Tag Archive: Marijuana

20 Items Found By The TSA That Would Probably Be Inappropriate Anywhere At Any Time


” The TSA’s confusing rules and thorough safety measures can be frustrating, but their existence is a necessary evil. Their personal Instagram account may make you simultaneously thankful for the TSA and terrified of traveling. “



” Grenades and bombs from Chicago, Milwaukee and Austin”



TSA Bombs


“Oh, these aren’t allowed?”



Here’s another genius move …



” Grenade in a penguin “


Penguin Grenade

“He did NOT tell me. Bad penguin!”

See the other discoveries here

We Caught Up With Him To Find Out







” Wondering how libertarians view the world? The Daily Signal caught up with John Stossel, host of “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network, to hear how the political perspective applies to controversial issues such as Ebola, the economy and drug legalization.

“ Legalization is not about moral implication,” he said while speaking on the issue of drug legalization. “We argue that the drugs are bad … but the laws against them creating the black market are far worse.” “


Thanks to The Daily Signal










Cat Delivers Bag Of Weed To His Owner







” A cat in New Zealand has behaved in a very un-feline manner, bringing his owner a bag of marijuana and leaving it at the door. Police are now praising the furry friend for possibly helping them secure a drug bust as they dust the bag for prints.

  Local police say they are very impressed with the deed.

” You hear of cats bringing dead birds and rats home, but certainly in my career I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Sergeant Reece Munro told the local Otago Daily Times. “I guess you never know who’s keeping you honest these days, do you?”

  At around 6pm on Sunday in Ashmore, the cat brought home 5 grams of pot in a bag, shocking its owner, who wanted nothing to do with the find and called the police immediately, saying there was a “bag of drugs” right at her door.”


Read more










A Liberty-Loving Reader Has Passed On Contact Info For The Idaho State Police , Trooper Justin Klitch And His Boss . Let Them Know How You Feel … Politely 







” If you think Idaho State Trooper Justin Klitch should be fired,
please let his boss know. The Director of the Idaho State Police is a
man named Colonel Ralph Powell. Colonel Powell’s email address is



media_6277346d2bfc4fbe9ce5bd8e0962ba9c_t607Justin Klitch – Idaho State Trooper




  If you’d like to contact Colonel Powell via the USPS, his mailing address is:

” Colonel Ralph Powell
Director, Idaho State Police
Idaho State Police Headquarters
700 S. Stratford Drive
Meridian, ID 83642



IMG_4879Col . Ralph Powell – Idaho State Police



  If you’d like to email Trooper Justin Klitch directly, his email address is Justin.Klitch@isp.idaho.gov


    Here is the Idaho State Police website and here is the phone number to the general information desk , Please , should you feel the need to call , be civil . We must rise above our oppressors and lead by example .








Best Pro-Marijuana Legislative Committee Testimony You’ll See





” Esau Freeman, with Kansas for Change, Inc., raised many eyebrows when he presented a bag of homegrown “weed” to a group of Kansas state legislators at a public forum in Wichita. His stunt undoubtedly changed many legislators’ perspective.”


Thanks to Ben Swann









Marijuana Is An Exit Drug For Some





” A new study in Canada has found the reverse is true for marijuana: it is an exit drug. 

The study is in the journal Addiction Research and Theory.

“While some studies have found that a small percentage of the general population that uses cannabis may develop a dependence on this substance, a growing body of research on cannabis-related substitution suggests that for many patients cannabis is not only an effective medicine, but also a potential exit drug to problematic substance use,” the authors wrote.

The drugs cannabis users are fleeing include prescription medicines, alcohol, cocaine and other illicit drugs.”

Read more








Uruguay Becomes First Nation To Legalise Marijuana Trade





” Uruguay has become the first country in the world to make it legal to grow, sell and consume marijuana.

  After nearly 12 hours of debate, senators gave the government-sponsored bill their historic final approval.

  The law allowing registered Uruguayans over 18 to buy up to 40g (1,4oz) of the drug a month is not expected to come into force before April.”





