Tag Archive: Manhattan

Drone Crashes On Upper West Side Sidewalk


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” A drone crashed on the Upper West Side Friday evening. The drone apparently fell out of the sky at 61st Street and Columbus around 6:30 p.m. The drone landed near a delivery man riding a bicycle.

  No one was injured. It’s not yet known who the drone belongs to.It’s a radio-controlled quad copter that had a go-pro camera still rolling. A man who works for fivethirtyeight.com witnessed and tweeted about the accident.













Former Fox News Employee Shoots Himself Outside News Corporation Building




” A former employee of a Fox News affiliate in Texas shot and killed himself outside the front doors of the News Corporation building shortly before 9 a.m. Monday, a law-enforcement official said.

  The building houses Fox News headquarters and The Wall Street Journal. Fox News is owned by 21st Century Fox, and the Journal is owned by News Corporation.

  The man, Phillip Perea, 41 years old, of Irving, Texas, shot himself once in the chest outside of 1211 Avenue of the Americas, the official said. Mr. Perea had previously worked for a Fox News affiliate in Austin, Texas. “



Wall Street Journal












Climate Change Skeptics Call Out Marchers’ ‘Hypocrisies’


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” Manhattan’s flood of green protesters had climate-change skeptics seeing red Sunday.

“ Their love for the Earth is so real, they couldn’t even use a trash can,” tweeted a disgusted @chelsea_elisa, along with a photo of an overflowing trash can in Manhattan, after tens of thousands of marchers invaded the city on fleets of smog-producing buses.

David Kreutzer, a research fellow at the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation,shared a similar photo of the marchers’ refuse trashing the city’s streets.

“Somehow this doesn’t seem too green 2me,” Kreutzer tweeted.”


NY Post











Tens Of Thousands Expected At New York Climate March






” Celebrities, activists and political leaders are expected to join more than 100,000 people in New York Sunday for what could be the largest climate change protest in history, organizers said.

  Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio, former US vice president turned advocate Al Gore, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio are due to take part in the “People’s Climate March.”

   The event has been endorsed by more than 1,400 organizations, including environment, faith and justice groups, as well as labor unions. Students have mobilized marchers at more than 300 college campuses.

  The protest will wind its way through Midtown Manhattan on a two-mile (3.2-kilometer) route starting at 11:30 am (1530 GMT). “



Just asking: How much CO will these hypocritical a**holes put into the atmosphere from their private jets and mammoth limousines in order to “save the planet” ? 


Illustration by Gary Varvel


Yahoo News








Gap Between Manhattan’s Rich And Poor Is Greatest In U.S., Census Finds





” The mean income of the top 5 percent of households in Manhattan soared 9 percent in 2013 over 2012, giving Manhattan the biggest dollar income gap of any county in the country, according to data from the Census Bureau.

  The top 5 percent of households earned $864,394, or 88 times as much as the poorest 20 percent, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, which is being released Thursday and covers the final year of the Bloomberg administration.

“ The recovery seems to be going to those at the top, much more than those in the middle, while those at the bottom may even be losing ground,” said Andrew A. Beveridge, a sociologist at Queens College of the City University of New York. He attributed the disparity to the surging costs of housing and the lack of housing subsidies and other forms of public assistance available to many needy families.

  The wealthiest New Yorkers are benefiting in part from the rise of the financial industry, including hedge funds and investment banks, which has helped lift the income of the most affluent households to levels reached before the recession. The recession lasted roughly from 2007 to mid-2009.

  For all of New York City, median household income rose to $52,223 from $51,640, still well below the $55,307 recorded in 2008. Among racial and ethnic groups, non-Hispanic whites had the highest median income at $75,145, while Hispanics had the lowest income at $36,196. Household income climbed in every borough except Staten Island.”

    While the rest of the people suffer through this years long “recovery” the cronies of the democratic “party of the people” continue to amass a larger share of the wealth . Here is a breakdown of political contributions in the state of New York by county from Open Secrets . The counties that make up NY City have been highlighted in red .

