Yes, I Blame White Liberals



” A white teacher said he routinely overhears vulgar and racist comments from students at an all-black high school.  I blame the black youths’ negative mindset on blacks in the civil rights exploitation business and white liberals with their stomach-turning bigotry of lowered expectations.

  We see snooty, arrogant, superior intellectual-sounding white liberal pundits and hosts all over TV touting their absurd narrative that blacks have a right to be angry in racist America and must be coddled.  These liberal celebs followed certain steps and behaviors to achieve success.  And yet, they claim that expecting blacks to follow the same road map to success is racist.  Blacks should be repulsed by this liberal narrative, which implies that we are inferior.  I want to scream, “How dare you lower the bar for me?  I be as smart as any white person!”  Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  I have witnessed the same racist mindset in a white liberal couple who are longtime friends.  They have had financial highs and lows in their efforts to run various businesses.  They work hard and will take any job to pay their bills.  Applying for government welfare is not on their radar.  They employed horrible black employees, always making excuses for them, giving them a pass because they were black.  I was amazed that they could not see the racism at the root of their low expectations, disguised as compassion. 

  At every turn, liberals send the message that blacks are lesser Americans.  Liberals say it is hateful for conservatives/Republicans to expect blacks to speak English correctly, show an ID to vote, refrain from murdering each other, and stop dropping out of school.  White liberals say asking blacks to refrain from having babies out of wedlock is culturally insensitive and imposes morality on them.  Libs ignore the truth that fatherless households contribute to gang membership, black-on-black violence, and poverty.  Do you see the pattern?  White liberals insinuate that urban blacks are poor uncouth savages.  Therefore, a 6’4” 290-pound black thug should be given a pass for robbing a convenience store, assaulting the clerk, and attacking a police officer while on his way to Grandma’s house.”



Read the whole thing from Lloyd Marcus at American Thinker