Tag Archive: Mark Levin

Opening Saturday Mark Levin CPAC 2015





    Mr Levin’s speech begins at the 5:40 mark for those that would like to skip the opening ceremonies .

Mark Levin: “A Revolt Going On With Top Generals And Obama”



Levin Hannity





” You actually have a revolt going on with the top generals and Obama. I’m talking about tanks pulling up to the White House and so forth. These men are trying to communicate to the American people that they are military men and we cannot defeat this enemy unless we use all of our armed forces and armed services. That’s number one. Number two, Obama does not view this as a military action. He keeps telling us it’s not a war, it’s not a war. For him, the truth is it’s about politics. It’s about containing this issue politically for him so he can focus on fundamentally transforming America. And this is a very serious matter to understand. “


Real Clear Politics






Mark Levin NRA-ILA Leadership Forum 2014 – Full Speech





Article V Movement Gathers Steam, Critics Seethe



Amending The Constitution



” One of the sure signs that your federal government is in a state of disarray is when record numbers of Americans begin turning to the U.S. Constitution to figure out just where it all went wrong. Until recently, these readers might have skipped right past Article V, not noticing that therein lies the most potent of solutions.

  As readers of Mark Levin’s book The Liberty Amendments have learned, Article V includes a lesser-known means by which the states can propose amendments. This was precisely the method the founders intended to be used to check an expansionist federal government.

  Thanks to Levin, ConventionofStates.com, and Lawrence Lessig’s CallaConvention.org, the effort to get state legislatures to demand the first ever amendments convention seems to be hitting its stride.

  But the movement is not without its critics.

  Enter constitutional speaker KrisAnne Hall, who would prefer that states engage in out-and-out nullification of unconstitutional federal overreaches. Though less clear constitutionally, the idea has precedent and is also advocated by the Tenth Amendment Center. But unlike the Tenth Amendment Center, Ms. Hall has decided that an Article V amendments convention competes with nullification, and has taken the position that an amendments convention is a road to disaster because she has discovered a clandestine plot by Congress to take over the amendments convention process from start to finish.”


Read the whole illuminating article









Mark Levin Gives His Take On The Dispute Between Cliven Bundy And The Federal Government










Thanks to the Right Scoop for bringing us this clip










Former Dem Gov. Dick Lamm On How To Destroy America



Mark Levin How To Destroy America

Photo By Getty Images … Click For Audio



” This is the original audio file of Dick Lamm’s now rather famous and very short “My Plan to Destroy America” remarks from October 18, 2003. This audio has never been published or released anywhere.”



  Listen to “The Great One” read the speech here and below the viewer can read the complete text of Gov Lamm’s speech as presented by Free Republic on July 11 , 2006 .



” Editor’s note: In 2004, Richard D. Lamm, former governor of Colorado, addressed a conference sponsored by the Federation for American Immigration Reform in Washington. The following remarks are reprinted with his permission.

Richard. D. Lamm

  I have a secret plan to destroy America. If you believe, as many do, that America is too smug, too white bread, too self-satisfied, too rich, let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. History shows that nations are more fragile than their citizens think. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and they all fall, and that “an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.” Here is my plan:

  We must first make America a bilingual-bicultural country. History shows, in my opinion, that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; it is a curse for a society to be bilingual. One scholar, Seymour Martin Lipset, put it this way: “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy. Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon – all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with its Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

  I would then invent “multiculturalism” and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal: that there are no cultural differences that are important. I would declare it an article of faith that the black and Hispanic dropout rate is only due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out-of-bounds.

  We can make the United States a “Hispanic Quebec” without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity. As Benjamin Schwarz said in the Atlantic Monthly recently, “The apparent success of our own multiethnic and multicultural experiment might have been achieved, not by tolerance, but by hegemony. Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentrically, and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together.” I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. I would replace the melting pot metaphor with a salad bowl metaphor. It is important to insure that we have various cultural sub-groups living in America reinforcing their differences, rather than Americans emphasizing their similarities.

  Having done all this, I would make our fastest-growing demographic group the least educated – I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated and antagonistic to our population. I would have this second underclass have a 50 percent dropout rate from school.

  I would then get the big foundations and big business to give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of victimology. I would get all minorities to think their lack of success was all the fault of the majority. I would start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority population.

  I would establish dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties. I would “celebrate diversity.” “Diversity” is a wonderfully seductive word. It stresses differences rather than commonalities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other – that is, when they are not killing each other. A “diverse,” peaceful or stable society is against most historical precedent. People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together, and we can take advantage of this myopia. Look at the ancient Greeks. Dorf’s “World History” tells us: “The Greeks believed that they belonged to the same race; they possessed a common language and literature; and they worshiped the same gods. All Greece took part in the Olympic Games in honor of Zeus, and all Greeks venerated the shrine of Apollo at Delphi. A common enemy, Persia, threatened their liberty. Yet, all of these bonds together were not strong enough to overcome two factors … (local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political divisions …)” If we can put the emphasis on the “pluribus,” instead of the “unum,” we can balkanize America as surely as Kosovo.

  Then I would place all these subjects off-limits – make it taboo to talk about. I would find a word similar to “heretic” in the 16th century – that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like “racist”, “xenophobe” halt argument and conversation. Having made America a bilingual-bicultural country, having established multiculturalism, having the large foundations fund the doctrine of “victimology,” I would next make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws. I would develop a mantra – “because immigration has been good for America, it must always be good.” I would make every individual immigrant sympatric and ignore the cumulative impact.

