Tag Archive: Marine

 Happy Birthday Carlos Hathcock





The Story of Legendary Sniper Carlos Hathcock



” When retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock II died at the age of 57 on Feb. 26, 1999, his legend had long since chiseled its way into the pantheon of Marine Corps history.

  He’d served almost 20 years in the Corps, including two tours as a sniper during the Vietnam War. A killer more deadly and silent than Hathcock finally had him in the cross hairs and pulled the trigger, ending his extraordinary life.

  The medical term for that stealthy, relentless force is multiple sclerosis, a slow, progressive terminal malady that attacks the central nervous system. MS can cause paralysis, spasms and the loss of coordination and muscle control.”



Then Cpl. Carlos Hathcock (far left) being awarded the 1965 Wimbledon Cup.
This trophy is given to the winner of the 1000 yard shooting match.



Carlos Hathcock (1942 – 1999)


” was a US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant who served as a sniper in the Vietnam War. With 93 confirmed kills, he was the 4th most effective sniper in American history, trailing behind Adelbert F Waldron (109), Charles Mawhinney (103), and Eric R England (98). His exploits, both as a courageous soldier and a sniper, made him a legend in the Marine Corps. Hathcock became a major developer of the United States Marine Corps Sniper training program. Not only was Carlos extremely lethal as a sniper, but he was also a brave marine; he was awarded the Silver Star for his act in 1969 of saving the lives of seven fellow Marines after the amphibious tractor on which they were riding struck a mine. Hathcock was knocked unconscious, but awoke in time to race back through the flames to save his comrades.

  Carlos Hathcock was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, on May 20, 1942. Since his parents had separated, he lived with his grandmother in the country where he grew up. At a young age, Carlos learned to use a rifle, which his father had brought from Europe after World War II. Then, he would hunt wild animals to help feed his poor family.In 1959, at the age of 17, Carlos Hathcock joined the Marine Corps. Before being shipped to Vietnam, he showed his natural skills as a marksman on the rifle range at Camp Pendleton where he was undergoing recruit training, winning the Pacific Division rifle championship while he was deployed in Hawaii as a member of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. In 1966, he was sent to Vietnam and became a sniper after Captain Edward J. Land Jr. had pushed the Marines into raising snipers in every platoon.” ” 







Interview Parts 1-3




























More Videos



Further Reading


Bob Tuley – Carlos Hathcock Sniper Biography

Carlos Norman “Gunny” Hathcock II (1942–1999) – Encyclopedia …

Carlos Hathcock – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carlos Hathcock Biography | WordExplorer.com

Carlos Hathcock – Gunsopedia














Jailed Marine Andrew Tahmooressi Back In Mexican Court






” On Day No. 127 of imprisonment, Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi entered a federal court in Tijuana and faced four border officials who were involved in his March 31 arrest on weapons charges.

  Following the approximately five-hour hearing, Defense Attorney Fernando Benitez told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News’ “On the Record” that he felt his client was “a little more upbeat” and that he was “growing more optimistic as evidence is entered into his case.”

  Four witnesses — two Mexican soldiers and two Mexican border agents involved in Tahmooressi’s arrest — testified Monday

  Benitez asserts Tahmooressi’s civil rights were violated because he was not provided a translator to adequately explain why he was being arrested. He also alleges the 26-year-old Marine was held at the port of entry, where he crossed from San Ysidro, Calif., for more than eight hours before being transported to the federal police headquarters and formally charged with the Mexican federal crime of bringing weapons and ammunition used by the military into the country. He was not charged with weapons trafficking.”


Fox News










Marine Killed By Cops Linked To 2 Deaths




” Police today identified a U.S. Marine accused of a drive-by shooting rampage that left one woman dead and five others injured in Texas, and said they believe he is also be responsible for the death of another woman in North Carolina the day before.

Esteban J. Smith, 23, was killed in a shootout with police early Sunday morning after randomly firing on five vehicles from his pickup truck as he drove around Concho County, Texas, according to Tom Vinger, spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety.”




See Also : Esteban Smith, Marine Murderer: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know









Happy Birthday Carlos Hathcock





The Story of Legendary Sniper Carlos Hathcock



” When retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock II died at the age of 57 on Feb. 26, 1999, his legend had long since chiseled its way into the pantheon of Marine Corps history.

