Tag Archive: Looting

Front Line Ferguson Mike Brown Supporters Burnt The Town To The Ground

Published on Nov 25, 2014

” The Protests turned violent and quickly became an orgy of insanity, the militarized police and violent protesters made life in Ferguson a very dangerous place. “

In The Immortal Words Of MLK

    The lone woman can be seen defending her store (Papa John’s) from about the 1:10 mark , while the rest of the video is well worth the viewing as an example of the thuggish , criminal behavior on display in the pursuit of “justice” .

HT/100% Fed Up

Ferguson Woman Slams Protesters: They’ve Ruined The Community, It Will Now Be A ‘Ghost Town’








” Following the announcement that Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted by a Missouri grand jury, riots broke out in the city of Ferguson, MO.

  Sara Sidner of CNN interviewed one local resident, who expressed her concern for Ferguson’s future.

“ I mean, this is crazy,” the resident said.  “I mean, the business didn’t do anything. If they were going to do something, get the right people, if they have to do it.

  When asked what she thought would happen to her community, the resident was pessimistic.

“ They’re not going to rebuild,” the resident said. “It’s going to be like a ghost town pretty soon.” “


Thanks to Washington Free Beacon










10 Of The Most Disturbing Pictures And Videos From The Ferguson Rioting Last Night



Looting Selfie





” * Some idiot doing a “Looting selfie,” courtesy of Twitchy. “



Right Wing News has the rest













Bill Whittle: Ferguson And The Real Race War





Published on Aug 20, 2014

” Since the shooting of Michael Brown by a white policeman and the ensuing riots and looting in Ferguson, MO, Americans have been told, yet again, that there is an epidemic of crime against black people in this country. But is there really a race war, and if so, which side is actually waging it? “










” A little good news to start your day, in a follow-up to Monday’s report about the dour atmosphere at the Warsaw climate-change conference: it looks like the whole shebang has collapsed, as disappointed looters marched out of the conference with empty hands, having failed to sucker “rich” nations into another junk-science redistribution scheme.  From the UK Guardian:

Representatives of most of the world’s poor countries have walked out of increasingly fractious climate negotiations after the EU, Australia, the US and other developed countries insisted that the question of who should pay compensation for extreme climate events be discussed only after 2015.”



Mr Hayward gives the beggars what for as they flee , hats in hands , back under the rocks whence they came .



” In case the looters haven’t noticed, those “rich” nations are all mired in economic slowdowns and huge debt crises, both partly due to paying decades of tithe to the Church of Global Warming.  Margaret Thatcher’s prophesied day of reckoning, when the socialists run out of other people’s money to spend, has arrived.  They certainly don’t have money to burn on the global warming fantasy any more.

Also, the most effective way to guarantee that “poor” nations remain poor is to let their elites grab bales of other people’s money in redistribution schemes and stuff the loot into government slush funds, or numbered Swiss accounts.”



  You gotta hand it to the Aussies , they certainly know how to avail an assemblage of the pomp and dignity that it so richly deserves .



” You’ve got to love the insouciant attitude of Australia toward the latest junk-science con job, in which the older developed nations would pay a stiff fine for daring to bring the benefits of the Industrial Revolution to mankind:

Australia was accused of not taking the negotiations seriously. “They wore T-shirts and gorged on snacks throughout the negotiation. That gives some indication of the manner they are behaving in,” said a spokeswoman for Climate Action Network.”











 The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina