Tag Archive: McDonald’s

4 Teens Viciously Beat Girl In Brooklyn McDonald’s As Crowd Cheers






” Cell phone video shows a 15-year-old girl being beaten to the ground by 4 other teens inside a Brooklyn McDonald’s as dozens watched and cheered.

  The savage fight broke out inside a McDonald’s on Flatbush Avenue near Erasmus Hall High School Monday afternoon. The girl in blue swings at one of the teens but is soon outnumbered by her target’s friends. The 4 relentlessly pummel the girl, who continues trying to throw punches.”



Our touchy-feeling , oh so sensitive society is raising a generation of thugs and savages .














How Sharpton Gets Paid To Not Cry ‘Racism’ At Corporations






” Want to influence a casino bid? Polish your corporate image? Not be labeled a racist?

  Then you need to pay Al Sharpton.

  For more than a decade, corporations have shelled out thousands of dollars in donations and consulting fees to Sharpton’s National Action Network. What they get in return is the reverend’s supposed sway in the black community or, more often, his silence.

  Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascalmet with the activist preacher after leaked e-mails showed her making racially charged comments about President Obama. Pascal was under siege after a suspected North Korean cyber attack pressured the studio to cancel its release of “The Interview,” which depicts the assassination of dictator Kim Jong-un.

  Pascal and her team were said to be “shaking in their boots” and “afraid of the Rev,” The Post reported.

No payments to NAN have been announced, but Sharpton and Pascal agreed to form a “working group” to focus on racial bias in Hollywood.

“ Al Sharpton has enriched himself and NAN for years by threatening companies with bad publicity if they didn’t come to terms with him. Put simply, Sharpton specializes in shakedowns,” said Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal & Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog group that has produced a book on Sharpton.

  And Sharpton, who now boasts a close relationship with Obama and Mayor de Blasio, is in a stronger negotiating position than ever.

“ Once Sharpton’s on board, he plays the race card all the way through,” said a source who has worked with the Harlem preacher. “He just keeps asking for more and more money.” “



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Customers Accidentally Get A Side Of Porn At McDonald’s



Customers accidentally get a side of porn at McDonald’s


” Customers at a McDonald’s in Switzerland were lovin’ it when video screens in the eatery inadvertently served them some hard-core fare, according to Central European News.

  Steffen Reiniger, 24, went to the restaurant in the town of Zuchwil with friends for burgers when they were treated to porn from the Sexy Sports Clips program aired by a German sports channel.

“ We were only a group of men so it didn’t bother us, although what would have happened if there was a family in the restaurant at that time I don’t know,” Reininger said. “


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Caught on Video: McDonald’s Employee Beats Mother, Threatens Toddler






” Workplace gossip may have led to the brutal beating of a mother in front of her two-year-old son outside a McDonald’s restaurant in Salem City, New Jersey where the two women had worked together. 

The assault was videotaped by a number of onlookers, but no one called 911 or stepped in to help.

“I think it’s messed up no one came to my rescue,” said 27-year-old Catherine Ferreira, who has a broken nose, two black eyes and a concussion. Ferreria admits she was talking about her attacker’s dating life and that’s what provoked the assault.

One of the onlookers posted a 54-second long video of the beating online. It shows a woman in a McDonald’s uniform and Ferreria briefly exchanging words.”


NBC Philadelphia










Crazed Topless Woman Destroys A McDonald’s Before Pausing To Enjoy An Ice Cream Cone






” Unbelievable security camera footage shows a crazed topless woman in just her panties tearing apart a Florida McDonald’s.

  The video shows the nude, extremely agitated lady start her tirade by screaming into the St. Petersburg restaurant’s kitchen before slamming her head onto the counter in a maniacal rage.

  After proceeding to furiously dump the contents of a refrigerator onto the floor as employees stare in disbelief, she sticks her head under the soft serve dispenser and helps herself to a face full of ice cream.

  The video is narrated by McDonald’s employees watching via CCTV, whose colorful commentary manages to add something to the already outrageous footage.”


Read more at The Daily Mail

Update: This news article provides more on Sandra Suarezthe crazed McDonald’s vandal …

” Sandra Suarez, 41, was arrested for criminal mischief and resisting an officer with violence after she was seen on surveillance cameras destroying items inside a McDonald’s located in Pinellas Park, Florida, reported NBC affiliate WFLA.”


Local Fight Over Fast Food Ends With Torched Car



McDonalds Car Torched



” A man’s car is set on fire at a Southside McDonald’s after he wouldn’t buy his girlfriend ice cream.

  Sabryna Maré was there and spoke to our partners CBS 47/FOX 30 Action News.

” They were going at it,” said Maré of the couple who was standing behind her in line. “She was saying she wanted this and wanted that, and she wanted either a McFlurry or an ice cream on top and he was not in for it. Then he was yelling at her saying he’s not going to do it.”

  Maré says that’s when the argument escalated.

” Next thing you know, she says ‘I’m going to blow it up,’ and we were wondering what are you going to blow up?”

  According to a Jacksonville Fire and Rescue report, “it” was a 1994 El Dorado. Witnesses say the woman grabbed the man’s keys and ran outside.

”  She got something out of the car that happened to be a bottle and then she got gasoline from who knows where. Then she poured everything all over it and next thing you know there was a match and it was up in flames.”


Story continues







Woman Fired From McDonald’s After Feeding Fire Fighters


Woman Fired From McD's

Click pic for video




” Heather Levia, a manager at McDonald’s, paid for breakfast for fire fighters battling a house fire in sub-zero temperatures.

  Moments later, another fire department ordered breakfast. When she asked her company to pay it, they denied it.

  Therefore, she and her co-workers coughed up the dough. Now, she’s out of a job. She’s been working at McDonald’s for eight years.

  Her company says it’s not because she paid for the food. It’s because they say she swore at a supervisor.”


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Daily Comedy 4.19.13

Johnny talks about McDonald’s,The American Heart Association and the new Barbie Doll