Tag Archive: Map

America’s Most Popular Hamburgers, In One Map







Flowing Data has made an impressive series of maps documenting Americans’ taste in burgers. The big one, documenting the closest of seven major burger chains for various points across the country, is above . Because there are so many burger chains in America, it’s useful to look at the maps of burger chains individually to sort out regional preferences: “





Click on maps for larger images at source



Read more at Vox











Here’s What A Republican Takeover Looks Like






” A
t the time of this writing, Republicans have picked up nine seats in the House, pushing them to a muscular 243-seat majority.

  For House Speaker John Boehner, that means the bar is set high for legislative accomplishments in the next two years. For the national political landscape, that means a lot of red. Here’s the lower chamber of the 114th Congress, in vivid color.

  A number of races remain undecided, and the colors for these districts on the map were determined using the majority vote there as it stood at 12 p.m. on Nov. 5 We’ll update the map as more results come in.”


National Journal



   Update: Courtesy Of The Blaze , here is the Congressional map after the 2008 election … ushering in the age of perpetual Democratic majority … LOL




Image source: Screen grab of New York Times map



My how the landscape has changed … Obama has certainly been transformative . 









It’s A Wave: Republicans Take US Senate, Build Majority In House, Grab 24 Governorships






” In a near-sweep of yesterday’s midterm elections, Republicans shifted the balance of power in the U.S. Senate, gaining at least seven seats, widened their majority in the House by at least 11 seats and defeated Democrats in 24 governor’s races.

“ We are headed to Washington and we are going to make ’em squeal,” a triumphant Joni Ernst, Iowa’s newly elected Republican senator, told cheering supporters in West Des Moines.

  President Obama had said his policies were on the ballot, even if he wasn’t, and in those terms it was difficult not to see the results as a repudiation by voters of an unpopular president and his Democratic allies.

 “ Americans … have risen up and retired Harry Reid as [Senate] majority leader,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said on Fox News at 2o minutes past midnight.

  Cruz added: “Now that we have won the election it is incumbent on Republicans to stand up and lead. … Americans don’t necessarily trust Republicans; they’ve given us another chance.”

  Votes still were being counted in Virginia and Alaska, but Republicans will take control of the Senate after netting seats in Iowa, West Virginia, Montana, South Dakota, Colorado, North Carolina and Arkansas.”


Daily Signal








The Million Mask March 2014 – Largest World Protest By The Most Influential Group In The World








What is The ‘Million Mask March’? 

” Last year thousands of people worldwide joined Million Mask March rallies organized by the amorphous Anonymous movement. Rallies, both peaceful and confrontational, protested austerity, surveillance, corporate greed and corrupt governments.

  In a mass demonstration of people power, crowds in 450 cities around the world filled the streets wearing Guy Fawkes masks. “The corrupt fear us. The honest support us. The heroic join us” – under this motto protesters united in a global mass-march to deliver various messages. 

  From Sydney to Los Angeles, from Johannesburg to London – thousands came forward to make their voices heard. Among key ideas which virtually connected all different protests were anti-capitalist idealism and the rejection of NSA surveillance. Some rallies had a sense of carnival, where whole families with kids marched in protest, while other gatherings – like in London and Washington – turned more intense, with people not hiding their rage.

  You Want To Participate This Year In The Million Mask March 2014 with thousands of others all around the world? “






” Here is all information you need for 2014:



Make sure you have the latest version of Google maps.

  Go to:  MillionMaskMarch.com/map.  (.com, .org & .net lead to the same place).  Once you start zooming in,  city names/event pages and the search option will appear.   As a protective measure, copy this link for safekeeping in case anything ever happens to this web site:  https://mapsengine.google.com/map/viewer?mid=zcw0ZYrLl5RQ.khgYCnHItPbY “



Million Mask March




1.  We add events to the map that you create.

2.  If you only see a 2013 event, contact the group, ask if they’ll update it to 2014 and email us here or on Facebook with the link so we can add it to the map. Posting links on our FB discussion threads as the only way of informing us is discouraged. “





We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us

















This Map Shows The Real Value Of 100 Dollars In Your State




” How far does a dollar go in your state compared to others in the United States? Thanks to the Tax Foundation’s review of Bureau of Economic Analysis data, now you know.

