Tag Archive: Maryland

Daily Comedy 2.24.15

Man In The US Uses Motorized Toilet As A Snow Plow





Published on Feb 22, 2015

” David Goldberg from Maryland has built a combined motorized toilet seat and snow plow to allow him to move around the snow. Report by Andrea Lilly. “












Maryland School Survey: Sex Questions Not The Most Relevant Issue…All Parents Need To Read This!


Maryland Grade School Survey




” It is always the stories that I assume are going to be easy that morph into the most important. EVERY PARENT WITH CHILDREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOL NEED TO DOWNLOAD THIS SURVEY. Not just Maryland parents, all parents. If Maryland has one of these surveys, eventually your state or the Federal Government will be getting something similar to this, into your child’s hands. This survey is: “Middle School FALL 2014 Maryland Youth Tobacco and Risk Behavior Survey”, Montgomery County sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. Basic age group is 11 to 14. The public school system is required to give these surveys, but parents have the choice to “opt-out” their children. The surveys are supposed to be anonymous, but that is highly suspect, based on some of the questions. This information is allegedly being collected to improve health education. The Maryland Department of Education and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are the originators of these surveys.

  There are 83 multiple choice questions, covering a wide range of topics. The four questions (#51-#54) regarding sex are not the most dangerous, inappropriate, or invasive of the questions. Some questions are asked more than once, just the way it is asked is different. This is a common technique to get the truth, not just the answer the child thinks is the ‘right’ answer. The length isjust long enough to lose the attention span of children and adults alike. I found myself drifting by the third time I reached a tobacco related question. They are interspersed throughout the survey. This isanother covert way to get the truth. Normally I advocate telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, however, when the ‘truth’ might possibly be used against you for a nefarious purpose, I object. I would encourage all parents to “opt-out” their children. “


The DC Gazette has the details and here is a PDF link to the survey itself 










Election Results 2014: Republicans Take Control Of Governorships In MD, AR, IL, MA



US Governors



” Republicans, now projected to take control of the Senate and build on their House majority, also made a strong showing in gubernatorial races around the country. GOP candidates in Maryland, Arkansas, Illinois and Massachusetts all took control of governor’s seats that were previously held by Democrats. The only upset Democrats were able to pull off was in Pennsylvania.


  In a major upset, Republican candidate for Maryland governor Larry Hogan is now projected to win the state’s highest office, according to ABC News. Hogan, a businessman, will replace outgoing Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley, representing a party switch for the state. In the last 45 years in the state, Robert Ehrlich Jr. was the only Republican to serve as governor and for only one term from 2003-2007.


  Massachusetts’s highest office is now projected to switched party hands again. According to ABC News, Republican Charlie Baker will likely defeat Democrat Martha Coakley, and take over for outgoing Deval Patrick, a Democrat. The last serving Republican governor in the state was Mitt Romney, who was elected in 2002. Baker is a Massachusetts native from Needham, just outside Boston. He ran on a centrist platform, highlighting his previous business and management experience as both a former healthcare CEO and former Secretary of Administration and Finance under Governors Weld and Cellucci in the early 1990s. Coakley, a two-term attorney general, also lost a statewide race for Senate in 2010 to Republican Scott Brown. Coakley and Baker came down on opposite sides of several key initiatives on the Massachusetts ballot this year, including a repeal of an incremental gas tax increase, a 5 cent plastic bottle deposit, and expanded requirements for paid sick leave.


  ABC News can project that Republican Bruce Rauner has defeated Democratic incumbent Gov. Pat Quinn, in a campaign that doubled fundraising records in President Barack Obama’s home state. Rauner threw millions of his own fortune into the race, running as a socially moderate anti-corruption businessman. “


ABC News










Many Empty Seats At Hillary Rally In Maryland





Hillary doesn’t have to worry , the Maryland voting machines and election board have got her covered …

Massive Non-Citizen Voting Uncovered In Maryland




” An election integrity watchdog group is suing the state of Maryland, alleging that it has discovered massive and ongoing fraudulent voting by non-U.S. citizens in one county. But because of the way that the non-citizens are able to cast votes in elections, the fraud is likely happening in every single county and subdivision across the state. The group believes that the illegal voting has been happening for years.

