Tag Archive: Long Term Storage

If They Come To Confiscate Your Guns You Have to Know What to Expect




” Back in January I wrote an article entitled If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? The article went on to be read by a lot of people. However…

  I have learned a thing or two about a thing or two since then. I wrote that article when I was just starting to wake up to what was going on around me. And to be quite blunt, if you think you are going to have time to reach for your gun during a full-scale confiscation, you may be sadly mistaken. Chances are you won’t even get to your guns before a red beam is dancing between your eyebrows.”





”  We have to know what to expect. This is not about ego. This is about survival and living to fight another day. So sure, I can bow out my chest and talk about how I’m going to die a glorious death with hot smoldering brass up to my knees. I can talk about how they will pry my gun from my cold dead hands. The truth is that neither is likely to happen.

  To understand the likely scenario we need to look at a situation in which full-scale gun confiscation was implemented and develop our strategy from there. Let’s talk about Hurricane Katrina.”





” Let’s get all thoughts of fantasy out of our head. We can’t assume that we will see them coming. We can’t expect a phone call from Bob who lives three blocks away. We can’t expect anything in this situation except to be surprised. Please listen to this account of someone who was there for the Katrina gun confiscation. This stuff happens with the precision of our military. This is not going to be Andy and Barney knocking on your door.”


   This article is a nice primer on hiding your guns from the State and includes the following bits of helpful tips on long term storage of firearms …


Three ways to prep your gun for hiding

Three types of storage containers

Three places to hide a gun


   In addition to the videos above that provide tips on long-term firearm storage we’ve included the video below that provides tips for the storage of ammunition , because what is a gun without ammo but a very expensive club .  




   Remember that all of these videos are provided by individual citizens with varying degrees of knowledge of the subjects on which they hold forth and so there is undoubtably room for debate . 








Surviving Urban Crisis

Hi, folks.

This one is going to be discussing the very good practice of adding dehydrated food to your survival stash.

We have used a dehydrator for over 15 years, an Excalibur model that has been utterly dependable.

After food items have been thoroughly dried using these machines, the food will remain preserved with no further energy costs and with all it’s nutrients and fiber intact for many years, with proper storage. excalibur dehydratorTypically, one puts the thinly sliced items on the trays or liquified food or fruit on the non-stick sheets into the unit, and run it at about 120 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 to 24 hours or until the item is crispy like potato chips or rolls up easily in the case of making fruit leathers.

The amount of food we’ve preserved with this machine is incredible. Anything one could cook can be dehydrated. You can save food directly…

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