  A dollar doesn’t go quite as far in states like California and New York, and it goes comparatively further in states like Mississippi and South Dakota.

  The cost of living gap is amplified by federal taxes being based on the same income levels regardless of cost of living. Someone who earns $40,000 a year in Jackson, Miss., is taxed at the same federal rate as someone earning $40,000 in San Francisco, Calif.”













Facebook Releases Map Of Most Popular NFL Teams By County – One Team Couldn’t Win A Single County


NFL Facebook Likes Map


” Facebook has measured the popularity of the NFL’s 32 teams by the number of “Likes” they have in every county in America.

It is a fascinating look at the geographic support for each team, especially those not located in a major city.”



Only the lowly Jets couldn’t claim a single county … Continued











Mapping 30 Days Of Craigslist Crimes



Craigslist Crimes





” Everyone knows that Craigslist is a magnet for crime.

  The ubiquitous listing site is the tenth most-highly trafficked website in the United States and has been the go-to place for people looking for everything from used lawn furniture to no-questions-asked sexual partners for nearly two decades. And as with nearly anything that smashes together great swaths of humanity, Craigslist is unavoidably utilized by individuals whose intentions are less than pure.

  So everyone knows that Craigslist deals carry certain risks. Yet it’s still difficult to get a big-picture perspective of both the scale and the general tenor of crime on Craigslist.

  To this end, we attempted to take a snapshot of what crime on Craigslist actually looks like by collecting every news story that mentioned a crime committed using Craigslist in the United States during the month of April and displayed that information on a single Google map*. Is this method scientific? Not even close. But it does allow us to view crime facilitated by the listing site in fresh light.”


Daily Dot has much more











Army Lays Out State-By-State Cuts In Report




Military Closings By State



” The Army estimates automatic budget cuts scheduled to take effect March 1 will have a $15 billion economic impact and affect more than 300,000 jobs nationwide, according to documents obtained by USA Today.

Hardest hit states include Texas, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Among the least affected: Delaware, Wyoming, Montana and Rhode Island.

The military faces $500 billion in budget cuts over 10 years from sequestration — automatic budget cuts. The Army anticipates that it will need to slash $18 billion in spending by the end of this fiscal year on Sept. 30.”

America’s Freedom Watcher


Posted by John Galt

A Handy Map of Madness

“A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World”

”  If you can’t keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you’re not alone. The
uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests, from Algeria to Pakistan and the United Kingdom to Indonesia. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we’ve compiled the latest incidents into this handy interactive
Google Map . Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident. “

Handy Police State Map

The people at Reason have thoughtfully put together an interactive map of police misconduct nationwide . Check it out if you are at all concerned with the creeping authoritarianism rampant in America today .

See what's happening near you!

A Global version of the American one in Times Square . Read it and weep . 

The total as of 8:52 pm May 12 , 2012    $39,445,109,525,831.00

” The clock is ticking. Every second, it seems, someone in the world takes on more debt. The idea of a debt clock for an individual nation is familiar to anyone who has been to Times Square in New York, where the American public shortfall is revealed. Our clock shows the global figure for all (or almost all) government debts in dollar terms.

Does it matter? After all, world governments owe the money to their own citizens, not to the Martians. But the rising total is important for two reasons. First, when debt rises faster than economic output (as it has been doing in recent years), higher government debt implies more state interference in the economy and higher taxes in the future. Second, debt must be rolled over at regular intervals. This creates a recurring popularity test for individual governments, rather as reality TV show contestants face a public phone vote every week. Fail that vote, as the Greek government did in early 2010, and the country can be plunged into imminent crisis. So the higher the global government debt total, the greater the risk of fiscal crisis, and the bigger the economic impact such crises will have. ”



The darker the red  the higher the debt , the darker the green the lower the debt . It is an interactive map and worth taking a closer look at .