County Total Dems Repubs Dem % Repub %
Albany $832,453 $383,191 $182,555 65% 31%
Allegany $358,232 $5,150 $321,455 2% 107%
Bronx $924,489 $491,981 $259,147 63% 33%
Broome $239,018 $80,235 $84,933 47% 50%
Cattaraugus $246,716 $99,125 $116,425 43% 51%
Cayuga $29,384 $11,300 $4,200 73% 27%
Chautauqua $65,337 $17,533 $23,540 41% 56%
Chemung $100,828 $25,318 $43,720 34% 59%
Chenango $52,544 $5,675 $15,318 27% 73%
Clinton $88,266 $55,160 $10,443 77% 15%
Columbia $159,884 $49,484 $81,913 33% 55%
Cortland $51,948 $1,230 $41,350 3% 97%
Delaware $16,977 $1,170 $13,040 8% 89%
Dutchess $1,784,367 $802,868 $238,474 76% 23%
Erie $2,181,003 $727,933 $855,811 44% 52%
Essex $46,639 $29,314 $10,792 71% 26%
Franklin $41,397 $35,133 $2,050 93% 5%
Fulton $18,545 $3,300 $7,500 31% 69%
Genesee $53,296 $1,430 $20,125 5% 67%
Greene $33,729 $12,214 $18,825 39% 60%
Hamilton $2,350 $0 $1,100 0% 100%
Herkimer $11,248 $750 $8,840 8% 92%
Jefferson $58,041 $26,620 $24,067 53% 47%
Kings $3,438,912 $2,348,115 $557,592 78% 18%
Lewis $6,207 $300 $3,750 7% 93%
Livingston $35,399 $14,100 $14,800 47% 49%
Madison $552,482 $174,930 $112,349 60% 38%
Monroe $1,337,043 $360,273 $404,245 45% 50%
Montgomery $54,773 $31,706 $4,641 87% 13%
Nassau $9,210,840 $4,908,779 $2,562,665 63% 33%
New York $95,166,048 $32,967,225 $18,250,397 62% 34%
Niagara $137,591 $22,160 $62,208 25% 69%
Oneida $248,758 $26,426 $160,517 14% 86%
Onondaga $954,560 $370,729 $338,036 52% 47%
Ontario $270,380 $105,737 $56,580 61% 33%
Orange $485,413 $158,788 $169,341 48% 51%
Orleans $5,941 $250 $700 26% 74%
Oswego $23,659 $7,715 $9,200 45% 54%
Otsego $80,360 $30,635 $27,936 50% 46%
Putnam $254,789 $161,381 $46,776 78% 22%
Queens $2,017,775 $1,319,483 $214,036 83% 13%
Rensselaer $81,218 $25,599 $16,415 58% 37%
Richmond $646,894 $245,350 $291,433 45% 54%
Rockland $686,287 $289,070 $248,210 54% 46%
Saratoga $591,700 $119,103 $289,534 28% 69%
Schenectady $172,619 $32,170 $74,433 30% 68%
Schoharie $22,100 $4,375 $9,825 30% 68%
Schuyler $17,857 $5,894 $6,860 44% 52%
Seneca $23,275 $18,075 $3,050 86% 14%
St Lawrence $70,106 $18,754 $8,039 70% 30%
Steuben $268,910 $75,518 $121,175 32% 52%
Suffolk $7,121,374 $1,765,721 $1,313,877 56% 42%
Sullivan $93,515 $35,399 $48,207 42% 57%
Tioga $31,489 $10,860 $4,550 70% 30%
Tompkins $761,230 $622,917 $39,181 92% 6%
Ulster $307,856 $207,806 $61,191 77% 23%
Warren $102,985 $25,107 $55,520 30% 67%
Washington $32,751 $11,360 $8,480 51% 38%
Wayne $45,227 $12,067 $13,150 48% 52%
Westchester $13,844,798 $6,196,725 $3,578,224 61% 35%
Wyoming $11,063 $750 $3,180 19% 81%
Yates $19,500 $5,600 $10,992 32% 62%
” These figures show county-by-county breakdowns of all contributions of $200 or more to federal candidates, parties, PACs, and outside spending organizations (including super PACs). The party breakdown shows how much went to Democratic and Republican candidates, parties and “leadership PACs.” Where party percentages don’t add up to 100 percent, the rest went to outside spending organizations, third parties or independents. The overall total also includes contributions to corporate, labor and ideological PACs that are not affiliated with either party. Totals are based on contribution data from the Federal Election Commission released electronically on August 19, 2014.

  Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.”

   Is it any wonder why Obama considers Manhattan his own personal piggy bank ? Remember that the last time a Republican won the electoral votes of New York was in 1984 .