  The group, Virginia Voters Alliance, says that it compared how voters in Frederick County filled out jury duty statements compared with their voting records. The group’s investigation found that thousands of people in Frederick County who stated that they are not U.S. citizens on jury duty forms went on to cast votes in elections. Either they failed to tell the truth when they were summoned for jury duty, or they cast illegal votes. Both are crimes. The same group previously found that about 40,000 people are registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland. 

  It is a federal crime to cast votes if you are not legally eligible to vote. Non-citizens, whether in the country legally or not, are prohibited from voting in most local and all state and federal elections. Yet the VVA investigation found that hundreds of non-citizens have been voting in Frederick County, Maryland. One in seven Maryland residents are non-U.S. citizens.

  Maryland state law makes it easier for non-citizens, both those present legally and those in the country against the law, to vote. Maryland issues drivers licenses to legal and illegal aliens. Driver’s licenses in turn make it easier under the Motor Voter law to register to vote. Maryland also offers copious taxpayer-funded social programs to non-citizens in the state. “


   This news , coming on the heels of yesterday’s allegations of “calibration errors” in Maryland and Illinois’ last week , along with the Washington Post’s recently published guide to states requiring no ID to vote puts the lie to the meme that vote fraud is a myth .


  Remember that every fraudulent vote negates the vote of a legal citizen , thus robbing that citizen of their civil right to participate in “free and fair” elections . Does your vote count ? Or has it been nullified by Mickey Mouse or the Dallas Cowboys ?















Md. Board Of Elections Probe Republican-To-Democratic Ballot Switch Claims







” Early voting just started last week in Maryland, but there are already accusations that some voting machines are changing Republican votes to Democrat. Now Republicans are calling for an investigation by the State Board of Elections.

  As Marylanders go to the polls, there are concerns that the vote you cast may not be for the candidate you want.

“ We’ve heard from scores of citizens in our district and around the state who have had this problem where they hit one button to vote for one person, and when they go to the summary they see that the other person was checked,” said Del Nik Kipke, (R) Anne Arundel County.

  Republicans say they’ve received several dozen reports of Republican votes being changed to Democrat.

  Del. Kathy Szeliga says it happened to her.”



  Isn’t it a mite peculiar that all of the reported “calibration errors” seem to result in the same republican to democrat vote switch and never from democrat to republican ? … hmm .   

 Oh , we nearly forgot , they all seem to be appearing in democratic controlled states , first Illinois and now Maryland , what a coincidence .



CBS Baltimore










Obama Makes Rare Campaign Trail Appearance, People Leave Early





” President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity.

  With approval levels hovering around record lows, Obama has spent most of his campaign-related efforts this year raising money for struggling Democrats, who risk losing control of the U.S. Senate in the Nov. 4 midterm election.

  Most candidates from his party have been wary of appearing with him during their election races because of his sagging popularity.

  Not so Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown of Maryland, who is running for governor, and Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois, who is running for re-election. Obama plans to appear at an event for Quinn later in the evening.

  A steady stream of people walked out of the auditorium while he spoke, however, and a heckler interrupted his remarks.”


Yahoo News

















This Sheriff Makes HUGE Threat if Barack Obama Takes Our Guns




MD Sheriff





” Wicomico County (Maryland) Sheriff Mike Lewis is fighting back against the gun grabbers who are using recent high-profile shootings to push for anti-gun legislation. He explained that bad guys shouldn’t have guns. But for many law-abiding Americans, gun ownership is a way of life.

  And what happens when government tries to disarm Americans?

  Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis, a sheriff in the state of Maryland, recently reminded the citizens of his county that he will not violate the Constitution and warned the federal government that any attempt to disarm Americans will result in an all-out Civil War.

“ I made a vow and a commitment,” Lewis said. “As long as I am sheriff of this county, I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of the right to bear arms.” “



Read more









Beretta USA Announces Decision To Move Its Entire Maryland Manufacturing Capabilities To Tennessee








From the Beretta USA press release:



” Beretta U.S.A. Corp., located in Accokeek, Maryland, announced today that it has decided to move its manufacturing capabilities from its existing location to a new production facility that it is building in Gallatin, Tennessee.  The Gallatin facility is scheduled to be opened in mid-2015.  Beretta U.S.A. had previously planned to use the new Gallatin, Tennessee facility for new machinery and production of new products only.

