Tag Archive: Loss

Seems to us there were 2.5 million reasons …





  1. They Allowed Democrats To Pick Their Nominee For Them. A succession of potential Republican nominees -– Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich –- were bright, attractive, and have compelling narratives. Instead, Republican voters (or, at least, enough of them) bought into this Democratic mantra that only a liberal stand-for-nothing Republican can win a presidential election.
  2. Having Nominated A Stand-For-Nothing, He Proceeded To Run To The Left.  That never works! In modern times (i.e.after the Lyndon Johnson era), five GOP nominees who have been PERCEIVED (rightly or wrongly) as “conservatives” all won the presidency. Four who were perceived, rightly, as being moderate (Ford, Bush ’92, Dole, and McCain) all lost. The only possible outlier was Bush ’88, who, frankly, was running for Reagan’s “third term.”
  3. The House GOP Should Have Used The September Continuing Resolution To Frame The Election.  The House Republicans, without help from anyone, could have refused to pass a continuing resolution for October 1 through March 31, unless it barred funds from being used to hire IRS agents to investigate, prosecute, and incarcerate people who filed to pay their ObamaCare premiums/fines. Had that been the case, all of October would have been spent debating Obama’s threat to shut down the government for the sole purpose of preserving the mandate.
  4. Instead, Paul Ryan Came Off The Campaign To Return To Washington For The Explicit Purpose Of Voting To Fund ObamaCare (And Other Obama Priorities). This is similar to when John McCain suspended his campaign to come back to Washington and pass TARP.

…  Not Moderation

”  If Mitt Romney had lost the election solely because of Ohio, I would be lamenting his lack of a populist appeal. Or, if he had lost Florida narrowly, I might be writing about how Gary Johnson played spoiler.

Instead, I’m writing about an identity crisis.

Make no mistake, the GOP faces serious challenges going forward. This wasn’t “just a loss.” “

  ” You can tell that President Obama’s press conference statement Friday morning — “The PRIVATE SECTOR IS DOING FINE”— is a big problem for Democrats, the left, and much of the media simply because they’re spending so much time and energy denying that it is.”

Read this and visit the reason for the denial .


Blumer goes on

   ” Even on a percentage basis, it’s clear that the private sector, where employment is almost 4% lower than it was at peak employment, is still the biggest problem — or “drag,” if you will — of the bunch. Wait until you see what that means in terms of actual headcount: ”


  Denial is all they can do at this point . This is a George H W Bush scanner moment . Of course the press wasn’t carrying Bush Sr’s water as with our dear Wile E but these kind of numbers cannot be ignored or buried on page 23 .

   Which leaves us , the producing , wealth creating , government subsidizing , taxpaying citizens about like this …


We realize that in the past we’ve portrayed our buddy Wile E as Obama , as we will continue to do , and that this time we used him as a metaphor for US .

Our apologies …

  We are thinking though , that the above picture could also represent  (hopefully) Obama and his chances come November …

   That’s a more pleasant reality to strive towards .

Thanks to PJmedia for the graphs and Tammy Bruce for Wile E Coyote

Don’t Get LOST

  Be sure and make a stink to your Senator . We don’t want to get LOST.

No UN treaties at all . These things are just blatant attempts to subvert our Constitution .  

 “Insisting Republican Senators Uphold American Values and Interests by OPPOSING LOST ( the Law of the Sea Treaty)!”