Tag Archive: Maps

Stuck in Traffic? Thanks, Obama!: Feds To Regulate Waze, Google Maps, And Other Navigation Apps






” The Obama administration wants to cripple the navigation and traffic reporting apps on your smartphone. In the name of safety, of course.

  Provisions in the proposed transportation bill—which Congress will look at in the next few months—would give the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration the power to regulate apps like Google Maps and Waze, the crowdsourced traffic reporting tool. 

  They’re going to start with automobiles’ built-in navigation devices, since regulatory authority is clearer there. Possible “features” include limiting inputs when the car is in motion, or making people click a button saying that they are a passenger.

  But of course, if they make the onboard navigation systems in cars suck, people will just turn to their smartphones, right? So they had better regulate those too. 

  The impulse to regulate against distracted driving has a long, not terribly glorious pedigree, dating all the way back to efforts to go after people who were changing the radio station while driving. In more recent years, talking and texting bans have failed to show clear positive results and may even cause harm.”
















… carrying stolen money, classified documents

  ” Hezbollah’s CFO has fled to Israel
taking with him large sum of stolen
money, classified documents and
maps, local news media reported on Friday.


  The news website, Now Lebanon,
cited Hezbollah officials saying that
the 29-year old telecommunication
engineer, Hussein Fahs, has crossed
to Israel carrying with him $5 million in embezzled money from the group Fahs is also head of Hezbollah’s operational communications network. In September, Fahs, who is native of
southern Lebanon, was arrested
along with other four Hezbollah
members over the suspicion of
embezzling the group’s funds and
collaborating with Israel, Yoni Alpert’s Terror Watch reported. ”

HT/ Michael Totten

Here’s another cool site that plots many of the famous journeys around the world , both real and fictional . Curious about where exactly the “Silk Road” was ? Magellan’s Voyage ? The Transcontinental Railroad ? Check it out .