” The government hopes it will help tackle drug cartels, but critics say it will expose more people to drugs.

  Presenting the bill to fellow senators, Roberto Conde said it was an unavoidable response to reality, given that the “war” against drugs had failed.

The historic approval comes amid growing debate over drug legalisation in Latin America.

A group of former presidents and influential social figures, including Brazil’s Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Mexico’s Ernesto Zedillo and Colombian ex-leader Cesar Gaviria, have called for marijuana to be legalised and regulated.”




    Increased liberty continues to spring from the most unlikely places … even as it’s memory fades in it’s birthplace … For Shame America … For Shame







Harvard Study Says Marijuana Cures Cancer

” Researchers at Harvard tested the chemical THC in both lab and mouse studies. They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, THC actually activates naturally produced receptors to fight off lung cancer. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

The only clinical trial testing THC as a treatment against cancer growth was a recently completed British pilot study. For three weeks, researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice that had been implanted with human lung cancer cells, and found that tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50 percent in treated animals compared to a control group. There was also about a 60 percent reduction in cancer lesions on the lungs in these mice as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with cancer progression. “

For your consideration : Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis , an hour long PBS documentary , excerpts of which comprised the above video .

Uploaded on Aug 11, 2011

” Clearing the Smoke, reveals how cannabis acts on the brain and in the body to treat nausea, pain, epilepsy and potentially even cancer.

Extensive interviews with patients, doctors, researchers and skeptics detail the promises and the limitations of medicinal cannabis. Even though the video has an American perspective, marijuana use is illegal throughout many countries of the world for reasons that are not clear.

This video is important because it mainly investigates the scientific basis underlying the medical benefits of marijuana use instead of focusing on the social, political and legal hysteria that have been attached to it.

The paper mentioned in this video, Marihuana Reconsidered, was published in book form. The author, Dr Lester Grinspoon, is the world’s leading authority on marijuana. In this book, Dr Grinspoon examines — and debunks — many of the common misconceptions about marijuana.

MontanaPBS Presents: Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis. 

Read On








How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s Death

” The February 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martion might never have happened if school officials in Miami-Dade County had not instituted an unofficial policy of treating crimes as school disciplinary infractions. Revelations that emerged from an internal affairs investigation explain why Martin was not arrested when caught at school with stolen jewelry in October 2011 or with marijuana in February 2012. Instead, the teenager was suspended from school, the last time just days before he was shot dead by George Zimmerman.”

Michigan Man Driving Wheelchair To White House For Marijuana



” Curtis Kile, 52, said he left his Taylor home June 14 on a mission to steer his motorized wheelchair to the White House for a chat with President Barack Obama about nationwide legalization of marijuana, a drug he said has been instrumental in his treatment, the Detroit Free Press reported Monday.”





” Kile said Saturday in Hagerstown, Md., he is hoping to roll up to the White House and meet with Obama July 4.”











” An Associated Press analysis found that about four-fifths of the states now have enacted local laws that directly reject or ignore federal laws on marijuana use, gun control, health insurance requirements and identification standards for driver’s licenses. The recent trend began in Democratic leaning California with a 1996 medical marijuana law and has proliferated lately in Republican strongholds like Kansas, where Gov. Sam Brownback this spring became the first to sign a measure threatening felony charges against federal agents who enforce certain firearms laws in his state.

“The states created this federal monster, and so it’s time for the states to get their monster on a leash,” said Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that local police could not be compelled to carry out provisions of a federal gun control law. But some states are now attempting to take that a step further by asserting that certain federal laws can’t even be enforced by federal authorities.

Yet states may never need to prosecute federal agents in order to make their point.

If enough states resist, “it’s going to be very difficult for the federal government to force their laws down our throats,” Boldin said.”










Four Female Prison Guards Impregnated By Same Inmate





” Four female prison guards in Baltimore fell pregnant to the same inmate, according to authorities who have busted a major smuggling gang inside the jail system.

Two of the women tattooed the inmate’s name on their bodies and he showered three of them with expensive gifts including cars and jewelry

The scheme involved smuggling drugs and cell phones into Baltimore City Detention Center.

