Tag Archive: Magazine Ban

Lawmakers Introduce Measure To Ban High-Capacity Magazines





” A group of lawmakers introduced a measure in Washington on Thursday that aims to end the sale of large-capacity ammunition, used by mass shooters in Newtown, Connecticut; Aurora, Colorado; Tucson, Arizona; and Fort Hood, Texas.

  Co-sponsors Rep. Elizabeth Esty of Connecticut and Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, both Democrats, unveiled the Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act. The bill would ban the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

“ The only thing more senseless than the gun violence that has taken too many of our nation’s children and countless innocent Americans is the failure of Congress to pass common sense gun safety measures, like this one, that are supported by 90 percent of the American public,” Menendez said. “


Read more












New Jersey Bill Is Outright Gun Ban On .22-Caliber Rifles And Leads To Confiscation


By newly proposed NJ law this is now an “assault” rifle … slippery slope ? Nah



” New Jersey has become ground zero this year for legislative battles over gun control.

  The Brady Campaign ranked the state third in the nation for most restrictive firearms laws, yet anti-gun Democrats who control the legislature are determined to go all the way to gun bans and confiscation.

  The New Jersey Assembly’s Law and Public Safety Committee was scheduled to hold a public hearing on Monday (postponed for snow) about a bill that reduces the maximum magazine capacity from 15 to 10.

  Since the legislation covers both detachable and fixed magazines, it has the effect of to banning popular, low-caliber rifles.

  The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs gave the draft legislation to top firearms experts in the country to determine what guns would fall under the expanded ban.

  They discovered that the bill would affect tube-fed, semi-automatic rifles because the magazine cannot be separated from the gun.

  Thus, the experts found that at least 43 common rifles would suddenly be considered a prohibited “assault firearm,” such as the .22 caliber Marlin Model 60, Remington Nylon 66 and Winchester 190.

  Just having one such gun would turn a law-abiding owner into a felon overnight.”

Emily Miller has more . From a state that banned certain pellet rifles this should come as little surprise . I guess the feeling among NJ pols is that their constituents are as corrupt as their leaders .









Torpedo Los! Another Toys For Totalitarians Shipment Delivered, This Time To Andrew Cuomo

” USPS reports that the following letter and package was signed for by A Hasson at Albany, NY, at 9:24 this morning.

23 December 2013

Andrew M. Cuomo

NYS State Capitol Building

Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo,

  Merry Christmas! Although it will no doubt get to you late, enclosed you will find my Christmas gift to you, one thirty-round standard capacity AK-74 magazine in 5.45×39 caliber, manufactured by TAPCO, USA, located in the great little town of Kennesaw, Georgia, where every head of household residing within the city limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition. You have been awarded this gift as part of what my friend David Codrea calls my “Toys for Totalitarians Campaign.”

  I selected this magazine in honor of Mikhail Kalashnikov, who died today. Given your collectivist politics, I thought it was an appropriate choice, since Kalashnikov was an unrepentant Soviet to the end of his days. To other tyranneau governors such as yourself — Hickenlooper of Colorado and Malloy of Connecticut — I sent magazines manufactured in their states to remind them of the companies (and jobs) departing their jurisdictions because of their own unconstitutional laws banning such devices to otherwise honest, law-abiding citizens. But you don’t need any reminders about what the wildly misnamed SAFE Act is costing your state, so the Kalashnikov magazine seemed the appropriate choice. From one collectivist to another, I thought.”





Vanderboegh defies anti-gun governors with ‘Toys for Totalitarians’

Freedom fighters launch ‘Toys for Totalitarians’

Federal Judge Upholds Majority Of SAFE Act




” Gun control advocates won a major victory Tuesday, but the fight over New York’s SAFE Act is far from over.

  An appeal of Chief U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny’s decision upholding most of the new law is all but guaranteed.

  And that appeal may come from supporters of the law, as well.

“ I think there’s going to be appeals on both sides,” said Brian T. Stapleton, a lawyer for the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, one of the groups fighting the law.

  Stapleton’s prediction is based on Skretny’s decision to uphold two key elements of the law, the state’s ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and his rejection of a third component, the seven-round limit for magazines.