NY Times

Pedestrian Hit By Flying Buzzsaw In Midtown Manhattan



Manhattan %22Buzzsaw%22




” A woman walking past a crew tearing up a Manhattan street was struck by a flying buzzsaw Tuesday, police said.

  The construction company, which was doing work for the city, was tearing up the roadway to fix a water main at 48th Street and Ninth Avenue when the saw flew into the air.

  Matthew Bisi was walking by when the 3-foot blade “came shooting down the sidewalk.”

” I hear the blade and see the blade literally coming off the machine,” he said. “It was huge. It looked like it was from a horror flick. I couldn’t believe it.”

  It traveled about 100 feet before hitting a tree and then sliced into a woman “straight on,” according to Bisi.

” It took her right down, gashes on the side of the thigh,” he said. “The force of that coming in was pretty hard.” 


Below is the raw security camera footage from Ray & Frank Liquor Store








More at NBCNewYork











         Staggering 360-Degree Image Taken 1,776ft Up The Nation’s Tallest Skyscraper Is Released As One World Trade Center Prepares To Finally Open




Top Of AmericaClick Pic To Go To Time's Interactive GigaPic

” The beautiful image is also available online in interactive high-resolution that allows users to pan across the panorama and to zoom in onto landmarks such as the George Washington Bridge 11 miles away and across the five boroughs of New York City and across to New Jersey.

   The 360-degree view was constructed digitally with computer software developed by GigaPan Systems of Portland, Oregon using the same technology as NASA’s Mars rovers.”



      Back in January we featured a post on a GigaPixelArt creation , an interactive panoramic “Easter Egg Hunt” in Seattle that was immediately called to mind by this photo . Check it out .



” The image marks something of a resolution too. Twelve-years on from the destruction by terrorists of the Twin Towers this is a view that some thought would never be seen again in New York City.”




Clean up, recovery and construction: This is the World Trade Center development site seen from the newly opened 7 World Trade Center in 2006 as work on the huge foundations of One World Trade Center began unseen by the public hundreds of feet below ground

Photo: James Leynse

” Over the past 12-years, nine governors of New Jersey and New York, two mayors and thousands of victims’ families all battled over real estate that also needed to be a shrine.

  It took three years of clearing and cleaning for the cornerstone to be laid and another two years after that for construction to actually start.”



Relief: Indeed, for many, this image is a relief. The political and bureacratic wrangling over how to rebuild the 16-acre hole in downtown Manhattan left by the destruction of the old World Trade Center was one that many feared with never be filed again

Photo: Getty Images

    Regular readers may remember our post on the final assembly of the spire or the 9 year time lapse construction video . This is the final product . It’s no Twin Towers , but better than a hole in the ground . I guess . Here are the building by the numbers …



” Building, with observation deck, height: 1,368 feet, the height of the original WTC North Tower

Building, with observation deck and antenna, height: 1,776, the year the Declaration of Independence was signed

Base: 200 feet square, the same as the original twin towers

Stories: 104

Total number of steelworkers involved: 10,000

Total amount of steel used in the construction: 48,000 tons

Total number of external glass panels: 13,000

Total square foot of One World Trade Center: 3.5 million square feet

Amount of steel used in construction is enough to build FIVE Empire State Buildings

Depth of foundations: 200 feet below the streets of Lower Manhattan

Number of 18th Century British revolutionary warships found during construction: 1

Final price tag of construction: $3.9 billion

Number of steelworkers killed during building: 0

Height of antannae: 408-feet “



 Lot’s more info and pictures at the Daily Mail 












Teens Defend ‘Fail Factory’ School In Error-Filled Letters


Teens defend ‘fail factory’ school in error-filled letters

” Earlier this month, The Post exposed a scheme at Manhattan’s Murry Bergtraum HS for Business Careers in which failing students could get full credit without attending class, but instead watch video lessons and take tests online. One social-studies teacher had a roster of 475 students in all grades and subjects.

  Red-faced administrators encouraged a student letter-writing campaign to attack The Post and defend its “blended learning” program. Eighteen kids e-mailed to argue that their alma mater got a bad rap.

  Almost every letter was filled with spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

  A junior wrote: “What do you get of giving false accusations im one of the students that has blended learning I had a course of English and I passed and and it helped a lot you’re a reported your support to get truth information other than starting rumors . . .

