Tag Archive: Livingston

Federal Agents Swarm Livingston, Ill.








” Homeland security, the US Customs and Border Patrol and other police agencies swarmed Livingston, Illinois.

  They all parked in the field of a grade school.The peacefulness of the town of 850 was broken by all the excitement.

  The law officers would not comment about their operation, even to the school superintendent and they were using the school district’s land.”



More here and see Alex Jones for much more on the latest demonstration of State power …




” Residents of Livingston, IL., population 850, were shocked to see agents from Homeland Security, the US Customs and Border Patrol and local police agencies swarm a field belonging to a grade school yesterday, with one local telling news channel KTVI, “When all the armored trucks started showing up and everything it made me kind of nervous.”

  One child said he thought the spectacle was “pretty cool” and that agents invited the local children to check out the choppers up close, despite the presence of weapons inside the helicopters.

  The school superintendent said he was not given any information about the operation beforehand, despite authorities using school land as a staging ground. The U.S. Attorney’s Office refused to release any information on the purpose behind the operation.

  KTVI labeled the presence of the feds a “mystery,” although it subsequently emerged that the school was being used as a staging ground for a raid on a house three miles away. Authorities refused to divulge the purpose behind the raid or if anyone was taken into custody. “



   Statism on the march , the conditioning of the people continues with the goal of making declarations of martial law commonplace and ordinary . Witness the testimony regarding the people thinking the massive display of State firepower as being “pretty cool” . 

    Yes folks , it’s all “pretty cool” … until it’s your door the kick in in the middle of the night … How cool is that ?





















Mother: Son Suspended From School For Doing The Right Thing


Livingston Teen Suspended



” A Texas mother says her son made an honest mistake while packing his school lunch bag, but now that mistake is costing him dearly. Christi Seale says her 17-year-old son, Chaz, accidentally confused a beer can for a soda and packed it in his lunch.

“An honest mistake,” Chaz Seale said.

” He was in a hurry, running late. We were talking about school, and put it all together, and ran out the door,” said mother Christi Seale. When he realized his mistake, Chaz gave the unopened beer to his teacher. However, that teacher then reported it to the principal. The principal suspended the boy for three days and then sent him to an alternative school for two months.

  A Facebook page in support of the teenager has been started by friends of the family. The page has more than 1000 likes already.

That zero-tolerance strikes again .