  The judge called the seven-round limit “tenuous, strained and unsupported.” “



See this related article on compliance and enforcement



” “People know that registration leads to confiscation,” said Jacob Rieper, a spokesman for the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, referring to the portion of the law that requires anyone possessing a military-style assault rifle on Jan. 15 register it by April 15. 

  Failure to do so is a misdemeanor. But Rieper and other gun-rights advocates predict many owners will run the risk, which may not be much of a gamble if their belief that local police, sheriffs and the state police will not go out of their way to aggressively enforce the law holds true.

“ The rank-and-file troopers don’t want anything to do with it,” state Assemblyman Bill Nojay, a Republican from suburban Rochester, said on Monday. “I don’t know of a single sheriff upstate who is going to enforce it.

“ If you don’t have the troopers and you don’t have the sheriffs, who have you got? You’ve got (Gov.) Andrew Cuomo pounding on the table in Albany,” Nojay said.”


Do Not Comply …


“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”


Thomas Jefferson








Colorado Sheriffs’ Lawsuit Forces Changes to Gun Control Laws



” There are plenty of problems with the magazine ban enacted by the Colorado legislature, so much so that two of the Democrats who spearheaded the effort are now facing recall elections. But two of the worst provisions have now been de-fanged thanks to a lawsuit (Cooke et al. v. Hickenlooper) brought by 55 elected sheriffs against Governor Hickenlooper . . .

The two provisions in question go a long way toward illustrating how little that people who write gun control laws know about how guns actually work.

The first was a provision that any magazine that can be “readily converted” to a “high capacity” magazine is banned from sale, which would have banned every magazine with a removable baseplate. On April 4th, Governor Hickenlooper had this to say about that aspect of the new law:

Well there are certain magazines that are actually…uh…designed and have uh…uh…specific holes and attachments to be…to be extended and those specific magazines…uh…where there’s…uh…a…certain level of design specifically just for extension rather than just cleaning. Uh…but that’s not very many of them.”










Magpul Floods Colorado With Ammo Magazines 2 Days Before Gun Laws Kick In




” Two days before Colorado’s new gun-control laws take effect, Magpul Industries decided to mark the occasion by flooding the state with thousands of soon-to-be-outlawed ammunition magazines.

An estimated 5,000 gun-rights advocates lined up hours in advance Saturday to score 20,000 free and discounted 30-round ammunition magazines at “A Farewell to Arms,” billed as a “freedom festival” for those disenchanted with the state Legislature’s aggressive gun-control push.

“We’ve come to stock up on our PMAGs, but we’re also here to send a loud, friggin’ clear message to the politicians of this state: Colorado belongs to us and not to [New York Mayor] Michael Bloomberg,” said Kelly Maher, spokeswoman for Free Colorado, which organized the festival.

The highlight of the event came as a Magpul helicopter landed near the field, dropping off boxes of magazines along with keynote speaker Dana Loesch, a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host based in St. Louis.”








We Won a Stunning Victory Today!






” Here are the highlights of what happened today:

(1) The most important vote was the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer national gun registry proposal. With 60 votes needed for passage, the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment was shot down by a vote of 54-46.

GOA and NRA strongly opposed the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment. But we were surprised to see that another gun group – not only said they supported the Toomey language, but – said they helped write the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer text. Thankfully, their support for this gun control language was not enough to get it passed.

(2) The Cornyn-Vitter-Thune amendment – pushed hard by Gun Owners of America – received a 57-43 vote (so we fell three votes short since 60 were needed). This provision would have allowed concealed carry holders and persons in constitutional carry states to carry nationwide. The overwhelming vote on this amendment sets the stage for bringing it up again and again on must-pass legislation.

(3) As predicted, the Feinstein gun ban lost by a vote of 40-60 – falling far short of a majority – and the magazine ban lost by a vote of 46-54.

Today is a day to celebrate! We thank God for all of you and for all the Help that we have received in this long struggle to stop infringements of our liberties.”








NYSAFE Act: Keeping our communities safe while respecting hunters and sportsmen

Gun Owners

” The SAFE Act prevents criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from buying guns, cracks down on illegal guns and bans only the most dangerous assault weapons. The SAFE Act protects law- abiding citizens right to bear arms and does not restrict New Yorkers’ ability to buy, sell, keep or use their guns.” *

   This is what you will find at the confiscation registration website . Each of the questions is hotlinked to a dropdown menu with the state – approved answer.