Thirteen female corrections officers, seven inmates and five alleged co-conspirators are charged with racketeering, money laundering and possession with the intent to distribute.

Officials say all 13 have been suspended without pay and the department is moving to fire them.

The affidavit says the corrections officers helped members of the notorious Black Guerilla Family gang smuggle cell phones, marijuana, prescription pills and cigarettes into the jail to sell to other inmates and make thousands of dollars.”







Did Boston Bomber Cut Best Friend’s Throat? Fears Terror Attacker Was Behind Three Unsolved Murders




” His best pal was butchered in a grisly triple execution two years ago that police have to this day been unable to solve.

But Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev displayed none of the emotions of a grieving friend in the wake of the murder of Brendan Mess, according to those who knew him.

In fact, the 26-year-old vanished – leading acquaintances to now believe he was the brutal killer after finding out he was behind last Monday’s marathon bloodbath.

As Tamerlan’s brother Dzhokhar, 19, was last night charged over the bombing that killed three people and left 200 injured, one friend, known only as Ray, said: “At the time, none of us would have thought it was Tam.

“It was just so emotional and we thought someone else had done it.

“Tam wasn’t there at the memorial service, he wasn’t at the funeral, he wasn’t around at all.

“And he was really close with Brendan. That’s why it’s so weird.” “










Two Shot At Denver’s Civic Center 4/20 Pot Rally





” Two people were shot in the leg at Denver’s Civic Center during Saturday’s 4/20 pot rally and a third person was grazed by a bullet.

Officers are looking for two men. They described the first suspect as a black man who is about 6 feet tall and weighs around 180 pounds. He was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, black pants and a Carolina blue baseball cap.

The second suspect was described as a black man wearing a black-and-white checkered shirt.”










Angel and Ashley Dobbs Suing Texas State Troopers After Being Given Roadside Body Cavity Search

” Two women from Irving, Texas are suing state troopers and the head of their department in federal court after they say they were forced to endure an illegal and humiliating “roadside body cavity search” during a routine traffic stop, The Dallas Morning News reports.

The case is currently under investigation by the public integrity division of the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office and will go before a grand jury in January.

The dash-mounted camera on a trooper’s vehicle reportedly captured the entire incident on video. Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece Ashley Dobbs, 24, say the unlawful search happened on the night of July 13 along a state highway.

Watch the video below via The Dallas Morning News (Content Warning!):”

Click On The Picture For Video Link 


D.A.R.E., America’s Most Famous Anti-Drug Program, Will No Longer Talk to Children About Marijuana




” D.A.R.E., the national nonprofit that has promoted “Drug Abuse Resistance Education” to elementary, middle, and high school students since the early 1980s, will all but drop anti-drug material from its curriculum for younger students, according to a state chapter leader.

“D.A.R.E. America has determined that anti-drug material is not age-appropriate,” the state affiliate leader, who asked not to be identified, told Reason. “The new curriculum focuses on character development.”

News of a major curriculum change was first reported in early November when an elementary school resource officer in Kennewick, Washington told KNDU25, “The new curriculum starts as of December for us…it does not bring up the subject of marijuana at all.” (Marijuana is the only illicit drug that D.A.R.E. claims to have reduced the use of through its educational programs. Drug reform advocates have slammed D.A.R.E. for its characterization of pot.)

I emailed D.A.R.E. America’s headquarters in California on Nov. 6 (the same day Washington legalized recreational marijuana) hoping to learn more about the alleged curriculum change. I also emailed the head of the Washington chapter and the head of the regional chapter. I didn’t hear back from any of them.

Then late last week, a state affiliate contacted me to say that the Kennewick officer’s claim was true. “

Choom’s on First ?

Free Beacon 

  “The White House fell to the pot lobby last week—in a 25-3 blow-out on the softball field.

The One Hitters, a team sponsored by a pro-marijuana group, crushed the White House softball team, the Washington Post’s In the Loop blog reports:”