  Lastly, I would censor Victor Davis Hanson’s book “Mexifornia” – this book is dangerous; it exposes my plan to destroy America. So please, please – if you feel that America deserves to be destroyed – please, please – don’t buy this book! This guy is on to my plan. “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.” – Noam Chomsky, American linguist and U.S. media and foreign policy critic. “









Must Listen: Mark Levin Tells The Story Behind The Story On David Jolly’s Florida Race



” Mark Levin pulled an article from last Friday’s Politico where anonymous Washington Republicans started trashing David Jolly just days before his big vote, right as he’s in the throes of his race. Levin explains why they did it and why you should care.”

    Levin calls Boehner and his henchmen on their underhanded treatment of David Jolly and refuses to pull any punches . In the Great One’s words they are ” A Bunch Of Dirty Bas***ds” . Listen to this clip and go to The Right Scoop for part two and see just what a bunch of cowardly sc**bags we have leading the republican party .

Levin To Tea Party Patriots: ‘We Live Under A Lawless President’





The title speaks for itself – Listen to the “Great One”s address …










Mark Levin Has An Idea So Brilliant It Could Totally Flip The Game On Democrats



Mark Levin



Read more at IJR










More At The Right Scoop










” Close to 100 legislators from 32 states met in Mount Vernon, Va., Saturday to discuss the possibility of adding amendments to the U.S. Constitution through a convention of the states.

  Such a convention, as outlined in article five of the Constitution, would allow state legislatures to vote on amendments to add.

  No constitutional amendment has been added this way, but some say the Constitution specifically allows for states to use the convention as a means to push back against the federal government.

  Two-thirds of the state legislatures, or 34, must approve an application for a convention to occur, according to the Constitution’s article five. State legislatures would then send delegates to the convention, each state getting one vote on proposed amendments. For an amendment to pass and become a part of the Constitution, it would have to be approved by three-fourths, or 38, of the state legislatures.”

Dan Long CoS

   You can read much more about the gathering at Red Millennial and here the CoS Facebook page and here is a link to the Convention Of States Project website whose stated goal is :

” The COS Project seeks to urge and empower state legislators to call a convention of states. The delegates at such a convention would have the power to propose amendments to the Constitution that would curb the abuses of the federal government. Article V of the Constitution gives them this power; the COS Project will give them an avenue through which they can use it. “


   If curbing the abuses of the federal Leviathan is the goal of the CoS then you can count us in , assuming of course that this isn’t going to be yet another example of governmental “unintended consequences” . On thing we can say about the Convention is that in doing some research into this post we have discovered that the Daily Kos considers it a threat and that the effort has been greatly inspired by both Mark Levin and Glenn Beck .

   That right there is a huge check in the plus column so perhaps this idea has merit . It certainly indicates that we need to be paying more attention to this whole concept . 

   We would very much like to publicize the states and representatives that were in attendance this past weekend at Mt Vernon but could not find such information anywhere in our searches . If a reader knows of such information we would be eternally grateful for a link . 












Mark Levin Goes Rounds With Paul Ryan On Immigration Reform



HT/The Right Scoop

Mark Levin: “It’s Time To Kill The IRS”






” MARK LEVIN: “Yes, we’re going to cover the ins and outs of this — we’re going to come into the weeds, but folks, it’s time to kill the IRS. That’s the bottom line. This agency has been corrupt since its founding. And the bigger the government gets, the more corrupt it gets, the more ubiquitous it gets. And I don’t just mean political partisanship and cronyism, I mean its abuses. We must fight the expansion of the IRS under Obamacare. We must fight to kill the IRS or critically wound it — politically — with either a flat tax or a fair tax. Now is the time to advance a liberty agenda. Now is the time to advance a Constitutional agenda.” (Mark Levin Show, May 15, 2013)”




Video at the link













” Trump and Levin hit Rove where it really hurts.  First Trump criticized Rove’s effectiveness as a campaign strategist by slamming his SuperPAC, American Crossroads’ performance in the 2012 election: “Four hundred million dollars was wasted.  They do the worst ads I have ever seen, ever.”

Levin followed up with what might be the most significant line of attack against Rove:  “I would say to the wealthy donors out there, ‘Why do you keep donating to him?’ why don’t you donate to all these groups who are actually grassroots, who are actually fighting and who are actually effective?” “


Limbaugh Goes Off On Media For Lack Of Outrage Over Bob Schieffer’s Nazi/Gun Lobby Comment




” On his radio show Thursday afternoon, Rush Limbaugh scolded the media for its lack of outrage over Bob Schieffer‘s “over-the-top” comments comparing President Obama taking on the gun lobby to other difficult struggles like defeating Nazi Germany in World War II.

Limbaugh joins fellow conservative radio host Mark Levin in condemning Schieffer’s remarks and wondering aloud why the media have not expressed outrage over such a comparison.

Schieffer’s comments came immediately after Obama announced 23 new “executive actions” on gun violence. He said on CBS, “What happened in Newtown was probably the worst day in this country’s history since 9/11 […] Surely, finding Osama bin Laden, surely passing civil rights legislation – as Lyndon Johnson was able to do – and, before that, surely defeating the Nazis was a much more formidable task than taking on the gun lobby.” “



Love Him Or Hate Him , Rush Says What Needs To Be Said


Speaking Of Nazis , The MSM Is Nothing More Than A Gaggle Of Josef Goebbels And Leni Riefenstahls , The Propaganda Wing Of The Current Statist Party




Mark Levin on Executive Privilege

And Congress’ right to investigate Executive Actions .


  ” As the Supreme Court recognized in US v. Nixon, the Executive Branch has a legitimate interest in confidentiality of communications among high officials so that the President can have the benefit of candid advice. However, as President Washington himself recognized, that privilege does not protect the President or his underlings from embarrassment or public exposure for questionable actions

     As the Supreme Court has also recognized repeatedly, the Congress, in the exercise of its constitutional powers, has the essential power to investigate the actions of the Executive Branch.”