   You can register here but you cannot see the registration form until you have already given the State Police all of your personal information . Name , address , DOB , description , driver’s license # etc .

Frequently Asked Questions:

Assault Weapons

Q: I own a gun that I use for hunting, is it an assault weapon?
Q: I own a handgun, is that an assault weapon?
Q: I am not sure if the gun I own is an assault weapon. How do I find out?
Q: I have an assault weapon. Do I have to give it up?
Q: How does registering my gun compare to getting a handgun license?
Q: What do I do if I don’t want to register my assault weapon?
Q: If I modify my gun by removing all design characteristics that makes it an
assault weapon, do I have to register it?
Q: If I don’t currently own an assault weapon, how does the new ban on
assault weapons affect me?

Assault Weapon Registration

Q: Where do I get the assault weapon registration form?
Q: How much does the registration cost?
Q: How do I complete the form?
Q: Once the form is submitted, how will I know that my weapon has been successfully registered?
Q: By when do I have to register my weapon?
Q: What happens if I fail to register my weapon by the deadline?
Q: Will this information be publically available?
Q: Once I’ve registered my weapon, do I ever have to register it again?
Q: Do I have any other obligations associated with registering my assault weapon?


Q: How does the SAFE Act impact magazines?
Q: Can I continue to buy 10 round magazines?
Q: How many rounds can I put in my magazine?
Q: Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Antique Guns & Magazines

Q: Is there any exception for historic or antique guns and magazines?
Q: What qualifies as an antique gun or magazine?
Q: I have an antique gun that now qualifies as an assault weapon. Can I transfer it?
Q: I have an antique gun with a magazine that can contain more than ten rounds.
Can I keep the magazine?

Private Sales

Q: What types of private handgun, rifle or shotgun sales or transfers are subject to background check requirements?
Q: What family members are exempt from the private sale/transfer provision?
Q: As a private individual seller/transferor, how do I conduct a background check
on a buyer or transferee?
Q: Do I need to get a background check if I am selling or transferring the firearm
to a relative?
Q: Are dealers required to facilitate a private sale or transfer?
Q: What if I fail to comply with the background check provision?

Safe Storage

Q: When am I required to safely store my gun?
Q: What do I have to do to safely store my gun?

Please note: This website is informational only and does not constitute legal advice.



* We’ve got a bridge for sale if you believe this .





   PS : Here is a poem from the comments at the Breitbart link to the NY State registration story .We thought it very apt for the occasion .


John (magnum)  MarvLS1 • 32 minutes ago


America is the land of the free,
Millions have died for you and me.
Our Constitution is under attack,
By “The Messiah” , the socialist Barack .

The Democrat party has ceased to be,
They wish total control over you and me.
Socialists and Communists they have become,
Destroy America, their rule number one.

Cutting the military their ultimate goal,
Along with selling their devilish soul.
Drones in the sky in the land of the free,
So they can keep tabs on you and me.

The Second Amendment they HATE you see,
Because it means freedom for you and me.
They tap our phones and e-mail too,
They are afraid of what we can do.

They want my guns, they are saying to me,
Not as long as I breath and able to see.
I took my oath and went to Nam,
They WILL NOT get guns from this old man !

Many have died for the red white and blue,
If the need arises, I will too.
Guns from my hands they will have to pry,
MOLON LABE is the battle cry !!!!!!

John D USN RVN 71, 72, 73, evac 75









Colorado House Bill 1224: Magazine Ban Worse Than Advertised

Colorado Dems Seek To Ban State’s Most Widely Used Hunting Shotgun…



“Hundreds of thousands of pheasant hunters are probably going to be carrying around a gun they won’t be able to replace after July 1 this year,” he said.

Brophy points to a section of the bill that defines a high-capacity magazine as one capable of accepting or — that can be readily converted — to accept more than 15 rounds or eight shotgun shells.





The heartstrings party once again leaves reason behind in pursuit of their single-minded statist agenda . 


 “You didn’t think Congress would do nothing after the Aurora shooting, did you — especially the Democrat-controlled Senate?  Fueled by the detail that the AR-15 (not an AK-47) used in the massacre had a high-capacity drum magazine — which jammed — Senate Democrats have offered an amendment to the pending cybersecurity bill that would ban possession of magazines past a maximum 10-round capacity:”