He’d served almost 20 years in the Corps, including two tours as a sniper during the Vietnam War. A killer more deadly and silent than Hathcock finally had him in the cross hairs and pulled the trigger, ending his extraordinary life.

The medical term for that stealthy, relentless force is multiple sclerosis, a slow, progressive terminal malady that attacks the central nervous system. MS can cause paralysis, spasms and the loss of coordination and muscle control.


Then Cpl. Carlos Hathcock (far left) being awarded the 1965 Wimbledon Cup.
This trophy is given to the winner of the 1000 yard shooting match.



Carlos Hathcock (1942 – 1999)


” was a US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant who served as a sniper in the Vietnam War. With 93 confirmed kills, he was the 4th most effective sniper in American history, trailing behind Adelbert F Waldron (109), Charles Mawhinney (103), and Eric R England (98). His exploits, both as a courageous soldier and a sniper, made him a legend in the Marine Corps. Hathcock became a major developer of the United States Marine Corps Sniper training program. Not only was Carlos extremely lethal as a sniper, but he was also a brave marine; he was awarded the Silver Star for his act in 1969 of saving the lives of seven fellow Marines after the amphibious tractor on which they were riding struck a mine. Hathcock was knocked unconscious, but awoke in time to race back through the flames to save his comrades.

Carlos Hathcock was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, on May 20, 1942. Since his parents had separated, he lived with his grandmother in the country where he grew up. At a young age, Carlos learned to use a rifle, which his father had brought from Europe after World War II. Then, he would hunt wild animals to help feed his poor family.

In 1959, at the age of 17, Carlos Hathcock joined the Marine Corps. Before being shipped to Vietnam, he showed his natural skills as a marksman on the rifle range at Camp Pendleton where he was undergoing recruit training, winning the Pacific Division rifle championship while he was deployed in Hawaii as a member of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. In 1966, he was sent to Vietnam and became a sniper after Captain Edward J. Land Jr. had pushed the Marines into raising snipers in every platoon.” ” 





Interview Parts 1-3











More Videos

Further Reading


Bob Tuley – Carlos Hathcock Sniper Biography

Carlos Norman “Gunny” Hathcock II (1942–1999) – Encyclopedia …

Carlos Hathcock – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carlos Hathcock Biography | WordExplorer.com

Carlos Hathcock – Gunsopedia







3 Minors Point Gun At Man, Woman In North Philadelphia



” Police say three minors pointed what appears to be a gun at two people in North Philadelphia earlier this week.

The youngest suspect, 10-years-old, turned himself in on Wednesday night.

Police say the gun was either a toy gun or a BB gun. Authorities continue to search for two additional minors.

The incident occurred in the Tioga section of the city on Monday around 6:45 p.m.

According to police, a 27-year-old man was approached by a group of males on the 3300 block of North 16th Street.

Police say one of the males then reached into his backpack, pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the victim saying “hey buddy.” “







Marine who Wrote ‘I will not be disarmed’ Letter Debates Piers Morgan (VIDEO)






” The reality, as Cpl. Boston expressed, is that bad people will continue to do bad things by any means available.  The gunman at Virginia Tech, which is still the deadliest school shooting in American history, did not use an AR-15 – he used two commonly owned handguns: a 9mm Glock and a .22 caliber Walter P22.

In the end, those who believe we can stop the murderous resolve of deranged individuals via gun bans or regulations should consider what Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer who gunned down 69 people at a youth summer camp in 2011, wrote in his 1,500 page manifesto on the subject of gun control:

IF they take away our AN-fertilizer, we will use AN from Ice packs!  If they take away our ice packs; we will hi-jack propane trucks and use them as secondary explosive charges!  If they take away our propane trucks; we will fight them with conventional weapons! If they ban the sale of weapons; we will smuggle in AK-47s from the Balkans and the Middle East!

They cannot prevent us, the European conservatives from eventually seizing political and military power.  We will succeed even if we have to create our very own improvised guns.

Laws won’t stop killers from killing – but a bullet to the head will. ”



Cool Stuff

Guy Harvey


  Major Sean Bielat USMCR , is working hard to spare us all another Kennedy in Congress . Please offer him your support in keeping the Kennedy’s in The People’s Republic of Massachusetts where they can’t do us any harm .
   Read his impressive bio here .