clouded by Vietnam, racial discord, and now the war with Iraq. It is “cool” to distrust and disdain the U.S., and the media feeds the skepticism. In covering the U.S. engagement in Afghanistan, for instance, news organizations have seldom reported on the military’s successes in building schools and providing basic services in that country; they prefer to zero in on instances of civilian casualties and misdeeds by our soldiers. The coverage leads us to doubt our military, and our morals.”



Read Liz Peek‘s entire column at the Fiscal Times













Politicians Benefit From American Tribal Warfare





” Tribalism is the default state of humanity: The tendency to defend our own tribe even when we think it’s wrong, and to attack other tribes even when they’re right, just because they’re other. Societies that give in to the temptations of tribalism — which are always present — wind up spending a lot of their energy on internal strife, and are prone to disintegrate into spectacular factionalism and infighting, often to the point of self-destruction.

  Societies that temper those tribal tendencies, replacing them with the mechanisms of civil society, do much better. But there is much opportunity for political empire-building in tribalism, and if the benefits of stoking tribal fires exceed the costs for political actors, then expect political actors to pour gasoline on even the smallest spark.

  That’s pretty much what’s happened in the last few months, and the results haven’t been good. In America, we have both a police culture that is too quick to escalate force, and an aggressive victim culture, embodied by the loathsome Al Sharpton, that seeks to portray every police use of force, at least against members of the wrong racial and ethnic groups, as excessive.”


USA Today










Hey GQ, Can’t Find Any Crazy Democrats? Here’s 16


Hey GQ, can’t find any crazy Democrats? Here’s 16




 In a survey of the “Craziest Politicians of 2014,” GQ had difficulty locating any Democrats. Seventeen out of 20 on the list were Republicans, with the only liberals being Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson and America’s reigning nabob of nuttiness, Joe Biden.

  In a note appended to the story, GQ defensively said it wasn’t guilty of “standard liberal-media bias,” it just couldn’t find any loony Democrats to speak of.

  Let’s give GQ a little help, shall we? Here are 16 more Democrats to the list of the most cra-cra political figures. “


Read the rest from Kyle Smith at The NY Post













Street Artist Sabo Blasts Lena Dunham, Bill Clinton In Fake Rolling Stone Covers




” The controversial artist papered L.A. early Monday with posters featuring a photo of Dunham and the headline “Rape Fantasies and Why We Perpetuate Them”

  Los Angeles’ most controversial street artist, Sabo, has struck again — this time papering the Westside early Monday with posters depicting a fake Rolling Stone cover featuring a Lena Dunham photo and the headline “Rape Fantasies and Why We Perpetuate Them.”

  The poster also includes headlines that dig at Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby and Rolling Stone magazine, which recently retracted a gang-rape account at a University of Virginia fraternity house.

  In an email, Sabo told The Hollywood Reporter: “Remember (Dunham) accused a Republican of raping her in college, and that story is falling apart. Then you have the politics of Hollywood with her, Cosby, the Rolling Stone article that is being detracted. Last but not least, our beloved Bubba Clinton’s blast from the past and the double standard of why Rolling Stone didn’t run with his rape allegations but they ran with the UVA false story.” “


The Hollywood Reporter has more and be sure to check out more of Sabo’s work on his website here.









Univision’s Ramos To Journalists: ‘Stop Pretending We’re Neutral







” Univision’s Jorge Ramos was presented the Burton Benjamin Memorial Award for “lifetime achievement in defending press freedom” Tuesday at the 2014 Committee to Protect Journalists International Press Freedom Awards.

  During his speech before the group of journalists and media executives, Ramos made the case for journalists to drop the facade of impartiality and to use their voices and influence not just to inform but as activists to change policy:

”  The best of journalism happens when we take a stand: when we question those who are in power, when we confront the politicians who abuse their authority, when we denounce an injustice,” Ramos said. “The best of journalism happens when we side with the victims, with the most vulnerable, with those who have no rights. The best of journalism happens when we, purposely, stop pretending that we are neutral and recognize that we have a moral obligation to tell truth to power.”


Read more










Daily Video 11.19.14

Ellison Barber And Sharyl Attkisson Discuss Bias In Media’s Coverage Of Gruber Comments




Published on Nov 16, 2014

” Ellison Barber and Sharyl Attkisson Discuss Bias in Media’s Coverage of Gruber Comments (November 16, 2014) “













Now Fire The Media






” Today, twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Empire, the Left still runs the Western media. Such a monopoly guarantees massive corruption, uniform indoctrination, constant media lies, and toxic politics. It shuts the voters out of power. The result is near-suicidal policies, like Europe’s importation of forty million Muslims. 