“ During the legislative session in Maryland that resulted in passage of the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, the version of the statute that passed the Maryland Senate would have prohibited Beretta U.S.A. from being able to manufacture, store or even import into the State products that we sell to customers throughout the United States and around the world.  While we were able in the Maryland House of Delegates to reverse some of those obstructive provisions, the possibility that such restrictions might be reinstated in the future leaves us very worried about the wisdom of maintaining a firearm manufacturing factory in the State,” stated Jeff Cooper, General Manager for Beretta U.S.A. Corp.

“ While we had originally planned to use the Tennessee facility for new equipment and for production of new product lines only, we have decided that it is more prudent from the point of view of our future welfare to move the Maryland production lines in their entirety to the new Tennessee facility,” Cooper added. “



While the Washington Post had this to say …



” The Italian company had disclosed a $45 million plan this year to expand operations to a new factory near Nashville. But Beretta has decided to go beyond that plan because, a senior executive said, the company is “very worried about the wisdom of maintaining a firearm manufacturing factory” in Maryland.

  Maryland’s new gun restrictions, pushed by Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., bans 45 types of assault rifles and put in place tough fingerprint, photo identification and training requirements. Magazines are limited to 10 rounds.

  A version of the legislation that passed the state Senate “would have prohibited Beretta ­USA from being able to manufacture, store or even import into the State products that we sell to customers throughout the United States and around the world,” the company said.

  Jeff Reh, a spokesman for Beretta USA, said in an interview that executives had become increasingly worried that future legislative sessions could end more “disastrously” for the company. “We wanted to control our own destiny,” he said. “



     It never ceases to amaze us that the politicians always seem to believe that they operate in a vacuum , that there is no alternative save to do as they command , even while the market continues to demonstrate endlessly that foolish , naive , “feel good” legislation comes with a price tag … that of lost jobs , lost revenue and lost taxes . Good for Tennessee , good for Beretta …







Forgotten Vials Of Smallpox Found In Storage Room







” A government scientist cleaning out an old storage room at a research center near Washington made a startling discovery last week — decades-old vials of smallpox packed away and forgotten in a cardboard box.

  The six glass vials were intact and sealed, and scientists have yet to establish whether the virus is dead or alive, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday.

  Still, the find was disturbing because for decades after smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980, world health authorities said the only known samples left were safely stored in super-secure laboratories in Atlanta and in Russia.”



   The discovery of the “forgotten” vials of smallpox comes on the heels of over eighty CDC workers being exposed to the Anthrax virus in Atlanta . Just another thing to make you go , hmm .



Read on













Over 44,000 Voters Are Registered In Both Maryland And Virginia






” This was less than a week after the North Carolina Board of Elections discovered THOUSANDS of residents who voted in both North Carolina and another state in the 2012 elections.

The investigation also found 81 deceased voters that had voter activity since they died.

Now this … FOX News reported:

  A crosscheck of voter rolls in Virginia and Maryland found that 44,000 people are registered in both states.

And that’s just the beginning.”


Gateway Pundit has more








Daily Video 3.16.14

Chicago PD Must Release Info On Police Misconduct



Published on Mar 14, 2014

” The public is getting more checks on police, according to two new court rulings. In Illinois, a state appeals court has ruled that the Chicago Police Department can no longer keep private information about police misconduct, and will have to release that information as a matter of public record. Proponents hope this will help keep track of officers who have repeated misconduct issues. In Maryland, a lawsuit settlement means Baltimore police officers can no longer do anything about citizens using cell phones and other cameras to record police interactions. RT’s Gayane Chichakyan takes a look at these two cases and the public’s ability to hold law enforcement accountable for their actions.”









The New USA? Secession Movement Gains Steam





” If you mention the word “secession” most people think of the South during the Civil War. But today, a new movement is gaining steam because of frustration over a growing, out-of-control federal government.

  A number of conservative, rural Americans are taking about seceding and creating their own states, meaning a new map of the United States of America could include the following:

  These are real movements gaining traction with voters across the country. Jeffrey Hare runs the 51st State Initiative in Colorado, an effort to fight an out-of-control legislature trying to ram big government policies down the throats of voters.

” We’re at this point of irreconcilable differences,” Hare told CBN News.

