Tag Archive: Medford

Via Facebook

    While Ms Vrotsos seems to have disappeared the post from her Facebook page , the post is still visible on Senior Airman Kolfage’s . Pat Dollard also has a post up about this obscene rant along with contact info for Ms Vrotsos’ union leaders .

    Strangely Mr Dollard reports Ms Vrotsos’ Facebook page as being deleted but we had no trouble locating it . Perhaps he meant the individual post had been deleted . In that he seems to be correct .

   Warning: Ms Vrotsos has a very foul mouth so be prepared if you venture onto her FB page .

   Update 17: 15 EST … There is a heated debate going on at Airman Kolfage’s page as the woman Vrotsos claims her FB page was hacked :  

This tory is completely false. Her Facebook account has been hacked. Both local police and the FBI have been contacted. We have also reported your post as abusive. She is getting threats on her life and her elderly mother. I know her. She has done volunteer work for veterans groups and is a patriotic American. Please remove this immediately
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      The debate also rages at the “Republican Family Values” FB page where Vrotsos allegedly serves as an administrator . The denials are flying fast and fierce and we do not know for certain that she is an administrator but there is no denying the fact that the page is every bit as hate-filled as is Ms Vrotsos’ alleged post on Air Kolfage’s page .  

Update 22:30 EST 12.29.13 

   As the controversy over the outrageous comments directed towards our severely wounded service people on Senior Airman Brian Kolfage‘s Facebook page rages and the claims of Ms Vrotsos’ and Republican Family Values pages being hacked , SA Kolfage has been busy proving his case and exposing the alleged hacking …






Update : 07:21 EST 12.30.13


     Late last night SA Kolfage issued this statement on his FB page that sums things up and explains what has been going on behind the scenes regarding Ms Vrotsos , RFV and her co-administrator Jeff Pickens :



****NOT A HOAX UNION 222 IBEW ****

I wish to inform you that the statement made by Union 2222 IBEW about their director Janet Vrotsos is completely FALSE. They released a statement within hours of the event happening saying it was a hoax. Yet they have supplied no evidence to how they made this determination. The union has a lot to lose, shes a major player in a major union and this will be a PR nightmare for them if they claimed anything else. Well unfortunately for them I have the facts I have the evidence, and we have taken down an entire network of liberal hate mongers who prey on peoples young children (4 month old baby) to use in political meme’s, these scum go after anyone who opposes their political views, sounds like the Obama’s IRS right? Janet was busted in an elaborate trap to which she fell into and released her real name to us, which I provided screenshots of. Janet Vrotsos stated that the hate page ‘Republican Family Values’ Facebook page was her page and she was reporting us to Facebook for interfering with her page, too bad for her she used her real account to make the statement… ooops Furthermore, we have exposed the other member of that page who we believe is the kingpin to all the hate. His name is Jeff Pickens from from Blackwood NJhttps://www.facebook.com/jeffpickens56 . Janet and Jeff both conspired to steal my newborn child’s photo to make a political meme. In addition to this, these people are living a double life online where there friends and family dont even know how hateful they are. Janet & Jeffery were very distressed that we exposed them, we have a new mole in their inner circle who is disgusted with them and is spilling the beans. Yesterday I called the FBI and was told to file a report via IC3 which I did. Today, their followers and supporters of the page they both admin at —> www.facebook.com/RepublicanFamilyValues made fake pages and posted more photos of my child with comments talking about raping her. A man by the name of Louis Caponecchia is responsible for the fake page and hate videos which he spread online about my family. He’s a real special character according to his father who we spoke to today, no one in his family speaks to him, his father said he needs real help maybe we can get him the help he needs. After the incidents today I called my local PD who came to my house and inventoried everything that you guys sent me and everything I have been saving this entire time. They were appalled and disgusted about the comments by these people about raping my newborn daughter. They are writing up their reports which are then being linked up with the FBI IC3 case I started the other day. They told me Facebook is real good about this stuff and they will obtain the IP addresses for each and every person who is involved even Janet. As soon as they have the hard evidence of IP addresses we are filling charges against each person with the help of many supporters who stated they would like to help set up a fund to punish these people for their heinous involvement in endangering my wife/child and using a minors photo without consent. 

   This is no HOAX, this as real as it gets and that Union better lawyer up along with everyone else involved. You will be exposed, crimes that happen online are 100% traceable you fools. And to the Union Boss who said its a Hoax, the joke is one you pal you counted your eggs before they hatched. 

Brian Kolfage.

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    Please note the above comment from SA Kolfage regarding RFV’s decision to co-operate with his investigation and leave them be .














” An Oregon man has had rifle confiscated and is facing criminal charges after he attempted to stop a wanted felon from breaking into his home by firing a warning shot.

Authorities say 40-year-old Jonathon Kinsella, a wanted felon, was attempting to flee the scene when he was arrested on outstanding warrants, including for burglary and assault.

However, police later determined he wasn’t justified in firing his weapon. Medford Police Lt. Mike Budreau said “there was nothing that the suspect was doing that was aggressive enough to justify the shooting.”

Apparently, for police in Medford, a wanted felon trying to break into a law-abiding citizen’s home isn’t enough to justify a warning shot.

Corey Thompson was charged with unlawful use of a weapon, menacing and reckless endangering. The veteran’s AR-15 was seized by police because they claim it was used in the commission of a crime.”






Second Boston Marathon Victim Identified: Krystle Campbell



” A second victim in the Boston Marathon bombings has been identified: Krystle M. Campbell, a 29-year-old originally from Medford, Mass.

Campbell was at the finish line with a friend, Karen Rand, to cheer on her boyfriend, who was running the race. William Campbell said he doesn’t know if Rand’s boyfriend finished the race before the bombs went off.”