  The European Union is a monolith that enforces self-sabotaging policies on nations like the UK, precisely the way Obama wants to impose a centralized bureaucratic diktat in this country. Obama is an open Eurosocialist of the Third World (Leninist) variety.

  A single U.S. election victory is therefore only one small step toward reversing the new totalitarians. We can’t proclaim victory and walk away. The crumbling of the Soviet Union around 1990 gave us the illusion of victory, while the Left burrowed deeper and deeper into the vital organs of our society.

  Today the Left still has a stranglehold on our mainstream media and education, Karl Marx’s “Organs of Propaganda.” Marx was a third-rate philosopher and economist, but he was a first-rate agitator. Conquering the Organs of Propaganda really works. If conservatives do not regain control of American culture this election will only be a temporary rest in a headlong decline. 

  Conservatives take pride in individualism, as they should. Even during the Obama years, the growth of medical travel, genomic medicine and electronic health monitoring allow us to take advantage of free medical markets outside of Obama’s reach. “


Read the whole thing from James Lewis at American Thinker










An Election About Everything






” At long last, the conventional wisdom about the 2014 midterms is here: It’s an election about nothing.

  The Washington Post may have been first in declaring the coming midterms “kind of—and apologies to Seinfeld here—an election about nothing.” But the Daily Beast chimed in: “America seems resigned to a Seinfeld election in 2014—a campaign about nothing.” And New York magazine noted (and embraced) the cliché: The midterm election “has managed to earn a nickname from the political press: the ‘Seinfeld Election,’ an election about nothing.”

  Soon enough this description was popping up everywhere—the New Republic, the Los Angeles Times, the Christian Science Monitor, Bloomberg, Politico, and many others. The 2014 Midterms, the Seinfeld Election.

  Others posited something even worse. “The 2014 campaign has been the most boring and uncreative campaign I can remember,” wrote New York Times columnist David Brooks. That wasn’t harsh enough for Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post, who went further. The election isn’t just “boring,” he wrote, “it’s vapid and inconsequential.”

  The big television networks seem to agree. The signature newscasts of ABC, NBC, and CBS have barely found the upcoming elections worthy of notice. According to the Media Research Center, ABC’sWorld News Tonight didn’t run a single story about the midterms between September 1 and October 20. Over that same seven-week period, NBC and CBS evening newscasts ran just 11 and 14 stories, respectively. (It probably goes without saying that the networks found the prospective Democratic triumph in the 2006 midterms much more compelling. Over the same time period that year, NBC ran 65 stories about the midterms, CBS ran 58, and ABC ran 36.)

We have a different view. “

     We also hold to a different view . The usual suspects of the MSM have nothing good to offer in the way of news for their brothers in the Democratic party and thus find it their best interests to do all that they can to minimize the importance of what is undoubtably the most important non-presidential election in modern history . 

   The strategy is a simple one: if you have no way to fire up your base then you take whatever measures are available to depress the turnout of your opponents . They have drastically miscalculated and misjudged their adversaries however as the turnout for those that value liberty and limited government will be huge . VOTE 

Read their different view at the Weekly Standard

Why Do The Numbers Appear To Be Going Up? Because Previous Shootings Have Been Underreported






” The findings from two separate reports released in the last month—one by the FBI and the other by progressive investigative media outlet Mother Jones—have been offered up as evidence that “mass shootings” are occurring more frequently than ever. The truth, however, is a little more complicated.

To be fair, the authors of the FBI’s “active shooter” report explicitly cautioned their study was not about mass shootings, although this caveat was later ignored in much of the news media’s coverage of it. But a recent article in Mother Jones asserted that we have “entered a new period in which mass shootings are occurring more frequently.” This report relied on the well-known list compiled by Mother Jones, which has been one of the key sources used to support the claim made in the last few years that the incidences of mass shootings have accelerated.

  There are some problems with the Mother Jones list, however, when comparing it with data I’ve collected on mass killings. In my research on mass murder, which has resulted in four peer-reviewed academic publications and a book, I’ve identified more than 1,200 mass killings that have occurred in the U.S. since 1900. Of these cases, 161 were mass public shootings, which I’ve defined as incidents that occur in the absence of other criminal activity (e.g., robberies, drug deals, gang “turf wars,” et cetera) in which a gun was used to kill four or more victims at a public location within a 24-hour period. Aside from a few minor differences, this definition is largely similar to the one ostensibly used by Mother Jones.”



