NY SAFE Act Reform On The Table







” Two years after the state adopted among the toughest gun-control measures in the nation, some Republican state lawmakers are seeking reforms to the controversial law.

  Republicans senators in recent days have introduced bills that would either repeal the so-called SAFE Act or modify it, such as allowing homeowners to have 10 bullets, instead of seven, in a handgun at home.

  Critics said the law was hastily passed in the middle of the night in January 2013 and needs to be revisited. For example, a federal judge has ruled the seven-bullet limit as unconstitutional, and police aren’t enforcing it. The law is also being fought in court.

  Gov. Andrew Cuomo championed the law in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting in 2012, and he’s shown no interest in major changes. Some Democrats said they want to make the law stronger, while gun-rights advocates held numerous protests calling for its repeal.

  Republicans, who took a majority in the state Senate this month, said they would press for changes.

” I think the time is right for, if not outright repeal, then certainly modifications to the SAFE Act, and I’m hopeful we are going to see some movement on it in the new session,” said Sen. Phil Boyle, R-Suffolk County, who is sponsoring the “Defend Our Homes Act.”

  Since the law took effect in March 2013, there were 3,930 arrests as of mid-December under the various SAFE Act offenses, state records obtained by Gannett’s Albany Bureau showed.

  The overwhelmingly majority of the arrests — 3,230 — were in New York City, mainly in the Bronx and Brooklyn. Outside the city, the most were on Long Island and then Monroe County, where there were 69 arrests, records shows.

  There were 53 arrests under the SAFE Act in Erie County, 34 in Westchester County and 14 in Broome County.

  The most — 3,173 — were for criminal possession of a firearm, which was made a felony under the law. Of the total arrests, 2,409 were in 2014.”




    We won’t hold our breath over this one . In reality is changing the allowable pistol magazine capacity from 7 rounds to 10 any kind of significant reform ? We don’t think so especially since a Federal court has already ruled that provision of the law is unconstitutional .

   The only legitimate “reform” to the SAFE Act is outright repeal given that the law was another example of a Democratic majority pulling the wool over their constituents eyes with a rushed , dead of the night vote , shades of Obamacare

Read the rest and decide for yourself …