  Secessionist talk has filled town hall meetings and the divide discussed is not just ideological.

” It’s predominately left versus right, but it’s urban versus rural because you typically find more typical conservative values in rural America,” Hare said.”


   For more information on the burgeoning secessionist movement and links to the organizations leading the charge you can go to uniondissolved.com and see what is happening in all of the states . The depth and breadth of discontent may surprise you . Obama may turn out to have been quite prescient when he said …



    Wikipedia offers this list of U.S. state partition proposals which numbers 36 and includes current and past efforts , while this link to the Middlebury Institute provides links to secessionist movements most of which are aimed at creating independent republics as opposed to adding to the states of the US .

” This is a list of official or otherwise noteworthy proposals for dividing existing US states into multiple states. It does not specifically address statewide or other movements to secede from the United States. The word secession can refer to political separation at different levels of government organization, from city to state to country; this list focuses on secession from (rather than by) U.S. states, particularly to form new U.S. states.

  Article IV of the United States Constitution provides for the creation of new states of the Union, requiring that any such creation be approved by the legislature of the affected state(s), as well as the United States Congress.

  Since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, four states have been created from parts of an existing state: Maine (from Massachusetts), West Virginia (from Virginia), Kentucky(also from Virginia), and Vermont (from New York and New Hampshire)—though New York’s claim to Vermont was weak, as it was asked for its consent and Vermont was essentially an independent republic until 1791.”

There is no doubting that we live in interesting times . Read more from CBN News







Maryland Lawmakers Want To Cripple The NSA’s Headquarters




” Legislators in Maryland want to turn the lights out on the NSA — literally. A bill introduced last Thursday to its House of Delegates would bar state agencies, utilities, and pretty much anything that receives state funds from providing assistance to federal agencies that collect electronic data or metadata without a specific warrant to do so. Namely, the delegates are thinking of the National Security Agency, which is headquartered just outside their state’s capital.

  The legislation is nearly identical to bills introduced elsewhere across the country, such as California, and would result in state water and electrical utilities being unable to serve the NSA — a major headache, if there ever was one. “It does pretty much say we’re going to cut off water and electricity to the NSA,” Maryland Delegate Mike Smigiel, the bill’s primary sponsor, tells The Verge. Though cutting off water and electricity would have the most immediate impact, the legislation would also stop the NSA from using state universities for research, make any evidence the NSA gathers inadmissible in state courts, and effectively fire any state employee who helps the NSA.”


More at the Verge







Secret Audit Of Baltimore’s Speed Cams Says Up To 70,000 Tickets Were Issued In Error In 2012 Alone






” God bless the drivers of Maryland, whose government officials have been experimenting on them for years by placing their driving records and insurance rates in the hands of unreliable private contractors for years. We’ve already covered one major traffic camera firm (ATS – American Traffic Solutions) in the Maryland-DC area whose response to questionable photos captured by its cameras was to crop out anything that might make the ticket challengeable, like calibration lines or other vehicles. 

  Now, it appears another major contractor, Xerox State and Local Solutions, has been caught operating faulty cameras — and issuing tens of thousands of questionable citations. (via Reason)

  Consultant URS Corp. evaluated the camera system as run by Xerox State and Local Solutions in 2012 and found an error rate of more than 10 percent — 40 times higher than city officials have claimed. The city got those findings last April but never disclosed the high error rate, refusing calls by members of the City Council to release the audit. 

  The city issued roughly 700,000 speed camera tickets at $40 each in fiscal year 2012. If 10 percent were wrong, 70,000 would have wrongly been charged $2.8 million.”

Tech Dirt has more









Can You Solve This Grammatically Incorrect, Impossible Common Core Question?



A Carroll County, Maryland grandmother wants to know why her granddaughter’s Common Core-aligned fourth grade curriculum includes the following grammatically incorrect–and mathematically baffling–quiz question:

“Tyler made 36 total snowflakes which is a multiple of how triangular snowflakes he made. How many triangular snowflakes could he have made?”

  A significant grammatical error makes the question incomprehensible. But even assuming better phrasing, it’s not obvious to children what the question is asking, according to the grandmother, Gail Householder.

“ Who thinks many 9-year-olds will actually understand this and come up with the correct answer?” she asked in a letter to The Baltimore Sun.