   Read the rest at Reason and see that what has changed is not the frequency of shootings but the media’s preoccupation with them . That couldn’t be agenda-driven now , could it ?















American Thinker Post Of The Day





” When it comes to political “wars,” in spite of the meme perpetrated by most liberals, no one is more hawkish than modern liberals and the political party that they own, the Democrat Party. By and large since the 1960s, their efforts are summed up by one succinct and extremely accurate appellation: a war on the truth.

  In the history of our nation, only the pro-slavery Democrats of the 19th century rival the political deception employed by today’s liberals that lead the modern Democrat Party. Support of everything from abortion, to gender perversions, homosexuality, pornography, a redefinition of marriage, wicked climate policies, and an enslaving welfare state have made today’s Democrat Party little more than a modern-day Mephistopheles. Instead of magic to lure their Faustian targets, today’s Democrats employ, among other things, bribery, class warfare, fear,greed, lust, propaganda, scientism, vengeance, and violence. “



Read it all










What’s A GMO?




Published on Oct 9, 2014

” Critics of genetically modified organisms or GMOs claim that they pose health risks to the public. Jimmy is always interested in people who have strong opinions, so we sent a crew to one of our local farmers markets to ask people why they avoid GMOs and, more specifically, what the letters GMO stand for.

SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe “



Now matter what it is , I’m against it … LOL 







Let’s throw more money down the government educational rathole … we’ve raised a nation of idiots …












Reporters Say White House Sometimes Demands Changes To Press-Pool Reports






” White House press-pool reports are supposed to be the news media’s eyes and ears on the president, an independent chronicle of his public activities. They are written by reporters for other reporters, who incorporate them into news articles about President Obama almost every day.

  Journalists who cover the White House say Obama’s press aides have demanded — and received — changes in press-pool reports before the reports have been disseminated to other journalists. They say the White House has used its unusual role as the distributor of the reports as leverage to steer coverage in a more favorable direction.

  The disputed episodes involve mostly trivial issues and minor matters of fact. But that the White House has become involved at all represents a troubling trend for journalists and has prompted their main representative, the White House Correspondents’ Association, to consider revising its approach to pool reporting.”





   Read the Post’s detailed account of the press corp’s kowtowing to Obama’s demands in tailoring the press releases to meet with White House approval . Keep in mind as you read the “belly-aching” of the journalists propagandists that fully 90% of them voted for “Dear Leader” .












Hillary’s $100 Million Hollywood Makeover





” The First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia described the reforms which resulted in the Prague Spring as “socialism with a human face.” The New York Times calls Madam Secretary, CBS’s extremely expensive prime time contribution to the Hillary campaign, “Hillary with a human face.”

  A network series can cost between $3 and $4 million an episode. Assuming that Madam Secretary runs even one season, instead of being canceled ignominiously like Commander in Chief, the 2005 attempt at giving Hillary a human face, it will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million.

  That’s double the $46 million that Hillary’s campaign spent on TV ads against Obama and it gives the Hillary 2016 campaign over 20 hours of prime time network unpaid ad space. If the series lasts long enough to run through the whole campaign that will double to $200 million. But the Hillary 2016 campaign is expected to cost around $2 billion. CBS’s $100 million donation is only a drop in a big bucket

  Hillary won’t be able to get anyone to play Hillary Clinton once she actually runs for office. Lori McCreary, the executive producer of Madam Secretary, said that she was inspired to create the $100 million Hillary infomercial by watching the Benghazi hearings. Her obvious unspoken thought was that the scene of Hillary doing her best Khrushchev imitation while self-righteously covering up the brutal murder of four Americans would have gone much better if someone else had been playing Hillary.”


 Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage has much more












ג’ואן ריברס למען ישראל – סרטון מתורגם





Published on Jul 26, 2014

הלוואי ועוד אנשים בעולם היו מבינים זאת!!!
ג’ון ריברס
Joan Rivers defends Israel
תרגום: דורון ס

17 Things That Kill More Often Than Shootings By ‘Far Right Extremists’ In A Single Chart



” According to the START consortium at the University of Maryland, here is the threat from “far right” extremism in America:

  • Between 1990 and 2013, there were 155 ideologically motivated homicide events committed by far-right extremists in the United States. About 13 percent of these were anti-government in nature.
  • Including the Oklahoma City Bombing, which killed 168 individuals, far-right extremists killed 368 individuals during ideologically motivated homicide events between 1990 and 2013.

  Even if we factor in the Oklahoma City bombing we are talking about 16 fatalities a year. In a nation of over 300 million people.