  Another wrote: “To deeply criticize a program that has helped many students especially seniors to graduate I should not see no complaints.

  One student said the online system beats the classroom because “you can digest in the information at your own paste.

“ Us as New York City Students deserve respect and encouragement,” one letter read. “We are the future of New York City and for some students, The future of the country.”

  A Murry Bergtraum teacher said, “I am embarrassed that the school will graduate students who write this poorly.” “

Olya YarychkivskaHuman Chain Of Freedom

Razom for Ukraine


Chain Of Freedom



” Dear friends, please join us on Saturday, Feb 22nd to support Ukrainian people.

  We are inviting you to come to Brooklyn Bridge (the Manhattan Side) to form a human chain to demonstrate our solidarity with people of Ukraine. We will hold Ukrainian flags, sing the national anthem and light candles in memory of killed protesters. Please bring Ukrainian flags, black ribbons and battery operated candles to the event.”











Biker Cop Joined In SUV Beatdown, Hit Vehicle



” An off-duty undercover cop who had claimed he took no active role as fellow bikers pulled a Manhattan dad from his SUV and beat him to a pulp was actually pounding the vehicle with his fists at the height of the bloody road-rage attack, sources told The Post.

The cop, a seven-year veteran, had told investigators he didn’t help the injured man because he rode up to the scene as the beating was nearly over, sources said.

But video footage clearly shows otherwise, disgusted sources said Monday — and Internal Affairs Bureau higher-ups want to nail the officer.

The unidentified cop has already been placed on modified duty and turned in his gun and badge.”










 The Rise Of Lawlessness  


 The Driver Who Was Chased And Beaten Up In Front Of His Wife And Child By A Pack Of Motorcyclists After Trying To Run Over Them In His SUV


Pictured: Alexian Lien drove through a swarm of motorcyclists in his SUV on a New York City highway, apparently in fear of his safety and that of his wife and 5-month-old baby


” Video has emerged showing the shocking moment a Range Rover driver apparently drove through a crowd of motorbikes as it fled with its family inside for fear of being attacked.

Police have revealed the bikers started to damage the vehicle after the driver, 33-year-old Alexian Lien, hit a motorcyclist.

Fearing for the safety of his wife Roslyn Ng and young child, aged five months, the SUV driver then sped off, hitting several bikers in its path.

The six-minute film shows the SUV hit another motorcyclist after it was chased by the pack of bikers.

The family are eventually brought to a standstill in Manhattan traffic and immediately bikers run to attack the vehicle, smashing the driver’s window and attempting to smash the rear door window.”

Video of the attack can be viewed here.











Pack Of Motorcyclists Beat Up SUV Driver After High-Speed Chase When He TWICE Ran Over Bikers In Bid To Escape With Wife And Child


NYC Motorcyclists


” Video has emerged showing the shocking moment a Range Rover driver apparently drove through a crowd of motorbikes as it fled with its family inside for fear of being attacked.

According to police, the bikers started to damage the vehicle after the driver accidentally hit a motorcyclist.

Fearing for the safety of his wife and young child, aged under five, the SUV driver then sped off, hitting several bikers in it path.

The six-minute film shows the SUV hit another motorcyclist after it was chased by the pack of bikers.

The family are eventually brought to a standstill in Manhattan traffic and immediately bikers run in to attack the vehicle, smashing the driver’s window and attempting to smash the rear door window.”










The 3D Map That Shows The Vast Income Difference Between Neighborhoods


Stark vision: Artist and web researcher Nikolay Lamm created visualizations in which he superimposed graphs representing median household net worth onto aerial views on Manhattan



” Surveying the breathtaking skyline of New York City, it is sometimes impossible to see with the naked eye the huge difference in income beneath the surface. 

But artist and web researcher Nikolay Lamm decided to change all that with his new set of visualizations created for the site MyDeals.com, in which he superimposed graphs representing median household net worth onto aerial views of Manhattan, to startling effect.

For example, a neighborhood where the net worth is $500,000 would be represented by a 3D bar graph 5cm high, compared to an area where the net worth is only $50,000, where a bar would be 0.5cm high.”







Woman Who Said She Was Raped In 2001 By Sheldon Silver Aide Critical Of Latest Scandal



” Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is coming under increasing fire for leaving top aide Bill Collins on the payroll despite his mishandling of another sexual harassment complaint.