Here is Ms Householder’s letter : Baffling Common Core Question



” Something is very wrong with this curriculum, and I believe it will eventually harm our children’s education rather than improve it, which was the original goal of this misguided program.

 Or was it?”









Beretta Passes On Building Factory In Va Over McAuliffe Gun Control Stance




” Until Virginia Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe (D) was elected on November 5, Beretta USA had the Old Dominion on a short list of states in which it could build a new factory. 

The USA side of Beretta has been based in Maryland, but Governor Martin O’Malley’s (D) gun control push convinced them to move to a more gun-friendly climate. “



Beretta walks the walk … show your support .







GoPro Shows You What It’s Like To Be Chased And Eaten By A Shark




” Unbelievable footage taken from beneath a speeding boat in the Atlantic shows what getting attacked by a massive shark might be like.

  Thrill seekers off the Maryland coast trailed bait behind their sportsfishing boat and filmed the results with a high definition GoPro camera when a massive mako shark came looking for lunch.

  Crewman of the Pumpin’ Hard filmed near Ocean City in July. Now the squirm-inducing YouTube video has rack up an impressive 1.5 million views.”


   While we have caught many of the predators we’ve never been in the water with them and this video just re-enforces the wisdom of that practice . There is something very primordial about the shark that brings chills to the spine .









Annapolis Mall Victoria’s Secret Fight Suspects Sought




” The fight happened on the day after Thanksgiving at a Victoria’s Secret store inside the mall, Anne Arundel County Police say. It started when a 17-year-old girl alleges that two women accused her of “poking her in the eye.” “

Makes you proud to be an American , eh ?

Marylanders Rush To Tool Up Before Anti-Gun Laws Take Effect



” Anti-gun Democrats seem incapable of learning. Every time they’ve rammed through a gun ban, they’ve created gun owners out of people who never previously intended to own guns, and many of those people soon become our most passionate activists for freedom.

Maryland’s tough new gun control law takes effect next week, banning the sale of assault-style rifles and requiring fingerprints and a license to buy a handgun. This month, a swarm of requests hit the Maryland State Police background check system at a pace roughly seven times that during the same time last year.”











Truck Hits Car, Sends It Over Md.’s Bay Bridge


” A collision involving a tractor-trailer and two vehicles sent a car and its driver over the side of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and down 40 feet into the water on Friday night, but the driver was able to climb to safety

Anne Arundel County Fire Battalion Chief Steve Thompson said the driver, a 22-year-old woman, was rescued and flown to Maryland Shock Trauma in Baltimore. She was in critical condition late Friday with non-life-threatening injuries.”

Rain (tax), Rain (tax), Go Away



” Up to this point Maryland’s rain tax, although onerous, was at least uniform (i.e., everyone paying the same tax rate on the amount of impervious surfaces they own).

Then things got screwy. First, state lawmakers limited the rain tax to only 10 of Maryland’s 24 local jurisdictions (Baltimore city and Anne Arundel, Howard, Carroll, Harford, Charles, Montgomery, P.G., Frederick and Baltimore counties).

So, a shopping mall in Charles County must pay a huge yearly rain tax while a similar mall next door in Calvert County does not. Shouldn’t we all be saving the Bay together?

State lawmakers further decided that, within the 10 rain tax counties, certain properties should be exempt, namely those owned by the state and local governments (and volunteer fire departments). That’s right, they included churches and nonprofits but excluded themselves. “







WMAL EXCLUSIVE: 11-Yr-Old Suspended From School For Merely TALKING About Guns



” The father of a middle schooler in Calvert County, Md. says his 11-year-old son was suspended for 10 days for merely talking about guns on the bus ride home.

Bruce Henkelman of Huntingtown says his son, a sixth grader at Northern Middle School in Owings, was talking with friends about the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre when the bus driver hauled him back to school to be questioned by the principal, Darrel Prioleau.

“The principal told me that with what happened at Sandy Hook if you say the word ‘gun’ in my school you are going to get suspended for 10 days,” Henkelman said in an interview with WMAL.com.

The boy was questioned by the principal and a sheriff’s deputy, who also wanted to search the family home without a warrant, Henkelman said. “He started asking me questions about if I have firearms, and [the deputy said] he’s going to have to search my house.  Search my house?  I just wanted to know what happened.