  Let’s contextualize by showing the odds of being killed by other things in America that are not “far right” extremists with this Economist chart:



  If the odds of dying in a given year for an American is about 20,000,000:1, then you are more likely to be killed by the following things than by “right-wing extremists”:


  Heart disease, accidents and injuries, intentional self-harm, assault by firearms, walking, choking, fire, post-surgical complications, alcohol, falling down stairs, exposure to forces of nature, cycling, exposure to excessive natural cold, firearms discharge, storms, lightning, and dog bites.

  Even if the Las Vegas shooters were right-wing “anti-government” types, we still need to know one basic fact: the number of deadly acts of “far-right” anti-government extremism is fewer than one a year over 23 years.

  It is patently absurd to represent millions of Americans by extreme cases, and this type of false inductive reasoning is rejected in serious research. Nonetheless, the news media grab onto extreme cases and hold them up as representative of decent, hard-working Americans.

  Getting killed by a far right extremist is about as likely to happen to an American as getting killed by a bee sting – which has odds of around 25,000,000:1.  Maybe the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security should look into the threats posed by angry bees in the United States?

  In addition, those who are gun control proponents make the claim that firearms are a threat to society, and base that claim in part on the statistic that there were 12,800 homicides in the United States

  But they’re not looking at the over 100 million people who have access to guns. Each year, Americans with access to guns are around ten thousand times more likely not to unlawfully use a firearm than to use one to commit a homicide.

  Also, as CNS News and Mediaite pointed out, mass shootings are not on the rise in the United States, and crime on the whole has been falling for decades.

  As far as right-wing “terrorism” goes, it barely registers a blip compared to eco-terrorism and Islamist terrorism. But the partisan media don’t want you to know that; they’d rather take extreme events out of context and use them to attack their political enemies.”


   Speaking of using violence for political gain , we invite you to read our thorough debunking of Nanny Bloomberg’s Everytown “74 School Shootings” Map .

Many thanks to Kyle Becker for the above article .











Lefty Letterman: A Top Ten List Of The Outgoing CBS Host’s Most Liberal Outbursts


Letterman Couric




” David Letterman shocked the late night talk show world, last week, when he announced he was going to retire in 2015. But over the last few years Letterman had been losing the ratings war to his less liberal competitor Jay Leno. While Leno tried to be more even-handed in his jokes against Republicans and Democrats, Letterman took a decidedly leftist turn. A recent study of Letterman’s 2012 campaign jokes found he took more shots at Mitt Romney (44) than Barack Obama (9).

  In the 2000’s Letterman throttled Republicans like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, questioning if they had any “humanity.” He also conducted his own personal war on GOP women as he called Michele Bachmann a “whacko” and depicted Sarah Palin and her daughter in “slutty” terms. But when it came to Obama, Letterman was positively awe-struck when the President came on his show, as he gushed “how satisfying it is to watch you work.” [Video compilation after the jump]

  The following is a Top 10 List of David Letterman’s Most Liberal Outbursts:” See the rest here

Bob Kerrey Calls Obama A Delusional Liar; Media Mum






” Imagine if a former Republican presidential candidate and U.S. senator had called a current Republican president a delusional liar whose programs are wasteful. Would the mainstream media not be all over the story? Such a person would be interviewed at length by Wolf Blitzer on CNN as well as made the rounds of the morning talk shows and the Sunday news programs as well. The media buzz would be red hot on this topic for days extending into weeks.

  Well, there is such a person but because he is a Democrat saying these things about President Obama, we can expect him to become an MSM nonperson. Such seems to already be the fate of former presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey. It is no surprise that his extended criticisms of Obama appeared in in a Daily Mail article in Britain, not in America where the shunning seems to have already begun. Here is what Kerrey has to say about Obama which you most likely won’t see in any major liberal news outlet in America:

  The Nebraskan straight-talker told MailOnline in an exclusive interview that Obama isn’t up to the job of bringing liberals and conservatives to the table to rescue America’s slowly choking entitlement programs.

  And Obama, he said Wednesday in his Manhattan office, knew full well he was lying when he promised that the Affordable Care Act would allow Americans to keep insurance plans they liked.

‘ He had to know he was misleading the audience,’ Kerrey said quietly, recalling the newly minted president’s countless promises as Congress and the public debated his signature health insurance overhaul.