Among those joining the fray Thursday was Elizabeth Crothers, the former Assembly legislative aide who in 2001 accused Silver’s then-chief counsel Michael Boxley of raping her.

Crothers said Collins further victimized her in 2003 when he sent a letter threatening to smear her in the press if she continued to speak out after a second staffer accused Boxley of rape.

Now, Collins is in hot water for allegedly covering up allegations made four years ago against Assemblyman Micah Kellner, a Manhattan Democrat, by a twenty-something woman who worked for him.

Aides to Silver, who vowed to make the Assembly a safer place for women, claim he acted swiftly by immediately referring the matter to the chamber’s Ethics Committee when he learned that Collins had failed to bring the Kellner matter to his attention four years ago. But he has offered no explanation for why Collins is still drawing his $145,000 salary.”

    Silver is a disgrace and it seems entirely likely that Mr Collins is offering himself up as a scapegoat to save Shelly “hushmoney” Silver’s career . A safer environment for women , indeed . 


  For more on the true nature of Shelly Silver’s respect for women and the law see these previous posts …


“And Therein Lies The Rot That Is Albany”

NY State Assembly Democrats Shamefully Muzzle Debate On Sexual Harassment

Shelly Silver Sued Over Sexual Harrassment Hush Money

More On Why Sheldon Silver Must Go







Port Authority Releases Photo Of One WTC Workers At Dizzying Heights


” The World Trade Center has tweeted a photo of its workers placing the spire on top of One World Trade Center tower, at incredible heights of 1,700 feet. 

The spectacular photo, taken on May 10th, shows the brave iron workers installing the final sections on top of One WTC, with New York City sprawled beneath them.”

See Also : One World Trade Center: A View From The Top


And Finally : One World Trade Center Reaches Full Height


10 Things You May Not Know About The Brooklyn Bridge







” The Brooklyn Bridge opened to the public on May 24, 1883, thereby connecting Manhattan with Brooklyn for the first time. Dubbed the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” early visitors gawked at its immense granite towers and thick steel cables, not to mention its birds-eye views. The bridge, which took 14 years and around $15 million to complete, remains among New York City’s top tourist attractions and a busy thoroughfare for commuters. On its 130th birthday, here are 10 things you may not know about the frequently photographed landmark.”



Read The Rest






How They Got Away With It


” This time, it’s about sex. An all-too-detailed report on the Vito Lopez scandal reveals that the once-powerful assemblyman and Brooklyn Democratic leader harassed and humiliated his female staffers — demanding that they wear sexy clothes, playing with their hair, plying them with alcohol, luring them to hotel rooms and sticking his creepy hand up their skirts.

Perhaps most depressing of all was the reaction from Assembly Democrats when told their leader had turned a blind eye to despicable, potentially criminal behavior and put young women in harm’s way:

They excused him. They forgave him. They defended him. They praised his leadership.

Above all, they scoffed at the idea that the Manhattan Democrat’s 19-year reign as speaker should end.

The key to understanding all of this, as with so much of the corruption in Albany of late, is the corrosive culture of the Legislature.

And that begins and ends with the Democrat-controlled Assembly’s near-absolute boss rule.

As soon as they get elected, like it or not, Democrats forfeit virtually all of their power to Silver — who’s now been speaker for 19 years running — as their party leader and speaker.

Assembly members are independently elected, yes. They have their own ideas and their own duties to their districts and constituents.

But as soon as they cross the Capitol threshold, they basically become Silver’s employees.

He singlehandedly determines what laws his members can bring to the floor and pass, what committees they sit on, what hearings they hold and how much cash they’re allotted to hire staff and rent office space. He can even manipulate their salaries by awarding — or taking away — leadership posts that come with extra stipends ranging from $9,000 to $41,500.”






Fireworks Show Prompts Some In Manhattan To Fear A Terrorist Attack





” A late-night charity fireworks show on Manhattan’s West Side on Thursday night had residents fearing they were under attack.

It started late, at 10 p.m., and as CBS 2’s Hazel Sanchez reported Friday, many people were caught off guard.

As revelers aboard the Intrepid enjoyed fireworks lighting up the sky above the Hudson River, blasts echoed through West Side neighborhoods, leaving many residents fearing the worst.

“I thought we were actually coming under attack. I didn’t think fireworks. With everything that’s going on, it’s nerve-wracking,” resident Dahlia Rodriguez said.