‘ On the other hand, he may have said it so many times,’ he added, ‘that the spell-checker wasn’t in the room – the spell-checker, the fact-checker – somebody who says, “Excuse me, Mr. President, but I hope you know this…”‘

 Obama’s infamous four-Pinocchio pledges, Kerrey explained, never stood a chance of being fulfilled because there were ‘a million people out there with policies that, for one reason or another, run short of the minimum standard. I mean, they bought something cheaper!’

Wow! Pretty strong stuff. But wait…there’s more! “

NewsBusters has more


















‘Libertarian Paranoia’ Is The Newest Fad In Politics




” Look out: The libertarians are coming! The libertarians are coming! Never before have so many been so intimidated by so few, with so little political power.

  Salon.com offers near-daily warnings about the libertarian “threat”:

“ Beware of Libertarians Bearing Gifts,” the Center for American Progress admonishes: “a bipartisan move against the NSA could kill the New Deal.”

  Anti-libertarian paranoia plagues our elected officials too: “the anarchists have taken over,” Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., wails. “This strain of libertarianism … is a very dangerous thought,” New Jersey Governor Chris Christie warned last summer in the wake of Edward Snowden‘s exposure of National Security Agency spying: “I want [these critics] to come to New Jersey and sit across from the widows and the orphans” (Pro tip: don’t take the George Washington Bridge).”


   The Establishment is rightfully fearful of the burgeoning libertarian movement as it is the one political ideology to come along in our lifetimes that has the potential to triumph over the Statists that occupy both sides of the aisle .

    The amount of contempt and derision displayed by the accustomed ruling class happens to be directly proportional to the degree of threat they perceive the libertarian tenets to pose to their entitled way of life .

 This quote from the TribLive explains quite succinctly why the Ole Boys SHOULD fear Libertarians and their ideals :


” Hyperbole and ridicule aside, one thing is true — libertarians approach questions differently than do Democrats and Republicans. Where the major parties develop “platforms” of issues they support, libertarians begin with a single assumption with which most everyone can agree — all humans are free and equal in dignity by virtue of their being human. Everything else is commentary.

  The reason for partisan scorn is that the two-party faithful do not grasp that libertarians don’t think in terms of issues. Libertarians think in terms of principles. They begin with the principles of freedom and equality and apply these timeless principles to the issues of the day. What emerges is an extraordinarily civil discourse. The civility arises because libertarians begin at a point of consensus, not a point of contention.”



 They should be afraid … very afraid … Our time has returned . Read the rest at Reason .










Rand Paul Is The GOP’s Early Presidential Front-Runner




” Republican strategists like to say the party’s next nominee needs to hail from the GOP’s gubernatorial ranks. It’s a response to how unpopular Washington is—particularly the party’s congressional wing—and a reflection of the party’s strength in holding a majority of governorships. But another reason for the gubernatorial focus is to sidestep the one formidable candidate that gives the establishment heartburn: Sen. Rand Paul.

  Make no mistake: The Kentuckian scares the living daylights out of many Republicans looking for an electable nominee capable of challenging Hillary Clinton. At the same time, he’s working overtime to broaden the party’s image outside its traditional avenues of support. The 2016 Republican nominating fight will go a long way toward determining whether Paul is the modern version of Barry Goldwater or at the leading edge of a new, more libertarian brand of Republicanism.”

 National Journal has a lengthy piece on the prospects of a Rand Paul candidacy and the fears said possibility is generating among the establishment GOP elite . Of course this is not the first “mainstream” media article to fan the flames of internecine struggle within the republican party and one can be sure that as 2016 approaches these types of hit pieces will become ever-more commonplace . 

    The MSM is nothing if not predictable in their unwavering efforts to cheerlead the democrats into office , any democrat any office , and they are as much aware of the old maxim “divide and conquer” as are you and I so we can pretty much count on this type of strategy right up to the nominating convention in the summer of 2015 . 

    That said , there remains the distinct possibility that the democrats and their media sidekicks fear a Paul candidacy even more than the GOP establishment . There is no denying the attraction of many of Sen Paul’s core beliefs among the voting youth of the nation and no one is doing more to reach out to minority voters as well . The libertarian ideals of “live and let live” have taken on new resonance in the age of “free healthcare” , trillion dollar bailouts and State surveillance .

    The libertarian beliefs that Paul advances have grown significantly over the past 5 plus years of ever-encroaching Statism and more than a few Obama voters have seen the error of the Big Government ways . In the long run we who value liberty may well have cause to rejoice in the calamity that is the Obama administration as it has had the effect of cramming two generations worth of Statist creep into two voting cycles and thus turned a whole generation of voters off off from the government teat even as it bloats the dependency roles .