The fireworks spectacle was the finale to an evening charity gala for North Shore-LIJ Health System, but nearly 100 unknowing and concerned locals had no idea and called 311.”







Man Faces 3 Years In Jail For Pulling ‘Unlicensed’ Gun On Burglar Inside His Home




” George Bardwil, who owns linen company Bardwil Home, was in his E Street apartment when an intruder came into his home in January, The Daily Mail reports.

Mr. Bardwil, 60, threatened the intruder with a loaded .40 cal Sig Sauer. The man fled and Mr. Bardwil called the police.

After showing the cops footage from his home surveillance cameras, they arrested him under suspicions of owning an illegal firearm.”

The Daily Mail has much more …


Millionaire Points Gun At Burglar Who Broke Into His Home –

But Cops Arrest HIM Because Weapon Was Unlicensed


” Bardwil – known as the ‘Linen King’ – denies the charges and pleaded not guilty to gun possession at the Supreme Court in Manhattan yesterday.

His defense lawyer Michael Bachner told the New York Post that the loaded .40 cal Sig Sauer was kept in a secure box in Bardwil’s apartment and was legally registered to his bodyguard.

Prosecutors will recommend a three year sentence at court.

Mr Bachner told the New York Post: ‘There’s no dispute that George was being burglarized.

‘George had been the victim of multiple burglaries, and the DA’s office concedes that it was used in self defense.’ “



HT/Guns Save Lives








State Judge Halts Bloomberg Ban On Large Sugary Drinks In New York City


 ” A New York judge is forcing the Bloomberg administration to take a big gulp — striking down its groundbreaking  controversial limit on the size of sugary drinks in New York City shortly before it was set to take effect.Manhattan state Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling wrote in his opinion that the rules are “arbitrary and capricious,” applying to only certain beverages and only certain stores.

“The loopholes in this rule effectively defeat the stated purpose of this rule,” he wrote, complaining of “uneven enforcement even within a particular City block, much less the City as a whole.”

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the city plans to appeal, calling the ruling “clearly an error.” “



City Hikes Taxes On Sandy-Hit Houses




” Homeowners in an exclusive waterfront enclave in Brooklyn thought Hurricane Sandy was as cruel a blow as they could suffer — until the taxman proved them wrong.

The city is claiming that property values have actually shot up for many homes in Manhattan Beach and it’s going ahead with hefty tax hikes for the houses devastated by the October superstorm, shocked property owners told The Post.

Homeowners in other neighborhoods hit by Sandy, including Coney Island, the Rockaways and parts of Staten Island, also said they’ve received increases.

“This is totally insensitive and heartless,” said Ira Zalcman, president of the Manhattan Beach Community Group, which has received more than 30 complaints from residents about the hikes.

“We just sustained one of the worst national disasters in our nation’s history, and now the city is delusional, claiming our property values went up.”



   We’d have more pity for these homeowners if we didn’t know that that they are reaping the benefits of the over-arching government they regularly vote into office .

   They are getting a taste of how the rest of the non-liberal NY residents feel everyday living in a state who’s politics are completely dominated by the left-wing voters of NYC.




Tell us again why we law-abiding gun owners should register our guns .




” Below is a 446-page list of every licensed gun owner in New York City. I obtained it from the NYPD two-and-a-half years ago via a Freedom of Information Law request. Because the NYPD is more interested in raping and/or eating ladies and spying on Muslims than it is in honoring public records law, the list contains only the names, and not the addresses, of the licensees…

Here’s the full, searchable, NYPD list. (And for the record, they are not all assholes. Some of them need guns for legitimate reasons for their jobs, like providing security for assholes.)

Cook singles out Sean Hannity, Roger Ailes, former Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack, Howard Stern, Don Imus, and Donald Trump for criticism. Apparently owning a gun permit is now enough to get you labeled an “asshole” from a left that considers all gun owners evildoers ”





Love The View

7 Stunning Photos Of Escalator Hoisted To The Top Of World Trade Center



An escalator by ThyssenKrupp Elevator being hoisted to the 101st floor of One World Trade Center


” Offering a remarkable view of New York City, photos by a ThyssenKrupp Elevator staffer show an escalator being pulled to the top of the new One World Trade Center.

One of 11 escalators to be installed on the site, this piece of machinery dangles high above Lower Manhattan as workers hoist it up to the 101st floor.”